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Doctor Who Series Seven |OT| The Question You've Been Running From All Your Life

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"The power of a name, that's old magic"
"There's such a thing as psychic energy but no human could channel it, not without a generator the size of Taunton"

- The Shakespeare Code

The individual humans weren't channeling it. It was channeled from them as a collective through the Archangel Network.

Dobby Doctor looked/was stupid, but the resolution of Last of the Timelords was laid out just fine through the course of the story with the Archangel Network and the paradox machine.


The individual humans weren't channeling it. It was channeled from them as a collective through the Archangel Network.

Dobby Doctor looked/was stupid, but the resolution of Last of the Timelords was laid out just fine through the course of the story with the Archangel Network and the paradox machine.

I think that's his point - that the events of LOTTL were foreshadowed in TSC. Chekhov's Mysticism, if you will.
I think that's his point - that the events of LOTTL were foreshadowed in TSC. Chekhov's Mysticism, if you will.

Yeah, wasn't entirely sure with the flow of conversation. Have seen enough slams against it (and really, the execution could've been better even though the groundwork is solid) that I tend to assume that's the case even if it's ultimately comprehension failure on my part.

Apologies to Dryk if I missed the point was just pointlessly reiterating what they were already saying.


I was just thinking how awesome it would be for Moffat to fuck with us and have Capaldi-Doctor regenerate again like 5 minutes after his own regeneration.

With that he would catch us all by surprise and introduce someone without anyone knowing beforehand who it will be. With the whole speculation going this summer it would have been impossible to keep the new doctor's identity secret but now with capaldi confirmed the attention isn't that strong anymore.

I'm really looking forward to Capaldi though....
Ben Wheatley directing the first two episodes is great news. Does this mean it will be a two parter?

In regards to the number generations and whether it will be addressed in the show, I think it's always been something Moffat or the next show runner couldn't avoid and I'm fine with that. There is a potential to do a lot of cool things with this. The only worrying thing for me is if this is going to be the overarching theme of series 8, it will mean we've had 3 series with massive Who-verse shaking themes (his death, his name, his actual deaths because of running out out regenerations). I think this is what hampered the second half of series 7. I loved the start of series 7 because it wasn't about a big mystery, just 5 stories. I would really like a series about a mad man in a box showing someone around the universe and all of time. I don't need the impending death of the universe or the doctor to be hanging over each and every episode.
I was just thinking how awesome it would be for Moffat to fuck with us and have Capaldi-Doctor regenerate again like 5 minutes after his own regeneration.

With that he would catch us all by surprise and introduce someone without anyone knowing beforehand who it will be. With the whole speculation going this summer it would have been impossible to keep the new doctor's identity secret but now with capaldi confirmed the attention isn't that strong anymore.

I'm really looking forward to Capaldi though....

Nah I'd be actively pissed because Capaldi seems like an excellent choice.
dark bunny tees continues it's series with 10th doctor tees:



Yeah, wasn't entirely sure with the flow of conversation. Have seen enough slams against it (and really, the execution could've been better even though the groundwork is solid) that I tend to assume that's the case even if it's ultimately comprehension failure on my part.

Apologies to Dryk if I missed the point was just pointlessly reiterating what they were already saying.
Yeah sorry for not explaining myself properly. I was indeed saying that being able to generate psychic energy using a name and channel it with machinery was foreshadowed. I disagree with the way it was executed but the premise of "Everyone chants Doctor, Archangel network focuses power on the Doctor" is laid out just fine.

Hell I would've even been fine with the way it was executed if they just hadn't have him float. Would've been more powerful if he marched over anyway.


dark bunny tees continues it's series with 10th doctor tees:


I remember back at the start of the year we were wondering what they were planning for December. And now... I'm still kind of wondering what they're planning for December, but for different reasons. We're not going to know enough about Capaldi's Doc by then - probably - to have meaningful T's for him. Hurt, maybe?
Thank you all for advice about which episodes to watch. I've perused the Dr Who Magazine reader top ten list and the current top 10 count down list on digitalspy.com and I've decided to get this list of dvds:

The Aztecs
The Deamons
Revisitations 1,2,3
Pyramids of Mars
Genesis of the Daleks.

They'll cost me about £75. That will be it unless I grab Enemy of the World when it comes out.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Yeah sorry for not explaining myself properly. I was indeed saying that being able to generate psychic energy using a name and channel it with machinery was foreshadowed. I disagree with the way it was executed but the premise of "Everyone chants Doctor, Archangel network focuses power on the Doctor" is laid out just fine.

Hell I would've even been fine with the way it was executed if they just hadn't have him float. Would've been more powerful if he marched over anyway.

Oh yeah, my issues with that episode have always been more about how just unbelievably cheesy it was in a bad way for me for the buildup to have been "Martha travels the world telling everyone just how super special awesome the Doctor is until the power of their belief revives him". Even if it was mechanically explained it just...irritated me, it tired into an increasing sense I had that the writers were getting a bit too infatuated with the character


Thank you all for advice about which episodes to watch. I've perused the Dr Who Magazine reader top ten list and the current top 10 count down list on digitalspy.com and I've decided to get this list of dvds:

The Aztecs
The Deamons
Revisitations 1,2,3
Pyramids of Mars
Genesis of the Daleks.

They'll cost me about £75. That will be it unless I grab Enemy of the World when it comes out.

Space aired The Aztecs this past weekend. It was definitely worth watching, and certainly gave Hartnell a lighter side (
coco will never be the same
Get City of Death as well

I thought it was in one of the Revisitation boasts but it obviously isn't. D'oh, I'll add it to the list as it's only £5.

Space aired The Aztecs this past weekend. It was definitely worth watching, and certainly gave Hartnell a lighter side (
coco will never be the same

I saw David Tennant talking about it on Watch at the weekend on the first doctor documentary. I loved the scene when he described to Barbara how she couldn't change history and how that has become a staple of the show.


I saw David Tennant talking about it on Watch at the weekend on the first doctor documentary. I loved the scene when he described to Barbara how she couldn't change history and how that has become a staple of the show.

Hartnell would kick every other Doctor's ass for how it's been handled since. Or, give them a very stern talking to at th very least.


Hartnell would kick every other Doctor's ass for how it's been handled since. Or, give them a very stern talking to at th very least.

Sure, but then he'd start talking about eroticizing the time stimulator and everyone would laugh at him.
"So these are my replacements, a dandy and a slightly dandier dandy. Tell me, who is the bizarre women with the curly hair?"

"The half Time-Lady daughter of my travelling companions conceived aboard the Tardis"


"... you done fuckin' goofed dandy."
Thank you all for advice about which episodes to watch. I've perused the Dr Who Magazine reader top ten list and the current top 10 count down list on digitalspy.com and I've decided to get this list of dvds:

The Aztecs
The Deamons
Revisitations 1,2,3
Pyramids of Mars
Genesis of the Daleks.

They'll cost me about £75. That will be it unless I grab Enemy of the World when it comes out.

Sorry to quote myself but I added City of Death and Remembrance of the Daleks to the list. So that comes to £85 plus I've got the complete series 7 to come this month. My bank account is done for!


Knows the Score
Some stuff about Ben Daniels and the 12th at digitalspy :


It was more than rumour.

"I was approached and asked if it was something I'd be interested in doing. Apparently, usually when it's announced that the [old] Doctor is leaving, the new Doctor's already firmly in place. But a BBC email had apparently been leaked, talking about Matt Smith's departure or something, so they had to announce it officially much sooner than they'd have liked.

"I don't know whether my name was also on that e-mail as was stated in lots of those rumours, but I was one of the names on one of their many lists they had as a possible replacement.

"So I was asked, and when I eventually managed to peel myself off the ceiling, I said, 'Yeah, of course it'd be something I'd be interested in doing,' and I was hugely excited by it.

"I was a huge fan of the show as a kid, like we all were really. My era was Jon Pertwee into Tom Baker and then also when it returned, penned thrillingly by the amazing Russell T Davies with Christopher Eccleston. To be thrown into that mix as a possibility was fantastic.

This console is at the Doctor Who Experience and it looked really lovely. Beautiful colours and lines.

In regards to Ben Danials, that piece is extreamly interesting and gives a good bit of behind the scenes knowledge about how it happened and why it happened in the way it did. I'm glad they knew they were going with an older doctor from the outset and it wasn't just a case of Capaldi being the guy they wanted.


Interesting. I thought Moffat said Capaldi was the only person to be considered.When Capaldi and Daniels names were floating around I thought they were perfect. I would've been disappointed with anyone else by that point.


If Capaldi is any indication being on the short-list doesn't just go away because another actor has been cast. Maybe in the future?


Talking to a person, who knows a person... a lot more of the old stories have been recovered, but they are in worse shape then the ones released and will take a lot of restoration work. Interestingly, my source told me they have Web episode 3, but it's badly damaged. Unfortunately it sounds like a lot of them may be totally unrecoverable.

But he told me to expect the following (providing sales of Enemy and Web go well, which will fund the others being restored):

The Massacre
Marco Polo
The Macra Terror.

Hurt's Doctor murder one or multiple people? His speech always came off as more an excuse for genocide.
Of course that's just me.

I think the very core of The Doctor is his companions. He's been semi-responsible for the deaths/disappearances/transformations of a fair few, but he's never actually killed one. A whole race of genocidal, power-hungry Time Lords/Daleks? Sure. But not one of his friends.

My theory is that Hurt Doctor, like all Doctors, had a companion. And to activate "The Moment", he needed to kill that companion in cold blood. Just my theory. A man willing to put himself before his companion is certainly undeserving of the name "Doctor".
Web of Fear definitely gave me a new appreciation for the Great Intelligence episodes in series 7.

I still think there was more they could have done with the character though.


I think the very core of The Doctor is his companions. He's been semi-responsible for the deaths/disappearances/transformations of a fair few, but he's never actually killed one. A whole race of genocidal, power-hungry Time Lords/Daleks? Sure. But not one of his friends.

My theory is that Hurt Doctor, like all Doctors, had a companion. And to activate "The Moment", he needed to kill that companion in cold blood. Just my theory. A man willing to put himself before his companion is certainly undeserving of the name "Doctor".


I could see that as something future Doctors would shun and hate, matching Eleven's disgust when Hurt arrived.


I thought that everyone had agreed that the Hurt Doctor
was the Time War Doctor, born in battle, and basically committed genocide by using the moment on his own kind and Daleks alike and so he was shunned by his later regenerations and lost his right to be called "The Doctor"...

Definitely makes sense with everything we've heard/seen
Definitely makes sense with everything we've heard/seen

Not really. Smith's Doctor was visibly disgusted by what Hurt Doctor did.


It's not a secret or something he's even that unwilling to talk about. He tells numerous companions what he did, whereas the existence of the Hurt Doctor and the thing that he did is a secret the Doctor "takes to his grave". Clara only finds out because of incidence.

They could retcon it I guess, but that'd be fairly disappointing.


I think the very core of The Doctor is his companions. He's been semi-responsible for the deaths/disappearances/transformations of a fair few, but he's never actually killed one. A whole race of genocidal, power-hungry Time Lords/Daleks? Sure. But not one of his friends.

My theory is that Hurt Doctor, like all Doctors, had a companion. And to activate "The Moment", he needed to kill that companion in cold blood. Just my theory. A man willing to put himself before his companion is certainly undeserving of the name "Doctor".

I really like that, whenever he has lost a companion or been in a 'die or someone else dies' situation, someone else always wants to or has made the sacrifice.

If he in the past purposely, even not wanting to and at the behest of the person lest some horrific universal thing would occur, had to end the life a companion, he most certainly would never forgive himself.

My biggest issue with that is that it makes 10's tantrum at having to save Wilf really ugly. As stands it's odd but understandable for him to have an emotional outburst, even knowing full well what he is going to do.
If he previously was so traumatised at having to end a life to save the universe that it subsequently broke him to his core, then he wouldn't fucking hesitate to save Wilf.

This does however feed really well back into 11's speech in The Beast Below where he had to choose between the life of the whale and the life of the humans - and that having to make such a choice would mean he'd have to change his name.
A speech Moffat wrote.


Also, The End of Time deals with the "why" quite well. I see no regret in Tennant when he delivers those lines. He was completely justified, name of the doctor or no name of the doctor.
My biggest issue with that is that it makes 10's tantrum at having to save Wilf really ugly. As stands it's odd but understandable for him to have an emotional outburst, even knowing full well what he is going to do.
If he previously was so traumatised at having to end a life to save the universe that it subsequently broke him to his core, then he wouldn't fucking hesitate to save Wilf.

I think at that point he's already made the decision, he's just lamenting that he has to do it, save Wilf I mean. It's more of a tantrum at the fact it's happening, not a "Fuck you I won't do it" sort of thing.


So what does that mean? Will he end the "moment"? Will the timelock be released, along with all the Timelords and Daleks? Or will they be destroyed finally? Or BOTH? :D


Not really. Smith's Doctor was visibly disgusted by what Hurt Doctor did.


It's not a secret or something he's even that unwilling to talk about. He tells numerous companions what he did, whereas the existence of the Hurt Doctor and the thing that he did is a secret the Doctor "takes to his grave". Clara only finds out because of incidence.

They could retcon it I guess, but that'd be fairly disappointing.

How would that be a retcon? The Doctor has been dealing with the fact that he killed all of the Time Lords for all of his new incarnations. Heck, if I recall correctly in that episode Amy even says that he wants to meet another Time Lord to ask for forgiveness. He responds with "Wouldn't you?"

It makes sense that he would be visabley upset with his secret incarnation. He wanted to keep that identity to the grave. He told other companions because they would ask about other Time Lords.

if he killed a companion or whatever, the exchange between them at the end would make no sense.

I'd say that the Hurt Doctor's crime wasn't ending the Time War. It was prolonging it.

Why? We know that he ended the Time War, why would he prolong it? How would it be "In the name of peace and sanity?" Especially after 10 listed off all of the atrocities that the Time War created.

The 'No more" seems more like a reference to him needing to end the Time War at any cost.
Yeah but that would be totally expected, and again, makes no sense because we know The Doctor ends the Time War, and have done since 2005. It isn't a secret. If it is to do with ending the Time War, it's how he did it, not why. We know why. The Time Lords, initially charged with defending the universe, became enamored with war and hungry for power.

The Doctor was more than justified in ending it.
Holy shit I expect quotes to be posted.

Busy at the moment but here is one:

Since I have some skills with setting up time-share computing systems and bulletin boards over high speed (110 baud) telephone wires, I was inspired to create this one in advance of a new television programme beginning sometime this autumn.

In the Times on 13 September there was a mention of this intriguing new programme:
'A new family series, "Dr. Who", which borders on science fiction, will be screened on Saturdays...'

I love science fiction (I really enjoyed Quatermass and the Pit as well as the Pathfinders serials from a few years back) and am excited to find out what the B.B.C. has in store for us. Warm up the telly!

That's from Steven Hill, one of the forum owners. It's silly but fun.

Oh, and the Gay Agenda thread is hilarious.

GAF needs to have an 80's forum for us to get our roleplay on.


Re: Isn't it a bit strange to have a 15 year old girl travelling with an old man
I think the girl was going to be a princess of Doctor Who’s home planet but the production team changed her into his granddaughter instead. I think that’s why the characters are related; in an effort to “tone down” the suggestive nature.
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