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Cinemablend calls out gaming press, accuses them of living in a Doritocracy

I'm a bit conflicted within this whole debate, because there's no middle ground. While one side is backed by technological fact to an extent, both side's viewpoints are to such an extremity that I can't help but roll my eyes.

The Playstation 4 is clearly the more technologically advanced piece of machinery in terms of pure horsepower, and the graphics are going to reflect that fact. There's no denying that, and those who do are quite honestly blind/misguided (ie. Much of the gaming press at the moment).

On the flip side, we have those that heavily value this technological rift between the Xbox One and Playstation 4; as well as the price point, culture of the system and platform holders between the two consoles. I can dig that. But where this side often loses me is the obsession by many to push their opinions, values and tastes onto others. I don't mind paying $100 more for the XB1. I don't hate the Kinect. I don't hate the fact that non-gaming features are a highlight of the console. I like what I see from a software standpoint. The system being graphically inferior isn't a deal breaker for me. It's kind of tiring to constantly see my decision to purchase an XB1 pushed as being inherently wrong, as if there's a correct decision to what console(s) one purchases.

why would you be conflicted? the main audience for these are the on-the-fence players, which are a lot of people. it's not mocking your decision, it's to help inform those who have little to no understanding, or are behind the news, and help them make an informed decision to use their dollars on something they will not regret. the same people who cares about spending $100 more.


I don't mean to be the voice of reason here...

But $500 isn't a lot of money. Neither is $900 for both. Heck I just spent 700 in a rug yesterday.

Yeah, I stopped reading right here.

$500 might not be a lot of money TO YOU, but it is to a bunch of other people. The value of money wildly differs, depending on individual situations. $500 for a college student might be a lot of cash. $500 to a lawyer might be a pittance.

To me, $500 is a dealbreaker. I have not and will not spend that kind of cash on a video game console. I will wait for the inevitable price drop-- if I even buy at all-- into my acceptable range of purchase. $300 is my cap.

I won't dissuade others from buying if they so choose and have made up their minds. If asked my opinion, though, I've been recommending to friends and family that they hold off on buying right now as buying at launch isn't necessarily worth the expense/hassle.


So... We are not allowed to discuss specifics? And you think you know me as a person who obsesses more about graphics... In a thread discussing the failures of the media to adequately convey differences for the consumer... So... Since you are here... You care more about what the media thinks by walking in this thread and posting than actual gameplay. Yep.

See. I nailed you, too. By merely posting in this thread shows you care more about what everyone else thinks than you do about your own opinion... Of course, this is using YOUR logic here.

In all honesty tho. Are we not allowed to discuss any of this? Did I hurt your feelings? We should probably tell the mods at GAF that discussing video games in any other category other than "gameplay" is not allowed. Kinda hard to discuss gameplay when the consoles aren't out yet, guy.

Get off your high horse, sport. Its a video game forum. Get some tissue, dry your eyes and deal with it.
There's nothing wrong with talking about specifics. If we never went into specifics there wouldn't be much to discuss now would there? However, going so far as to do mathematical calculations to figure the price per pixel is utterly ridiculous.

I honestly cannot even fathom your train of thought in your second point. What is my "logic" here that I supposedly stated before?

And as I said before, there's absolutely nothing wrong with discussing graphics. However, when someone goes so far as to say that something so completely dumbfounded like the "price-per-pixel" of a game console is actually important, that's where I draw the line.


Congrats. This is one of the most pretentious things I've seen on neogaf. It may not be a lot to you but it sure as fuck is to a lot of people. I'm not freaking out about how to pay for my console but I'm not going to just roll my eyes at people with less disposable income than myself.

I'm sorry if it came across that way. I hope you will accept my apology. I have great respect for all people who are less fortunate than others and in my opinion those people should buy the more powerful and cheaper console. That maked sense right???

Im just saying that both consoles can sell on their merrits and that lambasting something on price/power is silly. Especially if cost is an issue.


I microwave steaks.
If games are better on Sony's hardware, then so be it. Why shouldn't gamers be informed of that? We saw it in reviews this gen where the press would mention if one ran at a higher resolution or if one ran at a more consistent framerate. It's beneficial to the gamer to know that. If the press had done that with Skyrim, instead of just assuming they were the same, then maybe so many people wouldn't ended up getting screwed over by a poor port. At least that did happen with Bayonetta. The reality is that the PS3 version was mediocre compared to the 360 version. It wasn't unplayable, but people reading the reviews absolutely deserved to know which was better so they could make an informed purchase. And isn't that what the press are supposed to help gamers do on some level?

This is where you are losing me. The games are not even out yet. We've seen some comparisons from digital foundry but we all know how that's turned out. We do know at this point is one is definitely objectively better over another one based on resolution alone. I don't know if this is representative of the whole gaming coverage over the resolution wars but I recently read the Kotaku article Stephen Totilo wrote and it was upfront about which one had a higher res, while giving their take on why it shouldn't deter potential future Xbox one owners.


I don't mean to be the voice of reason here...

But $500 isn't a lot of money. Neither is $900 for both. Heck I just spent 700 in a rug yesterday.

Most of us grew up with a nes or a snes... and you know what they were both great despite the difference in colour or sound channels.

Please. Stop with the generalisations.


I just think people get worked up over nothing. Like I said, if you dont want one... dont get one.

Or write ferrari articles as well about how you are sickened by them and they need to stop being so mean :p

These are video game consoles.... relax



"When you go out to buy a new piece of technology, most times you're frugal enough with your money to pick up something that meets your needs and offers a nice technological power advantage over the competition. Usually, tech enthusiasts refer to benchmarks before taking the financial plunge. It's imperative to get the most for your hard earned money... right? Right?! Not in the land of the Doritocracy.

Gaming sites have been cropping up apologists articles left and right to dissuade on-the-fence gamers from canceling their Xbox One pre-orders (an attempt to appease the ad overlords, perhaps?), but before getting to that let's first look at how this scenario came about and why."

"Spending $500 is no small investment for the average household; with the media downplaying the $100 difference and lower resolution right out of the gate it instantly does a massive disservice for discerning consumers. Hopefully we'll get more honest coverage leading up to the release of both consoles. "​

Hit the link for the rest.

Good article though, absolutely nails it for me. The defensive mode the press have taken over the resolution failure for the Bone has been disgraceful. They should remember they answer to us, the readers, not slavishly defend Microsoft's poor execution.

That article hits it on the money. The amount of articles popping on a semi-daily basis on defense of the xbone's technical deficiencies is frankly pathetic. Even motherfucking Ars Technica joined in on the fun, a PC enthusiast tech-oriented website. The fuck? I don't even understand this behavior. Is it an AMERICA FUCK YEAH thing?
Yes That's what i'm saying, the GAMEs have to count eventually in this discussion, not just masturbating to perceived technological superiority in a small bubble, which seems to be the going sentiment on GAF when it comes to PS4 as a gaming console. It is NOT in the least impressive, it does nothing new, and all the "good games" are either pushed back to who knows when, cross gen games or multiplat. Xbone has inferior tech, but to me better launch games, but even it doesn't have an amazing line up.

I don't, nor will I ever understand the love the PS4 gets, as people prop it up on some pedestal even though its be fairly boring, average and as usual filled with "promises". There is not a single revolutionary thing about it, and if you bring nothing new then you better be the BEST at doing the same thing, and it isn't even that. And no the Xbone doesn't get off the hook, I just feel no need to mention it because no one ignores its issues and problems.

Just what the fuck do you want from a games console then? The PS4 is being sold at a loss, so I'd say the value to performance proposition is pretty damn good. Do you expect these companies to be a charity? Sure, I'd like my game console to make me breakfast and give me blowjobs, but unfortunately that technology is not yet available. Just what would you do different to innovate in the console space? What you have written here is nothing but empty bullshit. "It sucks, its not innovative, the games are shit." You have said absolutely nothing.

Why do the games suck? Have you even played any of them? What kind of games do you want them to make? I just don't understand how you can look at all of the games that have been announced for both systems, by indies and by the big studios and just go "Its all shit." Its fucking cynical and boring.


I'm a bit conflicted within this whole debate, because there's no middle ground. While one side is backed by technological fact to an extent, both side's viewpoints are to such an extremity that I can't help but roll my eyes.

The Playstation 4 is clearly the more technologically advanced piece of machinery in terms of pure horsepower, and the graphics are going to reflect that fact. There's no denying that, and those who do are quite honestly blind/misguided (ie. Much of the gaming press at the moment).

On the flip side, we have those that heavily value this technological rift between the Xbox One and Playstation 4; as well as the price point, culture of the system and platform holders between the two consoles. I can dig that. But where this side often loses me is the obsession by many to push their opinions, values and tastes onto others. I don't mind paying $100 more for the XB1. I don't hate the Kinect. I don't hate the fact that non-gaming features are a highlight of the console. I like what I see from a software standpoint. The system being graphically inferior isn't a deal breaker for me. It's kind of tiring to constantly see my decision to purchase an XB1 pushed as being inherently wrong, as if there's a correct decision to what console(s) one purchases.

I don't think anyone is disrespecting your choice, it's just that not many people are saying what you're saying. Not even MS are saying 'we have some good games', they're trying to downplay the clear technical differences between the platforms.

As a result, those of us that don't like such shenanigans are calling them and the press out for it.

I'd love to see what media apps will be coming on Xbox, when MS will bring the TV guide stuff to Europe etc. it is a very promising media platform. And of course they'll have exclusives worth buying the console for. I'll still play my multi platform games on PS4 though. And lets also not forget that Ps3 was a very capable media player including DVR features.
I just think people get worked up over nothing. Like I said, if you dont want one... dont get one.

Or write ferrari articles as well about how you are sickened by them and they need to stop being so mean :p

These are video game consoles.... relax

You tip toed your fancy behind into this thread with some of the most useless advice I've ever seen in a thread of this nature..and still don't get it..the issue is a lot of people can ONLY get one, bringing ferrari into this just proves how out of touch you are with a lot of people on this site.
That article hits it on the money. The amount of articles popping on a semi-daily basis on defense of the xbone's technical deficiencies is frankly pathetic. Even motherfucking Ars Technica joined in on the fun, a PC enthusiast tech-oriented website. The fuck? I don't even understand this behavior. Is it an AMERICA FUCK YEAH thing?

its not as farfetched as it sounds. seriously.


You tip toed your fancy behind into this thread with some of the most useless advice I've ever seen in a thread of this nature..the issue is a lot of people can ONLY get one, bringing ferrari into this just proves how out of touch you are with a lot of people on this site.

I addresses this.

Just buy one then and make sure its a ps4.

You're right, I must be out of touch.

I'm taking my parachute and bailing.
Those ads? 99% of them are handled by third parties. Just to bring an example, on the site I write for we just had a PS Vita takeover campaign. You think Sony came to us directly and we talked to them about it because they like us?

Great point. Usually the larger sites have completely separate teams that deal with ad sales and they never touch the editorial side of things. Any site that's not as big as Kotaku, IGN, GameSpot, etc. are probably just syndicating third-party ad networks. That's how my site runs. The ads are automatically selected and I don't even know what ads run. They also tend to be customized based on web behavior, so the ad you see is likely not going to be the same as the one the next visitor sees.

Another point: the ads on gaming sites change all the time. As an example, Polygon has recently had takeover ads from both major next-gen consoles. Sometimes it's PS4, sometimes it's XO. Basically, it's about whoever bid the most that week. You expect these sites to go back and change all their editorial week-to-week to match whoever their sponsor is that week? It just doesn't make any practical sense.

There are plenty of holes in this conspiracy theory. The nature of how ads are served is just one of them.
I have to agree with a lot of the general points raised in the article from the OP, but it's a fucking horrendously written article and not at all persuasive. It makes the games journalism it criticizes look positively professional (and games journalism is anything but).
He's right to call out the media on this, and I agree with almost all his points...

...but damn, the rhetoric and speculation (moneyhats and ad dollarz!) this is bathed in makes him look like as much as a fanboy as he's accusing the apologists of being. It's difficult to read at times.
I just think people get worked up over nothing. Like I said, if you dont want one... dont get one.

Or write ferrari articles as well about how you are sickened by them and they need to stop being so mean :p

These are video game consoles.... relax
Okay, so at least I'm not the only one crazy enough to have a lifesize statue (sorry for the website i'm linking the image to... it's actually my statue, but screenshot comes from the original ebay auction I bought it from.)

I addresses this.

Just buy one then and make sure its a ps4.

You're right, I must be out of touch.

I'm taking my parachute and bailing.

would it be made of gold? -___-

But seriously, that's the gist of it, the gaming media should be letting those who only have one option know the strengths and weaknesses of both..but they're staying silent where one has a strong advantage..a lot of people take issue with this, and think if the shoe was on the other foot, it would be proclaimed from the mountain tops with American flags and fireworks in tow.


I just think people get worked up over nothing. Like I said, if you dont want one... dont get one.

Or write ferrari articles as well about how you are sickened by them and they need to stop being so mean :p

These are video game consoles.... relax

There are high-end cars, mid-range cars, low-end cars. Consoles do not follow this tier.


Article calls out other gaming sites for selling out for advertising dollars, puts article across two pages for advertising dollars.

I should cancel both console pre-orders as there will never be a game as entertaining as the drama this industry has already provided over the last year.
I won't.


It isn't just even bout the resolution its the flip flop and childish nature of it all. This entire year the press showed its true nature of being a joke.

They shouldnt be playing PS4/X1 fanboy games. Your suppose to be above that
My thoughts as well. The lack of consistency and integrity in so much of their coverage is a shame.
Article calls out other gaming sites for selling out for advertising dollars, puts article across two pages for advertising dollars.

Glad I'm not the only one who caught this. They even did it in such a hasty method as to break comments. There are two separate comments sections, one for each page...
The advantage of the last year of shit from the games press is all I have to do is google what that writer said during the xbox DRM stuff and I will find out immediately if I should just block them.

Games press making my job easy.

There is probably a lot of overlap between the "xbox one DRM is ok and Sony will just copy it so shut up" crowd and the "720p is good enough and you cant tell the difference from 1080p anyway" crowd.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
HAH! Dewmocracy. That's fucking gold...

so who can we photoshop as the Dewmocraticaly elected head of extremeness? We must not let this beauty die...


I'm a bit conflicted within this whole debate, because there's no middle ground. While one side is backed by technological fact to an extent, both side's viewpoints are to such an extremity that I can't help but roll my eyes.

The Playstation 4 is clearly the more technologically advanced piece of machinery in terms of pure horsepower, and the graphics are going to reflect that fact. There's no denying that, and those who do are quite honestly blind/misguided (ie. Much of the gaming press at the moment).

On the flip side, we have those that heavily value this technological rift between the Xbox One and Playstation 4; as well as the price point, culture of the system and platform holders between the two consoles. I can dig that. But where this side often loses me is the obsession by many to push their opinions, values and tastes onto others. I don't mind paying $100 more for the XB1. I don't hate the Kinect. I don't hate the fact that non-gaming features are a highlight of the console. I like what I see from a software standpoint. The system being graphically inferior isn't a deal breaker for me. It's kind of tiring to constantly see my decision to purchase an XB1 pushed as being inherently wrong, as if there's a correct decision to what console(s) one purchases.

what are you talking about? This article is about how more known, popular gaming media continues to bend over in order to accommodate Xbone's...shortcomings. That's a sad fact, at this point.

you can be satisfied with Xbone to your heart's content. Enjoy. :)

"When you go out to buy a new piece of technology, most times you're frugal enough with your money to pick up something that meets your needs and offers a nice technological power advantage over the competition. Usually, tech enthusiasts refer to benchmarks before taking the financial plunge. It's imperative to get the most for your hard earned money... right? Right?! Not in the land of the Doritocracy.

Gaming sites have been cropping up apologists articles left and right to dissuade on-the-fence gamers from canceling their Xbox One pre-orders (an attempt to appease the ad overlords, perhaps?), but before getting to that let's first look at how this scenario came about and why."

"Spending $500 is no small investment for the average household; with the media downplaying the $100 difference and lower resolution right out of the gate it instantly does a massive disservice for discerning consumers. Hopefully we'll get more honest coverage leading up to the release of both consoles. "​

Hit the link for the rest.

Good article though, absolutely nails it for me. The defensive mode the press have taken over the resolution failure for the Bone has been disgraceful. They should remember they answer to us, the readers, not slavishly defend Microsoft's poor execution.

I swear I think that I could have actually written that article word for word. It's literally my feelings on the subject.


Article calls out other gaming sites for selling out for advertising dollars, puts article across two pages for advertising dollars.


Wanting to make money through web advertising is different than having a, perceived, conflict of interest due to constant defense of a products shortcomings.


Higher resolution in BF4/CoD is simply one illustration of how PS4 is more powerful than Xbox one. A more powerful console has more potential for better games.

Well it's more fair to say it has the potential to give us new game designs not seen in the previous generation, PS2's DVD and the GTA sandbox wasn't a happy accident.


That article nailed it. PC enthusiasts have to be laughing at the media. I can't believe Tom's Hardware is part of the problem. A lot of the media has to look in the mirror and realize they write for gamers and not companies-- or at least are supposed to.


This article is awful. If you're going to go into the price differences and stuff like resolution and attempting to compare their value proposition by dollar, include key features like the Kinect packed into it. That's pretty crucial. Otherwise you come across as a guy with an agenda.


Gold Member

"When you go out to buy a new piece of technology, most times you're frugal enough with your money to pick up something that meets your needs and offers a nice technological power advantage over the competition. Usually, tech enthusiasts refer to benchmarks before taking the financial plunge. It's imperative to get the most for your hard earned money... right? Right?! Not in the land of the Doritocracy.

Gaming sites have been cropping up apologists articles left and right to dissuade on-the-fence gamers from canceling their Xbox One pre-orders (an attempt to appease the ad overlords, perhaps?), but before getting to that let's first look at how this scenario came about and why."

"Spending $500 is no small investment for the average household; with the media downplaying the $100 difference and lower resolution right out of the gate it instantly does a massive disservice for discerning consumers. Hopefully we'll get more honest coverage leading up to the release of both consoles. "​

Hit the link for the rest.

Good article though, absolutely nails it for me. The defensive mode the press have taken over the resolution failure for the Bone has been disgraceful. They should remember they answer to us, the readers, not slavishly defend Microsoft's poor execution.

Indeed. It's not about the resolution itself (although it does suck), it's the implications. Why they would try to deceive anyone on the fence is beyond me, except for that one reason stated in the article; and it's sad.


I'm a bit conflicted within this whole debate, because there's no middle ground. While one side is backed by technological fact to an extent, both side's viewpoints are to such an extremity that I can't help but roll my eyes.

The Playstation 4 is clearly the more technologically advanced piece of machinery in terms of pure horsepower, and the graphics are going to reflect that fact. There's no denying that, and those who do are quite honestly blind/misguided (ie. Much of the gaming press at the moment).

On the flip side, we have those that heavily value this technological rift between the Xbox One and Playstation 4; as well as the price point, culture of the system and platform holders between the two consoles. I can dig that. But where this side often loses me is the obsession by many to push their opinions, values and tastes onto others. I don't mind paying $100 more for the XB1. I don't hate the Kinect. I don't hate the fact that non-gaming features are a highlight of the console. I like what I see from a software standpoint. The system being graphically inferior isn't a deal breaker for me. It's kind of tiring to constantly see my decision to purchase an XB1 pushed as being inherently wrong, as if there's a correct decision to what console(s) one purchases.

I genuinely don't think any of the sane posters here think that you are wrong to prefer the Xbone, It's a choice. I don't want one, but I'm not you, and you aren't me. We each make our own choices for our own reasons.

My attitude is you buy what you want to buy, fuck everyone else. I've no doubt that anyone buying an Xbone is going to have a cracking time with it, will think it looks great, and will be very pleased with their purchase.

However, that doesn't detract from the fact that for months some parts of the press have been acting in ways which certainly appear to be favourable to MS at a time when we, the people who are going to be there buying this shit, are (almost) all slamming MS for the crazy they have tried to bring.

It's almost been like they still don't trust Sony after the PS3 launch and are sceptical of everything they say and do despite the huge turnaround from them since, while on the other hand, they give MS a really really wide berth on everything they say and do. DRM? Sony will do that too, and its the future, why are you complaining and ruining it all for us. Resolution? minimal differences. average joe will not be able to tell. etc etc.
I don't mean to be the voice of reason here...

But $500 isn't a lot of money. Neither is $900 for both. Heck I just spent 700 in a rug yesterday.

Most of us grew up with a nes or a snes... and you know what they were both great despite the difference in colour or sound channels.

These consoles can both be great without having to have the same lines of resolution or cameras.

People get so upset over nothing. If you dont like something then dont buy it. Don't go on a personal jihad on the internet and make up conspiracy stories to make your lives more dramatic.
I think you and lunchbox would get along great.


God damn, this article was fantastic and I read every word.

Author deserves a cookie.
Author deserves an xbone, all future games and figurines that'll be available or related on it, for the next 10 years. Oh and an xbone branded blanket too.


Finally an article worth my click

I want to click it again.

This article is awful. If you're going to go into the price differences and stuff like resolution and attempting to compare their value proposition by dollar, include key features like the Kinect packed into it. That's pretty crucial. Otherwise you come across as a guy with an agenda.
Can I sell that worthless piece of shit Kinect on eBay to make some value back?


the only thing more sad than the gaming press are the apologist gamers who use every bit of their time to defend how hard they love being bent over and have companies go to town on them.

One groups is getting paid. The other just xboned.

Want a xbox one over the ps4? It's absolutely fine. Just mention that you prefer it's games to the ps4's.
Saying it's price is fine and not that of a bigger deal? You're an idiot.
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