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Cinemablend calls out gaming press, accuses them of living in a Doritocracy


The article is... questionable, but the new words coming out of Doritogate are magnificent.

All thanks because of our beloved Doritopope



This it what annoys me the most: The press ignore that their loyalty is the consumer and not the corporations - their purpose is to help guide the consumer in buying the best product because this entertainment is an expensive one.

The fact that they choose to ignore the price difference, the inferiority of multiplatform products and instead try and defend it proves that they don't really understand the consumer or the value of money. Still, they must have some inkling because they resort to crying on twitter when they don't get free games or consoles.


Yeah you're right, it's completely crazy to break it down per pixel. What next, break down per megabyte ? Are we still playing games or what ?


do you play games or jerk off to them ?

Welcome to NeoGaf. A video game forum where nerds discuss all aspects of video games. Don't like it? Don't post.

Simple, right? Exceedingly, I would say. If it winds up going over your head I can get my 3 year old nephew to explain, if you'd like.


Funny how people are falling for this major piece of baseless flamebait.

It's cinemablend. Flamebait and trash is all they write, no matter what side it favors (it will favor what brings them the most hits).

That doesn't somehow invalidates this article. None of the big sites should tell it's public to not sweat about the details. That's bullshit. When comparing the hardware alone, it's obvious that there is a gap, and there is NO reason for an unbiased media outlet to downplay it.


I rather like William Usher and his no-fluff type of writing. Also additional thanks to him and CinemaBlend for supporting the NoDRM twitter movement by spreading awareness. He's certainly given that site a lot more exposure to gamers.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
It's a good summary of what has transpired so far across most of the major sites.

I think the comparison to graphics cards is a good one. If an AMD card beat the Titan and cost $100 less, sites would never dream of being cagey about which one to recommend.
Not only that, they would wonder how such a thing could only happen. Sony took MS offguard in a major way, and even after all these months it's hard to understand, knowing how competitive these two companies are.


Let's be honest, though. Flamebaiting by posting facts is just too easy when the rest of the gaming press are making such a huge joke of themselves.

Flamebaiting posting partial snippets here and there that don't really represent the position of the "press." in general, or of any press sites in particular.

What many in the "press" are doing is simply keeping a balanced stance instead of pandering to the "resolutiongate" fanboy rage.

And keeping a balanced stance until the systems are in our hands and we can see performance with our own eyes is the right thing to do, especially considering that resolution is only part of the picture, and many are focusing on the numbers a tad too much.

I'm a PC gamer, mostly, so I got the full "numbers" advantage, but even in my eyes this whole pixel/polygon counting is getting ridiculous, and people like cinemablend use it only to grab hits.

That doesn't somehow invalidates this article. None of the big sites should tell it's public to not sweat about the details. That's bullshit. When comparing the hardware alone, it's obvious that there is a gap, and there is NO reason for an unbiased media outlet to downplay it.

Not *overplaying* it like the average raging gaffer doesn't mean downplaying it. I don't know many outlets that did not report the news on resolution differences. Not harping on them like it was the end of the world has nothing to do with "downplaying" them.


Good read. It's true tho - the downplaying is crazy as fuck. Let's look at the price advantage for each console and pretend EVERYTHING else about the games (framerate, IQ, textures, models, etc) are the same EXCEPT the known native resolutions. 500 for X1, 400 for PS4:

500/(1280*720) for both COD & BF4 X1
400/(1920*1080) COD PS4
400/(1600*900) BF4 PS4

$0.00054 Per pixel COD on Xbox One
$0.00019 Per pixel COD on PS4

You are paying 2.84 times as much per pixel to play on Xbox One. (184% more)

$0.00054 Per pixel BF4 on Xbox One
$0.00027 Per pixel BF4 on PS4

You are paying 2 times as much per pixel to play on Xbox One. (100% more)


Performance per dollar - that is a huge fucking gap. Websites downplaying JUST the resolution differences are doing a disservice for consumers.
People take gaming this seriously? Good lord....
I rather like William Usher and his no-fluff type of writing. Also additional thanks to him and CinemaBlend for supporting the NoDRM twitter movement by spreading awareness. He's certainly given that site a lot more exposure to gamers.

I'd rather have this kind of "garbage flamebait reporting" than the all-flash-no-substance manure of Polygon.
What articles are they alluding to?! Who fuck is saying the XBone version of BF4 or COD is better than the PS4 article?! Because I keep seeing people making fun of dumb websites, but don't see any article reflecting these views.

The only thing I've seen close to that is Gies saying on twitter that the XBone and PS4 versions look almost identical.

It seems like all of neogaf is on a "game journo lol" circlejerk for no apparent reason.
What many in the "press" are doing is simply keeping a balanced stance instead of pandering to the "resolutiongate" fanboy rage.

Were you around during the start of the current-gen? Because there was no amount of "balance" going on when the press was laying into Sony about all the bullshit they were pulling.


I microwave steaks.
So you don't think the press should be honest with their readers? If the PS4 version is the definitive version, then why exactly would you not inform your readers of that?

I don't think it's the job of a gaming blog to sway purchasing decisions either way. They've laid out the facts, and they've laid out some decent justification, trying to give an objective standpoint in regards to the differences in resolution.
$100 shouldn't be the reason why you go with one console over another. It's a ridiculous reason.

Take the 360/ps3 for example. I've gotten 8 years out of my xbox 360. I enjoyed my time with it and Im glad I chose the 360 as my console of choice. $100 over the long run over 8 years shouldn't be a reason why you choose one console over another. I'm willing to spend an extra $12.5 a year for 8 years knowing that I made the right decision.

What if you make the wrong decision?


What articles are they alluding to?! Who fuck is saying the XBone version of BF4 or COD is better than the PS4 article?! Because I keep seeing people making fun of dumb websites, but don't see any article reflecting these views.

The only thing I've seen close to that is Gies saying on twitter that the XBone and PS4 versions look almost identical.

It seems like all of neogaf is on a "game journo lol" circlejerk for no apparent reason.

Why don't you read the article, both pages, and click the specific links to the offending articles that he provides?


Gaming 'journalism' is really no different to other product-sector journalism like cars or home entertainment - hell, even literary criticism & book/music reviews have these kinds of biases, non-declaration of prior interest (especially bad in book reviews apparently - reviewers not disclosing they are friends with the author being quite common) but the closest comparison would be automotive journalism.

The big car manufacturers frequently do 3-7 day jollies to lovely places, lay on loads of freebies & so on - but the journos who write about iffy safety, investigate supply chain issues don't get invited to those events. Same goes for gaming - freebies, early access for the 'exclusives' that gamers seem to need obsessively (seriously - is it such a big deal to wait 5 days after release for a review written by someone who has actually paid for the product?)

There is another commercial element here though. The 360 in the US/UK is by far the dominant system; it's owners read the websites, click on the ads, buy the product. No publisher wants to alienate their audience and advertisers by saying 'Yeah, the next version of your brand product isn't as good as the competitor brand you've been lording it over these last few years.' I'd be interested to see the coverage in markets where share between current gen is more even.

The second is more 'corporate'. Most gaming sites are owned by big publishers with interests beyond gaming - if they're in IT & tech related markets, MS may well be a big advertiser in other mags or sites they own.

And before anyone screams conspiracy, I've seen editorial lines and stories spiked on the back of advertisers threatening to withdraw spend as a media buyer - this stuff happens people, it's not just something Noam Chomsky makes up for fun.


and here I thought the reason you bought a console was for the games... I guess I was wrong it was for the benchmarks... this guy is a tool. If we were talking about building a PC from scratch he would have a case, but consoles purchases should be based solely on the games you want to play on them and to a slightly lesser extent the friends you play with.
The spineless shits of the gaming press have been a fucking letdown over this topic. I was hoping Edge or Eurogamer would step in, but alas no. I have no hope for Giant Bomb, Ars much less for IGN either.
Were you around during the start of the current-gen? Because there was no amount of "balance" going on when the press was laying into Sony about all the bullshit they were pulling.

Ignoring the fact that a large part of the gaming press wasn't even working for various websites eight years ago, my response is....so? Will the multinational corporation love you more if you go out into the trenches of the Internet and get revenge from the games press for the horrors of 2005?


Flamebaiting posting partial snippets here and there that don't really represent the position of the "press." in general, or of any press sites in particular.

Except that those snippets do represent the position of the some press sites in particular.

What many in the "press" are doing is simply keeping a balanced stance instead of pandering to the "resolutiongate" fanboy rage..

Strange that after pandering to multiple "resolutiongates" from 2006/2007 onwards, they suddenly decided to keep a level-headed stance now that the shoe is on the other foot. Funny how that works.

Dat balance.

Richard, is that you?


This it what annoys me the most: The press ignore that their loyalty is the consumer and not the corporations - their purpose is to help guide the consumer in buying the best product because this entertainment is an expensive one.

The fact that they choose to ignore the price difference, the inferiority of multiplatform products and instead try and defend it proves that they don't really understand the consumer or the value of money. Still, they must have some inkling because they resort to crying on twitter when they don't get free games or consoles.

This is the illusion the press likes to maintain, but its not true. All commercial media exists as a channel for advertisers to reach their audience. This is as true of newspapers as it is gaming websites.


and here I thought the reason you bought a console was for the games... I guess I was wrong it was for the benchmarks... this guy is a tool. If we were talking about building a PC from scratch he would have a case, but consoles purchases should be based solely on the games you want to play on them and to a slightly lesser extent the friends you play with.

I used to think this too. Past two weeks have shown me this isn't the case. Quite a shame since I really want an Xbox One for Forza which looks more amazing by the day but that's hardly what anyone wants to concentrate on.


The spineless shits of the gaming press have been a fucking letdown over this topic. I was hoping Edge or Eurogamer would step in, but alas no. I have no hope for Giant Bomb, Ars much less for IGN either.

I've lost respect for just about every gaming site except, strangely, Kotaku. (and Siliconera and Gematsu, but they're both more into the niche of Japanese games than console wars)


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
It was later made obvious by CBOAT and Peter Dodd (a.k.a., Famousmortimer) that the Xbox One was going to come in behind the technological performance curve of the PS4 and maybe even potentially, the Wii U.

That guy as no clue what he is talking about.


Except that those snippets do represent the position of the some press sites in particular.

Strange that after pandering to multiple "resolutiongates" from 2006/2007 onwards, they suddenly decided to keep a level-headed stance now that the shoe is on the other foot. Funny how that works.

Dat balance.

Richard, is that you?

Well that was how many years ago? Maybe they realized it's not that big of a deal.
I don't think it's the job of a gaming blog to sway purchasing decisions either way. They've laid out the facts, and they've laid out some decent justification, trying to give an objective standpoint in regards to the differences in resolution.

Who said anything about swaying purchasing decisions? People are simply asking for journalists to lay out the facts. And that's not happening when you see stuff like this

While the upscaling feature on the Xbox One means there should be very little discernible difference even if the game natively runs at a lower resolution, the implication being made is that developers are finding Sony's machine easier to develop and optimise for.


Everything about that sentence is pure bullshit.


Except that those snippets do represent the position of the some press sites in particular.

Do they? I don't see any of these snippets being an accurate representation of the whole production of the sites they're used to represent. You don't represent tens of articles by cherry picking three lines, unless you're trying to be disingenuous for hits, and that's exactly what this article is doing.

But again, it's one of the most trashy tabloid sites on the internet, so who's surprised. Maybe they're just mad at "the press" because no one would ever consider them press.

Strange that after pandering to multiple "resolutiongates" from 2006/2007 onwards, they suddenly decided to keep a level-headed stance now that the shoe is on the other foot. Funny how that works.

Some would be happy that part of the press has matured and comes with less fanboyish raging after 6 years.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
More people definitely need to know that Ghosts runs better on PS4.

The moneyhatted 1 month exclusivity on maps are not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things, and us Playstation CoD fans are used to the wait anyways.
Why don't you read the article, both pages, and click the specific links to the offending articles that he provides?

Fuck, I posted an angry message without even reading the article. I didn't even realize. I'm sorry, no sarcasm. I'm part of the problem.


I know, right? Who the fuck likes games enough to actually post on a gaming forum am I right? Hahaha! Nerds!

See post number 155.

There's a difference someone who enjoys games and being someone who obsess with graphics and thinks that's the only aspect that's important in games.

You fall in the latter of those two groups. It would be like if I watched a movie and only cared for how it was filmed and presented. Sure, those two aspects are important, but obviously the actual content of the movie is of far more importance.
It's the result of the gaming press getting too comfortable with their ad paying masters, and further away from their readers.

The gaming press goes to industry events, they get advance review copies from the industry, they talk to industry folks, and they set up shop in industry areas. The gaming press is so close to the industry that they're simply an extension of the PR mechanisms of the industry itself.

When the gaming press has to pick a side, it's no surprise that they pick the side that directly pays the bills and the side that they're always talking to.


Well said.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all videogame resolutions are viewed equal, that they are endowed by their publishers with free snacks, that among these are Nacho Cheese, Cool Ranch, and in some regions Jalapeño.


Which is why I said $100 alone isn't enough to make people prefer the PS4. Right now we're seeing the hardcore portion of the gaming community prefer the PS4, and all in all its because it is the more powerful system which had a more friendly consumer approach from the get go.

As we go on we'll see how things will turn out when the more casual gamers and the generous parents start buying systems for their kids. Xbox One had cards in its favors as well, Kinect 2. Right now the hardcore portion hates Kinect, just like it hated Kinect 1 (and still does), but maybe the casual market and family market will love the Kinect (again). At that point, when we get to the casuals who probably don't give care in the slightest about 1080p vs 720p, we'll see how much the $100 difference matters. I don't think it will. I think the general marker will see enough value in Kinect 2 to not care about spending $100 more.

Think of it likes Tablets. Ipads dominate the market (as a single unit, not Ipads vs All Androids vs All Windows Tablet.) as the unit that sell the most, and those are generally much, much, much more expensive then other tablets, even ones that have better specs than the Ipads. Consumers still line up and buy more Ipads each year over Galaxy Tabs, etc. Because consumers see value and luxury with the Ipads.

Honestly I don't get the point of this article. Seem like the man is a little salty that the Xbox One isn't getting insulted left and right, up and down by the gaming media, because of the "resolution war". It doesn't deserve to be. It really, really, is a small touch that won't matter much to the general market, which is who these articles are written for. For example, The Wii didn't deserve to be insulted left and right because it's version of Call of Duty was terrible compared to the Xbox 360's and PS3's. Its not downplaying anything, it's just not caring, because the audience really doesn't care.

I stand by everything I said but honestly I don't know too much about the tablet market and I'm just going by "what I've heard/seen." So there's a chance I'm wrong about Ipad dominating other tablets. I would research but I typed this (and my last post) all on my way to work. So I don't have time. Sorry if I'm wrong.

Articles dont exist for no reason. They are written to get a point across, and this point seems particularly motivated. I don't think most customers would know about the difference in pixels, yet they do understand the notion of superiority. While that doesnt neccessarily equal superior sales it deserves to be reported and not downplayed. Especially when this console is more expensive. So this lack of integrity in reporting, likely motivated by financial revenue from Microsoft, is why people are upset dude. I think you know that


Gold Member
I don't think it's the job of a gaming blog to sway purchasing decisions either way. They've laid out the facts, and they've laid out some decent justification, trying to give an objective standpoint in regards to the differences in resolution.

the 'yes, the ps4 graphics are technically superior' part is objective. it's the (seemingly obligatory) spate of 'tho i, personally, don't notice the difference, or really care' tacked-on qualifiers that veer from objectivity off into subjectivity...


This is the illusion the press likes to maintain, but its not true. All commercial media exists as a channel for advertisers to reach their audience. This is as true of newspapers as it is gaming websites.

how does this discredit my point? just because other establishments are guilty of this does not absolve journalism of this behavior. and yes, while this behavior can be found else where, there is still an elements of transparency, especially in regards to how articles are written (i.e. keeping writing of the article neutral and factual while offering other quotes/sources to show opposing opinion) and openly declaring their bias.


Neo Member
Weren't we openly blowing some of these sites this past June for shaming the shit out of Microsoft and their terrible policies surrounding the Xbox One?

Now, they're suddenly back to being the lapdogs of video game publishers and console makers?


More people definitely need to know that Ghosts runs better on PS4.

The moneyhatted 1 month exclusivity on maps are not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things, and us Playstation CoD fans are used to the wait anyways.

it doesn't "run better" on the PS4... it has a higher resolution... but run at 60 fps and both likely have the exact same draw distances... and even if they don't friends and controller > some pixels


Sure is salty in here.

Guy has a point, even if he is a little bit too anti xbox.

Loving the usual MS suspects in here though, you know who you are.
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