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MS CEO candidate Stephen Elop said to consider selling Xbox business, killing Bing

What a glorious day it would be if Microsoft were to sell off Xbox.

The industry would be much healthier with just Sony and Nintendo. The two-tier system works, three has always been a crowd. Out of the big three Microsoft is the least invested in gaming. Anything that is exclusive to Xbox right now would simply move over to Sony. So really nothing of value would be lost if Xbox were to disappear off the face of the earth, which it would as soon as it didn't have Microsoft's billions propping it up.
What a glorious day it would be if Microsoft were to sell off Xbox.

The industry would be much healthier with just Sony and Nintendo. The two-tier system works, three has always been a crowd. Out of the big three Microsoft is the least invested in gaming. Anything that is exclusive to Xbox right now would simply move over to Sony. So really nothing of value would be lost if Xbox were to disappear off the face of the earth, which it would as soon as it didn't have Microsoft's billions propping it up.

When has less competition ever been good for anything?
What a glorious day it would be if Microsoft were to sell off Xbox.

The industry would be much healthier with just Sony and Nintendo. The two-tier system works, three has always been a crowd. Out of the big three Microsoft is the least invested in gaming. Anything that is exclusive to Xbox right now would simply move over to Sony. So really nothing of value would be lost if Xbox were to disappear off the face of the earth, which it would as soon as it didn't have Microsoft's billions propping it up.

I disagree with you a bazillion percent ... they have done some things wrong but they've also made the competition pickup, it's because of the 360 and PS3 errors that PS4 is what it is right now.

Something rubs me the wrong way when people dismiss MS completely, it feels biased to me lol.


When has less competition ever been good for anything?

So you are saying that if we had 17 consoles on the market each one promoting their own exclusives it would be good for something?

You know what is a big part of competition? Failure.

It the Xbox division is sold or dismembered the market doesn't become any less competitive and the same would work if Sony or Nintendo were driven out of console manufacture if they were incapable to sustaining their business model.
So you are saying that if we had 17 consoles on the market each one promoting their own exclusives it would be good for something?

You know what is a big part of competition? Failure.

It the Xbox division is sold or dismembered the market doesn't become any less competitive and the same would work if Sony or Nintendo were driven out of console manufacture if they were incapable to sustaining their business model.

I agree, I long for the days before Microsoft.

Nintendo with Rare back and Halo could put up a good fight especially with the online infrastructure. Just dont buy the hardware division.
Samsung to buy the Xbox division.

High risk low reward, not worth it for Samsung, unless they can spin this into pure mobile gaming, imagine Rare making motion-controls games for phones.

The problem is that as a gaming business, the xbox platform is basically just the xbone which people can live without, being less powerful and more expensive than the competition, very few viable first-party IPs aside from HALO and not exactly the most elite first-party development teams (343i ain't Bungie and the Forza team doesn't offer anything that can't be substituted).


What a glorious day it would be if Microsoft were to sell off Xbox.

The industry would be much healthier with just Sony and Nintendo. The two-tier system works, three has always been a crowd. Out of the big three Microsoft is the least invested in gaming. Anything that is exclusive to Xbox right now would simply move over to Sony. So really nothing of value would be lost if Xbox were to disappear off the face of the earth, which it would as soon as it didn't have Microsoft's billions propping it up.

I read this as you're okay with a complacent Sony that will charge you $699 for PS5.
Some have mentioned Rare being sold to Sony but I think they would just want the IP's if they even bothered to be interested in it. Rare's glory days aren't remembered by a lot of younger gamers because they are too young to remember the N64. Granted, those franchises might still appeal but it would take careful brand management and the right talent behind the IP to revitalize them.


The landscape from when Microsoft entered the business was very different, specially Microsoft's competitors. Just look at Google and Apple then and now; let alone the mobile industry as a whole.
I can see them trying to sell the Xbox business, but I think they've learned from the attempt at buying Yahoo: we'll know when and if it happens, I really doubt we'll see them making the sale publicly.


Also, MS doesn't need to sell all its studios, it can still change its focus over to PC. Valve has already showed there is a way for PC gamers to jump ship, so the most important move MS could do it to focus on PC and have a Xbox just as an annual living room PC model.

MS should never have entered the console war and should have just invested on PC, they would have achieved their always on future a long time ago even if not exactly as they envisioned it. Personally I'm glad we Valve as the major PC gaming player and not MS, but in retrospect MS had everything to dominate PC digital distribution if not for the Xbox.


I read this as you're okay with a complacent Sony that will charge you $699 for PS5.
Arrogant Sony if an inefficient model, they would just be inviting Valve, Nintendo or some other company to enter the market.A console competes with all other forms of entertainment as well, if it was too expensive for its Value it would tank.


I read this as you're okay with a complacent Sony that will charge you $699 for PS5.

The $600 number and related projections is actually a really good example of why some people couldn't give a damn if MS comes or goes. There's probably a large number of people out there who bought a $400 X360 and then had to follow it up with a $200-$300 PS3, or a $400-$600 PS3 followed by a $200-$300 X360, just to play all the must-haves that happened to be exclusive. Looking back at that and looking at this gen, it's entirely reasonable to be thinking that just paying it up-front for either of them wouldn't be any worse.

(It's also an absurd comparison to begin with: Nintendo could easily step back into higher-range console gaming if they saw an easy target, to say nothing of Valve or just a PC renaissance in general.)

Why does MS come out worse in this comparison, when an Xbox-only future would solve the problem too? Because their initial plan for the Xbone stank like shit, and the guys who ran the division during the 360's salad days either bailed out or got fired while at Sony the PS2 team is running the entire company.
They've done a remarkable job over the past year at going from an image as "the company that really cares for American gamers" to "the company that wants to cash out", so the entirely founded idea that both they and Sony are wasting all our time and money playing chicken and one should quit is primarily bubbling up as a sentiment that MS is in the wrong.
MS should never have entered the console war and should have just invested on PC, they would have achieved their always on future a long time ago even if not exactly as they envisioned it. Personally I'm glad we Valve as the major PC gaming player and not MS, but in retrospect MS had everything to dominate PC digital distribution if not for the Xbox.

Well, yes. Hindsight 20/20, you know? Knowing what we know now, it was utterly moronic for them to enter the living room to battle Sony - who had no meaningful aspirations to actually challenge their home computer dominance, despite Microsoft's thinking at the time - rather than properly recognizing the threat Apple's then-nascent iPod represented to their future. They protected their core business from a "threat" that never actually existed, and got completely cut off at the knees by Apple and Google, who they had chosen to largely ignore to deal with Sony.

It's almost as idiotic for them to double-down on this entire absurd enterprise and continue trying to make the non-existent "battle for the living room" their Waterloo, which is why I can believe they'll actually do it. I don't put anything (sufficiently stupid) past their top-level management at this juncture.


I can't believe people are ok with the possibility of only two viable hardware manufacturers?

More choice is always in the best interest of consumers. How is this debatable?

If we want to play hypothetical scenarios, if MS didn't enter the industry,Ken Kutaragi might have still been designing the playstation. Maybe the PS4 as we know it may have been radically different.


I can't believe people are ok with the possibility of only two viable hardware manufacturers?

More choice is always in the best interest of consumers. How is this debatable?

There are going to be three.

Sony, Nintendo, and Valve.

Oh and
Some have mentioned Rare being sold to Sony but I think they would just want the IP's if they even bothered to be interested in it. Rare's glory days aren't remembered by a lot of younger gamers because they are too young to remember the N64. Granted, those franchises might still appeal but it would take careful brand management and the right talent behind the IP to revitalize them.

That'd be incredibly stupid, Nintendo should get Rare back.

Wasnt there some info from a while back from inside Nintendo during the GC days about how losing Rare damned the gamecube because they couldnt compete with Halo.


..but cry so much I wish I had some
Microsoft has been doing great in the console space with the OG Xbox and the 360; I didn't see anyone complaining about what they were doing back then, but now that some people are not happy with the One (not everyone btw) MS is evil and has never done any good to the videogame industry. Seriously?

As for Elop killing the Xbox business? Two words: Never happening!


Arrogant Sony if an inefficient model, they would just be inviting Valve, Nintendo or some other company to enter the market.A console competes with all other forms of entertainment as well, if it was too expensive for its Value it would tank.

MS is the only competitor that lights a fire under their ass. Valve has no interests in the console space (they think it's dying) and Nintendo...is Nintendo.

Who's charging you $500 for a less powerful console right now? What say you?

A company that got arrogant.

I like what MS and Sony do when they are in a heated match. I'd like to see it continue.
Microsoft has been doing great in the console space with the OG Xbox and the 360; I didn't see anyone complaining about what they were doing back then, but now that some people are not happy with the One (not everyone btw) MS is evil and has never done any good to the videogame industry. Seriously?

As for Elop killing the Xbox business? Two words: Never happening!

Wut? People didn't like the original X-Box. I owned one, and I literally never met another X-Box owner for the entire lifespan of the stupid console. The sales, compared to the PS2, couldn't even be called "abyssmal". They were "Marianas Trench-like". People complained about everything from how huge the console and controller were, to how loud it was, to the extremely anemic library. And yes, they were very much uncomfortable about the fact it was the Microsoft X-Box, because they were just coming off of massive anti-trust hearings!

I really hope you're just too young to remember that period in gaming.
I can't believe people are ok with the possibility of only two viable hardware manufacturers?

More choice is always in the best interest of consumers. How is this debatable?

If we want to play hypothetical scenarios, if MS didn't enter the industry,Ken Kutaragi might have still been designing the playstation. Maybe the PS4 as we know it may have been radically different.

If MS never entered the industry, Kutaragi probably wouldn't have been so intent on making the PS3 as powerful as it was, nor would they have insisted on launching it in 2006 when they weren't ready

Contrary to what some people think, the industry doesn't NEED Microsoft. If they die and Sony/Nintendo grow complacent, another competitor will emerge. Consoles aren't like PC operating systems, it's much, much harder to get and hold a monopoly over it, as there's far less things locking people into a specific brand once the next systems come out. Both Nintendo and Sony have learnt this lesson in the past and now Microsoft are learning it (albeit on a much smaller scale, having only strongly won the US and UK).


I think a company like Samsung would be good for the industry. The reason is Samsung think like Sony (at lease compare to MS). A competition between Sony and Samsung would be much more focus on hardware. MS has too much ecosystem they want to plug into the Xbox (zune, search whatever) that ultimately get into the way of pure gaming.

People who are into flashing their smartphones should know that Samsung phones are very easy to root and flash compare to other vendors.


I think a company like Samsung would be good for the industry. The reason is Samsung think like Sony (at lease compare to MS). A competition between Sony and Samsung would be much more focus on hardware. MS has too much ecosystem they want to plug into the Xbox (zune, search whatever) that ultimately get into the way of pure gaming.

People who are into flashing their smartphones should know that Samsung phones are very easy to root and flash compare to other vendors.

I also like the idea of Samsung entering the console market for reasons you've stated.
The industry would be much healthier with just Sony and Nintendo. The two-tier system works, three has always been a crowd. Out of the big three Microsoft is the least invested in gaming. Anything that is exclusive to Xbox right now would simply move over to Sony. So really nothing of value would be lost if Xbox were to disappear off the face of the earth, which it would as soon as it didn't have Microsoft's billions propping it up.
lol wut? This is hilarious.

Posted yet?



They wouldn't sell the Xbox division, the whole rumor is ridiculous... except the Bing part, I can definitely see that being shut down.
I'm gonna miss Bing Rewards. :[
Would Rare go back to Nintendo, or stay with Microsoft still?

Sold off or closed down. Whether anyone bought them would probably depend on if their properties were sold alongside the studio. If they weren't then I doubt anyone would be interested, as Microsoft have already butchered the old Rare.
Would Rare go back to Nintendo, or stay with Microsoft still?

Nintendo would probably only be interested in the IP. The sale of Rare wasn't some sort of situation where Microsoft held a gun to the head or offered them some sort of Faustian contract. They sold Rare in the first place because the studio was becoming unproductive and they didn't have any confidence in its ability to retain value going into the future.

I'm not really sure why a decade of being proven right would change their mind, other than the fact it would probably be laughably cheap compared to what they sold it for. The only real reason they'd want modern Rare is if they bought the Kinect.


They always intended for Xbox to become a multimedia device so the worst I expect to happen is a smaller focus on games and more on the multimedia features and being the "All in one" living room device which they already have done. Maybe Microsoft will sell off some franchises and put less focus on the power of the machine and sell the hardware directly for a profit in later revisions and have it become more of and ipad in in the living room type deal but I can't be sure.

The issue is that tablets and smartphones are quickly becoming the standard device for consumers (which is why Apple and Google are having the success they are).

The Xbox being an all in one machine is essentially Microsoft's Maginot Line, a defense for a potential attack from Sony, only to be flanked by Apple\Google.

The problem is that it's a worthless victory. The Xbox isn't going to move people away from their mobile devices, which is where the battle really was won.

Xbox One isn't going to get people locked into the Windows AppStore ecosystem (which is what MS really wants), if Windows 8 couldn't do it, a game console won't

They wouldn't sell the Xbox division, the whole rumor is ridiculous... except the Bing part, I can definitely see that being shut down.
I'm gonna miss Bing Rewards. :[

Boom? Microsoft PR is doing it's job... just before the console launch as a reputable business news agency reports that *new* management might be considering freeing MS from said console. What else would current management's PR say as their product is about to launch?


Boom? Microsoft PR is doing it's job... just before the console launch as a reputable business news agency reports that *new* management might be considering freeing MS from said console. What else would current management's PR say as their product is about to launch?

To be honest, it's probably the best PR job they've done regarding XBox One.
To be honest, it's probably the best PR job they've done regarding XBox One.

If they said something like that to a games journalism website or some other games industry group, I'd agree. But they're basically trying to discredit Bloomberg business news in an off-the-cuff manner and it's silly.


Nintendo and Sony were the only ones aiming for the "dedicated" portable gaming market with the 3DS and Vita, and yet they compete with more than just each other now.
Yet the core audience is still there as 3DS continues to thrive. Clearly the market for dedicated game consoles is still alive and well regardless if these generic do everything media devices claim they can play games. It's like saying since there are flash games that people can play on their PC, the hardcore PC gaming market is going to collapse and become less relevant.
There is no way in hell that Microsoft would sell the Xbox division. If anything, they would shut down the REST of the hardware and devices division and only keep Xbox.

Off the top of my head, here are five big reasons:

1. It's a proprietary box that sits in front of your tv. Microsoft are currently salivating over Apple's "app store" and iTunes profits. The Xbox, sitting right there in front of your tv, is their strongest and best hope for getting people to buy into the Microsoft proprietary hardware/services pipeline. Windows 8 phone, Windows Surface, Windows 8 desktops, etc...on those devices the app store and subscription services have not been nearly as successful as the company would hope (outside of Office 365), but people actually buy, use, and buy content on their Xboxes. Apple has came to huge profitability through selling content on proprietary devices. Microsoft wants to be like Apple, and the Xbox is their best foothold in the consumer market right now. Getting rid of their most successful hardware product and brand, which helps them build their proprietary store and services profits across a variety of devices, would be suicide. It goes against the long term vision of the company.

2. Hell, they've integrated the Xbox brand into Windows 8 itself at this point. It is THE Microsoft brand for entertainment content. Xbox Music and Xbox Music are built into Windows 8 as the successor to "Zune Music" or whatever the name was before. They just recently integrated the brand into their flagship product (Windows 8) because it is successful. Getting rid of it now, when their strategy is obviously to capitalize on the popularity of the brand, would be stupid.

3. Xbox Live subscriptions. A future where income increasingly comes from software and services subscriptions (Azure server farm rentals, Office 365, etc) is a stated goal of the company. They've already got the "Azure" server platform and server farms built. They've got to keep them running regardless for other business purposes, and Xbox Live (and subs) usage helps them maximize the value of this large investment.

4. Who would buy the Xbox brand? And, who has the money and infrastructure to take over something as big as Xbox Live and manage it properly? Few companies have server farms that big, so they would have to lease them and likely pay for support services as well. Running Xbox Live isn't as simple as paying Amazon to set up a few cloud servers. What about the proprietary technology in Xbox One? e.g. Kinect, or even the server features. I would imagine that some of the server features, like cloud support with Azure, are set up to run on specialized proprietary server setups... they could likely run on other servers as well, but the whole thing sounds like a nightmare. Also, what about content licenses? What about developer support for game studios? ...All that could be worked out, but it sounds like a real headache for any buyer. A really expensive headache.

5. Looking back at point #2, what would Microsoft replace the brand with? They've spent years building up the Xbox brand's success. They've integrated it into Windows 8. For Microsoft, establishing popular brands, much less popular proprietary devices, seems difficult. I doubt they would unload the only real success they have.



such elop

so bold


Please, keep him away from anything MS. He is a disease.

Please keep Mulally away from MS. Mulally has made it rain in my house by bringing Ford's stock from $3 when I bought it in 2010 to $17 now, as I still hold thousands of shares of that wonderful American corporation. I'm selling at $25. Mulally, stay awhile and get us there buddy.
I just hope that Microsoft holds on to Xbox long enough to see the complete integration of ecosystems across Windows Phone, Windows 8, and Xbox. I think having a single marketplace across those three systems could be a killer in the long term, if it is done correctly. It could actually give something like Steam a run for its money.

Question is, killer for whom? The one holding the leash, or the one with the leash tied to their necks? No thanks. The lure of this tighter, more integrated experience with MS holding the chain is exactly what I’m keen to avoid. You just know it’s not going to end well because the day will come when they’ll force you to spread your cheeks wide whilst they try this pineapple experiment up from behind. Steam on the other hand, is looking far more enticing to me because it promises to be the opposite. An open, mutually pleasurable relationship where you’re less likely to be manoeuvred into such a position. At the end of the day, I suppose it depends on what tickles your fancy. As they say, one man’s pain is another man’s pleasure :-D

Fox Mulder

when one of the competitors is a cancer to the industry.

you mean like how Sony arrogantly released an expensive console that was hard to develop for and had a lesser online service that was even hacked?

Sonys whole new attitude and turn around with the ps4 is in reaction to MS pushing them so hard after two generations of dominating the industry.

competition has been great, it's amazing people want a Sony and Nintendo only future.


you mean like how Sony released an expensive console that was hard to develop for, lost third party support, and had a lesser online service that was even hacked?

Sonys whole new attitude and turn around with the ps4 is in reaction to MS pushing them so hard after two generations of dominating the industry.

competition has been great, it's amazing people want a Sony and Nintendo only future.
Well the people in charge of the Xbox One and PS4 are not the same as the Xbox 360 and PS3. Most of the decision makers and poor PR folks for Sony seem to be gone, while some of the better folks at MS's Xbox division have left.

EDIT: I think I may have misread your post. Hmmm.......


I think the problem with MS is that they don't tend to innovate on anything. They just try to copy whatever is already there with an attempt to make it better.

Bing = Google
Surface = Ipad
ps2/GCN = Xbox
Wii = kinect
Ios = Win 8 mobile

They're dominate in the software OS department and I really think that's the only place they're succeeding in. And I think that was the last innovative thing they've done.

Aside from any other hardware, I think Xbox is the only place they seem to get having any ground in.
You forgot one thing

Windows = Mac OS

Windows was such a blatant copy!
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