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Half of chapters in Ryse beaten in 90 minutes ?


In french but the preview is really one way to say " stay away from the game " so far nothing new until this line :

Une heure et demi nous ayant suffit à boucler près de la moitié des chapitres que compte le jeu, autant le dire, on a peu d'espoir de voir notre verdict final chanter une autre musique (à moins d'un miracle sur la fin du jeu ou sur le mode coop)

roughly :
" It took us an hour and a half to beat nearly half the chapters of the game, so let's say it now, we have little hope to see our final review sing another song (unless some kind of end game miracle or on coop mode "

Enslave if old.

Edit :
Stumpokapow translation :
Full preview from the OP (my translation, I am bilingual)--feel free to edit into OP or repost elsewhere, no credit needed except to the original source who wrote it:

Have we been naive enough to believe, in the space of an instant, that Ryse could become Xbox One's God of War? We'll tell you straight up, it won't be anything, besides the sexy veneer that Crytek's title hides itself under. Certainly, the spectacular panorama views are numerous (English cliff, Roman hills), filled with ultra-high polygon models and with decorations filled with details, all draped with beautiful textures dunked in a bath of next-gen shaders. But while we're talking about spectacular views, the extremely linear levels to the extreme don't offer any possibility of exploration (in terms of climbing or platforming segments like God of War) and instead strings together combat arenas (a street, a market, a beach, repeat). Combat finds itself the central -- even if we wouldn't say only -- mechanic of Ryse.

Let's talk about combat. Commanding of Roman General Marius Titus, who launches into a campaign against the barbarians after the murder of his family (in a totally ridiculous scene), the player will initially start out impressed by the scene that ends each combat scenario, which underlines the brutality of each strike in a classy slow-mo. You'll amuse yourself for a while with the limpid mechanics, alternating between sword attacks, parries, and dodges to stop or stall enemy attacks, as well as QTEs that are symbolized by the colours of the gamepad buttons, which need to be entered as fast as possible to multiply their benefits (you can choose between health, XP, slower power gauge, or bonus damage). A few tens of minutes later, the snoozing rhythm of the combat risks ruining the veneer: our session quickly turned into a repetitive and undifferentiated fight depending only on the type of enemy (small barbarian, big barbarian, end of level boss).

An hour and a half gave us enough time to beat almost half the chapters that make up the game, in other words we have little hope that our final verdict will sing a different song than this preview (at least without an end-game miracle or time spent in co-op).
At this time, we can only tell you this: Don't buy an Xbox One for Ryse, because the chance that the game won't disappoint is low.

(Should I buy it) Day One ?
Why: Because this title has a strong risk of just being a tech demo, its visuals hiding poorly an vulgar retelling of ancient Rome and a game design centered on an extremely repetitive combat system. You probably won't want to buy this ever, let alone day one.

Edit 2 :


(Design Director of the game)

Edit 3 :
Tweet deleted ? Why ?


The first PS4 reviews have been mediocre, but I think the first Xbox One reviews will be terrible if things like this are true


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
The first PS4 reviews have been mediocre, but I think the first Xbox One reviews will be terrible if things like this are true

I wouldn't say this about all (though not all PS4 reviews were bad).

But yeah, DR3 and Ryse are going to be slaughtered in reviews. DR3 for performance and Ryse for depth/length.


Good lord. Next gen should have stayed in the oven for a little longer. It's a bloodbath all around it seems. *hugs wii u*


Gold Member
The first PS4 reviews have been mediocre, but I think the first Xbox One reviews will be terrible if things like this are true

Yeah, Killzone is still looking strong as far as launch exclusives.

Ryse looks shit. DR3 looks like a technical mess (otherwise it would have been good, I expect mediocre reviews). Forza 5 is lacking features.


It also says:

- That while the game is looks very nice, its extremely linear and leaves no room for exploration. The backgrounds are nice display of nextgen power!
- The gameplay looks very cool and impressive visually at first but after 10 minutes, it starts to lose a lot of its glitter. Every fight feels the same, no matter what kind of enemy you are facing (small guy, big barbarian, end boss) and it gets very tiring.
- The closing line says: "Dont buy an xbox one for Ryse, the chances that the game wont disappoint you are too low."

Well damn!


The first PS4 reviews have been mediocre, but I think the first Xbox One reviews will be terrible if things like this are true

My prediction? Ryse is Xbox One's Knack in regards to reviews....Deadrising does decent in reviews, perhaps like Killzone-ish scores in the 7s and 8s and maybe taking a hit thanks to framerate issues...Forza gets at least 9s.


Seems like all the launch games are coming up short overall. Kind of a bummer...seems like we could've used another year to marinate Next Gen.
Super secret barbarian story line go!

Actually, that would be kind of cool, no one talks about the Barbarians when it comes to Rome anyway.
And here I was thinking this game was going to surprise people (thought it looked really good when I saw someone playing it). smh.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
"No padding or filler, all action" 9/10 - IGN
"Film like" 8.5/10 - Gamespot
"Encourages replayability" 10/10 GOTY candidate - Polygon
I seriously doubt this game is 3 hours long. My guess is 4-6 hours unless you skip cutscenes, rush from point A to B, and play it on easy mode. 3 hours is just... no fucking way.
The first PS4 reviews have been mediocre, but I think the first Xbox One reviews will be terrible if things like this are true

I doubt that. I have this feeling that for the most part, the Press are going to go much easier on MS. Especially given their attitude in the past few months.

My Guess is Ryse get's 6-7 reviews scores even if it's short and bad (I don't know if it either yet), KI will probably get high 8s and a few 9s with reviewers constantly saying it's one of the best fighters released and how MS was brilliant for bringing it back, Forza 5 will obviously get 9s, no way it doesn't even though we've had like 4 forzas in the last 4 years. Dead Rising 3 will probably get 8s, Reviewers will probably say that though framerate dips, resolution is low, and the game looks bad overall, it's all about the gameplay and they won't dock any points from it (even though they would for a PS4 game). So yea, that's just the feeling I'm getting, I could be totally wrong.
Launch games gonna launch. Every new system, whether handheld or console always promises the best launch line up ever! But they are always going to be half baked offerings. People being surprised by their mediocrity is the only surprising thing.


But yeah, DR3 and Ryse are going to be slaughtered in reviews. DR3 for performance and Ryse for depth/length.

You don't hide your true colors at all; I commend you. Tell me this, if DR3 is a blast to play, has great gameplay options, etc why would it get slaughtered?


Why would you spend $60 on something you wish was over.

I wouldn't spend $60 on an extremely linear 4-5 hour game if I knew all that ahead of time. The fact this game's combat looks so trashy and boring doesn't improve those feelings, but I don't look at it like "oh it won't overstay its welcome" I look at it like "So now I know it's not a long enough game to have any hope of improving or getting any deeper".
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