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Ubisoft: "On PC, you don't usually care about performance"; just buy a bigger GPU


benevolent sexism
And this is why "lol my 1 year old midrange GPU is way better than the hardware in the next-gen consoles" isn't the end of the discussion.

I was strongly considering buying a modern mid-range GPU instead of a console this seasons, but this is further evidence that it would be smart to wait and see how ports shake out in general. Not that Ubisoft is the best data point on this matter since they seem to be exceptionally shitty at PC development.

Still, it seems plausible that the more PC-like consoles will lead to lazier PC ports which will ironically underperform relative to the hardware specs.


Let me break it down for you Ubisoft.

Your games aren't optimized for the platform.
You force all of your games onto a DRM client that has an online check-in prior to loading up.
Your most popular games are dumbed down to ridiculous levels in order to appeal to an audience that doesn't exist on PC.
Your games come over weeks later than the console versions.

I gotta ask, why are you even on the platform at all? Honestly, just pack up and go. I wouldn't be missing anything.

Quoted for the new page.


Dear Ubisoft: working this way you won't convince anyone to buy a new GPU. Instead, you'll convince everybody to stop buying your games.


benevolent sexism
Developer negligence is going to kill the PC platform. So many just don't seem to care about it anymore...

The PC platform will be okay without Ubisoft's open world factory garbage.

Also, PC is only becoming more popular as a platform, so I don't know where you're getting "so many don't care anymore."


Drunky McMurder
I play a lot of games on my PC, I've never had a problem with Ubisoft game performance.

I just buy better games.


Sales of Ubisoft, EA, etc. games on PC platforms don't warrant anything other than the bare minimum PC port, deal with it guys, that's not gonna change.
I wish they just abandoned PC like Rockstar.


This quote is the (unintentionally) funniest thing I've read in a while. Anyone else get flashbacks from the movie Spaceballs while reading it?

You really are a Spaceball you know that? Thank you sir!
Basically he's affirming they've saved resources on the PC port on the behest of a "bigger" GPU solution. Fucking shameless, and they want to charge full price for this game on DD?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Sales of Ubisoft, EA, etc. games on PC platforms don't warrant anything other than the bare minimum PC port, deal with it guys, that's not gonna change.

If you say so.

I wish they just abandoned PC like Rockstar.

The same R* that released a PC game last year and the same R* that is not-so-secretly working on a PC port of GTAV?


Developer negligence is going to kill the PC platform. So many just don't seem to care about it anymore...

I don't know about the rest of my PC bros, but who gives a shit about these AAA devs.

When you have all these great indie titles, Kickstarter pushing out things like Star Citizen, Wasteland 2, Project Eternity from known developers. etc. I don't really care if Ubisoft wants to release their half ass ports on PC and then cry when no one buys their game.


I don't know about the rest of my PC bros, but who gives a shit about these AAA devs.

When you have all these great indie titles, Kickstarter pushing out things like Star Citizen, Wasteland 2, Project Eternity from known developers. etc. I don't really care if Ubisoft wants to release their half ass ports on PC and then cry when no one buys their game.


That's why I'll always be satisfied with just a PC. All the best games.


I don't know about the rest of my PC bros, but who gives a shit about these AAA devs.

When you have all these great indie titles, Kickstarter pushing out things like Star Citizen, Wasteland 2, Project Eternity from known developers. etc. I don't really care if Ubisoft wants to release their half ass ports on PC and then cry when no one buys their game.

We are just not the target demographic for the big publishers anymore. Its strange, as the games you cited would prove that the market is there, just waiting for games to be catered with them.

Its ironic, because that same market that is being overlooked by AAA publishers, also has the most disposable income.
Sales of Ubisoft, EA, etc. games on PC platforms don't warrant anything other than the bare minimum PC port, deal with it guys, that's not gonna change.
I wish they just abandoned PC like Rockstar.

Dude! You can't make a post like that and not throw somewhere in there "PC piracy".
It just feels incomplete right now, ya know?


I can see the new gaf meme now.

Future threads: "I can't run [insert game name here] at 1080p60 for some reason"
First post: "Buy a bigger GPU"

I'm calling it now.


I don't know about the rest of my PC bros, but who gives a shit about these AAA devs.

When you have all these great indie titles, Kickstarter pushing out things like Star Citizen, Wasteland 2, Project Eternity from known developers. etc. I don't really care if Ubisoft wants to release their half ass ports on PC and then cry when no one buys their game.
Who gives a shit about gaming with no AAA devs? Don't be delusional thinking that many so.



Next up:
"PC gamers love to tweak their settings we find. They love to find ways to get a couple more FPS out of the game by tweaking ini's and such, so we leave the games as raw as possible to make them happy".


Well, to be fair: I guess that most people that play games on PC don't really care much for performance. They don't spend thousands of dollars on expensive PCs, and like me they just want to play the game.

Weird comment by Ubisoft though


That's not the idea at all you morons.

Read: "our games run badly"


Sales of Ubisoft, EA, etc. games on PC platforms don't warrant anything other than the bare minimum PC port, deal with it guys, that's not gonna change.
I wish they just abandoned PC like Rockstar.


Anyway, who is this gigantic moron that thinks we just buy "bigger" GPUs?
And what do Nvidia/AMD say to this?
PC treated like shit by a big dev/publisher? Old news.

They should be ashamed, embarrassed, and regretful. Hslf-assing isn't something to boast.

Star Citizen.


I also have no doubt that Ubisoft/EA want to actively push people towards consoles. Easier to develop for and optimize, and provide support for a fixed system that doesn't change for the next 6 years. Not to mention much lower piracy rates even without resorting to online DRM that consumers dislike.


Well, to be fair: I guess that most people that play games on PC don't really care much for performance. They don't spend thousands of dollars on expensive PCs, and like me they just want to play the game.

Weird comment by Ubisoft though


Assuredly the majority of PC players are playing on lower or mid-tier computers. Not many people have the disposable income to justify such an investment, and the reality of it is they aren't required to.
I'm currently running BF4 on High/Medium settings at 70-90 FPS with a mid-range computer from 2010.
Many gaming enthusiasts go to PC because of the poor console performance. I am one of those who has gone mostly PC because of how bad games perform on consoles. I should not have to buy a GTX 780 or a R9 290 just to play a their game @ 1080p when a 760 should be just fine.

Reminds me of idiotic "RAM is cheap" talk.

It used to be cheap though.
Guys, I don't think we should misinterpret what they're saying. They're simply pointing out that on consoles the developer has to cut back visuals in order to get the game running decently, while on PC this decision is left in the gamer's hands.

Exactly. But terrible choice of words by his part.


I also have no doubt that Ubisoft/EA want to actively push people towards consoles. Easier to develop for and optimize, and provide support for a fixed system that doesn't change for the next 6 years. Not to mention much lower piracy rates even without resorting to online DRM that consumers dislike.

You forgot the part where developers had to rewire their brains every 5-7 years due to the consoles being radically different. This was a horrendous waste of time, money and resources. Now that everything is x86 there is literally no excuse for unoptimized games on any platform anymore. The new consoles are simply low-mid tier PCs now.

If EA/Ubi are actively pushing people towards consoles, then they are fighting an ultimate losing battle. Each new gen, if anymore come about, will see console numbers dwindle further and further down.

But as this thread shows, I wouldn't be surprised if EA/Ubi waste resources on fighting against the PC. They are two of the most inanely incompetent developer/publishers in the industry with regards to everything from developing to managing money and ultimately a company. Unless they adapt, they will lose their asses in the future to houses that actually give a damn.


I also have no doubt that Ubisoft/EA want to actively push people towards consoles. Easier to develop for and optimize, and provide support for a fixed system that doesn't change for the next 6 years. Not to mention much lower piracy rates even without resorting to online DRM that consumers dislike.

Also platform holders caterign to all your needs , liek providing dedicated servers for your online games, millions to co-advertise your games, pay you for exclusive dlcs etc. None which exist on PC.


Lazy dev is lazy.

You forgot the part where developers had to rewire their brains every 5-7 years due to the consoles being radically different. This was a horrendous waste of time, money and resources. Now that everything is x86 there is literally no excuse for unoptimized games on any platform anymore. The new consoles are simply low-mid tier PCs now.

This, I can't understand how the PC versions of their games are such a mess.


With all the bad stuff about Ghosts, NFS: Rivals, and AC4 lately, I'd like to see what PC sales look like so far.

Ghosts is down over 40,000 concurrent players from the launch week of BOII last year. They are having trouble peaking at 30,000 concurrent daily and staying in the top ten Steam games.
That's really how they view the PC market and why they refuse to optimize for it. "Oh, those rich PC gamers will have a new video card in a few weeks anyways!"

Ugh. I try to get at least 2 years between video cards. And shit like this is why I'm basically giving up on PC gaming soon. Once my hardware is obsolete I'm just not going to upgrade. Why bother. Not worth the cost when devs don't even optimize.


I also have no doubt that Ubisoft/EA want to actively push people towards consoles. Easier to develop for and optimize, and provide support for a fixed system that doesn't change for the next 6 years. Not to mention much lower piracy rates even without resorting to online DRM that consumers dislike.

Pretty much.


If EA/Ubi are actively pushing people towards consoles, then they are fighting an ultimate losing battle. Each new gen, if anymore come about, will see console numbers dwindle further and further down.
You have zero factual basis for this argument. Consoles are becoming gaming PC's for the masses, just like tablets are becoming casual use PC's for the masses.
PS3+360+Wii sales > PS2+GC+Xbox+DC sales > PS1+N64+Saturn sales. This is fact. PS4 selling more than a million in launch day and reportedly XB1 preorders being higher than 360 are also against your argument.

Show me one piece of factual evidence supporting your argument.
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