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Nvidia: Gamers should not limit their options to PS4/XB1; PC is the way to go

Corndog wrote a great post, and somehow you ignored almost all of his points. Price isn't a console's raison d'etre, it's convenience. Like he explained clearly.

But I wrote cheap and easy to use. I didn't ignore his points, I recognized their validity.
Probably a poor analogy but when I think console gaming and pc gaming... I think ice cream parlor vs say the ice cream isle at Kroger.

Premium cost + customizing ( kinda like tweaking game settings for performance) vs ease of access and cheaper and a bit meh taste after a while.


I wrote out a long post but it's just not worth it.

Suffice to say, a lot of the folk just repeating: "Salt!" really need to realize that AMD also makes high end GPUs used by PC gamers. You're trying to include these companies into your already imaginary PC vs. Console war. AMD getting all the consoles is great for them. Wonderful contracts. But they still make and want to sell APUs and discrete GPUs that cater to the PC gamer. Nvidia saying the PC is stronger isn't wrong, nor is it fighting AMD in any way. AMD remains an option there too, and it's a market in which they've recently gained traction as well.

This is so silly. It all comes down to money and/or the time investment. That's it. Most PC gamers also own one or two consoles. We still build and upgrade our PCs. Funny that. A lot of you seem to believe that buying one or the other locks us into that camp for life. For most of us that simply isn't the case.


This is so silly. It all comes down to money and/or the time investment. That's it. Most PC gamers also own one or two consoles. We still build and upgrade our PCs. Funny that. A lot of you seem to believe that buying one or the other locks us into that camp for life. For most of us that simply isn't the case.

yeah, i'm not sure when fighting about consoles, even in sophisticated terms (but still subjectively), lost its stigma, but the discussion atmosphere on this site could use a big ol' shot of shame.


This always bllws my mind.

Why are people so butthurt about PC gaming? Just live and let live...

It's the other way around, PC owners are butthurt about consoles in this thread with arguments like why would you even buy a console when PC has better graphics/performance, more open, consoles is a dying business model, etc.

It's not like console owners don't acknowledge that PC versions look and run better on more powerful hardware.


I understand that and it's why I said "easy to argue" instead of saying it objectively. I won't get into list wars over it, especially because it will always be subjective, but I think consoles still enjoy much more developer focus. If I enjoyed playing games on PC more, I would probably have a better opinion of games that only appear there. The entire RTS genre, for instance.

My main argument here is that for "big", "AAA", or whatever-you-want-to-call-it games you're more likely to see them without a PC version than without a console one and since only console manufacturers have a vested interest (that I can think of, at least) in funding studios to create games exclusively for their platform you're going to see it a lot more often.

I will agree thats happened last gen. I won't make that prediction for this gen. If there's one thing I've learned, is to expect the unexpected. There are things that happened last gen that really surprised me - some good, some bad. In fact, thats the only prediction I'd make for this gen - I'll be surprised again. This industry is really unpredictable. I just hope there's more good than bad this time around.


Why are people angry at Nvidia all of the sudden?

Are they jealous that their consoles are not powered by their great cards like the PS3?


Missing out on the opportunity of ripping off a console manufacturer for the third time on a row has made them so bitter and salty!


It's the other way around, PC owners are butthurt about consoles in this thread with arguments like why would you even buy a console when PC has better graphics/performance, more open, consoles is a dying business model, etc.

It's not like console owners don't acknowledge that PC versions look and run better on more powerful hardware.

I think it all started with the "far superior" quote from nvidia. That lead to console guys being like "no way" and some being like "yeah if I want to spend $1000+" to which PC guys replied "yeah way" and "well not really"

defence started on the console side cause when this was posted the PC guys came in saying "yep, truth." pew pew my 2 cents


I really have no idea.

Every single piece of software you run on consoles is fully encrypted and uses proprietary APIs without public documentation. It doesn't get any more DRM than that.

Just because it's the truth doesn't mean it won't antagonize some people. In fact, it seems like truths are often more antagonizing. And yes, NVidia can do (and has done) plenty of wrong. Advertising their products by pointing out their superiority is not part of that though.

You have read this thread, right?

Are we seriously devolving to the level of subjective list wars?

Here's a list of most RPGs set for English release in 2014, including their platform (note that all but one of the "multi" titles are on PC as well). That's at least objective.

                                                                Battle          Dialogue      Separate Maps
          Name           Party Perspective   Coop Structure  Time    Pos.    Trees   Checks   World   Battle  Platform
Age of Decadence           -    Isometric     -     Open      TB    Squares   Yes     Yes      Yes       -       PC
Atelier Escha & Logy      Yes   Fixed Cam     -     Open      TB     Rows      -       -       Yes      Yes      PS3
Blackguards               Yes   Isometric     -    Linear     TB     Hexes     ?       ?        ?        ?       PC
Bravely Default           Yes   Fixed Cam     -    Linear     TB     None      -       -        ?        ?       3DS
Child of Light            Yes      Side      Yes   Linear     TB     None      -       -        ?        ?      Multi
Cosmic Star Heroine       Yes  2D Top Down    -    Linear     TB     None      ?       ?        ?        -       PC
Dark Souls II              -    3rd Person   Yes    Open    Action   Free      -       -        -        -      Multi
Dead State                Yes   Isometric     -     Open      TB    Squares   Yes     Yes       ?        -       PC
Divinity: Original Sin    Yes   Isometric    Yes    Open      TB     Free     Yes     Yes       -        -       PC
Dragon Age: Inquisition   Yes   3rd Person    ?    Bioware  Action   Free     Yes     Yes       ?        -      Multi
Drakengard 3               ?        ?         -       ?     Action   Free      ?       ?        ?        -       PS3
Grim Dawn                  -    Isometric    Yes    Open    Action   Free      -       -        -        -       PC
Legend of Grimrock 2      Yes   1st Person    -       ?     Action  Squares    ?       ?        -        -       PC
Lighting Returns: FF XIII  -    3rd Person    -       ?     Action   Free      -       -        ?        ?      Multi
Lords of Xulima           Yes    Iso / FP     -       ?       TB     Rows     Yes      ?        ?       Yes      PC
Might & Magic X: Legacy   Yes   1st Person    -     Open      TB     Rows     Yes     Yes       -        -       PC
Project Eternity          Yes   Isometric     -     Open     RTwP    Free     Yes     Yes      Yes       -       PC
Shadowrun: Dragonfall     Yes   Isometric     -     Open      TB    Squares   Yes     Yes       -        -       PC
South Park: The Stick of  Yes      Side       -       ?       TB     None     Yes      ?        ?       Yes     Multi
Tales of Xillia 2         Yes   Fixed Cam    Yes   Linear   Action   Free      -       -       Yes      Yes      PS3
The Banner Saga           Yes   Iso / Side    -    Linear     TB    Squares    ?       ?        ?       Yes      PC
Wasteland 2               Yes   Isometric     -     Open      TB    Squares   Yes     Yes      Yes       -       PC
Witcher 3: Wild Hunt       -    3rd Person    -     Open    Action   Free     Yes      ?        -        -      Multi
X                         Yes   3rd Person    ?       ?     Action   Free      -       -        -        -      WiiU

Banner Saga is a 2D game from Kickstarter
Project Eternity is a 2D Kickstarter title
Might & Magic X: Legacy is a return to the roots coriddor fixed step game
Same for Legend of Grimrock 2
Divinity: Original Sin and Grim Dawn are top down games

Note that most PC exclusive RPGs in the list do not need a gaming PC to run, that is my point

Not that PC does not have RPGs of course, i expect to play many on my non gaming PC

So, back to my point, at the same time when consoles have a big number of big JRPG titles like FF15, X, Zelda etc, PC big RPGs that need a gaming PC are not existent

Witcher 3 and Elder Scrolls for example are on consoles, so my point stands, why go with a gaming PC when i get everything i want on consoles and can play the kickstarter titles on my non gaming PC too


Why are people angry at Nvidia all of the sudden?

Are they jealous that their consoles are not powered by their great cards like the PS3?

People seem to think a company promoting their own products means that the company is upset that AMD got their console deal.

Clearly these individuals are delusional though and don't understand what the purpose of a company like Nvidia really is. These same individuals get upset when you tell them that the computer is a more capable machine for gaming than a console.

"lol pc superior? how childish". If all of my PC games run at 60fps/1080p with all the bells and whistles while my super fancy next gen console struggles to hit 60fps or 1080p separately then I don't even see where the argument is. It's clearly superior as stated in the OP.


Sorry, I don't like fiddling with windows settings, having to find that problematic driver / application that prevents the game from running properly, having to try out several graphics options before you can find that performance / quality balance (I mean, maybe that 8xAF comes almost free at that resolution when you set the vertex quality to maximum, you can never know without trying, my OCD kicks in, in these situations), this because I never bought the highest end cards, but the cards that were mid to high end.

I used to be PC gamer but I've been much more comfortable gaming with consoles, less stuff to worry about, more time to play for me. It didn't help that my last active years with PC gaming was interrupted with bad graphics cards, bad ram, fried PSU's.

Console gaming is much more fool-proof. And over time, I'll admit I needed that comfort.


It's the other way around, PC owners are butthurt about consoles in this thread with arguments like why would you even buy a console when PC has better graphics/performance, more open, consoles is a dying business model, etc.

It's not like console owners don't acknowledge that PC versions look and run better on more powerful hardware.
The amount of people showing any sort of actual elitism with the PC pales in comparison to the amount of ignorant and insecure console fans here trying desperately to cling onto any justification they can for dismissing PC gaming. Its really not balanced at all.

I don't think PC gamers have anything to be 'butthurt' about when it comes to consoles, either. This just sounds like more overdefensiveness.


Sounds about right though. Not surprised the thread gets out of control with all the expensive new purchases to defend. Nvidia doesn't care about a console contract if you look at their financials. AMD simply provided dirt cheap mobile APUs at firesale prices. Doubt it was ever a contest. Now everyone wants to throw a fit every time they answer a question in an interview. What do you expect interviewers to ask right now? They're simply promoting their ecosystem of products.

I don't get the elitism argument that just comes out every time. I'd wager the vast majority of gaf PC enthusiasts own a next gen console already.


People seem to think a company promoting their own products means that the company is upset that AMD got their console deal.

Clearly these individuals are delusional though and don't understand what the purpose of a company like Nvidia really is. These same individuals get upset when you tell them that the computer is a more capable machine for gaming than a console.

"lol pc superior? how childish". If all of my PC games run at 60fps/1080p with all the bells and whistles while my super fancy next gen console struggles to hit 60fps or 1080p separately then I don't even see where the argument is. It's clearly superior as stated in the OP.

But PC misses all JRPGs i want to play, like Bravley Default, Ni no Kuni, Demons Souls, Lost Odyssey, Zelda, FF15, X etc and consoles have all big beefy in graphics RPGs i want to play, like Witcher 3 or Elder Scrolls

So with consoles i get them all and that is what i call superior, the systems that have the games i want to play, not the system that has the most powerfull hardware and misses all JRPGs


It's the other way around, PC owners are butthurt about consoles in this thread with arguments like why would you even buy a console when PC has better graphics/performance, more open, consoles is a dying business model, etc.

It's not like console owners don't acknowledge that PC versions look and run better on more powerful hardware.

Yeah, right, ignore all the "salty" comments that lead to this argument if it helps you to blame the PC gamers.


I don't think PC gamers have anything to be 'butthurt' about when it comes to consoles, either. This just sounds like more overdefensiveness.
Going from being the forefront of AAA development to a platform that mostly gets ports from consoles is a good reason to be butthurt. We have many threads where the "lazy developers" are being accused of shitty ports on GAF.
Yeah, right, ignore all the "salty" comments that lead to this argument if it helps you to blame the PC gamers.
Those are aimed at Nvidia, not PC gamers, and they are right. PC gamers who look for the best price/performance usually buy AMD cards anyway :)


That damage control. This doesn't need to be said. If people are PC gamers, they have a PC. If they are a console gamer, I doubt keyboard and mouse will be very appealing. Neither will troubleshooting driver issues.


But PC misses all JRPGs i want to play, like Bravley Default, Ni no Kuni, Demons Souls, Lost Odyssey, Zelda, FF15, X etc and consoles have all big beefy in graphics RPGs i want to play, like Witcher 3 or Elder Scrolls

So with consoles i get them all and that is what i call superior, the systems that have the games i want to play, not the system that has the most powerfull hardware and misses all JRPGs
Sure, you just need to buy a 3DS, an Xbox 360, a Wii, a PS3 and then either a PS4 or Xbox One to play all these games.

I really think people spouting exclusives they want to play are missing the point here, anyways. Of course you should go to where the games you want to play are. But I think it would benefit a lot of people to at least seriously consider trying PC gaming instead of dismissing it outright. I used to be like that. And now I see how frightfully ignorant I was looking back.

Going from being the forefront of AAA development to a platform that mostly gets ports from consoles is a good reason to be butthurt. We have many threads where the "lazy developers" are being accused of shitty ports on GAF.
You're imagining this 'butthurt', man.


Going from being the forefront of AAA development to a platform that mostly gets ports from consoles is a good reason to be butthurt. We have many threads where the "lazy developers" are being accused of shitty ports on GAF.

I know you have an agenda against against the PC because of some beef with m/KB but console ports are a minority in the PC game library.
But PC misses all JRPGs i want to play, like Bravley Default, Ni no Kuni, Demons Souls, Lost Odyssey, Zelda, FF15, X etc and consoles have all big beefy in graphics RPGs i want to play, like Witcher 3 or Elder Scrolls
Blame Japan for not giving any shits about PC gaming for the past decade, not PCs as a platform. Things might change with this generation now that Japanese devs are making some money on games they put up on Steam, but it's all up to them to provide the content.


What happens when I'm a console peasent with a PS4 and a rich nerd who just spent a bunch on a new gaming PC

I get why you don't want to spend all the money but some of these parts can be reused. Idk why you'd drop 1k everytime.

I don't think you got my point. My point was having both is your best bet and the people who make terrible arguments to remain loyal to one side or the other are missing out on the benefits that both PCs and consoles offer.


Going from being the forefront of AAA development to a platform that mostly gets ports from consoles is a good reason to be butthurt. We have many threads where the "lazy developers" are being accused of shitty ports on GAF.

Those are aimed at Nvidia, not PC gamers, and they are right. PC gamers who look for the best price/performance usually buy AMD cards anyway :)

How saying "salty" instead of making a proper argument is right?

Whatever, man, I'm probably just butthurt because I try to discuss something instead of joining the bandwagon.


Sounds about right though. Not surprised the thread gets out of control with all the expensive new purchases to defend. Nvidia doesn't care about a console contract if you look at their financials. AMD simply provided dirt cheap mobile APUs at firesale prices. Doubt it was ever a contest. Now everyone wants to throw a fit every time they answer a question in an interview. What do you expect interviewers to ask right now? They're simply promoting their ecosystem of products.

I don't get the elitism argument that just comes out every time. I'd wager the vast majority of gaf PC enthusiasts own a next gen console already.
Yes they do. The half dozen anti-console statements from them the past year are proof of it. If they didn't care they wouldn't comment. Simple as that.


But PC misses all JRPGs i want to play, like Bravley Default, Ni no Kuni, Demons Souls, Lost Odyssey, Zelda, FF15, X etc and consoles have all big beefy in graphics RPGs i want to play, like Witcher 3 or Elder Scrolls

So with consoles i get them all and that is what i call superior, the systems that have the games i want to play, not the system that has the most powerfull hardware and misses all JRPGs

Why are you comparing every console out there against a PC?

Secondly, on top of the big resurgence of CRPGs, the best place to play Witcher 3 and the Bethesda games is going to be PC. The mod communities around those are totally awesome and ridiculous. You absolutely can't dismiss those things are minor differences.


I know you have an agenda against against the PC because of some beef with m/KB but console ports are a minority in the PC game library.
Nope, I like some games that are played with M/KB. I have an agenda against anyone who suggests PC has a place in an entertainment center, because it doesn't. It belongs on a desk playing Starcraft, Dota, WOW, BF4, etc. A PC is a great choice for games like Rollercoaster tycoon for example. I like that game by the way. I spent 100 hours on Railroad Tycoon 2. Those kinds of games won't come to consoles anytime soon and PC is great for them. But fuck playing AC4 on a desk, that's a console game and no amount of extra PC eye candy is going to make me want to play it on there.


But PC misses all JRPGs i want to play, like Bravley Default, Ni no Kuni, Demons Souls, Lost Odyssey, Zelda, FF15, X etc and consoles have all big beefy in graphics RPGs i want to play, like Witcher 3 or Elder Scrolls

So with consoles i get them all and that is what i call superior, the systems that have the games i want to play, not the system that has the most powerfull hardware and misses all JRPGs

Are you comparing multiple consoles as a single unit vs PC? You'd need at least 5 different consoles to play all those games.
No thanks. Built a gaming PC last gen and hardly gamed on it. When all my friends build a gaming PC, I'll consider investing in one again. And even then id still game on ps4 because exclusives


Nope, I like some games that are played with M/KB. I have an agenda against anyone who suggests PC has a place in an entertainment center, because it doesn't. It belongs on a desk playing Starcraft, Dota, WOW, BF4, etc. A PC is a great choice for games like Rollercoaster tycoon for example. I like that game by the way.

The fuck is an entertainment center? a couch?

Is this a fancy way of saying: but I want to play in mah couch?


Those are aimed at Nvidia, not PC gamers, and they are right. PC gamers who look for the best price/performance usually buy AMD cards anyway :)

Nonethless, it does always seem like it's the console gamers that tend to stir shit up. Same thing happened with the NFS: Rivals PC performance thread.

Not that I care, I get a kick out of it.
Probably the wrong thread for this but how is local co-op on PCs nowadays?

It's looking like I'm going to have to get a Wii U to play locally with buddies outside of COD or Halo :(

Dario ff

Probably the wrong thread for this but how is local co-op on PCs nowadays?

It's looking like I'm going to have to get a Wii U to play locally with buddies outside of COD or Halo :(
From the games I play, Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed and Rayman Legends support it, and some Valve games do with some tinkering. Apart from that, you're probably better off with the Wii U for that considering Nintendo has stated several times they don't want to do online multiplayer, and most of their games will be designed around local. Couldn't be a better coincidence! :p

More detailed list on Reddit.
Banner Saga is a 2D game from Kickstarter
Project Eternity is a 2D Kickstarter title
Might & Magic X: Legacy is a return to the roots coriddor fixed step game
Same for Legend of Grimrock 2
Divinity: Original Sin and Grim Dawn are top down games

Note that most PC exclusive RPGs in the list do not need a gaming PC to run, that is my point

Not that PC does not have RPGs of course, i expect to play many on my non gaming PC

So, back to my point, at the same time when consoles have a big number of big JRPG titles like FF15, X, Zelda etc, PC big RPGs that need a gaming PC are not existent

Witcher 3 and Elder Scrolls for example are on consoles, so my point stands, why go with a gaming PC when i get everything i want on consoles and can play the kickstarter titles on my non gaming PC too

If you want to play Project Eternity and the Witcher 3, you could either have two system. A cheap $600 non gaming PC + a $400 ps4. Or a $600 + $400GPU gaming PC.

For X, and Persona 5 you need other two systems.


Nope, I like some games that are played with M/KB. I have an agenda against anyone who suggests PC has a place in an entertainment center, because it doesn't. It belongs on a desk playing Starcraft, Dota, WOW, BF4, etc. A PC is a great choice for games like Rollercoaster tycoon for example. I like that game by the way.

I dunno man, I really liked playing Bioshock and Batman on my TV via PC. Wireless 360 controller + big picture just makes it really easy for me. Based on those experiences, combined with their ridiculously appealing price points and my horrible time with AC 3 on PS3, I'm going to buy every multiplat on PC from here on out and plug it straight into the TV. Plus steam controller is on it's way for games like you mentioned. It's getting closer and closer.
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