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PS4 fastest-selling console in UK history, outsells Wii U LTD in UK [250K PS4 in 48h]

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I completely understand the hardware, I also bought one and it's a great console. But this? It makes me want to vomit. A bland, superficial POS of a game outselling a strong GOTY contender. Looking at stuff like this, all the generic shooter and sports shit on the next gen consoles and Japanese companies focusing on mobile, the future of quality games looks pretty bleak.

Are you for real?

1. Knack was bundled with the PS4.

2. Due to low availability many people may have had to buy a Knack bundle to get a PS4.

3. Software sales are inflated at launch, people will buy more mediocre games because there isnt much else to play.

2. The WiiU has sold abysmally in the UK ~170k which both the Xbox One and PS4 have surpassed in less than a week.

all these factors have lead to Super Mario 3D World selling awfully, its part curcumstances and part nintendo's fault for screwing up wiiU advertising so much.


Junior Member
Incredible numbers and knack is my favourite launch titles so far! I love the game and it is kicking my ass on hard

Also loving the mountain amount of salt in this thread over knack outselling Mario. Mario isn't relevant anymore people are just going to have to come to terms with that. Anyone who bought Mario on the wii has moved to candy crush on the phone or tablet


I'll bet you haven't even played Knack. I guess if they gave Knack a red hat and overalls it would look better to you huh? I have both games and I think Knack is a bit better because its something different. I don't understand all this GOTY talk with 3D World, to me the game feels like a 3D version of the NSMB series.

3D World is getting GOTY talk because it is constantly throwing something new at you. Twists on mechanics you know well, new ones that add a level of challenge, especially later on. Plenty of visual variety. And unlike Knack, there's actually some fucking charm to it.
You know the salty reactions of people trashing a game they haven't even played make this even better. The NPD thread will be incredible.


Well maybe Nintendo should start by making better games. We all know they're capable of better.

Mario needs to go back to the drawing board and come back with a more compelling concept than the lame multiplayer modes that Nintendo's been throwing into their recent console releases.

lol, rly lol


Great Start for a great product, all the Sony efforts deserve ist



A GOTY contender that is only there because nothing else is even worthy of mentioning on Wii U. Umpteenth game from a franchise that was original somewhere 28 years ago. For me Knack looks far more exciting than another "adventure" of Mario.

Nailed it. Couldn't have said it better.


Nope, it demonstrates that this industry has been invaded completely by the cancer it started on the PS era, people that played videogames because they became "cool" thanks to the CGI.

Outside of a few indie titles, I don't think investing in innovative or well designed gameplay mechanichs is worth it anymore.
Once you have:
1. Graphics
2. Plot
3. Graphics
4. Graphics

Covered, you can forget about everything else. It's a bit what happened on the cinema industry when the CG effects appeared and tons of people wanted that at any cost, but with the difference that the cinema was something cool way before the appearance of the CG effects, and cinema critics were always aware that good CG is something that won't make a movie good.
The difference is that besides 4 or 5 "frikis" videogames were always considered like a regular toy and they weren't considered "mainstream entertainment" until the CGI arrived.

The "videogame critics" are, most of them, a product of this massification, so unlike with what happened with the cinematographic industry, that always had a renowned and recognised expert crowd that always had on mind what make a good film good, on the videogame industry those who care about playability and those things are not only a minority, but also the ones being considered "frikis" or "not cool" by the mainstream.

I eventually will get a PS4 when it has GAMES that are worth it, but this "consumer fever" for mediocre games with "next-gen" graphics demonstrates that this trend is unavoidable.
How many media will give The Last of Us their GOTY 2013? Can anyone tell me what has The Last of Us in terms of gameplay design, or even scenario design, to make it a GOTY? I'll answer that, absolutely nothing.
But it has the best graphics ever made on a PS3 and one of the best plots of the videogame history, and that's more than enough.
In essence, you're pissed off because people are buying the games that they enjoy, rather than buying the games that you enjoy. Good luck with that.

Deleted member 74300

Unconfirmed Member
Just like me, most Brits have learned to ignore reviews and just watch Twitch instead.

Well of course. That's all PS4 owners can do with their system at the moment with no good games.

I felt left out in the pointless console hate comments that everyone else is getting away with these days.
How will they be profitable within the division with a price cut? There is too much investor pressure for the Xbox division to be sustainable and no longer rely on the parent bailing it out.

As long as investor pressure remains on Xbox to be sustainable that money is off limits.

Bear in mind that in the background moves are being made to kill the division entirely (with some of that spilling onto the pages of Bloomberg every now and then), so a failing console at a high price helps the case to either sell or close the Xbox division (and sell the assets piecemeal).

Investors are all miffed as to why MS spent $7bn entering the games console market and completely missed the boat with mobile and tablets where they are a distant third to Android and Apple. Especially since the primary screen (TV) is fading towards irrelevance and the secondary screen (tablets) are gaining prominence.

Yep. with shareholders like ValueAct and Microsoft's co-founder Paul Allen showing support for an xbox division spinoff or sale, I doubt they would take any more big losses from the xbox division.


I know. Does everyone love Justin Bieiber too? He has sold alot of records, he MUST be good, better than some crappy orchestra.

I have always made my choices based on what I want and like.
UK has usually been something like 20% of the whole European market for Sony so that would make first week European sales 1.25 million if the stock has been allocated evenly across the Europe.
In essence, you're pissed off because people are buying the games that they enjoy, rather than buying the games that you enjoy. Good luck with that.

What are you talking about? Only Nintendo is capable of providing true joy to the consumer. The ironic thing is that the complete opposite was happening last gen with the expanded audience explosion on Wii and people whining constantly.
I am enjoying people being all annoyed about Knack selling more than Mario but, consider this:

1. PS4 has a larger install base than the Wii U.
2. Everyone who bought a PS4, bought software for it and, based on the limited selection, Knack may have stood out.
3. Wii U is toxic and Mario is just another victim of that.
4. People with a Wii U either may no longer play it or have bought a PS4 and wanted games for it instead. It's not like Mario isn't still going to be there in a week or a month's time.

Basicallty, stop being so salted peanuts about it.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
You know the salty reactions of people trashing a game they haven't even played make this even better. The NPD thread will be incredible.

Naaah, too far in the future. BF results today will create great fun as well.
I'm already ready to post a specific video when 3DS results come in, if they're pretty good as I'm expecting :p


For me the Vita TV is great if you've bought in the SEN media ecosystem in much the same way as Apple TV. I just don't imagine there are too many people who have done that.

Personally if I really wanted to play PS4 in another room I'd just put that money towards another PS4. There are a huge list of advantages that make it worth the extra cost, and having access to Vita games that don't use touch in any way does not offset that at all, even at the low price.

If they point it in peoples faces through the PS4 UI that "As a PS+ member we've gifted you 10+ free Vita games to play. Enjoy them on a Vita TV for only £79.99! Click for MORE".

It seems like a no-brainer to me. People will think "I'm missing value from my subscription?" and go for it at a good price.

They need to get all Vita games compatible first.


I was expecting Xbox fans defending MS against PS4 but I honestly wasn't expecting Nintendo fans defending Mario and Wii U. Well....
Or maybe we need Nintendo to catch up with the world and make a quality console first?
Because quality = Teraflops? Maybe we should ditch any and every innovation we've seen on this industry besides this one.
I hope you don't play using an analogical joystic, that "mushroom gimmick" that nowadays is essential to play any 3D title but at the time was nothing more than the description I've used above.

SmokyDave said:
In essence, you're pissed off because people are buying the games that they enjoy, rather than buying the games that you enjoy. Good luck with that.
In the essence, you say? No, I would say it's exactly that. Nothing more, nothing else.
I already said it lots of times, anyone can play because of any reason. It's just that I'm sad in front of the fact that this industry is becoming something I don't like, while 15 years ago it was my favourite hobby.
Of course, in the same way that someone can freely say that anyone buying a WiiU is encouraging "mediocre consoles being made" because from his criteria anything that doesn't go all out with the graphical capability is something not worth it, I can also freely criticize that and say that this industry is going towards a direction that hurt the traditional meaning of gaming.

It's not that I'm pretending to be better than anyone. I play because I've always liked to PLAY, and other people play because they can evade from real life, because they enjoy watching cool CGI graphics, because they enjoy good plots and also prefer this media in front of the traditional cinema to enjoy a good story, etc.
What happens is that traditional players are loosing it's space, and that's something that has happened for years but this past generation it reached a critical point where some genres flat out disappeared because the traditional "crowd" wasn't enough to sustain them (say good bye to traditional survival horrors), and this has only confirmed this trend.


Can anyone tell me what has The Last of Us in terms of gameplay design, or even scenario design, to make it a GOTY? I'll answer that, absolutely nothing.

But it has the best graphics ever made on a PS3 and one of the best plots of the videogame history, and that's more than enough.

the last of us isn't my choice for game of the year, but it features some nice design decisions. it's all made to serve the plot, but it does so in a way that it's not obvious (for the most part). i think the start of the game was the absolute worst. you walk into an area with chest-high walls in a square formation and it's clear there's going to be a shootout because lol video games. but there are other things that work towards making the zombie apocalypse feel real. scavenging for supplies means you upgrade joel and his inventory, but it also urges the player to explore the environment and become involved with the world. it's a small touch, but it's a very smart one. most other decisions are about reconciling story joel with gameplay joel, and i think they agree with each other very much.

what it does as a refinement on the uncharted formula, what it does to make tense situations really feel tense- that can be attributed to improved level design and mechanics. naughty dog also uses nice pacing so not everything is shoot-bang shoot-bang (i'm going through gta v right now and i just ran through about 5 trevor missions of nothing except that and i am extremely bored by it). sometimes, something with really tight design should be lauded for all the things it does right. we don't need something to be a lauded as 'transcending the medium' every year (although for whatever reasons i'm sure that's exactly what most will say of the last of us).

i understand what you're getting at- i don't agree with everyone's love for telltale's the walking dead (actually, it baffles me), but the last of us is at least extremely well-crafted. i think that is worth consideration.
I know. Does everyone love Justin Bieiber too? He has sold alot of records, he MUST be good, better than some crappy orchestra.

I have always made my choices based on what I want and like.

Then why do you feel the need to come in here and post like that?

Why does the opinion or purchases of anyone else matter to you?
Nope, it demonstrates that this industry has been invaded completely by the cancer it started on the PS era, people that played videogames because they became "cool" thanks to the CGI.


I eventually will get a PS4 when it has GAMES that are worth it, but this "consumer fever" for mediocre games with "next-gen" graphics demonstrates that this trend is unavoidable.
How many media will give The Last of Us their GOTY 2013? Can anyone tell me what has The Last of Us in terms of gameplay design, or even scenario design, to make it a GOTY? I'll answer that, absolutely nothing.
But it has the best graphics ever made on a PS3 and one of the best plots of the videogame history, and that's more than enough.

What are you even on about? Mario 3D World isn't some kind of case of deeply innovative game design with mind-blowing new mechanics and ideas. It's a platformer. The thing that makes it a great game is incredibly meticulous and well-practiced level design, which is a wonderful display of craft but nothing else. The core game design is practically a hand-me-down at this point.

The Last of Us shows hundreds of passive improvements that have been made in terms of the associated craft over decades of game design. There are improvements to pacing, improvements to engagement and player agency, improvements to intuitiveness in control and mechanics, improvements to conveyance across the board, etc.

I guess if you want to define the entirety of game design's evolution over the last decade as "Mario has a cat suit now" that's your prerogative, but stating that the PlayStation era somehow gave way to a pitiful stagnation of game design that's somehow evident in mastercraft examples of modern games is a pretty goddamn hard sell, guy.


Nintendo has only themselves to thank. They fucked up the 3DS launch by confusing the consumers into thinking the 3DS was just another DS revision. They did repair the damage mostly though through aggressive marketing, a huge price drop and the Super Mario 3D World/Mario Kart 8 (+Monster Hunter 3 in Japan) combo.

Then they did the EXACT same mistake with the Wii U. But the worst thing is that they continued using the Wii name even though the Wii saw a huge decline in sales and popularity after 2010. People were done with the Wii. Going back to the Wii U's UI after using the PS4 UI for over a week, is like going from my 2011 computer with Windows 7 to my 2005 computer with Windows XP infected with a handful of viruses and slow like hell.

Knack is god awful though, can't believe people on this board so desperately try to defend it. It's generic, repetitive, bland and boring. I had to force myself through the last half of the game and it became a chore to play it. Just because you spent $60 doesn't mean you can't man up and admit it's a mediocre title. Knack is a very good example of people going to extreme lengths of justifying their purchase or defending a title of their system of choice.

You should rather buy Killzone Shadow Fall if you want a PS4 exclusive. I actually like the multiplayer in Shadow Fall more than the multiplayer in CoD Ghosts. I never saw that coming.


3D World is getting GOTY talk because it is constantly throwing something new at you. Twists on mechanics you know well, new ones that add a level of challenge, especially later on. Plenty of visual variety. And unlike Knack, there's actually some fucking charm to it.

Again, I'm failing to see anything that new in 3D World. Multiplayer? It's been in the last two NSMB games. Cat Suit? Just another powerup really, no different than the Tanooki suit or any other suit, wow I can crawl up walls now. Sorry, I just don't see any "fucking charm" to the game. And it seems that Nintendo Diehards are the only ones that do.

Don't get me wrong, its as fun as other Mario games but it really doesn't seem like anything that different than NSMBU except 3D.


Junior Member
Nope, it demonstrates that this industry has been invaded completely by the cancer it started on the PS era, people that played videogames because they became "cool" thanks to the CGI.

Outside of a few indie titles, I don't think investing in innovative or well designed gameplay mechanichs is worth it anymore.
Once you have:
1. Graphics
2. Plot
3. Graphics
4. Graphics

Covered, you can forget about everything else. It's a bit what happened on the cinema industry when the CG effects appeared and tons of people wanted that at any cost, but with the difference that the cinema was something cool way before the appearance of the CG effects, and cinema critics were always aware that good CG is something that won't make a movie good.
The difference is that besides 4 or 5 "frikis" videogames were always considered like a regular toy and they weren't considered "mainstream entertainment" until the CGI arrived.

The "videogame critics" are, most of them, a product of this massification, so unlike with what happened with the cinematographic industry, that always had a renowned and recognised expert crowd that always had on mind what make a good film good, on the videogame industry those who care about playability and those things are not only a minority, but also the ones being considered "frikis" or "not cool" by the mainstream.

I eventually will get a PS4 when it has GAMES that are worth it, but this "consumer fever" for mediocre games with "next-gen" graphics demonstrates that this trend is unavoidable.
How many media will give The Last of Us their GOTY 2013? Can anyone tell me what has The Last of Us in terms of gameplay design, or even scenario design, to make it a GOTY? I'll answer that, absolutely nothing.
But it has the best graphics ever made on a PS3 and one of the best plots of the videogame history, and that's more than enough.

This is what I was saying. The WiiU is being sold at a lost right now, but instead of focusing on the chipset, it tried to evolve gaming with a gamepad that that allowed for asymetrical gameplay or other UI innovations.
Why isn't it a "great console"? Because as I said, nothing matters besides polygons to the "mainstream".

I've been saying that for years, the only difference between my aunt who plays Wii-Fit to lose some kilos and the poster I've quoted is that my aunt it's pretty conscious that she doesn't know anything about videogaming and she won't try to influence the industry to go towards a direction where everything are Wii-Fits and the likes.



I just cant support a company so lost in the times and so far behind everyone else that we as consumers suffer. At the bare minimum, my Wii U should be able to do the stuff that my PS3 does and more... (I'm talking about party chat, a proper f****** account system and a whole load of other pet peeves)

And dont get me started on Nintendos pricing of games and accessories here in the UK. It's beyond a joke (and yes I'm fully aware lf next gen prices too, which are a load of crap too)


If you own a Wii U, just enjoy it. I probably played more 3D World than I did my PS4 when I got it because it is the better game for me compared to Knack (which is also great, just in a different way), but the console is going to get spanked in sales. Just accept the fact we bought another Dreamcast and realise that's not a bad thing.

Nintendo & Sega (when they were making consoles) in panic mode is a glorious thing and we will get a fuckton of fantastic games out of it. Don't worry about what other people are buying, Nintendo will support it until the bitter end and you will have fun. Just be thankful the console industry in the UK isn't completely dead and move on.


Gold Member
To be fair every console will likely be dead in that country.
Well, it has been said that home consoles in general are a dying breed and now the PS4 sells like hot cakes. And it will sell like hot cakes in Japan as well. Consoles weren't selling because the old gen was around this bloody long.
Nope, it demonstrates that this industry has been invaded completely by the cancer it started on the PS era, people that played videogames because they became "cool" thanks to the CGI.

Outside of a few indie titles, I don't think investing in innovative or well designed gameplay mechanichs is worth it anymore.
Once you have:
1. Graphics
2. Plot
3. Graphics
4. Graphics

Covered, you can forget about everything else. It's a bit what happened on the cinema industry when the CG effects appeared and tons of people wanted that at any cost, but with the difference that the cinema was something cool way before the appearance of the CG effects, and cinema critics were always aware that good CG is something that won't make a movie good.
The difference is that besides 4 or 5 "frikis" videogames were always considered like a regular toy and they weren't considered "mainstream entertainment" until the CGI arrived.

The "videogame critics" are, most of them, a product of this massification, so unlike with what happened with the cinematographic industry, that always had a renowned and recognised expert crowd that always had on mind what make a good film good, on the videogame industry those who care about playability and those things are not only a minority, but also the ones being considered "frikis" or "not cool" by the mainstream.

I eventually will get a PS4 when it has GAMES that are worth it, but this "consumer fever" for mediocre games with "next-gen" graphics demonstrates that this trend is unavoidable.
How many media will give The Last of Us their GOTY 2013? Can anyone tell me what has The Last of Us in terms of gameplay design, or even scenario design, to make it a GOTY? I'll answer that, absolutely nothing.
But it has the best graphics ever made on a PS3 and one of the best plots of the videogame history, and that's more than enough.

This is what I was saying. The WiiU is being sold at a lost right now, but instead of focusing on the chipset, it tried to evolve gaming with a gamepad that that allowed for asymetrical gameplay or other UI innovations.
Why isn't it a "great console"? Because as I said, nothing matters besides polygons to the "mainstream".

I've been saying that for years, the only difference between my aunt who plays Wii-Fit to lose some kilos and the poster I've quoted is that my aunt it's pretty conscious that she doesn't know anything about videogaming and she won't try to influence the industry to go towards a direction where everything are Wii-Fits and the likes.

Oh man, how did I miss this post.
It's a genuine shame Mario selling so little. That is to be expected because of the low install base but still, real shame as it is a gem.

Great news about the PS4 sales though. The UK was allocated 300k and sold 250k partly because of stock arriving late apparently, so you can be pretty sure that 300k allocation will be sold through very quick.

So that means the rest of Europe could have been allocated and subsequently sold through anywhere between 400-800k units. Add that to the US sell through and Sony could have 2 millions PS4's already in people's homes worldwide.


Well I have a copy of the new Mario game not for me, I decided to introduce my young nephew to gaming via Nintendo this Christmas. He has lego marvel heroes,lego city and Mario and its a great way to get into gaming. I will be opening my ps4 on Xmas day so as not to distract the attention away. I hope in the end all consoles sell well, I hate to see anyone leave the gaming scene I was quite sad when Sega packed it in. Great numbers from xbox one and simply stunning numbers for ps4 enjoy the games everyone.
Knack is god awful though, can't believe people on this board so desperately try to defend it. It's generic, repetitive, bland and boring. I had to force myself through the last half of the game and it became a chore to play it. Just because you spent $60 doesn't mean you can't man up and admit it's a mediocre title. Knack is a very good example of people going to extreme lengths of justifying their purchase or defending a title of their system of choice.

You should rather buy Killzone Shadow Fall if you want a PS4 exclusive. I actually like the multiplayer in Shadow Fall more than the multiplayer in CoD Ghosts. I never saw that coming.

Mediocre? Sure I could live with that but I had fun playing it and for whatever reason the sentiment that I get from Gaf and the gaming media is that it was wrong of me to have enjoyed playing it and that's just well odd
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