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GameStop sure seems to be pushing the Xbone hard...

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I was originally an Xbox 360 owner and loved the console, switched over to Ps3 in 2011 and disliked/liked a few things about it but overall preferred the Xbox 360. This go around I am going with PS4 because of the more powerful hardware and don't particularly care for motion/voice control (maybe when it becomes more consistantly convenient than a controller I will be more proactive to use it), and the games are going to be on both for the most part. Don't get me wrong, I strongly dislike MS for trying to impliment their DRM system with little to no explanation on why/how it works to the public and being very shady with their transitions, but this all comes down to which cup of tea you prefer.

Since I use streaming for my TV consumption and do not have cable television sub, dislike the jankiness of the kinect as it currently is, and +90% of the games will be cross platform with graphics being higher on the PS4 (granted slightly in many scenarios), it didnt make much sense for me to go XB1. MS and Xbox have a great lineup of first party titles that I would love to play eventually, and could possibly get an XB1 at some point in time, but it all comes down to preference in games which, you could have the greatest looking game in the world and have it be the worst game, much like you could have the most fun game that doesnt look as good as PS4 games. Not that it is the case in this scenario, but people really love XB exclusives whereas most of the PS games are either polar opposites. Aside from Naughty Dog games, Killzone, Beyond two souls, sly cooper, God of War, Resistance are all pretty polar where some people love and a good bit of people are unimpressed.

It all comes down to preference in which games you want to play, whether one is more powerful than the other is nice when it comes to the multiplat but it will all be determined by the first party titles.

Yeah pretty similar to me really. I loved the 360 pretty much until the Windows 8 dashboard came, things seemed to go downhill from there on for me. I really loved the NXE dashboard, ha ha. I think the 360 was the "better" console overall for last gen. If only for the likes of Party chat, but it also seemed to have the more "definitive" versions of games. However when I got a PS3 (Which was I believe last year sometime, maybe just over a year), I really only got it because there were just too many exclusives building up I wanted to play, and the ones announced for the future.
I think PS3 really won me over for games alone, just a lot of exclusives. However, 360 was really worth it just for Halo 3 online alone. Was the most fun I ever had in an online game, seriously.

Halo is really the only game MS have that can really tempt me to get an X1, and judging from Halo 4, it just felt to me they were trying to cut corners in online, so yeah to me, they really do have a lot to prove for now. PS4 I'm trusting to get the awesome exclusives admittedly, however I feel I can trust them to deliver on that more than MS. Personally though I just insta-bought a PS4 as soon as KH3 was announced for it, ha ha, that was all I needed to know.

Really? Just moments ago you wrote the Xbox one off as not even being a legitimate choice. The new generation doesn't seem to be about new features that directly impact gaming. I'm actually really curious as to what features you think these consoles have that actual improve the gaming aspect alone. It's the smallest hardware jump in the history of consoles. I've been seriously disappointed hardware wise, especially when the mid-range PC I built 2 years ago is more powerful than next gen. It's a service generation. Cloud, better online features all around, social networking, etc.

I "wrote it off as not being a legitimate choice" in terms of gaming (kinda). If gaming is all you want to do on a console (Which should be the number 1 reason you buy a console), I don't see why you'd want an X1 over a PS4, unless you prefer MS's exclusives or online features as you say which may improve a game's potential. If exclusives didn't exist, I don't see why you'd want an X1 over a PS4, I just don't see the online features as making up something that significant.
Personally to me though, the features on X1 don't seem to be significantly better... X1 seems to record things on what you're doing now for DVR or up to 30 seconds ago I believe for example, while for PS4 it records everything in the past 15mins and you just upload what you want out of that past 15mins. Personally I prefer the PS4's approach to how it handles it, but it wouldn't bother me if the PS4 had X1's approach really either, but that may be because the sharing features for the consoles arent so significant for me really, it'll be useful when I do want to share something, but its not something I want to do regularly.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Naples, Florida. This one was at a mall. Another one offsite had the same table, although not the same homemade sign. Saw a similar table in Miami too.

Haha. This is my Gamestop. Strong work.

Doesn't surprise me though, the other one in town was telling PS4 owners launch night that connecting to the Internet at all would brick your console.


If the Xbone were selling as well as the PS4, the displays and homemade signs wouldn't be necessary.

This is like a car dealership moving the hard to sell cars to the front of the lot.

its so that customers can stop asking employees the same shit over and over.

Microsoft has been doing a better job at restocking than sony and they sell out quickly. I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft topped the holiday npd this year simply for that reason alone.


It says much about Microsofts delivery of the Xbone reveal, when half a year later, retailers still need signs like that.

That is not Gamespots fault. That is MS fault.

Otherwise, they have units to sell, so they try and sell them.


Seems like it's in their interest to sell consoles if they're just sitting there taking up space. Also, those could be typical questions that are repeatedly being asked.


All we needed to know, lol.

Ha ha. Don't really think playing the console will change my opinion though. I'd like to use one just to see how the controller feels and rumble triggers, and maybe how loud/hot the X1 runs. As for specs of it, thats a fact. Its price, thats a fact... Most of the negativity I have about is facts and things I don't need to use personally to understand.


It's totally possible, that there are "fanboy" owners/managers. For Gamestop in the US, XB owners typically buy more games, so why wouldn't they be trying to prop up that which pays them the most? Kind of stupid to do otherwise. Walmart. Has the biggest displays for stuff that they sell the most of. It's called advertising.


I just can't get over the fact that Gamestop puts merchandise on the disgusting, piss-stained bathroom floor. And that they stack up PS3s and 360s next to a toilet too and piss sprinkles on them.

I purposely avoid the shit out of that company already but now it's settled that I will never again set foot in one.
It's funny when people associate consoles available with bad sales.
Sad thing is, we went through this with Wii U availability last year. November and December NPD numbers were great to okay but January NPD confirmed the stacks of Wii Us we saw in stores was not GAF's imagination.

As we continue, the Xbox One stacks are getting a little telling. Interesting that Wii U sales have been kicked up from the grave. Not seeing too many in stores. Mario Kart and Hyrule Warriors trending on Twitter wasn't BS after all...


The main reason why the XO is likely to outsell the PS4 when it comes to Dec NPD - it be interesting how close Sony gets though, considering how spread its console shipments have to be...

I think its fair to assume that both are producing around about the same amount per month - not seen anything substantial that points to one producing significantly more/less than the other...

ps3ud0 8)

Europe got flooded with PS4's with "Made in Japan" on them, so that could be evidence that Sony has gotten more factories on track to pump them out, but we really don't know numbers so it's all speculation as to the speed each company can make the consoles.
Can't wait till its $299! I have pretty much reverted back to Playstation for my main console. Ps2 was my main console during the 6th generation, followed closely by Gamecube. Didnt buy and original Xbox untill a year before the 360 came out. Then 360 became my main console.


Another Game stop employee chiming in about the Bathroom thing, yes it's true. If you have limited space you store some merch in the bathroom. At our store only used systems and accessories go in the Bathroom and those are just the overstock we can't place on the sales floor.

As for new systems they go in a bathroom no one uses. Been tempted a few times to take a pic of our shipment for annecdotal purposes to use on gaf when we had a mountain of xbones around a shitter but thought it would be poor taste.

And yes we are pushing bones hard, well the company and my boss seem to be. Whole front of the store is Xbox land while Sony takes up the back and Wii/Wii u has its own special corner.
its so that customers can stop asking employees the same shit over and over.

Microsoft has been doing a better job at restocking than sony and they sell out quickly. I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft topped the holiday npd this year simply for that reason alone.

Where is the data that proves this? I keep seeing people saying this, and saying it as a fact, but I have seen nothing about shipping numbers or anything. I know a lot of people simply say "well they must be shipping more to the US, they don't have as many countries to support." But still, I just do not get where people keep saying that Xbox One supply is better. Just because people keep seeing them on the shelf, isn't necessarily because supply is better, it could be because of other reasons as well.
Another Game stop employee chiming in about the Bathroom thing, yes it's true. If you have limited space you store some merch in the bathroom. At our store only used systems and accessories go in the Bathroom and those are just the overstock we can't place on the sales floor.

As for new systems they go in a bathroom no one uses. Been tempted a few times to take a pic of our shipment for annecdotal purposes to use on gaf when we had a mountain of xbones around a shitter but thought it would be poor taste.
And yes we are pushing bones hard, well the company and my boss seem to be. Whole front of the store is Xbox land while Sony takes up the back and Wii/Wii u has its own special corner.



GameStop emailed me to tell me "enjoy your new Xbox one! Thanks for buying it at GameStop!" a few days before Xmas, so, I was kinda psyched that, maybe someone bought it for me with my PowerUp card.

But, the holidays came, and, no XB1 in sight. Kinda messed up, I thought.

So, yeah, they might be pushing it a bit too hard.


I worked for GameStop for two fucking years. Yes, consoles are stored in the bathroom. Yes, they are in close proximity to the toilet. Yes, I'm sure piss and ass particles probably found themselves on merchandise you bought. GameStop is aware of this and no, they do not care. This only happens in stores with limited or no back room. My store was like that. Saganator's post is tame. I've seen muuuuuuch worse with my own two eyes.

Hell, we had DS Lites fall in our toilet a few times, lol

Congrats! You made top post on /r/gaming http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1u003o/gamestop_stores_consoles_in_bathrooms/


It's pretty obvious at this point that Microsoft should just go third party or leave the hardware business.

They're done for.


Where is the data that proves this? I keep seeing people saying this, and saying it as a fact, but I have seen nothing about shipping numbers or anything. I know a lot of people simply say "well they must be shipping more to the US, they don't have as many countries to support." But still, I just do not get where people keep saying that Xbox One supply is better. Just because people keep seeing them on the shelf, isn't necessarily because supply is better, it could be because of other reasons as well.

Yeah they were saying the same the same about the UK and Ps4 sells better their every week. I think its just wishful thinking. I mean supposedly Amazon has been getting tons of xones because they were restocking every day but then sony did one restock and passed all the xone sales in one day and still sold out faster than the paltry xone allocation. I think December NPD will be close again but I don't get why everyone is holding on to this one sales point when we know Ps4 is outselling Xone by pretty big margins in 98% of countries around the world.
Microsoft has been doing a better job at restocking than sony and they sell out quickly.

I don't know about that "sell out" part. Xbone is sitting on the shelf everywhere now. MS might actually have better supply but I don't know if the demand is as high. Until we have a number, this discussion will never end.


Another Game stop employee chiming in about the Bathroom thing, yes it's true. If you have limited space you store some merch in the bathroom. At our store only used systems and accessories go in the Bathroom and those are just the overstock we can't place on the sales floor.

As for new systems they go in a bathroom no one uses. Been tempted a few times to take a pic of our shipment for annecdotal purposes to use on gaf when we had a mountain of xbones around a shitter but thought it would be poor taste.

And yes we are pushing bones hard, well the company and my boss seem to be. Whole front of the store is Xbox land while Sony takes up the back and Wii/Wii u has its own special corner.

Must be a US thing, the first section at EBGames here is PS4 with Xbox One stuffed in the opposite corner which is hidden next to the demo stations for all consoles. Still don't get why Xbox One isn't playable at Gamestop, just that idle demo station with videos playing.


Both MS and Nintendo are really bad at selling their products. MS is trying hard to tell people that the Xbone can play used games and that NSA isn't directly hooked up to your Kinect, while Nintendo is having a hard time explaining Wii U is a new thing.

Meanwhile Sony went for the easy route "Look it's the new Playstation, Playstation 4, it plays games better than Playstation 3." Seems simple yet effective.


Stores are selling out of their PS4 stock within minutes of opening but the Xbox stock is just sitting there. I went to a Target around 5pm the day after X-Mas and even though they had both consoles advertised in their flyer for that day, the PS4 shelf was empty but the Xbox One was fully stocked. There was literally no more room on the shelf for any additional Xbox One's to be placed. I did see a guy walking around with a console in his cart so I'm guessing they had more in the back and were just filling in the holes when people bought them. There is a ton of Xbox One stock out there but no PS4s apparently. That's why stores are pushing the Xbox One supply. They want to sell them.


Both MS and Nintendo are really bad at selling their products. MS is trying hard to tell people that the Xbone can play used games and that NSA isn't directly hooked up to your Kinect, while Nintendo is having a hard time explaining Wii U is a new thing.

Meanwhile Sony went for the easy route "Look it's the new Playstation, Playstation 4, it plays games better than Playstation 3." Seems simple yet effective.

Numerical iterations of console names have been proven success by Sony's Branding. Maybe if they would have went for PSP2 as a name....aww who am I kidding. That wouldn't have saved the Vita...

What does Vita mean exactly? Playstation Portable is pretty self explanatory. Playstation Vita? Like what, Playstation Vitamins, just what the doctor ordered?


In the King of Prussia mall in Pennsylvania (one of the biggest malls in the nation) one of the gamestops had a bunch of display xbox one boxes with a sign that said in stock now.


In the King of Prussia mall in Pennsylvania (one of the biggest malls in the nation) one of the gamestops had a bunch of display xbox one boxes with a sign that said in stock now.

I'm fairly certain that's the way it is in gamestops all across the country.


Is imagine but the fact that a mall that popular has them in stock right after Christmas? Eeesh

They are available everywhere and have been for a while. Even the days before X-Mas, Wal-mart was running "we have Xbox Ones in stock" commercials nonstop, and they did. PS4s were nowhere to be found but you could easily get an Xbox One consoles.
I "wrote it off as not being a legitimate choice" in terms of gaming (kinda). If gaming is all you want to do on a console (Which should be the number 1 reason you buy a console), I don't see why you'd want an X1 over a PS4, unless you prefer MS's exclusives or online features as you say which may improve a game's potential. If exclusives didn't exist, I don't see why you'd want an X1 over a PS4, I just don't see the online features as making up something that significant.

Both the PS4 and the xbone have been designed to do more than just gaming. I don't see why you should be buying them only to play games. The other features are there for a reason. There is no point discussing which is better without the features because that is a purely hypothetical situation.

In terms of there being no reason to buy the xbone purely for gaming i disagree there. Firstly as you say there are exclusives which both consoles will have, there is no point ignoring this factor. For me personally there is the issue of the controller, that one factor alone means i will almost certainly be going for xbone over PS4 (if and when i get either of them).

The online features and the UI can also make up quite a big difference with the experience you get when playing a console. Those seem like pretty big things to me overall. There is also kinect if you're into that (doubt there are many though lol).


My guess is they're going to have to cut the prices to move them. I was just in a Gamestop listening to an employee try to explain to a saavy customer looking for a PS4 why Xbone was good and how Sony was basically creating the scarcity by not giving Gamestop more PS4's. The customer of course walked out after the employee told her that they had plenty of Xbones and no PS4s.


I've seen a lot of Xboxes on shelves but not a single PS4 in Atlanta. Not sure what that means - is Sony just not restocking?


I've seen a lot of Xboxes on shelves but not a single PS4 in Atlanta. Not sure what that means - is Sony just not restocking?

Sony is restocking as fast as they can make them but people are just buying them as soon as they are on the shelves. People are waiting in lines for stores to open to get a PS4. My brother just did that a couple days before X-Mas. He said everyone in line got a PS4 and not one person picked up an Xbone.


I know I can't expect any store to do this (They do want to sell consoles after all, I guess its more online websites I'm not liking more atm), but how they seem to just be ignoring how the X1 is an inferior, more expensive, bigger machine. It just really annoys me how they try and make it seem an X1 is a legitimate choice compared to a PS4. The only people who are going to get an X1 are people who just want both, hate Sony for [X reason] or just pure love MS/Xbox exclusive games, in which case nothing the website can say will change that anyway.

In fact its quite funny, the only thing websites have the power to do is sway people over to PS4 really... I don't see how if someone can read the truth, (PS4 is more powerful, cheaper, smaller), and then decide to get an X1 anyway, unless you really just don't want to change channels anymore... or want a slower replacement to pressing buttons...



Prolly cuz in the future gamestop will be the sole physical distributor for microsoft. Yay. Cant wait for their vision of the futureeee, I think im finally ready.
I would swear that this thread is full of nothing but people who work for retail stores. Funny how everyone seems to work for Gamestop around here too.


This company is so gross.

If you feel the same way, please stop shopping there. It bothers me this place still exists. Any place this anti-consumer should have died long ago.

If you've ever worked retail you would know the integrity piece that goes with it and having an unbiased an opinion is the best thing for the customer. This is all bullshit.


The store probably has a lot of Xbones that no one's buying so they have to bring out the doodling in caps.


In this thread we learn that having stock to sell during the busy holiday shopping season is actually a bad thing. Every retailer near you going out of business soon.


Wow... This thread. Want to reply to a decent amount of (silly) posts but I don't want to cause a huge block taking up a whole page.

Anyway, this seems to be something that the people who are working at that particular gamestop are doing instead of the whole chain of stores. I'm pretty sure that MS would be against it too considering how tacky the sign is + how they have official ads stating the same facts (that would look better in store).
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