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Titanfall has maximum player count of 12 (alongside AI) [Respawn comments post #558]


I prefer that. I prefer smaller matches in Gears and Halo multiplayer, never liked BF style big team battles, would just get lost in them and never believe I'm making much if a difference. Smaller matches I usually build mental portfolio of each opponent so I know when to be cautious, this is actually great news.


I just wonder if the same situation with Halo 3's 4 x 4 main player count will happen with this. When players quit out you really feel it and it's pretty much cold defeat if you're not working together as a team, which rarely happens with randomers.

One benefit of higher player counts have is that if some players quit out it's generally not the bulk of the team and you can still compete until other players join. I guess hopefully the AI will pick up some of that slack.

Call of Duty was 6v6 and it was barley noticeable when someone left because, unlike Halo 3, there's this magical thing called drop-in/drop-out multiplayer which no one seemed to have ever told Bungie about.

If there's one thing 343 can be commended for, it's for giving up on this ridiculous idea that if a teammate quits, you should be perpetually fucked for the rest of the match.


Although I'm personally not getting Titanfall (unless maybe it comes to ps4) I don't see why this is a big deal for a lot of people. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the most played modes on cod 6 vs 6 anyway?
That's the same impression I've gotten, and it is what worries me. I play multiplayer shooters to play against people, not the computer. It seems dreadfully boring to have ~50% of the enemies on my screen not being humans. I've been trying to find out which part of this I'm wrong about, since people seem to love it.

I don't think that will be the case, just having one human enemy on screen (someone that can kill you in one second) between some normal AI or being a few seconds away of a enemy player appearing and wrecking you will made the overall feel of the game as tense and actiony as a normal online game. Imho, etc.

It's true it won't be a "pure" multiplayer game with everyone as humans, but a hybrid. That's the novel idea.

People also like single player fps games, that's a point you seem to ignore or don't understand.


People already played it and nobody complained about player count, so I guess they must have done something right

I believe in Respawn


I'm guessing this has been 6v6 for a while and nearly ever comment I've read about the game from gaffers who have played it, journalists and randomers on the interwebs have nearly all really enjoy their experience. Yes this may of been short and in a demo environment but there weren't any complains on how limited the action felt, how empty the maps were or how little they saw opposing players.

I'm guessing for the game and the type of action Respawn are going for the 6v6 combat was the right choice. I haven't played the game myself so I will wait until I do before making a comment but I'm sure the 6v6 gameplay is just fine!

My only issues are the smaller player count potentially means playing with less friends at times and then the secondary issue of the AI. I don't know much about the AI so I'm not going to make any crazy statements about how broken they are but I'm sure at times their will be ways to abuse the AI to get the upper hand via bugs, traps or glitches. Hopefully Respawn will be quick to patch any issues or hopefully the AI is such a throwaway thing that it wouldn't even be worth glitching them to get an advantage.


People already played it and nobody complained about player count, so I guess they must have done something right

I believe in Respawn
Because generally at shows its only played for 10 mins one a small amount of consoles. You can't compare that to hours played.
I think it was more your obvious troll comment that added nothing to the conversation.

Excuse my disappointment in a game I've been anticipating for months now!
Why would they even declare such stupid statement if it doesn't really affect the game, should have left us dreaming for a bit more!
6 v 6 is disappointing, whatever the justifications.

Is this so that the game can run on Xbox 360? Shame the PC version has to suffer as a result.


I'm not so much of a shooter kind of guy, but this literally blew my mind at Gamescom. Guys just wait and try it, for God's sake.
At Cologne it was incredible, EVERY SINGLE PERSON that played the game was talking about that, even developers from other teams. I've never seen something like that, it was the Titanfall expo, not a videogame expo.
Very confident in this, player count is important in a game like COD, where you might find bigger maps and they might feel empty, but here, with titans, AI and that kind of movement allowed this is more than enough.
The only concern I have is on the quantity of content available, we'll see.


No single player component + maximum player count of 12 = $60 product.


I also think $60 is a bit much, but CoD and Battlefield have been getting away with this for years. Most of those campaigns made me throw up at how bad they were, and I doubt the MP CoD crowd really give a shit TBH. I wouldn't pay $60 for a MP only game that's for sure.
Call of Duty was 6v6 and it was barley noticeable when someone left because, unlike Halo 3, there's this magical thing called drop-in/drop-out multiplayer which no one seemed to have ever told Bungie about.

If there's one thing 343 can be commended for, it's for giving up on this ridiculous idea that if a teammate quits, you should be perpetually fucked for the rest of the match.

Ever dropped into a Search and Destroy match that was already in progress and 3 of your team had already ragequit out? Yeah, that's not a fun experience. Or generally any game mode where a team is getting trounced and the only reason you're getting into an already in progress game is because players have ragequit.

They didn't solve the problem, just made more scattered lobbies with uneven player counts that you could potentially join.



Best Answer yet.
Don't buy it if you are not interested in it or take time to comment on something that does not interest you at all.
People already played it and nobody complained about player count, so I guess they must have done something right

I believe in Respawn

This. If it were a problem, I doubt it would have reached the levels of hype we've seen and had lots of praise from those who've played it.


"And FYI, for amount of stuff happening at once in a map you'll be hard pressed to find a game that keeps the action higher. I literally have to stop playing every few rounds because my heart just can't take it some times."

The maps must be really damn small if the guys heart couldnt take a 6v6 battle due to all the action....... take is cheap, i want to see this in action myself... honestly im shocked at 6v6 limit.. doesnt mean it cant be fun though..

Who knows really ?, the game could turn out great, and a nice change of pace if all you play is BF 64 player matches.
Looks like i'm in the minority here but, I like lower player counts - gives more tension and allows breathing room in games.
Would be nice to have the option of more players but, meh.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
No single player component + maximum player count of 12 = $60 product.


Yeah, I think this is the problem. I'd be fine with a 6 vs 6 multi mode normally, but when theres actually no single player either and its ALL multi, my eyebrow raises when theres a hard limit on numbers to encounter like that.
6 v 6 is fine, I don't get why people are shitting all over the game for this. Works perfectly well in a ton of other games including COD4 and not all games require massive player counts. I'm still looking forward to Titanfall regardless and can't wait to try it for myself.


This. If it were a problem, I doubt it would have reached the levels of hype we've seen and had lots of praise from those who've played it.

To be fair, there also is a lot of Microsoft and EA money pushing the hype further.

Do you honestly believe this game would have had this much media attention if it wasn't being pushed by Microsoft as their new exclusive?


To be fair, there also is a lot of Microsoft and EA money pushing the hype further.

Do you honestly believe this game would have had this much media attention if it wasn't being pushed by Microsoft as their new exclusive?

The hype is coming from the fact that everyone who played it has said it is good. Microsoft hyped Ryse but the media said it was shit, because they played it and it was shit. Unless you are suggesting people are only saying it's good because they got EA and Microsoft money...


god forbid developers design a game to encourage more gamers to buy into the hobby and keep it healthy and also have fun in multiplayer games.

I don't see how this in any way inhibits elite players from still enjoying the game

You don't see how that inhibits elite players? Why do you think elite players often chose games that has a high entry skill level? You don't think elite players would kind of really hate a game where someone that learns how to quickly grief and farm AI can place high on the scoreboard without even being seen by players?

If killing a bot (yeah, still going to call them bots cause that's what they are) give 1 score and killing a player gives 100 score, then just killing bots isn't a viable tactic, but on the other hand bots would just become a really annoying nuisance rather than a part of the game. On the other hand, if a bot gives you 20 score and a player gives you 100 score, then someone will quickly find a way of farming bots and be as-effective or almost-as-effective as a good player. That's fine, to each his own, you say? Well that's not the point a multiplayer game, in my opinion. A multiplayer game should be about players besting or being bested by other players. Campaign is that way ----->


I also think $60 is a bit much, but CoD and Battlefield have been getting away with this for years. Most of those campaigns made me throw up at how bad they were, and I doubt the MP CoD crowd really give a shit TBH. I wouldn't pay $60 for a MP only game that's for sure.
People that like competitive online games tend to get far more playtime and longevity out of a $60 purchase than your average single-player game fan does.

It seems quite common to see people putting multiplayer as some less important/optional 'gamemode' compared to the single player, but I think that perception needs to go away. A game focused entirely on multiplayer shouldn't be considered any less of a game than one focused entirely on single player. Its just a different type of game.


Sounds like PR bull to me. I think it is definitely limited by the 360.

They are not even testing on the 360, seeing as that is being made by a different studio.

Playing it at EGX, 6v6 was great. It was fluid and it wasn't full of titans. I would rather the game be balanced than have more players.

More doesn't always mean better.
I understand people saying wait until you play it until making judgements.

But the devs saying they chose 6 v 6 for 'gameplay balance' and people repeating the same thing is just BS.

It is 6 v 6 maximum because that is the ceiling running it at 60fps with mechs on the XB1's specs. Obviously if this was PC only it wouldn't be limited to a measly 12 players. And the fact the dev is trying to justify it so much says a lot.
No single player? Player cap of 12? Sixty dollars? Would have been dead on arrival were it not for Microsoft hype money, but as it stands I'll give it three months.
You guys should play this game first before you judge
I´ve played this at GamesCom and it was awesome , maps had the right size for 6vs6
"And FYI, for amount of stuff happening at once in a map you'll be hard pressed to find a game that keeps the action higher. I literally have to stop playing every few rounds because my heart just can't take it some times."

Come on now, this is a hilarious statement. How many QA testers have they went through if the game is just too exciting for humans to handle?
To be fair, there also is a lot of Microsoft and EA money pushing the hype further.

Do you honestly believe this game would have had this much media attention if it wasn't being pushed by Microsoft as their new exclusive?

It's easy enough to look past that though and there have been plenty of favourable impressions posted on these forums from genuine gamers who've played it and loved it, so to me at least, it seems like the hype is justified.


Ever dropped into a Search and Destroy match that was already in progress and 3 of your team had already ragequit out? Yeah, that's not a fun experience. Or generally any game mode where a team is getting trounced and the only reason you're getting into an already in progress game is because players have ragequit.

They didn't solve the problem, just made more scattered lobbies with uneven player counts that you could potentially join.

I'll take having to be dumped into an in-progress, already losing match and potentially helping out my new teammates over being stranded with a 2v4 match up and no hope of ever evening those odds. Especially when people drop as often as they did in 2/3/Reach.

Plus, being down a man in a mode like SnD is also a different beast altogether compared to being down in a mode where you perpetually keep spawning. Someone being out of the loop for 15 to 30 seconds in a mode where spawns are determined at set points does sting more, yeah.
I understand people saying wait until you play it until making judgements.

But the devs saying they chose 6 v 6 for 'gameplay balance' and people repeating the same thing is just BS.

It is 6 v 6 maximum because that is the ceiling running it at 60fps with mechs on the XB1's specs. Obviously if this was PC only it wouldn't be limited to a measly 12 players. And the fact the dev is trying to justify it so much says a lot.

6 v 6 is fine, I don't get why people are shitting all over the game for this. Works perfectly well in a ton of other games including COD4 and not all games require massive player counts. I'm still looking forward to Titanfall regardless and can't wait to try it for myself.

Depends on the map layout. Cod has tiny claustrophobic maps. Even with the small map it's a clusterfuck. Terrible map design.
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