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31 Days of Horror: The Awakening |OT| The October Movie Marathon


Gold Member

As the spookiest season of the year creeps in, it's time to raise from the dead our annual 31 Days of Horror Movie Marathon!
We post this thread in anticipation of October so participants can begin drafting lists, discussing years past, and drawing up the hype - remember it's best to not begin your movie viewing until October 1st.

What is 31 Days of Horror?

It's a daily horror movie marathon that culminates in Halloween!
Participants watch, discuss, and review as many horror, thriller, classic, goreporn, zombie, psychobiddy, monster, slasher, anthology, found footage, etc. or Halloween-esque movies as they can get through during October. The goal is to watch a movie/day finishing up on October 31st. It can be difficult for everyone to find the time for 31 films, but don't let that dissuade, people participate if they watch zero to 62. Just have fun and chat about your passion for on-screen horror!


- Starting October 1st, watch as many full-length horror movies as you can until November 1st. Only discuss movies watched during this period.
- After each viewing, you must post which movie(s) you've watched and your thoughts/opinions on them. Be as brief or as detailed in your review as you'd like, but don't just list what you've watched - none wants to read a list. Please number your movies and keep a running tally of your progress. If you are cross posting your reviews elsewhere, do not only provide a link to the offsite review, post the full review here as well.
- Short films may be included, but should be 45 minutes in length or longer.
- TV series (The Walking Dead, American Horror Story, Stranger Things, etc) are okay to watch, but the catch is that you may only review and count an entire season towards your list.
- TV series consisting of stand alone short films (such as Masters of Horror) are allowed as long as they meet the 45 minutes or longer time requirement for short films.
- SPOILER TAG. SPOILER TAG. SPOILER TAG. Remember, many eyes read through this thread for suggestions, so try not to ruin anything for others, regardless of how long ago the film came out.
- Don't cheat. Jason will know.

Optional Extras:

- Do 1 movie every day, so you end up with a 31 films as your final total. As before, the full 31 films total is fully optional. Only attempt this if you have a lot of free time and/or are completely insane and self-abusive.
- As the purpose of this is to expose yourself to new horror films, attempt to watch as many movies you haven't seen as possible. This makes going for the full 31 movies a lot more interesting than slogging though the same movies every year.
- Adding poster images, screenshots, quotes, trailer links, etc to your opinion posts are not mandatory, but will help bring attention to your reviews of each film - especially useful if you feel it's a film worth recommending to other participants.

Streaming Resources:

Here's a few free, legal streaming resources that may be available to you to expand your viewing pool.

- ShoutFactoryTV
- Troma (YouTube) [NSFW]
- Kings of Horror (YouTube)
- Shudder (free trial)

Member Tips and Advice:

A source of horror news and reviews I really like https://www.joblo.com/horror-movies/news/

A guy on reddit made a huge list of good horror films that are currently on Amazon Prime.

Also If you have Prime, spend the $5 for a Shudder add on.

Previous years' threads:
31 Days of Horror: Resurrection
31 Days of Horror 7 (prepurge)
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Gold Member
Trying to fit in all new films this year, unfortunately I restrict myself to whatever is on my subscription services or tv.

my current list ideas:

1. AHS: Cult
2. The Box
3. The sixth Sense - rewatch
4. Autoposy of Jane Doe
5. Halloween 2 (original)
6. The First Purge
7. The Cell
8. From Dusk til Dawn (series)
9. all the boys love mandy lane
10. Apostle
11. The blackcoats daughter
12. The Eyes of my mother
13. The Void
14. Pizza
15. Holidays
16. 1922
17. Red Christmas
18. Eli
19. Assimilate
20. Cam
21. Calibre
22. rosemarys baby
23. Blair Witch Project (orig) - rewatch
24. Carriers
25. Jeepers Creepers
26. Pumpkinhead
27. I spit on your grave
28. TCM 2
29. suspiria
29.1. 31
30. Ghost Stories
31. mandy
32. revenge
33. Clovehitch killer
34. blair witch remake
35. pet semetary
36. it 2
37. childs play remake
38. haunt
39. scary stories to tel in the dark
40. Us
42. dont breathe
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I’m going Shudder heavy this year. I’ve seen pretty much all the good stuff on Netflix and only have a few discs left that I haven’t watched .
I’m going Shudder heavy this year. I’ve seen pretty much all the good stuff on Netflix and only have a few discs left that I haven’t watched .
I do almost the exact opposite. October is a month where I re-watch my favorites, most are mandatory at this point. I jump around genre's but every year I must watch:

Most if not all of the Halloween movies (minus the Rob Zombie flicks, and I sometimes skip H20 and Resurrection. 2018 Halloween gets added to the mix this year)

Evil Dead 1 and 2 and Army of Darkness.

Silence of the Lambs, Pet, and Would You Rather (my 3 fav psych horror/thrillers)

on Oct 30th I will watch Trick r Treat and Tales of Halloween

Scream 1 and Scream 4 (the best of the series) as well as The Blackcoat's Daughter for double Emma Roberts

for zombie flicks this year it's Return of the living Dead, Diary of the Dead, and Shaun of the Dead. ( I also may watch Zombie Strippers)

also making a return this year is ReAnimator. Bride of ReAnimator, and Beyond ReAnimator.

A few that freak me out and or disturb me are It Follows, Paranormal Entity, and Megan is Missing.

May go with some other classics like American Werewolf in London, Poltergeist, Sleepaway Camp, Original Nightmare on Elm Street etc

for laughs it's Attack of the Killer Donuts, and one new one out on 10/3 Killer Sofa.

I literally have hundreds of horror bluray and dvd's so it's hard to narrow down. I will be starting October 1st off with a double feature of both The House that October Built films for sure.
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I do almost the exact opposite. October is a month where I re-watch my favorites, most are mandatory at this point. I jump around genre's but every year I must watch:

Most if not all of the Halloween movies (minus the Rob Zombie flicks, and I sometimes skip H20 and Resurrection. 2018 Halloween gets added to the mix this year)

Evil Dead 1 and 2 and Army of Darkness.

Silence of the Lambs, Pet, and Would You Rather (my 3 fav psych horror/thrillers)

on Oct 30th I will watch Trick r Treat and Tales of Halloween

Scream 1 and Scream 4 (the best of the series) as well as The Blackcoat's Daughter for double Emma Roberts

for zombie flicks this year it's Return of the living Dead, Diary of the Dead, and Shaun of the Dead. ( I also may watch Zombie Strippers)

also making a return this year is ReAnimator. Bride of ReAnimator, and Beyond ReAnimator.

A few that freak me out and or disturb me are It Follows, Paranormal Entity, and Megan is Missing.

May go with some other classics like American Werewolf in London, Poltergeist, Sleepaway Camp, Original Nightmare on Elm Street etc

for laughs it's Attack of the Killer Donuts, and one new one out on 10/3 Killer Sofa.

I literally have hundreds of horror bluray and dvd's so it's hard to narrow down. I will be starting October 1st off with a double feature of both The House that October Built films for sure.

The Innkeepers and Trick R Treat are usually my only rewatches. Trick r treat is always reserved for Halloween night.


I've already started. Here's what I've put through so far.


1. Rewatch. Don't Breathe is so good at building tension even after seeing it multiple times. Plus I just love Jane Levy.


2. Rewatch. Diary of the Dead. This is not a good zombie film or a found footage film. It's been so long since I saw it I decided to watch it again. Big mistake.


3. Rewatch. Afflicted. After seeing a really bad found footage film I had to get the bad taste out of my mouth and watch a really good one. Afflicted is an amazing found footage horror film, highly recommend to anyone who hasn't seen it yet.
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4. Rewatch. The Possession of Michael King. Keeping on the found footage film since I noticed this was on Amazon Prime and It has been a while since I had seen it. This is one of the better possession films where the main character tries to intentionally get possessed to debunk the supernatural.


Gold Member
Anyone have reviews for From Dusk til Dawn tv series?

is it worth a watch? does the series wrap up nicely or feel like it ends abruptly?

I was about to start it, but not sure if i want to get into multiple seasons of a 45min per episode show, without any real satisfaction or payoff
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Universal Monsters rewatch I have the 8 film box sets, whatever trash is on TV and whatever I can find free online this year, money’s a bit tight so I can’t be picky, may as well get use out of my backlog too.

No solid plan.


Great idea! I love horror films and Halloween. I'm not sure how much time I have to watch films this month but I will try to post here. Maybe we can do a point for each film but 2 points if the film is new for you. that would encourage people to watch new films.

A source of horror news and reviews I really like https://www.joblo.com/horror-movies/news/
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Gold Member
Great idea! I love horror films and Halloween. I'm not sure how much time I have to watch films this month but I will try to post here. Maybe we can do a point for each film but 2 points if the film is new for you. that would encourage people to watch new films.

A source of horror news and reviews I really like https://www.joblo.com/horror-movies/news/

thanks! added to the OP. experience pts could be fun, though time consuming to tabulate


I couldn't wait until October to see Crawl. ;) I wasn't disappointed, the hurricane setting was beautiful and the movie kept the tension very high. Sure
the father and especially the daughter were often extremely lucky compared to the filler characters
but that's an issue with most horror films like this.

My October will be pretty tight on free time, but still instead of watching new films I plan to stick to rewatching some of my favorites like Return of the Living Dead, Dead Snow, The Thing, The Exorcist and Drag Me to Hell.
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A guy on reddit made a huge list of good horror films that are currently on Amazon Prime.



In here , was going to make a very similar thread!
going to update this post with what im watching.

1 - Hex (2018) - cute girl is posessed, bro with a hat gets trapped. - watchable, nothing remotely scary tho. bonus, skinny girl gave me a boner

2- Midsommar (2019) - I dont know what it is about its a death cult movie - Great use of a mallet. - Incredibly beautiful movie, I might watch it again some day just for the visuals. - wasn't scurred.

3- Alyce (2011) - I've had this one shrinkwrapped for what seems like forever - skinny girl trips and pushes her friend down the roof, destructive behavior insues. - no spoopy, partial skeleton showed.
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Gold Member
I know its not oct 1. but I couldnt contain myself. plus with a new baby due in a week or two, I figured I'll be needing to make up time anyways.

1. AHS: Cult

first AHS in a long while that I enjoyed fully throughout the entire season. I don't love how they handle pacing in this series, some arcs deserve more time, some deserve less, some of their story pivots are just too sharp, but they really cram in a lot of story, if you want to call it that. Anyways, one of the reasons I enjoyed this season was its linearity. It actually felt like one cohesive tale told fairly straight forward. worst episode has got to be the lena dunham one. god, she was a terrible actress. really surprised they didnt do much in regards to the son, just used him as a chess piece, no real mind fuckery. wasnt a huge fan of how it ended though. obviously open ended to tie in future seasons etc., but i just wasnt a big fan of that story arc. it fit in with the current season's theme, but I think it should have concluded within it.

2. The Box

was always interested in this one, but never saw. finally sat down to watch. as a movie it was pretty bad. the acting. the dialog. everything. except! I enjoyed the concept and "twist". I mean you could kinda see it coming, because theres not much depth to the film, so the few elements presented to you essentially give you a limited idea of where things can go. It was actually different than I always imagined the film to be. I thought the main characters get a box and can press it as many times as they want, but really they are only given the opportunity once. tbh, I think this movie can be remade into a much stronger film. but whatever. it was decent because it was unique. nothing is really explained at all. but oh well.

3. The Sixth Sense

hadnt seen this since it originally released. screams m.nights style which isn't a bad thing necessarily. I was fun watching it from the POV of knowing the twist, so I was consciously analyzing each scene from that perspective. pretty good thriller.

4. Autopsy of Jane Doe

this was a surprise! I REALLY enjoyed this one. got creeped out. acting was solid. concept was neat. I felt like they could have explained a little more in certain areas. as well as they just skip over other aspects. has an incredibly glaring plot hole at the end imo, but over all it was a good watch. kinda thought they could have done more setting it in a morgue...but they still made it pretty scary.

How you gonna post this when we have a dedicated Horror Thread?
sorry! this has been a annual staple of neogaf since as long as I can remember.
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Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
I know its not oct 1. but I couldnt contain myself. plus with a new baby due in a week or two, I figured I'll be needing to make up time anyways.

1. AHS: Cult

first AHS in a long while that I enjoyed fully throughout the entire season. I don't love how they handle pacing in this series, some arcs deserve more time, some deserve less, some of their story pivots are just too sharp, but they really cram in a lot of story, if you want to call it that. Anyways, one of the reasons I enjoyed this season was its linearity. It actually felt like one cohesive tale told fairly straight forward. worst episode has got to be the lena dunham one. god, she was a terrible actress. really surprised they didnt do much in regards to the son, just used him as a chess piece, no real mind fuckery. wasnt a huge fan of how it ended though. obviously open ended to tie in future seasons etc., but i just wasnt a big fan of that story arc. it fit in with the current season's theme, but I think it should have concluded within it.

2. The Box

was always interested in this one, but never saw. finally sat down to watch. as a movie it was pretty bad. the acting. the dialog. everything. except! I enjoyed the concept and "twist". I mean you could kinda see it coming, because theres not much depth to the film, so the few elements presented to you essentially give you a limited idea of where things can go. It was actually different than I always imagined the film to be. I thought the main characters get a box and can press it as many times as they want, but really they are only given the opportunity once. tbh, I think this movie can be remade into a much stronger film. but whatever. it was decent because it was unique. nothing is really explained at all. but oh well.

3. The Sixth Sense

hadnt seen this since it originally released. screams m.nights style which isn't a bad thing necessarily. I was fun watching it from the POV of knowing the twist, so I was consciously analyzing each scene from that perspective. pretty good thriller.

4. Autopsy of Jane Doe

this was a surprise! I REALLY enjoyed this one. got creeped out. acting was solid. concept was neat. I felt like they could have explained a little more in certain areas. as well as they just skip over other aspects. has an incredibly glaring plot hole at the end imo, but over all it was a good watch. kinda thought they could have done more setting it in a morgue...but they still made it pretty scary.

sorry! this has been a annual staple of neogaf since as long as I can remember.

It's cool, subscribed to this as well.


Gold Member
At its most basic it's a demonic possession film with a twist. Hard to say much without spoiling it. Non linear story telling, starts slow and builds dread and tension. Gets pretty violent in the third act. Great film if you're in the mood for it.
will add to queue thanks!


#1 Rifftrax: The Bermuda Triangle (1978/2012)

I guess this counts, maybe. Had Twitch on late and this came on - looking irresistibly dodgy. I've watched worse films without a riff track before but boy did it make it easier to get through. There is a whole lot of nothing going on for most of the middle hour or longer. It is oppressively slow. You've got your creepy girl with an evil doll, endless scuba diving, stilted everything, and eventually some deaths. The tvtropes crowd would enjoy seeing the stereotypical black servant getting locked in a fridge. It was a terrible film but the jokes were good, so a fun time was had.




5. Rewatch. We Are Still Here. Very underrated ghost story that more people need to see.


6. First watch. 1922. First time watching this. Thomas Jane is absolutely amazing in this, by far the best thing about the film. It dragged in bits and felt pretty slow for a 90 minute film, still enjoyed it.


7. Rewatch. Behind the Mask. One of my favorite horror films. The take of doing a mocumentary style horror movie that becomes a full on horror film is just brilliant. Film was way ahead of its time.


1.Phantasm- One of my favorite horror franchises that is unfortunately overlooked due it being more of a cult hit than a commercial one . The Tall Man's creepiness factor comes from his impressive stature and scowl that he normally wears on his face. His integration with the locals as the resident funeral home allowed him to operate with out much trouble as he built an army of silver flying death orbs and diminutive soldiers/slaves taken from the bodies of the recently dead that was brought to him for burial




1.Phantasm- One of my favorite horror franchises that is unfortunately overlooked due it being more of a cult hit than a commercial one . The Tall Man's creepiness factor comes from his impressive stature and scowl that he normally wears on his face. His integration with the locals as the resident funeral home allowed him to operate with out much trouble as he built an army of silver flying death orbs and diminutive soldiers/slaves taken from the bodies of the recently dead that was brought to him for burial



I dig that poster.


1.Phantasm- One of my favorite horror franchises that is unfortunately overlooked due it being more of a cult hit than a commercial one . The Tall Man's creepiness factor comes from his impressive stature and scowl that he normally wears on his face. His integration with the locals as the resident funeral home allowed him to operate with out much trouble as he built an army of silver flying death orbs and diminutive soldiers/slaves taken from the bodies of the recently dead that was brought to him for burial
Love the first two Phantasms. Real classics. The first is very dream-like. The second very badass.


Made some green chicken chilli tamales and spicy Mexican rice. Gonna eat and watch this bad boy in a bit.

Kind of feel like watching the old one, too!

This movie creeps me out . This thing was slowly digesting people and you could see it . Anything that doesn't kill you out right but makes it slow and painful always makes my skin crawl.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
As usual, The Blob (1988) was the shit.

Friend suggested this to me and I'm going to look into it:

Imagery looks cool.


Gold Member
Halloween 2

Tbh i was disappointed. Doesnt hold a candle to the original imo. Everything is pretty weak. I love how it takes place straight after 1, but it goes downhill from there.
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2. Kill Your Friends (Shudder)

Might as well be some kind of remake of American Psycho. Not great, not terrible. Not exactly horror enough for me. Killer soundtrack, though.

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2. Phantasm 2- This one is interesting for a few reasons : 1) They changed the actor for one of the main characters, Mike, due to pressure from the studio for them to hire a "working" actor at the time. 2) The change , while jarring to fans at first , turned out very well as he was good in the role. 3) This entry is rarely shown with the others. It's weird the few times I've seen the series on broadcast tv this one is always missing and whenever I see this one the others are always missing . Even right now on Shudder 1,3,4,5 are all there , this one is not.

While I won't say this one is superior to the original I did enjoy it just as much .This one was made under the "bigger is better" mantra , as there are now golden orbs of death instead of silver and a quad barrel shotgun AMERICA. F*CK YEA! . Here we see the Tall Man start to branch out from the original town to small places around the country . People still aren't aware of him so he moves pretty freely. This one also introduced a female counter part to Mike , one which he can telepathically communicate with and shares a deep connection . Unfortunately this isn't fleshed out in the entry and is quickly forgotten after.




Halloween 2

Tbh i was disappointed. Doesnt hold a candle to the original imo. Everything is pretty weak. I love how it takes place straight after 1, but it goes downhill from there.
H2 is more standard slasher fare but I still really enjoy this as a double bill. The first 3 films all have strong points for me. I can leave the rest.
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