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America Has Lost Its Taste for Iceberg Lettuce



It is quite possible 2020 will be remembered as a turning point in American history, a moment after which the country became irretrievably different from what it had been before.

Yes, that’s right, this could be the year consumption of romaine and other leaf lettuce finally surpasses that of head lettuce, which is mostly iceberg lettuce.

Then again, it might not be. The 2019 data, released in September, actually show lettuce heads doing slightly better against lettuce leaves than in 2017 and 2018 (ahead by 0.3 pounds instead of 0.1). Perhaps New Yorker magazine food correspondent Helen Rosner’s August 2018 manifesto, “It’s Time to Admit That Iceberg Is a Superior Lettuce,” turned the tide.

Still, it’s been quite the comedown over the past three decades for America’s lettuce, introduced by seed purveyor W. Atlee Burpee & Co. in 1894. The standard explanation is that the great American food awakening that began in 1961 with the publication of Julia Child and Simone Beck’s “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” and Craig Claiborne’s “The New York Times Cookbook” led to an embrace of lettuces and other greens more flavorful and less watery than what filmmaker John Waters once called “the polyester of greens.”

What this appears to be is the compounding of two trends. The first is a pushing aside of long-time American staples such as cole slaw 1 and iceberg lettuce in favor of ostensibly more sophisticated fare.

sauce: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-10-13/america-has-lost-its-taste-for-iceberg-lettuce


Personally, I go through like two pounds of Power Greens or Baby Spinach a week. I never even think to buy iceberg, especially since I'm half certain it's very lacking in nutrients. I'm surprised the article didn't blame this on millennials. Maybe that's not trendy to do any longer.

sauce: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-10-13/america-has-lost-its-taste-for-iceberg-lettuce


Personally, I go through like two pounds of Power Greens or Baby Spinach a week. I never even think to buy iceberg, especially since I'm half certain it's very lacking in nutrients. I'm surprised the article didn't blame this on millennials. Maybe that's not trendy to do any longer.
I still use iceberg for tacos, but I mainly buy romaine, mixed greens, or butter lettuce for salads/wraps/etc


Gold Member
I usually go with kale and spinach mix for my green base for salads. Collards in soups and bean mixtures for power greens.

Iceberg has such low nutritional properties compared to most other greens, but will still occasionally use it for tacos and sandwiches for light clean crispiness.
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Love me some salad as a simple low fat snack at night and Iceberg lettuce is perfect for that.
Yes I do buy other greens but a head or two of Iceberg is always on the list when going to the grocery store.

Super Mario

If I eat chips, hotdogs, drink beer, smoke, or consume anything else not good for me, people have nothing to say. God forbid I eat iceberg. "DO YOU KNOW THAT HAS NO NUTRITIONAL VALUE?!"

I'm more of a romaine guy though. That is the superior lettuce in its price, taste, and versatility.
If I eat chips, hotdogs, drink beer, smoke, or consume anything else not good for me, people have nothing to say. God forbid I eat iceberg. "DO YOU KNOW THAT HAS NO NUTRITIONAL VALUE?!"

I'm more of a romaine guy though. That is the superior lettuce in its price, taste, and versatility.
Can't make a good Caesar salad without romaine
It's the white bread of green leaf vegetables. Void of nutrient and flavor

This is why people don't eat iceberg lettuce. Eminem or some other cringe edgelord did a rap where they implied that iceberg lettuce is bad for you and high calorie and every kid who was smoking pot and popping pills at the time became an elitist about it.

It's a vegetable and just cause it's not kale doesn't mean it's the nutritional equivalent of injecting sugar directly into your veins. A lot of people are getting fat eating microwaved burritos and pizza while looking down on dirty plebs eating iceberg lettuce.
I've been fucking with romaine for the past 2 decades. Only time I have iceberg is when I get fast food. I still like it because it's great for the crunch texture, but romaine has the taste & nutrient factors going for it.


Iceberg lettuce is so bland, it's basically crunchy water, a vehicle for pigs to slurp down their disgusting salad dressing


I'm with the others who've left iceberg for baby spinach (and to a lessor extent, kale). Not a big fan of eating any leafy greens, but if I'm going to plants that don't taste good, why not get the best nutrients?


I love the crunch of Iceberg, but I find whenever I buy a head of it at the store it has a weird taste that I don't like. So I buy the pre shredded bagged stuff meant for salads, it doesn't have that weird taste.


I love the crunch of Iceberg, but I find whenever I buy a head of it at the store it has a weird taste that I don't like. So I buy the pre shredded bagged stuff meant for salads, it doesn't have that weird taste.
You are supposed take it out of the plastic bag before eating it.


I love a wedge salad and the only way to do it is with iceberg.


Kale is garbage, I guess if you like to eat a weed go for it. Romaine and spinach are good.

This picture right here. A restaurant I go to has this on the menu and it's one of my favourite (and only) ways to enjoy lettuce. Otherwise I don't have it often. Never have it on sub sandwiches since it is filler to me.



Iceberg lettuce
Icebergs are white
As such iceberg lettuce is a dog whistle for white supremacy

Cancel the racist vegetable.


Too many times it is recalled here in Canada.. with E. Colie in it ... e. colie = hints of shit ... / shat on.


Perpetually Offended
I prefer spinach... When I go to Subway, I always have them put in some spinach.. it's so much better that way.

If I have lettuce, it's romaine all day!

I only take the iceberg lettuce if it's already in the food


Gold Member
Its the best lettuce for sandwiches or burgers but not much else

Doesn't mix into other things that well, bland in salads, nutritional content is better in other leafy greens
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