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Analyst: If Xbox One Tanks, It Could Be Microsoft's Last Console


Oh my mistake, I knew about the transition but I didn't know E&D is gone. What division is the Xbox, windows phone, devices, etc part of now?

The new divisions are called Engineering Groups. They are Operating Systems, Applications & Services, Cloud & Enterprise, and Devices & Studios. Xbox hardware is in Devices & Studios, but the OS wil be in Operating Systems.
If Microsoft Goes The Game Industry Goes Also. How many threads will be made though? -__-

All of your posts in this thread made my day good sir. While I like competition being around, them having to bail out wouldn't bring the whole industry down. Microsoft didn't exist (in this industry) during my top 2 favorite generations in gaming.
Well seeing as the Xbox brand has a total of Two exclusive FPS( Halo and Perfect Dark) i am not seeing how they were "cultivating" anything. First person shooters were popular before the xbox was even thought of. As for sports games, they are popular on just about every console. Madden will Sell on the PS3 as much as it does the xbox.

Even if they were doing as you say, you are basically condemning them because genres you don't like are "popular"

Everyone knows what genres and types of games xbox as a brand is associated with. It's not that I don't care for those genres, it's just that they were fine mostly on pc. Xbox as a platform felt like a catalyst to them blowing up on consoles. Why take two, separate unique experiences and redundantly make them more like each other?


I don't think the XBox One will thank, but it will likely undershoot their predictions. And Microsoft will sink a few more billion in it like they did the last two generations.
I think it'll be their last console either way.


Something like "Devices and Studios Engineering" under Julie Larson-Green.

Cool thanks.

Yea I'm not saying Sony didn't fuel the trend of endless brown and grey shooters at every E3. It's just combined with all the other shit xbox brand brought, they left a bitter taste in my mouth and I wouldn't be sad at all to see them exit the industry.

So they haven't done bad things necessarily, just things you didn't like? I can say the same for all three companies but I'd never want any of them to leave.


I feel like this has somehow slowly become overblown. I am right there in agreement that the XBONE will have a slower start and a harder time convincing people to buy it than the PS4..... Amd for good reason with all the bullshit they tried to pull.

But how that gets morphed into "EXIT FROM THE INDUSTRY IMMINENT!!11" is just...beyond me. I fully expect them to be in second place barring any huge changes, but second doesn't equal dead or unprofitable by any stretch of the imagination man.
MS leaving would be terrible for consumers because Sony will be unchecked, they could do whatever they want.

They could put their apps behind a pay wall and nickel and dime the shit out of you like any company does to get efficient and grow profits after they get so much control. But with MS in the game, that doesn't happen. No one company should have all that power, it's terrible for us in every industry ever :(.

Hopefully someone else would take MS' place.
Cool thanks.

So they haven't done bad things necessarily, just things you didn't like? I can say the same for all three companies but I'd never want any of them to leave.

They have. Their paywall policy is horrid and xbone is the antithesis of what gaming should be. They claim to have reversed things but I don't believe it's not a bait and switch.


microsoft is a fucking cancer on everything, so I'd be happy to see them bow out.

But sony does need competetion, and nintendo is failing to give it, so hopefully someone else steps in. #Dreamcast 2
Won't be missed. They did great things to push the industry forward around 2005/2006 with Live and pushing smaller download titles with Live Arcade.

IMO since then they did absolutely nothing to build on what they created with their platform (besides milking the handful of studios/franchises they had). Exception was 1 vs 100. That was cool and I remember thinking: Finally they are doing something with their network besides getting money to let me use mp on my full price retail games. Didn't last long though and nothing followed after that.

When I look at Nintendo and Sony I have the impression that the higher ups have a grasp what people love about videogames.

When looking at MS since halfway through this gen I see clueless suits. It's kinda sad.


MS leaving would be terrible for consumers because Sony will be unchecked, they could do whatever they want.

They could put their apps behind a pay wall and nickel and dime the shit out of you like any company does to get efficient and grow profits after they get so much control. But with MS in the game, that doesn't happen. No one company should have all that power, it's terrible for us in every industry ever :(.

Hopefully someone else would take MS' place.

Why on earth do people keep saying this? Who introduced paid p2p online gaming? Who tried to force always online? Who attempted to disable used games being playable? Who keeps basic things like web browsing behind a paywall?

Competition is usually good for the consumer, but MS doesn't keep anyone in check with their anti-consumer policies


MS leaving would be terrible for consumers because Sony will be unchecked, they could do whatever they want.

They could put their apps behind a pay wall and nickel and dime the shit out of you like any company does to get efficient and grow profits after they get so much control. But with MS in the game, that doesn't happen. No one company should have all that power, it's terrible for us in every industry ever :(.

Hopefully someone else would take MS' place.

? With MS in the game, MS did all that.

If Ms dropped out, either someone else would come in, or you would see a resurgence of Nintendo back to their SNES like days
Why on earth do people keep saying this? Who introduced paid p2p online gaming? Who tried to force always online? Who attempted to disable used games being playable? Who keeps basic things like web browsing behind a paywall?

Competition is usually good for the consumer, but MS doesn't keep anyone in check with their anti-consumer policies

And I can't believe people believe new competition won't swoop in. With all they've done, I'd love to see xbox bow out

A million different outcomes are always possible.

For example, Xbox One could be successful and Xbox is spun off to it's own company.

That is supposedly what Don Mattrick wanted and might be the cause of his parting ways. If he had succeeded I don't think there would have been much effect on users. They don't even put the Microsoft name or logo on the Xbox console. Xbox as a private company would get tons of investment including probably from Microsoft.

The reality is that Xbox on it's own could possibly be a stronger competitor when every expenditure doesn't have to be explained to institutional investors who don't understand how spending $1 billion advertising Xbox and Kinect helps sell licenses/subscriptions to Office 365. Mattrick was obviously confident that Xbox was a business that had established brands (Xbox, Live, Kinect) and demonstrated steady profitability that could sustain itself independently. Ballmer/Gates probably crushed Mattrick's plans for independence and autonomy so he planned his exit to something he could actually control.

Bill Gates is the board.

I do not believe Bill Gates wants to retreat to being an enterprise company. The guy who pushed for webTV, ultimateTV, Media Center, TabletPC, SPOT watches, Xbox, Zune, UMPC, Surface, and Microsoft Stores is not going to turn tail and become IBM. So much of Microsoft is about building the home of the future, so much of their focus revolves around their stated goal of "making people's lives better with technology." If you change the focus of the company to just making office and enterprise software then they've completely given up the soul of Bill Gate's Microsoft. Is the richest man in the world going to let anyone dictate to him what to make of his companies legacy? At the end of the day it's up to Gates.


Maybe when he's gone. Until then this train does not stop.


Why on earth do people keep saying this? Who introduced paid p2p online gaming? Who tried to force always online? Who attempted to disable used games being playable? Who keeps basic things like web browsing behind a paywall?

Competition is usually good for the consumer, but MS doesn't keep anyone in check with their anti-consumer policies

Again it's largely because of the successes of the 360 and xbox live that the PS4 is even the way it is now. It's sad when people are too blinded by their bias to see that.

And I can't believe people believe new competition won't swoop in. With all they've done, I'd love to see xbox bow out

MOST console warrior do. Just saying. Doesn't matter, you're not going to get your wish. This isn't Sega.
Again it's largely because of the successes of the 360 and xbox live that the PS4 is even the way it is now. It's sad when people are too blinded by their bias to see that.

That's fine and well. No one is denying that. It doesn't undo xbox's other shitty issues though.
The Industry will not suffer any crashes when Microsoft goes, rather Sony will start acting like dicks because their direct competitor is gone. Microsoft needs to remain in the Industry to provide a counter weight to Sony.


Again it's largely because of the successes of the 360 and xbox live that the PS4 is even the way it is now. It's sad when people are too blinded by their bias to see that.

PS4 is the way it is because consumers voted with their wallets last gen and the PS3 greatly undersold the PS2 and developers weren't too fond of it, those are the reasons. A third place console like the 360 didn't have much to do with it, and in this regard people try to give MS way too much credit.


PS4 is the way it is because consumers voted with their wallets last gen and the PS3 greatly undersold the PS2 and developers weren't too fond of it, those are the reasons. A third place console like the 360 didn't have much to do with it, and in this regard people try to give MS way too much credit.

Bullshit. Had there been no solid competition to turn to , gamers would have no choice but to deal with Sony or go PC. Developers had a much easier platform to deal with ( again the 360) else they would have had to deal with Sony. Saying 360 had nothing or even "little" to do with it is being willfully ignorant.


MS introduced paying for online features. Hopefully Sony won't at least not have ads in its OS in the future. This is going in a bad direction. MS going out and being replaced by anything else would be great but I doubt it.


I say this as someone who owned a 360 first and didn't bother with a PS3 until earlier this year, despite being raised on Sony consoles prior: I have no sympathy for Microsoft, and couldn't care less if they wound up leaving the industry after an Xbone failure. The industry was fine before MS (And Sony for that matter) entered, it will be fine without any specific hardware manufacturer. Hell, the rise of the indie scene makes the prevalence of any specific hardware manufacturer that much less necessary. When you've got stuff like Chivalry and NS2 doing fine on their own without the help of big-name publishers or console manufacturers behind them, it makes it hard for me to buy into this belief that "the industry is DOOOOOOOMED" if any specific manufacturer decides to skip out on the generation after the upcoming one. Sure, competition is good, but said competition doesn't have to come from existing players.

That said, even if MS leaves, I don't think it'll actually be the end of the Xbox brand. There's lots of speculation of it being sold off or, one I'm particularly interested in, being split off from MS into its own thing. So something like, spin the Xbox division off into its own company, throw Allard at the helm, and let it have the autonomy that made the OGXbox & early-days 360 what they were could do a lot of good for the Xbox brand, especially by allowing it to get away from outsiders' influence and goals that gave us the pre-E3 Xbox One of TV, movies, sports, and DRM. Get it back to the roots of what made it good to begin with, and I'd bet it'd be embraced by consumers with open arms.

That isn't to say this couldn't happen while MS still resides over Xbox... I'm just dubious of such a thing actually coming to fruition. But we'll see. Hell, the things haven't even launched yet; it's no secret that Xbone will struggle out of the gate, but beyond that, there's still plenty of factors that could come into play. But MS is going to have to put some real dedication into repairing the Xbox's brand image for the next few years before I (and many others) are willing to hop back over.


this will be the last generation of consoles for all these trashy companies and their unsustainable business models

handhelds are already burried, and now the console days are numbered, count them one by one


the traditional living room is dead

this is not 1998 anymore. Kids want ipads, not a fisherprice looking 2ds. the current big three in this industry are dinosaurs and the most ass backward companies in the field. the second Google or Apple bats an eye at them it will be a steamroll

The lunchbox spoketh, and there was much joy.
Why on earth do people keep saying this? Who introduced paid p2p online gaming? Who tried to force always online? Who attempted to disable used games being playable? Who keeps basic things like web browsing behind a paywall?

Competition is usually good for the consumer, but MS doesn't keep anyone in check with their anti-consumer policies

Do you watch pro wrestling?

When WCW and WWF were going at it, wrestling was good.

When McMahon bought WCW, he killed WWE's competition and the quality of the product suffered.

Same thing would happen if either Sony or Microsoft stopped making consoles. You'd have one dominant company free to do whatever the **** they want because no one would be in a position to take their number one slot. It's already happened with Nintendo.


I wish people would pay me to be an analyst. Their jobs seem so easy.

"If it starts raining tomorrow, I might need an umbrella."

Analyst : If a company loses out on a ton of money with a unsuccessful project they may not do another."



I like how it takes an analyst to predict that "IF xbone tanks, it COULD be MS' last console".

Yes, I think everyone and their cats here could predict there's a possibility of this happening.


Same thing would happen if either Sony or Microsoft stopped making consoles. You'd have one dominant company free to do whatever the **** they want because no one would be in a position to take their number one slot. It's already happened with Nintendo.

Oh yes, I too remember the PS2 era where Sony dominated. What bad times indeed...

Hey, wait a second...it was probably the best gen ever with some of the greatest games ever made. PS2 library trumps that of any other console, and the prices were lower bakc then too.

So, yea...stick to talking about wrestling.

Fox Mulder

Why on earth do people keep saying this? Who introduced paid p2p online gaming? Who tried to force always online? Who attempted to disable used games being playable? Who keeps basic things like web browsing behind a paywall?

Competition is usually good for the consumer, but MS doesn't keep anyone in check with their anti-consumer policies

I don't even want to think what the online ecosystems would look like on consoles if it were left up to Nintendo and Sony. MS really did a great job with Live, xbla, and provided a sold service that pushed Sony and even Nintendo.

On the other hand, if Sony hadn't busted their ass to get the playstation brand out of the hole it had been in, MS would have been able to get away with the shit they planned with the xbox one. Competition is great.

I don't know who would step up in their place ready to lose billions on console hardware unless Apple or Google suddenly give a shit about gaming.


Do you watch pro wrestling?

When WCW and WWF were going at it, wrestling was good.

When McMahon bought WCW, he killed WWE's competition and the quality of the product suffered.

Same thing would happen if either Sony or Microsoft stopped making consoles. You'd have one dominant company free to do whatever the **** they want because no one would be in a position to take their number one slot. It's already happened with Nintendo.
Wasn't sony basically running an empire during ps2 days when no one was a challenging them and quality was high?


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
it's pretty normal for a company to pull the plug after their 3rd failed attempt ( yes 360 did good but it didn't dominant, and thats the goal )
new blood.
I feel like this has somehow slowly become overblown. I am right there in agreement that the XBONE will have a slower start and a harder time convincing people to buy it than the PS4..... Amd for good reason with all the bullshit they tried to pull.

But how that gets morphed into "EXIT FROM THE INDUSTRY IMMINENT!!11" is just...beyond me. I fully expect them to be in second place barring any huge changes, but second doesn't equal dead or unprofitable by any stretch of the imagination man.
but just being slightly profitable may not be acceptable with the new suits in charge.


Oh yes, I too remember the PS2 era where Sony dominated. What bad times indeed...

Hey, wait a second...it was probably the best gen ever with some of the greatest games ever made. PS2 library trumps that of any other console, and the prices were lower bakc then too.

So, yea...stick to talking about wrestling.

I dunno about Usa, but the early days of pal ps2 were atrocious.
50 hz, games released months later, shitty graphics, 0 online.

And gamecube a xbox gave a good competition to ps2, back in the day. The problem was they released to late, when the ps2 already sold 30 milions units.

Saying ps2 had no competition is bullshit. Ps2 succes blinded sony and made them understimate microsoft.
MS leaving would be terrible for consumers because Sony will be unchecked, they could do whatever they want.

They could put their apps behind a pay wall and nickel and dime the shit out of you like any company does to get efficient and grow profits after they get so much control. But with MS in the game, that doesn't happen. No one company should have all that power, it's terrible for us in every industry ever :(.

Hopefully someone else would take MS' place.

Yeah, Sony might do all the shit that Microsoft did this gen and last. They're well on their way while Microsoft is still in the game.

Don't kid yourself, Microsoft has introduced a lot of bad shit.
Hypothetically, if Microsoft should fall I'm sure another company would rapidly take their place. My guess out of all current tech companies it would be either Apple with a more game-centric push, Samsung (because I think it's the last big tech market they haven't penetrated yet) or who knows, maybe one of the big publishers would try to risk making a console.

In any case, I think that we'll see some new small contenders entering the console market, in fact, that's already happening. But so far most of the bets have been rather tame and safe.

I know competition is good but maybe having a console market dominated by two platforms would be better for us. Publishers would have less platforms to worry with and could focus on the quality of the final product (I think during the PS3/360 generation we saw some really terrible ports between consoles). The Sega/Nintendo era didn't kill us, in fact, most people consider that a golden era, so I'm fairly sure Sony/Nintendo would suffice for us.

Of course, hypothetically speaking. I doubt the Xbox is going anywhere any time soon, but if it did, I don't think things would change immensely for us.
I think the most dramatic thing that would happen is that MS spins off the Xbox, someone will buy it, the brand is extremely valuable.

And people talking about the Steambox, is there any indication lately that this is an actual thing? What's the latest buzz? Personally I think we'll see colonies on the fucking moon before we see Gabe release a console.


It won't tank, but I don't see it selling as well as the 360 did. They don't have the price advantage or the head start like they did this gen. As for the division, it (Xbox live in particular) still generates a lot of money.


I think Apple will join the party and bring along with it all sorts of its own bullshit like what MS tried to bring with Xbone. The difference though will be that people will call it innovation and pay 3times the price for it.

That's how video games will die...


Well if Xboxone has got only got exclusive FPS and third person shooters and a crappy I-wish-I-was-as-cool-as-spartacus game, I really couldn't care less for Microsoft going out of the console business. Microsoft tried to murder gaming and consumer rights before the 180, and they will try again.


At very worst, they would sell it to someone like Samsung... but then that makes no sense at all... Maybe Sony will go out of Gaming too... and maybe Nintendo will start making digital translators. Maybe.......

Rebel Leader

this will be the last generation of consoles for all these trashy companies and their unsustainable business models

handhelds are already burried, and now the console days are numbered, count them one by one


You buy 60 $1 game and I'll buy 1 $60 game. And we'll see who has more fun.

^penny arcade comic

Game Guru

This is about as far from right as you could be.


Official image from Apples official supported controller layout for iOS 7 devices. Literally it's the only thing missing to turn on games and add some more flash memory to a new apple tv.

When these devices are available in the next month or so, it's practically flipping a switch for apple. The idea that they would do some other touch pad or weird controller for apple tv only is wrong at best.

The left one hass a D-Pad, four face buttons, two shoulder buttons and a Start button. That's essentially a D-Pad and seven buttons, which is what I would have on the remote I use for my Xbox 360 if it actually had a D-Pad instead of four directional arrow buttons with an Ok button in the middle of it. You can easily fit that particular scheme as well as a touchpad on a remote control, and assuming the remote is Bluetooth, it would work just as well as a modern-day game controller.

The right one, I will admit, follows the standard Dual Shock design, but it also has two analog sticks and two shoulder buttons extra than the one on the left. There isn't even standardization between Apple's two controllers. These two designs look to me like a controller designed specifically to give a D-Pad and buttons to an iPhone/iPod Touch while still keeping it relatively portable and a controller designed specifically to imitate the Dual Shock control scheme. What I don't see is the controller that would be designed specifically to play iOS games natively on an Apple TV because the only way one would be able to play the majority of the library currently on iOS is with some touch interface since those games are built with a touch interface in mind, namely the touchscreen.

Sad to say, most people who own Apple's iProducts won't buy either controller since they are most likely happy with their touchscreen games, and I would assume that Apple would include controls for those people by default if they ever expanded Apple TV into playing iOS games over including the controller on the right in with Apple TV, since the niche that wants to play their iOS games with a Dual Shock-esque controller will likely buy the controller on the right anyway. I'm sorry, but I feel controllers are just going to be a niche on smartphones and tablets like they are a niche on PCs.


I hope it tanks. That will teach them not to fuck with Scandinavia.
This is what keeps me coming back to the GAF: the LOLs.

You Guys Really Think The Industry Will Survive With Only Sony And NIntendo?

Like Be Real.

Competition Is Good.
Video Game consoles have been around since 1972. Microsoft had their first console in 2001. That's 29 years!

There is absolutely no way that Microsoft dropping out of the console business would destroy the console business.
the traditional living room is dead

this is not 1998 anymore. Kids want ipads, not a fisherprice looking 2ds. the current big three in this industry are dinosaurs and the most ass backward companies in the field. the second Google or Apple bats an eye at them it will be a steamroll

If that was true, it would have already happened.


I'd be surprised if any of the big 3 release consoles as we've come to know them in the generation following this one, even if they are incredibly successful.

Mobile and social network gaming are already changing things and the world of gaming is only going to continue to look more and more different than we're used to.
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