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Anyone else getting Resident Evil franchise fatigue?


King of Gaslighting
Hardly. The series isn't POKEMON. RE7 released in 2017 and RE8 in 2021, with two remakes in between. So you have two new products and then two "new" but familiar products - not really entering fatigue territory here. I think CAPCOM is being pretty smart with their release schedule, giving each of the games more than enough room to breathe before even talking about what comes next. It is almost a given that RE4 is on the way (if it isn't already) and hopefully they can also do justice to RE:CV (probably my favorite Resident Evil and the only one I've played multiple times to get a good score) and fix its narrative. . .issues.

. . .if you're talking about RE as a multimedia empire, then sure, but that's solely on the fault of HOLLYWOOD for that one.


Its been time to move on from these characters and have their stories end. I feel like resident evil 7 and 8 couldve been so much more without having to shoehorn past characters and their stories in. With that said i dont expect capcom to stop anytime soon they are notorious for milking their franchises.


Resident evil Fatigue
Final Fantasy Fatigue
Gears/ God of War Fatigue
These franchises are 20+ yrs old gang.
We're all hungry for new franchises


Honestly thinking a good game is a good game, doesn't matter if it is a new franchise or a old one, as long as some principles are respected. In Fairness, Resident Evil 7 is a good example of how making a completely new and different game by still being part of a franchise


Not me. I've been going through the series again and am currently making my way through RE4. Its a fun franchise with a lot of variety. My personal favorite style of the franchise would be either the original trilogy+Code Veronica, and for modern games RE2make. I don't mind the goofiness and camp the series is known for, as well as the more action leanings. Sure the story may have gone in directions some may not like, but overall I really like the characters and stories. My only real dislike in the games is the first person perspective in 7 and 8. 7 is my most disliked RE title with no desire to play it ever again, but I mostly enjoyed my time with 8 and plan to play through it again on a new system.


Village killed my interest in the future of the series, so yes. That's less about fatigue, though and more about how much I dislike the direction the game took and how it ended.
We have that awesome Village DLC that’s TBA. I finished Village 5 times and that amazed me. It felt like a ride at a theme park.

It’s a lot like how Monster Hunter goes.. anyone truly impressed by the CGI/animated film they did for it? How about Monster Hunter Stories? The live action film? I forgot that existed until I thought about it. I loved World and Rise, but I’m not digging the stuff afterwords.
TBH, I haven't even played a single MH game yet I have a feeling Monster Hunter Stories will become an "underrated hidden gem" in 10 or 15 years.

It already happened to Mega Man, (another series that was suffering from that on it's heyday) with the Battle Network & Star Force games
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Nah, RE is the shit. There isn't much else like it, except for The Evil Within. I dug TEW too, but I doubt there will be more sequels. What I hope for is a new RE title in a more subtle and subdued vein like the first game, maybe even with fixed camera.


Gold Member
I’m done with first person RE. I want zombie flesh back as well. Tired of the molded or fucking Van Helsing werewolves.


Gold Member
TBH, I haven't even played a single MH game yet I have a feeling Monster Hunter Stories will become an "underrated hidden gem" in 10 or 15 years.

It already happened to Mega Man, (another series that was suffering from that on it's heyday) with the Battle Network & Star Force games
Stories definitely feels like it’s targeting a totally different audience. It has a rock, paper, scissors feeling with the turn based combat. Monster Hunter’s choice of platform over the years might hurt it. You have 1 and 2 on PS2, 3 and 4 on 3DS (Tri on Wii and 3U Wii U), and that’s not including Generations or what was on the PSP. 4 Ultimate had some headway for the longest time due to Monster Hunter only being on a handheld console that did incredibly well until the Switch took its place. World was like a revival for fans new and old. Rise was perfect to me on the Switch. There’s not a lot to go back to, especially with the grind for weapons/gear to truly witness Monster Hunter at its true potential (co-op mainly). I feel like Stories is not for every single Monster Hunter fan. It’s like for someone who wishes Monster Hunter was more of traditional JRPG. It also has a very toned down feeling to the world.

Mega Man has certainly gone through that for sure. I get that feeling playing some of the X and Zero entries too. At most, Capcom has made some beautiful remakes for Resident Evil. Village was my GOTY last year. For as much as they’ve done for the earlier entries, they certainly deserve more recognition for their attempts at branching out with first person survival horror. Resident Evil went down that weird path many many years ago on PS1,2 and etc. More recently with their rail shooters and Umbrella Corps. They were right on track with he REmakes and 7/V. In a lot of ways they’ve done a better job at making Resident Evil a better franchise after some flops here and there.


The last 4 entries are the best things that have happened to the franchise since 2002, so no. Fortunately the 'dark age' of Resident Evil (2005-2013) is over.

Considering the fact that Resident Evil is pretty much the only AAA survival horror franchise in stable condition, I'd love for CAPCOM to continue with the annual releases provided they can keep up with the quality of the recent installments.


Reseterror Resettler
Resident Evil is one of the few franchises where none of the main entries are anything less than stellar to me. (Zelda and Final Fantasy being the other two) Like, I know, objectively, there are issues with games in all of these franchises, but I find more to enjoy than dislike and it's a net win for me.

I think a lot of it comes down to the willingness to reinvent and evolve things within a familiar framework that I like in all of these franchises.. RE in this example, has tank control, fixed camera survival horror based on puzzle solving and a few enemies vs. Even fewer bullets. It also has behind the back TPS entries with weak point puzzle bosses, awesome set pieces, and Co op. Same series also has first person entries that redefine the series. All of it works. All of it is fun. And it basically All gets balanced and cycled through. Great, great franchise. I'll get sick of it when they stop making addictive games.
Stories definitely feels like it’s targeting a totally different audience. It has a rock, paper, scissors feeling with the turn based combat. Monster Hunter’s choice of platform over the years might hurt it. You have 1 and 2 on PS2, 3 and 4 on 3DS (Tri on Wii and 3U Wii U), and that’s not including Generations or what was on the PSP. 4 Ultimate had some headway for the longest time due to Monster Hunter only being on a handheld console that did incredibly well until the Switch took its place. World was like a revival for fans new and old. Rise was perfect to me on the Switch. There’s not a lot to go back to, especially with the grind for weapons/gear to truly witness Monster Hunter at its true potential (co-op mainly). I feel like Stories is not for every single Monster Hunter fan. It’s like for someone who wishes Monster Hunter was more of traditional JRPG. It also has a very toned down feeling to the world.

Mega Man has certainly gone through that for sure. I get that feeling playing some of the X and Zero entries too. At most, Capcom has made some beautiful remakes for Resident Evil. Village was my GOTY last year. For as much as they’ve done for the earlier entries, they certainly deserve more recognition for their attempts at branching out with first person survival horror. Resident Evil went down that weird path many many years ago on PS1,2 and etc. More recently with their rail shooters and Umbrella Corps. They were right on track with he REmakes and 7/V. In a lot of ways they’ve done a better job at making Resident Evil a better franchise after some flops here and there.
Yeah I know, they're targeting at kids and Pokemon fans with Stories, but It just has that "werid spinoff"/"poke-clone" vibe that stuff like Megaman Battle Network and Star Force had hence why I said that.


I felt my first RE fatigue with RE3 Nemesis on PS1.
I think that's because it felt like same old low-res assets and the story felt like a side story... and I was ready for some next gen upgrade.
I do believe the series has done relatively well - shaking the things up on and off.
I wouldn't just play them thru back to back but with some time in between..


Now its time for the franchise to return to their roots and release a glorious fixed camera game with pre rendered backgrounds. PS2 era ADHD kids will complain since they want Special Agent Leon Kennedy to powerbomb zombies in an OTS view but you can't please all audiences.
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