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AP source: Trump's revised travel ban targets same countries

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Homeland Security Fail
Full article here.

A draft of President Donald Trump's revised immigration ban targets the same seven countries listed in his original executive order and exempts travelers who already have a visa to travel to the U.S., even if they haven't used it yet.

A senior administration official said the order, which Trump revised after federal courts held up his original immigration and refugee ban, will target only those same seven Muslim-majority countries — Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan and Libya.

The official said that green-card holders and dual citizens of the U.S. and any of those countries are exempt. The new draft also no longer directs authorities to single out — and reject — Syrian refugees when processing new visa applications.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the order before it's made public. The official noted that the draft is subject to change ahead of its signing, which Trump said could come sometime this week.
The legal argument against the ban is still valid. I fully expect lawsuits to continue, but it sounds a lot less severe than before.
Yes of course, this entire thing is just trying to do the exact same bullshit with different wording.

Though I'm worried that they'll make it "technically legal" this time even if the end result is the exact same in practice. Travel bans aren't inherently unconstitutional.
Yes of course, this entire thing is just trying to do the exact same bullshit with different wording.

Though I'm worried that they'll make it "technically legal" this time even if the result is the exact same. Travel bans aren't inherently unconstitutional.

They aren't until you are start targeting a specific group of people which this ban and the one before do. Hopefully the ACLU will continue fighting this.


So its less of a shitshow of an EO but it still doesn't do anything to make us safer (since there is no immediate threat from any of those countries), still ignores more dangerous countries (to be clear this isn't an argument for an expansion but just serves to highlight the real purpose of this order), still gives ISIS recruiting material and is still born out of primarily racist and xenophobic ideology. Cool :/


This new ban will not hold up in court. It will be ruled unconstitutional on the basis that it is singling out countries based on religion, nothing will change that.
Making it less severe is admitting to faults of the first EO. I would think they would find some way of achieving the same goal of restricting immigration of those countries, but do it in a different way, but it seems mostly the same, but less severe.
This form of the ban would still doom contractors pivotal to the survival of American troops as their applications to immigrate would automatically be canceled.

So once again, Agent Orange is either shooting from the hip because he wants to make brown people feel pain or because poppa Bannon is still steering the ship, because even a modest amount of consultation with someone outside the White House would bring these issues up.


This new ban will not hold up in court. It will be ruled unconstitutional on the basis that it is singling out countries based on religion, nothing will change that.

Pretty much. There was a lot of question about the evidence of why ban these countries and not others were chosen. They used 9/11 in the reasoning for the EO yet none of the attackers on 9/11 were from any of the countries on the ban. This will continue to be a problem for the administration.

I can't wait until they cite a made up attack in an EO.
One of the key arguments last time was not being able to prove any actual threat from the nations listed in court. Rather, that the order wasn't actually improving our security and didn't have a legal mandate. That same argument is still there. That lovely map of "where have terrorists come from?" is still valid for discussion.


This may be as questionable as the old one, but It will be more difficult t get a stay put in place, and that's actually what torpedoed the old one. It's more difficult to show damage now since the effect is less severe. It will still probably be unconstitutional, but it may stay up longer then the last one sadly.

It's going to piss of our allies in the region though. It'll be interesting to see when Trump goes to try and fight isis, only for no one in the region to let them use their bases or troops.


Pretty much. There was a lot of question about the evidence of why ban these countries and not others were chosen. They used 9/11 in the reasoning for the EO yet none of the attackers on 9/11 were from any of the countries on the ban. This will continue to be a problem for the administration.

I can't wait until they cite a made up attack in an EO.

Last week someone tried to tell me that we aren't in the loop, so we don't know the current culture or political climate over there. Clearly they had a reason for choosing the countries they did, and apparently the countries of origin for the 9/11 attackers are 100% clean now! I just....God damnit...


The court has an issue with no attacks had come from the citizens of these countries during the last questioning, so this point will be brought up again and this time it will be resolved, how?


Trump running with dat Republican logic that if X fails, you just need to move the variables for X to work.


There was a lot of question about the evidence of why ban these countries and not others were chosen.

They have no evidence of anything.

They were chosen because of muslims and Trump has no business dealings in these countries. That's it.

Rational people know it's a load of crap. Trump supporters will think Trump is keeping us all safe.


When the majority of security experts around the world, including the conservative hawks, are telling you that this ban only exacerbates the problem and does nothing to fix it perhaps you should fucking listen


Considering the professionalism of too many border officers, I expect that those who are supposed to be exempt from this executive order to find themselves at their mercy anyway. Even if this nonsense somehow survives constitutional scrutiny, I expect that many people will be mistreated as a result of it.


Second time's a charm!

So it's basically a better worded version. They really think it's the language rather than the act itself that's the problem.


Sounds like it'll be 'no new visas' for these countries, as expected.

I don't think courts will block this if this is the case.


When the majority of security experts around the world, including the conservative hawks, are telling you that this ban only exacerbates the problem and does nothing to fix it perhaps you should fucking listen
Trump doesn't feel like he needs to listen to experts... even the ones in his own hand-picked cabinet are largely ignored.
He only trusts things he hears from Steve Bannon and Fox News/Breitbart pundits. They have never steered him wrong.


Sounds like it'll be 'no new visas' for these countries, as expected.

I don't think courts will block this if this is the case.

i figure the same. then he'll lift the ban after the 90 days and say "we have started extreme vetting" and people will cheer.


I can't see how exemptions for current green card and visa holders suddenly stops this being a religious test and thus unconstitutional. They still have no argument as to why these countries as a particular group need to be banned, except for being muslim-majority and not US allies. Presenting essentially the same thing again is rather contemptuous of the court, isn't it?

Round and round we go...

Make America Sick Again. I want off this ride.
I can't see how exemptions for current green card and visa holders suddenly stops this being a religious test and thus unconstitutional. They still have no argument as to why these countries as a particular group need to be banned
Their only argument is that OBAMA DID IT SO WHY CAN'T WE WAAAAA


Don't give them idea!

Without mentioning the most populous Muslim nation or the country with most important religious places, of course.

Yeah I don't think Trump thinks that way. Stopping Muslims, any Muslims, is a win for him, and he'll think of it as first step. If Trump watches alt-right media, and he has shown he does, then he'll believe what they say about them. I think Trump is genuinely afraid of Muslims.


If this is still for the same 90 day mark I can actually see this one surviving legal challenges tbh. It's basically freezing the issuance of new visas it sounds like and also not indefinitely banning Syrian refugees. We'll see what actually gets signed though.


Pretty much. There was a lot of question about the evidence of why ban these countries and not others were chosen.
if you look at the EO the only country mentioned by name is Syria, other than that the text refers to "countries of concern" or something like that, which refers to a list made in I think 2015
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