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Assassin's Creed Unity Gameplay E3 2014


I was willing to look past the no female protagonist character debacle until the whole heads on spikes thing. Something about the execution (no pun intended) shat the bed for me.

Welcome to the french revolution.


Featuring approximately 40,000 beheadings in that time period.


I miss the french accent or some french at all. I like AC1 to AC2 Rev. for having native language in it and everything english was with an accent. It was nice to hear, even most of them weren't native speakers, especially in AC Revelations playing in Istanbul.

K' Dash

If this really is a 1:1 scale area of Paris I will blown away.

I am now playing through AC3 (oh god, the interface) and will get AC4 soon. Quick run throughs only, no collectible gathering. Just to keep up.

Yeah, AC3 is easily the worst fo the bunch, you'll wash the sour taste with Black Flack.

I miss the french accent or some french at all. I like AC1 to AC2 Rev. for having native language in it and everything english was with an accent. It was nice to hear, even most of them weren't native speakers, especially in AC Revelations playing in Istanbul.

I'll play in french with english subs.


Yeah, AC3 is easily the worst fo the bunch, you'll wash the sour taste with Black Flack.

Playing Black Flag right now. It plays exactly like AC3, I should've known better. I miss the days of ACB. There's just something grossly unsatisfying to me about the controls in AC3 and AC4.
I miss the french accent or some french at all. I like AC1 to AC2 Rev. for having native language in it and everything english was with an accent. It was nice to hear, even most of them weren't native speakers, especially in AC Revelations playing in Istanbul.
At the very least, the single player trailer has a man shouting "merci monsieur, merci!"
If people watched the video, there wouldn't be a lot of these questions

He says there is free-roam co-op, and clears up a lot of other concerns and curiosity by everyone. It is a really informative video, and I'd give a whole organized bullet-point version so you didn't need to watch, but I can't make threads so it really doesn't matter.

I do recommend it though, that interview is great.

I did watch your video, my question was a direct response to having sat and watched, thus I asked. No need to be condescending and make the assumption that because I had a question regardless, I am ignorant.

Interview is informative but it's also mired by buzzwords, he insists on answering everything with concept names while trying to actually answer. I didn't hear him directly mention free roam co-op either. Cheers anyway.
I didn't see anything in any of the the videos about co-op free roam. Is that confirmed?

I mean to each their own but it's one of the few multi-player games that required more than just twitch reactions and actually uses strategy. It rewards players for being smart - I was looking forward to it and I'm not sure how even a re-skin could be seen as wasting resources or too hard for a studio of five million people to slap it on would be.

With the exclusion of it it's pretty obvious it's not that popular which is really saddening to me. Ubisoft games tank in price pretty quickly and there isn't much reason to get it at launch now for me. Which oddly brings my 2014 gaming 'season' down to pretty much nothing at all.

Well I stopped playing when the game revolved around high level players activating a remote kill option from anywhere. The game could have been great if it never implemented those "hacks".


Meh. "Targeting" is an empty promise. There are really no consequences for them not hitting it.

Why is this worth even worrying about? They might not hit it. OK. So? News at 11. They're not printing a promise on posters and hanging them up in GameStop.
Playing Black Flag right now. It plays exactly like AC3, I should've known better. I miss the days of ACB. There's just something grossly unsatisfying to me about the controls in AC3 and AC4.
I rented AC4 from Gamefly and returned it after playing for less than 24 hours. I simply don't understand how the controls are still this terrible. I keep thinking it's something that I'm doing wrong, like I'm pushing the drop button too quickly when I want to fall down ledges, but it's not me. The game seems to just...I guess predict where it is you want to go and what you want to do depending ENTIRELY on where the camera is centered, and taking virtually no consideration of your characters body. I've only played AC2(platinum'd it) and Brotherhood. They fixed the long loading times, which helps a lot, but the damn movement is still just so damn clunky. I HOPE Unity changes things...but we'll see.
Completely unrelated to AC, I was just googling up what Steven Speilberg's son was up to as Tim Schafer was mentioning that he's in the industry now in his "Tim plays Day of the Tentacle" video that I was watching. And apparently he's a game designer on AC Unity. And he did this interview which talks specifically about the new free-run mechanics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMxZzsLnSWk

So basically it sounds like

RT/R1 = run
RT+A/R1+X = controlled ascent
RT+B/R1+O = controlled descent

I do wonder how climbing up buildings will work-- if just holding the run+ascent buttons will let you climb up a building or if you'll need to hit the jump button every time you want to jump a big distance up a building.

My big complaint of AC3/AC4's core mechanics was that the simplified free-run basically made climbing buildings not as satisfying and made any platforming sequences unnecessary in the games. Hoping these new mechanics will bring platforming back in full force.


Completely unrelated to AC, I was just googling up what Steven Speilberg's son was up to as Tim Schafer was mentioning that he's in the industry now in his "Tim plays Day of the Tentacle" video that I was watching. And apparently he's a game designer on AC Unity. And he did this interview which talks specifically about the new free-run mechanics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMxZzsLnSWk

So basically it sounds like

RT/R1 = run
RT+A/R1+X = controlled ascent
RT+B/R1+O = controlled descent

I do wonder how climbing up buildings will work-- if just holding the run+ascent buttons will let you climb up a building or if you'll need to hit the jump button every time you want to jump a big distance up a building.

My big complaint of AC3/AC4's core mechanics was that the simplified free-run basically made climbing buildings not as satisfying and made any platforming sequences unnecessary in the games. Hoping these new mechanics will bring platforming back in full force.

Wow, never knew speilberg had a son involved in video game development.
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