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Barack Obama 'kidnaps' 24 hero Jack Bauer

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By Tim Shipman in Washington
Last Updated: 3:34PM GMT 10 Jan 2009

As the hero of the television action series, Bauer became a modern icon of rugged American values and a fictional flag waver for the Bush administration's determination to defeat terrorists.

The intelligence agent, played by Keifer Sutherland, has never been afraid to torture or shoot to kill while tackling villainous foreigners intent on waging war on the American homeland.

But now US conservatives are up in arms that the election of President-Elect Barack Obama has led the show's producers to pander to the liberal consensus in Hollywood, which they claim has led to the blacklisting of those who disagree with their anti-war views.

When the series returns for its seventh season on Sunday night, Bauer will mouth the views of Mr Obama, who has vowed to end "enhanced interrogation", also known as torture, and close the Guantanamo Bay detention camp.

And in an apparent bid to get in tune with the new president, the new season opens with Bauer facing a congressional investigation probing his use of torture and summary executions in previous series. "It's better that everything comes out in the open," Bauer says, echoing Democrat demands for greater transparency over US counter-terrorist tactics.

"We've done so many things in the name of protecting this country, we've created two worlds. Ours and the people's we've promised to protect. They deserve to hear the truth and decide how far they want to let us go."

The transformation of Bauer has left the American Right fuming.

"It's clearly a sign the producers are trying to adapt to a new political reality," said the conservative commentator Christian Toto.

"That approach might generate a few new fans, but it could turn off those who saw 24 as that rare Hollywood product that took the threat of terrorism seriously - and didn't feel the need to rationalise taking extreme measures to protect the innocent."

The capture of Bauer by the Hollywood's liberal elite comes as conservatives in the entertainment industry are complaining that their support for the war in Iraq has made them victims of a Left-wing witch hunt.

A new book by an Oscar-nominated screenwriter, published later this month, claims that those with conservative views are victims of an informal blacklist, like the McCarthy-era ban on communist sympathisers in Hollywood during the 1950s.

Roger Simon, who penned the scripts to Enemies: A Love Story and Scenes From a Mall, said that those who oppose the liberal anti-war consensus in Hollywood have been ostracised by the major studios and television networks.

In his book Blacklisting Myself: Memoir of a Hollywood Apostate in the Age of Terror, Simon writes: "I am sure this new form of the blacklist exists, but not nearly to the formalised extent of the original list of the Forties and Fifties with its dramatic hearings in front of the House Un-American Activities Committee."

He says the new blacklist "operates through an almost invisible thought control" in which writers, actors and directors who refuse to join in the chorus of condemnation against President George W. Bush and his wars faced career death over the last eight years.

He claims anyone voicing support for the war "would be dismissed as a fool, a warmonger, or a right-wing nut (all three, probably) and therefore have had little or no chance at the writing or directing job that brought you there."

Conservative actors are few and far between. Only the Die Hard star Bruce Willis, Kelsey Grammer of Frasier fame and the Oscar winners Jon Voight and Robert Duvall have any real clout.

When the novelist and film director Michael Crichton, the creator of Jurassic Park, died on the day Mr Obama was elected, his passing received little publicity, conservatives claim, because he wrote a thriller questioning the liberal consensus on global warming.

Even Arnold Schwarznegger, the former film star and Republican Governor of California is seen as a captive of the Left because of his liberal environmental policies.

But some conservatives are fighting back. Last week activists in the entertainment industry launched a new website to rally support from conservative voters for films and television programmes that reflect their values.

They believe that the recent glut of anti-war films that bombed at the box office - including Rendition, which starred Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal; In the Valley of Elah, featuring Tommy Lee Jones and Charlize Theron and Lambs for Lions, Robert Redford's political drama with Tom Cruise and Meryl Streep - are proof that Hollywood is out of touch with the American public.

Andrew Breitbart, the founder of the new Hollywood site, issued a call to arms: "Until conservatives, libertarians and Republicans - who will be the lion's share of Big Hollywood's contributors - recognise that (pop) culture is the big prize and that politics is secondary, there will be no victory in this important battle."

Michael Wilson, director of the documentary Michael Moore Hates America, said Hollywood and grassroots conservatives need to fight harder to "impart their ideas into pop culture" by putting up the money for films that hide a conservative message in a popular format.

He said: "Hollywood doesn't like us. They don't like our pro-American, pro-liberty, self-interested way of life, and they certainly don't think our ideas would work on film.

"The trick to transforming the very real liberal bias in Hollywood is to change the formula that Hollywood uses by finding and financing films and television projects that engage people emotionally first and speak to ideology second."



Subconscious Brolonging
So right-wingers are up in arms because 24's producers are trying to ride the Obama popularity wave? Okay.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
When the novelist and film director Michael Crichton, the creator of Jurassic Park, died on the day Mr Obama was elected, his passing received little publicity, conservatives claim, because he wrote a thriller questioning the liberal consensus on global warming.
Preeety sure his death was mentioned everywhere... how much time does the news need to dedicate to the death of a pop novelist?
While I'm sure it exists, I've never seen much overlap in 24 and real world politics.

CTU is way more effective at solving problems than the real world.

If 24 wanted to mirror reality,
Jack Bauer would never have stopped Victor Drazen at the end of season 1.

24 is wish fulfillment. A place where good guys stop the bad guys, and we all have fun in the process.

If they turn Jack Bauer into an even bigger pussy than he was in Season 6, then this series can officially go suck a dick.


Fuck in touch with his inner child Jack Bauer! :mad:


I'm just watched Season 4 again recently, and I noticed John McCain makes a cameo Probably common knowledge, but I didn't notice it the first time.
soul creator said:
some conservatives have the weirdest persecution complexes

The thing is I'm actually fairly sensitive to the charge that entertainment doesn't properly reflect certain cultures in popular entertainment.

That's why it strikes me as odd that whenever I go to the movies, or turn on the TV, or see the Nielsen reports, or see the box office results, the most mainstream pablum dominates there.

That mindset implies that I should be in hog heaven because everything destabilizing, and questioning of traditional American values is all over popular entertainment apparently. Instead I think the problem with popular entertainment is that it's either too dumb, too safe, or too traditional.

It also doesn't help that many of these same social conservatives have deaf ears when black or gays or any other group complains about their depictions and representation in popular culture.


They say this now, but what's going to happen is he's going to justify everything and it's going to show a real-world scenario where he convinces some anti-torture folks of what is reeally needed in the world.



Master of the Google Search
When the novelist and film director Michael Crichton, the creator of Jurassic Park, died on the day Mr Obama was elected, his passing received little publicity, conservatives claim, because he wrote a thriller questioning the liberal consensus on global warming.

Or you know, it was because he died on election day or something


Weren't the producers confused with how to progress with the show causing the delays?

I doubt they waited until election day before they started working on the script for the new season.

Fucking retarded article.
Link said:
Aren't the creators of the show Republican?

Joel Surnow was a prominent conservative who is no longer with the show in a technical capacity which is what opens up the door to this sort of carping.

gutter_trash said:
there was a documentary that I watched abput Presidents in movies and TV and giving regular people a wrong impression about what the Presidency really is about in mega unreal fashion.

24, West-Wing, Air Force One, Independence Day, all these completely turn the Oval Office into complete fantasy and completely warping what this job is all about

To be fair the very act of entertainment generally does that by not only simplifying any situation, but also for the purposes of creating dramatic tension.
there was a documentary that I watched abput Presidents in movies and TV and giving regular people a wrong impression about what the Presidency really is about in mega unreal fashion.

24, West-Wing, Air Force One, Independence Day, all these completely turn the Oval Office into complete fantasy and completely warping what this job is all about


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
"Liberal consensus on global warming" lol. That's like the "liberal consensus on gravity."


gutter_trash said:
there was a documentary that I watched abput Presidents in movies and TV and giving regular people a wrong impression about what the Presidency really is about in mega unreal fashion.

24, West-Wing, Air Force One, Independence Day, all these completely turn the Oval Office into complete fantasy and completely warping what this job is all about

Well duh, governance is the most boring job in existence.


Sharp said:
I love how they try to say that Hollywood is out of touch by listing anti-war films that bombed.

I don't think the US public wants to watch those films.

24 is neocon pornography though.
I don't see how Obama's election could have influenced the first few episodes because I'm pretty sure they were filmed over a year ago before the writer's strike. Although I guess they could have added stuff...

I dunno, 24s a pretty stupid show but I'm compelled to watch it.


If Howard Gordon turns Bauer into some hand wringing wimp, the series dies off before half of it is even aired. But I suspect he will do that in the second half of the series
Ripclawe said:
If Howard Gordon turns Bauer into some hand wringing wimp, the series dies off before half of it is even aired. But I suspect he will do that in the second half of the series

It is natural for Jack Bauer to have regrets. Look at his life. It's all fucked up.

That being said I'm sure Jack will always be a killing machine. Because a character has regrets doesn't make him a puss. To not have any regrets or a human side makes him a robot. Which is what some people falsely champion when what they essentially mean is they still want him to kick ass.

I'm as liberal as they come but I've always been a fan of 24 and I doubt most people who are overly want them to stray from the template of the character they created.

Is there any doubt that Jack will always be the good guy and the people questioning him will always be presented in a light of not being tough enough in the crazy situations he has to face.
I'm a liberal and I'm a fan of 24. I don't want 24 to validate my political opinions on torture; hell if torture was as effective as portrayed on the show I wouldn't complain if it was clandestinely used irl. But guess what, it doesn't work. Shooting someone in the knee cap will result in them telling you whatever they think you want to hear to stop the pain.

24 "taking terrorism" seriously because the characters comically torture enemies? Huh? I'd love to see the torture toned down in the show (iirc I read somewhere that military officials had asked the producers to tone it down). That being said, I still want Jack kicking ass and taking names, damn the laws.


Shockgamer said:
I guess they better get started on An American Carol 2.

The fact that An American Carol made 4 million dollars less than Religulous, despite appearing in thrice as many theaters and costing 8 times as much to make makes me smile.


Conservatives are going to bitch just as much over petty shit as liberals did during the last 8 years. Wonderful

I don't really care. If Jack becomes an Obama mouthpeice than I won't watch. Shame becuase I enjoyed that short movie they made.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Ripclawe said:
If Howard Gordon turns Bauer into some hand wringing wimp, the series dies off before half of it is even aired. But I suspect he will do that in the second half of the series

they can't do anything...every episode is written and filmed. the next season is the one to see if there is any real change.

fuck this noise. it's just a bunch of whiners getting the whines out. Jack bauer will always be killing fools in loud ways and getting the answers he wants any way he can.


Don't use my action-thriller TV set as a political jumpgate so it never bothered me. It really was never that ridiculous and specific, I actually found the parallels to be somewhat thoughtful and coherent without enforcing specific political ideologies. Just because Bauer tortured the fuck out of people didn't make it an appeal to the Bush Admin, it made me think 'holy fuck, Bauer is insane... and BADASS'. Those swayed need to lighten up and should view the show as a whole (which often made very unfavorable parallels to the Bush Admin, especially during the 5th season).


wenis said:
they can't do anything...every episode is written and filmed. the next season is the one to see if there is any real change.

fuck this noise. it's just a bunch of whiners getting the whines out. Jack bauer will always be killing fools in loud ways and getting the answers he wants any way he can.
That's not true. Only half the season has been shot. The ending can still change and it's not unheard of for producers to edit a show weeks before the deadline. If
they are changing the tone they have plenty of time to do it.
Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:
I don't see how Obama's election could have influenced the first few episodes because I'm pretty sure they were filmed over a year ago before the writer's strike. Although I guess they could have added stuff...

I can't believe nobody bothered replying to this quote.

I think they just got done filming the remaining episodes or are about to, so you're right. They were done filming the majority LONG before Obama. The idea of Jack in S7 is to atone for his actions. You could even see the underlying tones in S6. This is a different Jack we're talking about, and as huge of a fan as I am for 24, I was starting to get tired of seeing the same Jack, but thankfully he has a different mindset when it comes to doing his job, so I applaud the creators for going in a different direction when it comes to Jack Bauer.


Unconfirmed Member
Roger Simon, who penned the scripts to Enemies: A Love Story and Scenes From a Mall, said that those who oppose the liberal anti-war consensus in Hollywood have been ostracised by the major studios and television networks.

In his book Blacklisting Myself: Memoir of a Hollywood Apostate in the Age of Terror, Simon writes: "I am sure this new form of the blacklist exists, but not nearly to the formalised extent of the original list of the Forties and Fifties with its dramatic hearings in front of the House Un-American Activities Committee."
Yes, I'm sure that's exactly why you can't get any work, Roger Simon. It surely has nothing to do with the fact that the best things you can lay claim to are Enemies: A Love Story and Scenes From a Mall. Films made nearly 20 years ago.


Or the fact that you haven't written a movie since nearly 3 years before Bush even took office.

Probably has nothing to do with that.
How quickly they forget that the Oscar audience BOOED Michael Moore when he criticized Bush during his acceptance speech for Bowling for Columbine.

MetatronM said:
Don't call me "Shirley."
I thought conservatives were in favor of the free market deciding what was good. So if Hollywood is so anti-American, why do its movies constantly make so much fucking money?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Actually, if it's one thing the show has taught me, is that most of the terrorist plots in America are masterminded by ultra-rich, middle-aged, domestic white people with access to the highest office in the US.

Therefore, we should arrest and detain old, white, rich, and affluent males in government positions.


adamsappel said:
How quickly they forget that the Oscar audience BOOED Michael Moore when he criticized Bush during his acceptance speech for Bowling for Columbine.

Eh, they rant all the time and forget everything. Remember the big hub-bub about the NYT endorsing Obama? Look at their past track record and uh... it's not a big deal.


What a blatantly fucking stupid article. They shot that scene they talk about at the start of the article over a year ago.

Way to go.


a mass of phermones, hormones and adrenaline just waiting to explode
Sharp said:
I love how they try to say that Hollywood is out of touch by listing anti-war films that bombed.

Clearly, Hollywood IS out of touch. It's easily reflected by the box office returns for the past year...

Wait, what's that? The box office receipts show a new record both domestically AND worldwide for 2008?

Um, never mind....


Ugh, well this kinda sucks. I also saw an interview where they say that 24 is going to start using "enviornment friendly" vehicles. I hope neither are true, because I hate to see my entertainment getting mixed with politics =/


jimmbow said:
Ugh, well this kinda sucks. I also saw an interview where they say that 24 is going to start using "enviornment friendly" vehicles. I hope neither are true, because I hate to see my entertainment getting mixed with politics =/

You do realize the article is wrong, right?
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