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Can Brock Lesnar Beat Entire U.S. Navy Seals

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Water is not wet!
SapientWolf said:
I think it takes more skill for a hulk like Brock to not kill someone in a fight.
Life is a lot more fragile than most people think. It takes a surprisingly little amount of energy to totally incapacitate, maim, or kill someone. Think how easy it is to tear something.. now imagine its the skin that covers your face. It doesnt take someone who can bench 750lbs to tear skin. An eye can be dislodged from its socket with almost zero effort involved. Getting kicked in the face with any amount of force there is a decent chance of shattering a cheekbone. Putting a stick or piece of metal into someones back severing their spine is not some mythical thing that has never happened before.

Most normal people have things ingrained into them from infancy. Stuff like not hurting people or holding back when fighting. Special forces training (even basic military training really) is a breaking down of that. For that job it is a necessity. There cannot be hesitation or restraint. With how vulnerable the human body is, even much smaller people when faced with a life or death situation can become extremely lethal. Special forces need to have the ability to turn this on and off with an order. There should be no doubts or other thoughts, only the charge or objective, the obstacles, and how to achieve them as quickly and as best as possible.

This does not make sf trained people unbeatable supermen.. its just that the approach to handling situations is on a completely different mental level. How many times has an mma fighter in their entire career had to ignore their own life to best someone at any cost?


Acerac said:
I like how people assume that just because you were in the WWE you can't fight. :)

All I'm gonna say is there may be somebody out there who can beat Brock 1v1... but if there is, they should probably switch professions. ;)

Speaking of dim assumptions, this sentiment has come up a few times in this thread. Not to unduly stress the patriotic angle, but there are probably a number of irreducibly sincere reasons why Navy Seals do what they do and put the skills they have to particular, non-entertainment-focused uses.


SnakeXs said:
Fedor's already a fighter.
Let me change my phrasing to there may be some SEAL out there who can beat Brock 1v1. Fedor is a champ. ;)

I know Brock isn't a god. That being said, I can say with full confidence that Brock is being underestimated by many GAFfers in this thread. ;)


That being said, I'd not be surprised if Brock would be killed without laying a blow if weapons were involved or it wasn't straight forward fight. That being said, 1 on 1, face to face? There are very few people who are better than Brock at what he does.
SpacLock said:
This is something that I would argue about with a friend when I was 12 years old. This thread is very, very stupid.

I'll bite anyway... I heard that during some part of the Seals training, they are required to be drowned/water boarded/etc. Ya know, the kind of stuff that would probably put a lot of hair on your peaches. Basically, the type of shit that would make Brock Lesnar curl up and cry.

Wow. I feel really strange even posting in this thread.

Brock walked around for over a year with a disease that was eating a hole through his intestine. And he was training, and winning MMA fights while he had this disease.

Fighters and wrestlers are tough dudes. Just look at Angle wrestling with a broken neck.

Even better, Matt Lindland removed the wires from his broken jaw with some wire cutters, because he was losing weight from eating liquid only, and having trouble breathing while wrestling with his mouth clenched shut.


JasonUresti said:
Even better, Matt Lindland removed the wires from his broken jaw with some wire cutters, because he was losing weight from eating liquid only, and having trouble breathing while wrestling with his mouth clenched shut.

Reckless idiocy might resemble courage, but I can't admire that.
A Navy Seal couldn't beat him.

But this man could:

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