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Daily Beast: Alt Right Rejoices at Donald Trump’s Steve Bannon Hire

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Donald Trump’s campaign is under new management—and his white nationalist fanboys love it.

The campaign’s new chief executive, Stephen Bannon, joins from Breitbart News—where he helped mainstream the ideas of white nationalists and resuscitate the reputations of anti-immigrant fear-mongers.

White nationalists today invest a lot of energy worrying about growing Hispanic and Muslim populations in the U.S. Turns out, Breitbart News spends a lot of time worrying about those things, too. And in Bannon, they see a media-friendly, ethno-nationalist fellow traveler.

“Latterly, Breitbart emerged as a nationalist site and has done great stuff on immigration in particular,” VDARE.com editor Peter Brimelow told The Daily Beast.

VDare is a white supremacist site. It’s named after Virginia Dare, the first white child born to British colonists in North America. Brimelow said he and Bannon met briefly last month and exchanged pleasantries about each other’s work.

“It’s irritating because VDARE.com is not used to competition,” Brimelow added. “I presume that is due to Bannon, so his appointment is great news.”


Spencer said Breitbart and Bannon have helped Alt Right ideas gain legitimacy—and, more importantly, exponentially expand their audiences. He cited the work of Milo Yiannopoulos as evidence of this.

“As is evident with Milo’s piece on the Alt Right, Breitbart has people on board who take us seriously, even if they are not Alt Right themselves.”

Yiannopoulos wrote a piece on March 29, 2016, about the Alt Right, praising its members as “dangerously bright,” and cheering the VDARE and American Renaissance sites as an “eclectic mix of renegades.” American Renaissance is helmed by Jared Taylor, who advocates for voluntary racial segregation and says African Americans are genetically predisposed to be criminals.


Bannon didn’t just make Breitbart a safe space for white supremacists; he’s also welcomed a scholar blacklisted from the mainstream conservative movement for arguing there’s a connection between race and IQ. Breitbart frequently highlights the work of Jason Richwine, who resigned from the conservative Heritage Foundation when news broke that his Harvard dissertation argued in part that Hispanics have lower IQs than non-Hispanic whites.

Bannon loves Richwine. On Jan. 6 of this year, when Richwine was a guest on the radio show, Bannon called him “one of the smartest brains out there on demographics, demography this whole issue of immigration, what it means to this country.”

And, unsurprisingly, Bannon heaps praise on Pamela Geller, an activist in the counter-Jihad movement who warns about “creeping Sharia.” When she appeared on the SiriusXM Breitbart radio show that Bannon hosted, he called her “one of the leading experts in the country if not the world” on Islam.

Geller told The Daily Beast she’s thrilled by the Bannon news.

“Steve Bannon is a warrior,” she told The Daily Beast. “He has long understood that this is a war in the information battle-space (something the right has failed to grasp despite the left's smear machine against those with whom they disagree.) The media is out to destroy Donald Trump. Trump needs a champion, a ‘Patton,’ a Bannon. This is fantastic news.” Specifically, Geller said Bannon “articulates what millions of Americans are thinking about how we need to tell the truth about jihad and the Muslim migrant invasion of the West.”


This is the new right, aided and abetted by the cowardice of the RNC and Republican leaders. Trump retweeting white supremacists was not a mistake, it is now part and parcel of his entire operation.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
That's a lot of racists in that OP.

Does Alt-Right mean "Yeah we are definitely racist"?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I mean, I recognized that the alt right was going to become the new right

I just didn't realize it would be this fast

I thought maybe by the mid 2020s at the earliest


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Everyone else is either scratching their heads in confusion or rejoicing for their own very different reasons.


as much as i ahte it, I am glad they are gaining national attention. The sooner they are rejected and sent to hell.


So did we go from neocons --> Tea Party --> alt right?

In terms of GOP influence/prominence, I mean. I know neocons are more foreign policy centric.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
So did we go from neocons --> Tea Party --> alt right?

In terms of GOP influence/prominence, I mean. I know neocons are more foreign policy centric.

Seems like it.


Paul Ryan drowning in tears right about now. The GOP fucked up, big time. They might not yet see it but even though the GOP might survive in name, they killed it this year.
It suddenly all makes sense. No wonder Trump was so reluctant to disavow David Duke's endorsement. He has effectively.aligned himself with what appears to be some pretty hardcore bigots.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
This very forum still contains many many alt right people. Albeit the more carefully prudent ones.


Party of Barry Goldwater.
Who was one of only six Republicans who voted against the Civil Rights Act of '64 and suggested using nukes on North Vietnam.
So yeah, while you probably meant it sarcastically, it is actually the party of Goldwater.

Also, like Trump, Goldwater was an anti-establishment candidate who campaigned on the resentment of the party not being "true conservative" that ultimately led the GOP into an electoral disaster.


We're not though. The fever breaks in November.

You can't be serious...

these people don't just go away. The mouthpieces maybe take a slight step back, but the people cheering for this fucking garbage, the people nodding their head as Trump talks, the people who feel emboldened by rhetoric that threatens minorities... Those fuckstains aren't going to just vanish or become rational empathetic human beings once the ballots are counted. They will continue to live their lives with the same beliefs, influencing their children with the same attitudes, acting on those same biases.

Whether Trump wins or loses, those people are as emboldened as ever.
Party of Barry Goldwater.

Shit, you can't even say that, as he thought DADT was an awful law since it didn't matter if soldiers are gay as long as they can effectively serve, didn't care about abortion, and, as MLK himself recognized, despite his opposition to the CRA, he wasn't particularly racist himself (though that doesn't excuse the fact that he knowingly courted them with his opposition to the law, and is as much to blame for the current party as Nixon).


You can't be serious...

these people don't just go away. The mouthpieces maybe take a slight step back, but the people cheering for this fucking garbage, the people nodding their head as Trump talks, the people who feel emboldened by rhetoric that threatens minorities... Those fuckstains aren't going to just vanish or become rational empathetic human beings once the ballots are counted. They will continue to live their lives with the same beliefs, influencing their children with the same attitudes, acting on those same biases.

Whether Trump wins or loses, those people are as emboldened as ever.

This is absolutely true. They still see second place as a tremendous endorsement of their crooked values.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Shit, you can't even say that, as he thought DADT was an awful law since it didn't matter if soldiers are gay as long as they can effectively serve, didn't care about abortion, and, as MLK himself recognized, despite his opposition to the CRA, he wasn't particularly racist himself (though that doesn't excuse the fact that he knowingly courted them with his opposition to the law, and is as much to blame for the current party as Nixon).

I firmly believe that cynical opportunists who take advantage of and fuel racism are much worse than generic ignorant "personal" racists. An ignorant racist is one generation from obscurity. Powerful politicians can institutionalize it for decades. Goldwater (and Nixon) is evil vermin.

Trump is a fascinating combination of both kinds.
This is absolutely true. They still see second place as a tremendous endorsement of their crooked values.

Not just that, but many of these alt-right people aren't a bunch of old fucks. Many of them are young guys (same with neoreactionaries, who are basically the same thing except couch their views in obscure terminology and are more corporatist), and are likely to become a serious part of American politics for sometime.

I firmly believe that cynical opportunists who take advantage of and fuel racism are much worse than generic ignorant "personal" racists. An ignorant racist is one generation from obscurity. Powerful politicians can institutionalize it for decades. Goldwater (and Nixon) is evil vermin.

Trump is a fascinating combination of both kinds.

It's why I largely can't stand the GOP in general: they know that the shit they spew is bs, but they continue to spew it because it gives them votes. Now they're getting exactly what they've deserved for quite some time. When you stir up the hornet's nest, you should have to confront all of the consequences that come with it.


Wait, they hired a Breitbart employee?

As if there wasn't already a massive conflict of interest with Breitbart's horrible Tech editor.
Breitbart will become Trump News, and will be affiliated with Trump TV when this is done.

Basically it's the whole reason Trump ran in the first place. Going after the Fox News and talk radio right with this huge free media blitz.

GOP could lose the house and senate and that's all good for Trump TV Hillary and Pelosi bashing ratings. Fox doesn't want a republican in the White House either. Bad for ratings.


Wait, they hired a Breitbart employee?

As if there wasn't already a massive conflict of interest with Breitbart's horrible Tech editor.

Not just an employee. Executive Chairman. Breitbart is 100% all in officially with Trump.


And the right will still deny they're the party of racism.

Legit surprised Geller went with Patton instead of Rommel in that quote.
I just googled this guy and noticed he wrote a few books? "Paved with Good Intentions". I'm kind of interested in seeing how he tries to justify himself. Has aonyone read it?

He's a "race realist" that subscribes to the conclusions drawn in the book The Bell Curve, which suggests that blacks are less intelligent than whites, and whites less intelligent than East Asians.
Don't the Alt-Right also believe bullying is a good thing for any reason? That dickhole Milo has said that things like body shaming, poor shaming, and woman shaming are good things.
I mean, I get that they've worked really hard on this rebrand and all, but they're just neo-Nazis, same as they ever were. There's no real reason to be delicate about it and call them "alt-right".


I mean, I get that they've worked really hard on this rebrand and all, but they're just neo-Nazis, same as they ever were. There's no real reason to be delicate about it and call them "alt-right".

Technically the Neo-Nazis just make up a branch of the alt-right. Alt-right is a term that's been thrown around on the internet for a while now that covers anyone who disagrees with "movement conservatism" (the holy trifecta that Reagan enshrined of neoconservatism, trickle down free trade-ism, and evangelicalism), so you've got Dark Enlightenment types, literal monarchists, libertarians and objectivists, Gamergate, rightwing populists, etc. tossed in there.

But the fascists are the most obvious faction.
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