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Driveclub PS Plus Edition Delayed by Server Issues

It absolutely fucking blows my mind that:

Receiving the service I paid for = entitlement.

No wonder we have season passes for shit that's locked on disk. No wonder we have botched launches with no worthwhile load server testing. These companies have their users defending them to the death when anything goes wrong and people voice their opinion. Holy shit, they don't even need a PR team.

Serious question, do you get angry if the product/service is not available 24/7/365? Cars breakdown and have to go in for work once in a while. Things do break or need to be maintained. The DC launch does suck, but Im not storming Sony HQ with torches and pitchforks because Im not getting my promised free copy right now. They need to get their shit working for the customers that bought the game. We will eventually get our PS+ version of DC.

For those that got ps+ only DC, let this be a lesson to you. Don't buy product A that is a prerequisite for product B until you can actually buy/receive product B. Shit happens and things get delayed.


I don't get it there must be something strange going on like routing issues or errors in the game causing the servers to overload. I thought for sure that it was just a bandwidth issue.

Daffy Duck

They may as well just not bother with the free edition now.

I really do wonder what the take up will be from the free edition following this whole debacle now.

Will people merely just download it to get their 'freebie' then ditch it after playing it, or will people give it a chance after playing the free edition.

My friend who is a rather casual gamer, on Friday (UK release) said he was excited to try out the PS+ edition but had trouble finding it, I had to explain him why it was not available, I've never seen someone so buzzkilled as he was, it was like a second jab to the kidneys when I told him there was no ETA.
I will still try the free version, if I like it I'll upgrade. This whole thing was disappointing sure, but shit happens. I haven't taken it as badly as a lot of people in this thread, I have plenty of games to play while I wait for them to sort out the problem.
i was hoping we'd get access today, but that looks pretty unlikely. maybe next tuesday.



I bit the bullet and purchases the full version, made easier with the ps+ discount.

One of the best purchases i made so far. Its one of the few games my gf asks to play (shocker!), and that is likely thanks to how damn pretty the locations are. It is my favorite thing about the game too. And playing around with the time of day cycle at x60.

I only had limited time online so far one evening, but i know it will be awesome when stable.
I bit the bullet and purchases the full version, made easier with the ps+ discount.

One of the best purchases i made so far. Its one of the few games my gf asks to play (shocker!), and that is likely thanks to how damn pretty the locations are. It is my favorite thing about the game too. And playing around with the time of day cycle at x60.

I only had limited time online so far one evening, but i know it will be awesome when stable.

Rushy is that you?

I rather wait, I have this thing called "patience" if I like the PS+ edition I will give you my money, but not until I play the PS+ edition


The whole PS+ Edition thing really irks me, but there's nothing I can do about it. I was really looking forward to trying out this game, and I don't want to throw around 60 bucks on a game i'm not sure about. I bought a PS4 with the Destiny bundle and that's still the only game I have for it besides demos. I might pick up Infamous since it's reasonably cheap now, however. But I bought a year of PS+ hoping I'd have a decent amount of free games to enjoy. While I definitely do on my Vita, Driveclub was the only one that i've seen so far that I was interested in through the service for Ps4. (Spelunky and Pix the Cat are both on the Vita.)
I didn't care about this delay at first (I can wait 48 hours, no big deal), but a week's delay is getting unreasonable.

I know network issues are hard and you can't just throw money at the problem (I've done my fair share), but the issue of "video game servers?" There should be plenty of expertise to draw from.

No dramatic "I'm going to do X if Sony doesn't Y" but it has soured me a bit.


The whole PS+ Edition thing really irks me, but there's nothing I can do about it. I was really looking forward to trying out this game, and I don't want to throw around 60 bucks on a game i'm not sure about. I bought a PS4 with the Destiny bundle and that's still the only game I have for it besides demos. I might pick up Infamous since it's reasonably cheap now, however. But I bought a year of PS+ hoping I'd have a decent amount of free games to enjoy. While I definitely do on my Vita, Driveclub was the only one that i've seen so far that I was interested in through the service for Ps4. (Spelunky and Pix the Cat are both on the Vita.)
I mean, grain of salt and subjectivity and all, but I found infamous to be the biggest disappointment of this gen so far. I didn't find navigation as fun as the previous games, and somehow they managed to make the city as lifeless as ever for the series. Coming straight off of GTAV, that was a bummer. A big part of that was the lacking sound. Everything from hits in battle to ambient city sounds. It was such a lackluster package to me. The pedestrians saying next to nothing didn't help either.

You won't have to pay 60 for DC, should you decide to go for it. 10 bucks off for plus members. I'm in your boat as well, though. I really want to try it out before I take the plunge. I've been tempted several times to just buy.


I didn't care about this delay at first (I can wait 48 hours, no big deal), but a week's delay is getting unreasonable.

I know network issues are hard and you can't just throw money at the problem (I've done my fair share), but the issue of "video game servers?" There should be plenty of expertise to draw from.

No dramatic "I'm going to do X if Sony doesn't Y" but it has soured me a bit.
Sony wants you to dump $60 on DriveClub.



The web store's IGC page isn't even listing the £35 PS+ upgrade edition now (although it's still available if you search for Driveclub).


I didn't care about this delay at first (I can wait 48 hours, no big deal), but a week's delay is getting unreasonable.

I know network issues are hard and you can't just throw money at the problem (I've done my fair share), but the issue of "video game servers?" There should be plenty of expertise to draw from.

No dramatic "I'm going to do X if Sony doesn't Y" but it has soured me a bit.

Sony should be throwing more money at the problem...more servers would probably fix a few problems with PSN.
Serious question, do you get angry if the product/service is not available 24/7/365? Cars breakdown and have to go in for work once in a while. Things do break or need to be maintained. The DC launch does suck, but Im not storming Sony HQ with torches and pitchforks because Im not getting my promised free copy right now. They need to get their shit working for the customers that bought the game. We will eventually get our PS+ version of DC.

For those that got ps+ only DC, let this be a lesson to you. Don't buy product A that is a prerequisite for product B until you can actually buy/receive product B. Shit happens and things get delayed.

You're right. But if I paid for the car and it's broken before I drive it off the lot ... yeah, I would be irritated. Especially if they didn't give me a time frame for when I would get the vehicle. Bad example though, let's do what other " online services" are out there. Pandora, Hulu, Netflix, Spotify, Gmail, Hotmail, email in general, websites that people use for work, or pleasure like Instagram, World of Warcraft ... ALL of these receive complaints when down for minutes. Minutes. In fact some services (like the company I work for) going down can lose huge companies a lot of money.

These are all bad examples though. This isn't about the "level" of service. It's a hobby, I get that. People don't have pitchforks (well, some do - but you can't group the legitimate complaints and voiced opinions with all extremists).

So you're telling me in your last sentence, not to trust Sony, not to purchase anything based on what they say? That's a horrible attitude, why not voice our disapproval so they improve?

And the whole "people that bought the game" being different than PS+ users isn't a good way to look at it. We all paid in some way for this game. It's not the money I'm worried about, it's the service. If I go to a restaurant I expect the same level of service as the person who bought a $100 bottle of wine even though I just ordered a few beers.

My biggest complaint though, and DC may be just be the straw that broke ... is that broken online game launches are the EXPECTATION now. They aren't the anomaly. I think that attitude and our acceptance of it in general is why companies still get away with it. I mean, Sony isn't even doing the legwork, YOU are defending them with a service that has been down for a week and no ETA in sight .... that's what all this has brought us. Gaming enthusiasts defending shitty online practices to other gaming enthusiasts.



The web store's IGC page isn't even listing the £35 PS+ upgrade edition now (although it's still available if you search for Driveclub).

dang their store is pretty buggy. 3 spelunkys and 2 rainbow moons.. some say free some say save up to 100%. cant stand sony and their websites and their web browsers (vita has the worst)

other than that...i hope at least a lot more people bought driveclub now that you cant get it for free
I bit the bullet and purchases the full version, made easier with the ps+ discount.

One of the best purchases i made so far. Its one of the few games my gf asks to play (shocker!), and that is likely thanks to how damn pretty the locations are. It is my favorite thing about the game too. And playing around with the time of day cycle at x60.

I only had limited time online so far one evening, but i know it will be awesome when stable.

It's a very good racing game when everything is connected and working, it even is when it's not connected...
Sony wants you to dump $60 on DriveClub.

No need to attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence.

Sony should be throwing more money at the problem...more servers would probably fix a few problems with PSN.

More servers isn't a catch-all. We don't know the nature of the problem. It could be load balancing, which means the problem is software, not hardware. It could be the network stack of the game itself. Who knows.
I never intended to play the free version, I always had the full version pre-ordered. It's unfortunate that many wanted to simply get the demo and not the full thing as I've been having such a great time with the game. The graphics are simply breath taking, and the driving mechanics have a great depth to them despite being arcade-like and approachable. Anyone on the fence is best served buying the game and seeing for themselves.
other than that...i hope at least a lot more people bought driveclub now that you cant get it for free

I never intended to play the free version, I always had the full version pre-ordered. It's unfortunate that many wanted to simply get the demo and not the full thing as I've been having such a great time with the game. The graphics are simply breath taking, and the driving mechanics have a great depth to them despite being arcade-like and approachable. Anyone on the fence is best served buying the game and seeing for themselves.

Haha, so just buy the game outright because the online is so broken you can't even download the demo? That makes absolutely no sense.


Well I purchased the full version about a week ago and have never had the server connect once!

Half my menu options are greyed out,so up to now I like many others only got half the game. Lucky I own the other good race game because after waiting a year for the Sony one it's a very poor show.


I never intended to play the free version, I always had the full version pre-ordered. It's unfortunate that many wanted to simply get the demo and not the full thing as I've been having such a great time with the game. The graphics are simply breath taking, and the driving mechanics have a great depth to them despite being arcade-like and approachable. Anyone on the fence is best served buying the game and seeing for themselves.

I'd argue that people on the fence should remain on the fence and then when the free version eventually comes out, see for themselves. I find it odd you'd recommend people ignore the huge problems this game has had since day one and just blindly buy a broken game.
Serious question, do you get angry if the product/service is not available 24/7/365? Cars breakdown and have to go in for work once in a while. Things do break or need to be maintained. The DC launch does suck, but Im not storming Sony HQ with torches and pitchforks because Im not getting my promised free copy right now. They need to get their shit working for the customers that bought the game. We will eventually get our PS+ version of DC.

For those that got ps+ only DC, let this be a lesson to you. Don't buy product A that is a prerequisite for product B until you can actually buy/receive product B. Shit happens and things get delayed.

I would totally get angry if I bought a brand new car and it had to go in for work. Also, you mention the (promised) copy of the game. I want to say DC was advertised as a PS plus game and you could buy a full version with more maps and cars. As a PS+ subscriber that randomly picks up a 9.99 monthly pass every few months, I was hoping that this would fall in the window that was (promised). I think people have a right to be upset.

I bit the bullet and purchases the full version, made easier with the ps+ discount.

One of the best purchases i made so far. Its one of the few games my gf asks to play (shocker!), and that is likely thanks to how damn pretty the locations are. It is my favorite thing about the game too. And playing around with the time of day cycle at x60.

I only had limited time online so far one evening, but i know it will be awesome when stable.

Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist but it sounds like this is what was meant to happen...


Did it used to? I'm greeted with a full page ad for Driveclub when I visit the store so it's not like they're hiding it!

Yeah. The free version was never anywhere to be seen, but the upgrade was listed with the rest of the PS+ stuff all of last week at least.

I get the feeling that even Sony don't know what the fuck is going on any more.


I never intended to play the free version, I always had the full version pre-ordered. It's unfortunate that many wanted to simply get the demo and not the full thing as I've been having such a great time with the game. The graphics are simply breath taking, and the driving mechanics have a great depth to them despite being arcade-like and approachable. Anyone on the fence is best served buying the game and seeing for themselves.

I wanted to try it out before buying, however due to the number of games coming out now, I think by the time this free version is released, I doubt I will buy it if I like it now due to the number of games coming out. Also online not functioning properly a week after release, does not help.


The game is not very good. Played at a friends house last night and was thoroughly let down.
Forza Horizon 2 destroys this garbage of a racer and the rumoured Project Gotham will do the same.
Bring on GT7.
I never intended to play the free version, I always had the full version pre-ordered. It's unfortunate that many wanted to simply get the demo and not the full thing as I've been having such a great time with the game. The graphics are simply breath taking, and the driving mechanics have a great depth to them despite being arcade-like and approachable. Anyone on the fence is best served buying the game and seeing for themselves.

Even if the game wasn't coming out with a substantial no-cost edition soon, I still wouldn't buy the game until the server issues were worked out.


No need to attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence.
Wasn't my intention. I actually agree with that a 48 hour delay, give or take, would be acceptable.

Did Sony finally pull the PSN version upgrade from the store? I found it very sneaky that they didn't allow us to download the free version when the upgrade was still available. That just doesn't make any sense. Unless they wanted to lure money out of our pockets.


I never intended to play the free version, I always had the full version pre-ordered. It's unfortunate that many wanted to simply get the demo and not the full thing as I've been having such a great time with the game. The graphics are simply breath taking, and the driving mechanics have a great depth to them despite being arcade-like and approachable. Anyone on the fence is best served buying the game and seeing for themselves.

Hmm, no thanks! Reviews plus that broken release says otherwise. I will remain on the fence and wait the promised free version that is once more delayed. With so many nice games being released this last semester I can't undersand why people are jumping into it just for anxiety.


Hmm, no thanks! Reviews plus that broken release says otherwise. I will remain on the fence and wait the promised free version that is once more delayed. With so many nice games being released this last semester I can't undersand why people are jumping into it just for anxiety.

What reviews have you been watching/ reading?
All I hear is good stuff.
The game is not very good. Played at a friends house last night and was thoroughly let down.
Forza Horizon 2 destroys this garbage of a racer and the rumoured Project Gotham will do the same.
Bring on GT7.

Wow, ok, I think you mean Project Cars, if you are going to say it will "destroy" Driveclub, you may want to get the name right.....

And as for FH2, just post your enlightening impressions in the racing face off thread. That's what it's for.....


I never intended to play the free version, I always had the full version pre-ordered. It's unfortunate that many wanted to simply get the demo and not the full thing as I've been having such a great time with the game. The graphics are simply breath taking, and the driving mechanics have a great depth to them despite being arcade-like and approachable. Anyone on the fence is best served buying the game and seeing for themselves.
That makes zero sense. If you are in doubt, and there's a version that lets you see if it's in fact your thing or not, you'd be a fool to dive in and pay for it without trying it for free first.


Neo Member
Has there still been no update about the PS+ version?
They wont mention anything about it on there FB page, really poor of them.
I never intended to play the free version, I always had the full version pre-ordered. It's unfortunate that many wanted to simply get the demo and not the full thing as I've been having such a great time with the game. The graphics are simply breath taking, and the driving mechanics have a great depth to them despite being arcade-like and approachable. Anyone on the fence is best served buying the game and seeing for themselves.

I lot of people did intent to try out the PS+ version as it was advertised as a PS+ subscribed game.
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