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Edgar Wright is a very good director, and it's sort of weird to suggest he isn't.

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I agree, would be nice if this could become the thread everyone still scorned by the director change can use to vent. Would really clean up the Antman threads a bit.
Thing is I doubt it would have blown up big again if the teaser was actually well received. If the film is good? The Wright talk will die down. If it ends up like the teaser? It will plague it forever online.


Eh, he's alright. Nothing special. The only movie of his I really enjoyed was SotD. Enjoyable but nothing great. Scott Pilgrim was boring.

So, no. I wasn't disappointed at all when I heard the Ant Man news
That makes it sound like Wright having to "earn" back trust by doing a tv show episode. That is a major downgrade of his talents doing network tv. Wright doing something Marvel likely would involve Marvel having to come to him on his terms.
Maybe. I guess that's not how I was thinking of it. I was thinking it as Wright testing the waters on something small before committing to something big with Marvel again. Lots of the other MCU movie directors have done some TV episodes. I know the Russos have directed a Shield episode or two, and they're the MCU's rising stars.
Edgar Wright would've been the best director to have helmed a Marvel movie so far so it's a big loss and the MCU would have benefited from his style to at least stave off some fatigue that people are starting to feel and it's getting stronger.

fatigue after a talking tree and racoon are the #2 global movie in the world? and they made a corny ass captain america many peoples favorite MCU film?


Maybe. I guess that's not how I was thinking of it. I was thinking it as Wright testing the waters on something small before committing to something big with Marvel again. Lots of the other MCU movie directors have done some TV episodes. I know the Russos have directed a Shield episode or two, and they're the MCU's rising stars.

That was before their film careers took off. Wright has got to the part of his career you won't be seeing him do random episodes on network tv. HBO or something? Yeah. But network tv?


There's a reason why that Ant-Man teaser looks like utter crapola. Marvel simply isn't interested in creativity.
I enjoy Wright's movie (particularly his Blood and Ice Cream Trilogy)

I'd love to see him direct Shazam. He'd be a perfect fit.

edit: Shitttt, this thread took a nose dive quick. Never expected so much discussion from an unappealing marvel trailer.


Why does he wear the mask!?
I'm finding "everything about Ant-Man is now bad and also it would automatically have been perfect if Edgar Wright was still director" posts are vastly more common than the opposite.

They're also annoying as fuck

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
There's a reason why that Ant-Man teaser looks like utter crapola. Marvel simply isn't interested in creativity.

Most hilarious bs i've seen so far skimming this thread.

Same thing i said in the trailer thread - what are all these Wright fanatics gonna complain about when Ant-Man turns out to not only be another good/great Marvel film but makes a billion dollars as well? "Whatever.. everyone except me and my 20 friends who are huge Wright fans are fucking idiots who don't "get" what makes a good movie. And Marvel hates creativity cause they didn't pick my favorite director."

Trailer looks baller. Can't wait to see how they work him into the MCU and i'll not be missing any "KAPPPPOOOOW" graphics on the screen when he punches someone. Cause you know... that shit = creative
Most hilarious bs i've seen so far skimming this thread.

Same thing i said in the trailer thread - what are all these Wright fanatics gonna complain about when Ant-Man turns out to not only be another good/great Marvel film but makes a billion dollars as well? "Whatever.. everyone except me and my 20 friends who are huge Wright fans are fucking idiots who don't "get" what makes a good movie. And Marvel hates creativity cause they didn't pick my favorite director."

Trailer looks baller. Can't wait to see how they work him into the MCU and i'll not be missing any "KAPPPPOOOOW" graphics on the screen when he punches someone. Cause you know... that shit = creative

typical MCU shitposting from neogafs best. anyway the croweating will be fucking glorious
The last movie was a major disappointment though. "This is the End " took more chances and was a much better movie. "World's End" was so bad it was worse than "Paul"
Same thing i said in the trailer thread - what are all these Wright fanatics gonna complain about when Ant-Man turns out to not only be another good/great Marvel film but makes a billion dollars as well?

I'll never understand why anyone uses sales figures as a bragging point, or proof of anything other than "a lot of people saw it".
I like Edgar Wright as much as the next guy but you people need to move the fuck on! Yeah the Ant-Man trailer sucked but it doesn't mean it would of automatically been better if Wright was the director of the movie. He could of easily put out the same or an even shittier trailer. We all know that the only reason any of you even knew who Ant-Man was before this trailer came out was because Wright's name was on it and now that it's gone you want to hate the fact that the movie is still a thing. GET OVER IT! As someone who was legit excited for a Ant-Man movie and knew who the character was before Wright's name was on the project you people are nothing but buzzkills.


I've seen 4 films of his and enjoyed 3. Scott Pilgrim is really unique and I was entertained, I can see how some people would hate it though. Hot Fuzz and Shaun are great, I tend to favor Shaun. The Worlds Ends was a major let down, the concept was cool it just wasn't a good script, which got worse as the film went on.

As for Ant Man I'm not a Marvel guy. I think they have all been mediocre films at best with very few exceptions, and this will probably join that list regardless of why is directing it.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
I'll never understand why anyone uses sales figures as a bragging point, or proof of anything other than "a lot of people saw it".

Perhaps because usually a movie people need to pay close to 30 bucks for two people to see in the theaters won't do that well if it fucking blows?

Not to mention that the way a lot of Wright blowhards talk getting rid of him means the film will be deprived of any redeeming qualities. It will be a good flick (mo) and it will sell gangbusters and the haters will still come out of the woodwork to say "Well everyone saying it's good and supporting it and making it a blockbuster are all stupid. I'm gonna go watch Citizen Kane and Worlds End on repeat because i'm a fucking film fan who knows my shit while the rest of the world is just sheeple."

It's fucking annoying. And a movie doing well in the theaters is only NOT an indicator of it being a decent flick when you are actively trying to talk shit. It's not the only way to tell if a movie is good but it's not like that statistic lives in a vacuum either.
honestly i think world's end was my favorite from him (and I'm a huge fan of his other films, especially hot fuzz and scott pilgrim). it had a really different character for him in gary king. that wrist reveal was a surprisingly nice dramatic scene.

plus those jackie chan fight scenes were on point. the man made michael cera and nick frost look like damn good fighters. no easy feat.


Didn't he leave because he didn't want to connect the movie to a universe and to keep the movie self-contained? And y'all want him to do a DC or Spider-Man movie instead? Last I heard, both were also trying to establish their own universes lol.

Wright is a great director. I would've loved him to have stayed on the helms of Ant-Man, but he didn't stay and people gotta let that go.


honestly i think world's end was my favorite from him (and I'm a huge fan of his other films, especially hot fuzz and scott pilgrim). it had a really different character for him in gary king. that wrist reveal was a surprisingly nice dramatic scene.

plus those jackie chan fight scenes were on point. the man made michael cera and nick frost look like damn good fighters. no easy feat.

It very well end up being my favorite. My biggest regret was not going to see it at the Alamo Drafthouse. Was the first film to make me want to down endless beers at the cinema since Beerfest.
Same thing i said in the trailer thread - what are all these Wright fanatics gonna complain about when Ant-Man turns out to not only be another good/great Marvel film but makes a billion dollars as well?

I don't recall anyone saying that Ant-Man is going to bomb without Wright.

As I'm not a studio accountant, I'm more interested in whether the film's enjoyable or not than how much money it makes. For me, at least, it's very likely that I'd have enjoyed the film more with Wright behind it. That's not a knock on Marvel or Reed, it's a judgement that Wright is a good director who has produced work that I've loved in the past.

Perhaps because usually a movie people need to pay close to 30 bucks for two people to see in the theaters won't do that well if it fucking blows?

TIL that Alice in Wonderland and the Transformers movies are some of the finest cinematic works ever produced. Also, One Direction is the finest music act working today, and Twilight is one of the most immaculately written book series ever produced.

Come on, you know that this is bullshit. Popularity does not correlate to quality. It doesn't necessarily exclude it, either, but it certainly does not guarantee it.
I don't recall anyone saying that Ant-Man is going to bomb without Wright.

As I'm not a studio accountant, I'm more interested in whether the film's enjoyable or not than how much money it makes. For me, at least, it's very likely that I'd have enjoyed the film more with Wright behind it. That's not a knock on Marvel or Reed, it's a judgement that Wright is a good director who has produced work that I've loved in the past.

you sound like a film snob. go watch your citizen kane and keep your pretentious comments out of here

Perhaps because usually a movie people need to pay close to 30 bucks for two people to see in the theaters won't do that well if it fucking blows?

Not to mention that the way a lot of Wright blowhards talk getting rid of him means the film will be deprived of any redeeming qualities. It will be a good flick (mo) and it will sell gangbusters and the haters will still come out of the woodwork to say "Well everyone saying it's good and supporting it and making it a blockbuster are all stupid. I'm gonna go watch Citizen Kane and Worlds End on repeat because i'm a fucking film fan who knows my shit while the rest of the world is just sheeple."

It's fucking annoying. And a movie doing well in the theaters is only NOT an indicator of it being a decent flick when you are actively trying to talk shit. It's not the only way to tell if a movie is good but it's not like that statistic lives in a vacuum either.

It doesn't exist in a vacuum, exactly. Good movies perform poorly (Edge of Tomorrow, Dredd) and bad movies perform well (Transformers, all of them).

It's the film equivalent of "well, COD sold x more million than last year, soooo" or "Destiny has x number of OTs, soooo". Not even going to address your puzzling film snob straw man.

honestly i think world's end was my favorite from him (and I'm a huge fan of his other films, especially hot fuzz and scott pilgrim). it had a really different character for him in gary king. that wrist reveal was a surprisingly nice dramatic scene.

plus those jackie chan fight scenes were on point. the man made michael cera and nick frost look like damn good fighters. no easy feat.

I am starting to feel this way, as well.

It very well end up being my favorite. My biggest regret was not going to see it at the Alamo Drafthouse. Was the first film to make me want to down endless beers at the cinema since Beerfest.

Kicking myself for missing this.


Perhaps because usually a movie people need to pay close to 30 bucks for two people to see in the theaters won't do that well if it fucking blows?

Not to mention that the way a lot of Wright blowhards talk getting rid of him means the film will be deprived of any redeeming qualities. It will be a good flick (mo) and it will sell gangbusters and the haters will still come out of the woodwork to say "Well everyone saying it's good and supporting it and making it a blockbuster are all stupid. I'm gonna go watch Citizen Kane and Worlds End on repeat because i'm a fucking film fan who knows my shit while the rest of the world is just sheeple."

It's fucking annoying. And a movie doing well in the theaters is only NOT an indicator of it being a decent flick when you are actively trying to talk shit. It's not the only way to tell if a movie is good but it's not like that statistic lives in a vacuum either.

Great post


He's certainly a gifted filmmaker, but he has no real sense of how/when/how often to apply his artistic tendencies. I remember that Tony Zhou video being passed around that did an excellent job at highlighting what is supposed to make him great as a comedic director. The unintended effect on me though was that it so perfectly encapsulated why I find that watching his films is so obnoxious, overbearing, and at times grossly pandering. But hey, I get why people love him and I'm not going to stand in the way of their enjoyment. I just have zero interest in his career at this point.

I tried to get through the first episode of Spaced, but that thing gave me the stiffest douche chills since revisiting Kevin Smith's movies.
As an aside, The World's End is Wright's secret masterpiece, and I fully expect to see a critical re-evaluation of that movie that leads people to see its subtleties and its dark humour.

film snob hur hur hur
fatigue after a talking tree and racoon are the #2 global movie in the world? and they made a corny ass captain america many peoples favorite MCU film?

you can be fatigued over the movies even if you enjoyed both, which I did and I am.

but please continue with your witty responses.


I'll say the whole film snob thing is incredibly perplexing. The truest of the true film snobs would have very little time in their day discussing a director like Wright. Chances are if you think people who dig on Wright films are film snobs, then actual film snobs probably don't want to have a conversation with you at all.

Even the people who can talk with any degree of eloquence about Wright usually only do so by parrotting what other people have written(or refer to the Zhou video as justification). They're not film snobs, just people who like his movies and care just enough to talk about them with a modicum of insight. The people who don't like his movies don't dig on his brand of comedy. This isn't film snob sheeple vs. Paul Blart dunderheads, it's just people who dig his films and people who don't.
Yup, he is. Haven't seen World's End yet but Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz are two of my favourite comedies, in large part because of his directing, and I'd have absolutely loved to see his Ant-Man but I can see why his particular style would be an ill fit for something that ties into the MCU. He's currently one of the best when it comes to visual comedy and could have made something truly special out of Ant-Man but the stuff I enjoyed most from his movies probably wouldn't fly with general audiences.

Still looking forward to Ant-Man but I'm definitely hoping Wright can find his way into a Marvel (or DC?) property again and see it to completion this time.
I'll say the whole film snob thing is incredibly perplexing. The truest of the true film snobs would have very little time in their day discussing a director like Wright. Chances are if you think people who dig on Wright films are film snobs, then actual film snobs probably don't want to have a conversation with you at all.

A Bela Tarr Ant-Man would blow any of this MCU tripe out of the water.


mediocrity at its best
The last movie was a major disappointment though. "This is the End " took more chances and was a much better movie. "World's End" was so bad it was worse than "Paul"

It was terrible. Only gets propped up because its British. Dude sucks at what he does. People overlook those things when Pegg and Wright are being hilarious but just look at Pilgram. Trash.

The people that want his antman are hilarious. 2 fucking hours of antman running around while he adds post op stuff like ant man staying NARLEY!!!!! What a joke.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
It doesn't exist in a vacuum, exactly. Good movies perform poorly (Edge of Tomorrow, Dredd) and bad movies perform well (Transformers, all of them).

It's the film equivalent of "well, COD sold x more million than last year, soooo" or "Destiny has x number of OTs, soooo". Not even going to address your puzzling film snob straw man.

Indeed good films don't get the credit they deserve and franchise/money marketing can push a film to perform even when it's shite.

The difference here being that Marvel as a production studio for these films has shown that they are not nearly as tone deaf and money hungry as many posters would lead someone to believe. They have a solid grasp of the world they want to portray and as many people have already pointed out they have done a really good job finding directors that compliment their properties.

Yes COD makes gangbusters with little to no change but to compare the assembly line churning production of Activision/EA to Marvels MCU at this point is being deliberately obtuse and ignorant in this case. Especially with GotG so fresh in the minds of most people.

And the film snobbery remark wasn't a straw man attempt or even a deliberate attack towards you (sorry if that's how it came off.. i am in no way a great writer. I tend to splooge my thoughts onto the page when i'm at work.) but to me it's a very valid remark/complaint. To say "This movie is going to suck and i'm not excited because my favorite director isn't behind the wheel anymore" before you've even seen more than 2 minutes of the film is pretty dismissive. Line that up with all the talk about how wonderfully creative and artistic he is implies that Marvel/Ant-Man will in fact be the opposite of those traits and the complaints come off much more antagonistic.

Transformers 3 made money because of kids + marketing
GotG made money because it was fun as hell.

Marvel knows how to have fun. They know how to do superheroes. They've shown that for a number of years straight now. People treat Wrights leaving like some schoolyard squabble instead of the calculated decision it most likely was. I'm not asking anyone to "have faith" in it but shit... it's not like Wright was gonna be the lynchpin to anything they had going on. "we didn't lose a cure to cancer..." if ya know what i mean.

A Bela Tarr Ant-Man would blow any of this MCU tripe out of the water.

Ahhh.. i see. Nevermind. I'll just stop discussing this with you entirely now.
It was terrible. Only gets propped up because its British. Dude sucks at what he does. People overlook those things when Pegg and Wright are being hilarious but just look at Pilgram. Trash.

Yes you fucking got it. That's what we've all been missing. How could we have been so silly.

also tag quote because it's so clearly applicable to all your posts.


It was terrible. Only gets propped up because its British. Dude sucks at what he does. People overlook those things when Pegg and Wright are being hilarious but just look at Pilgram. Trash.

I rewatched the Red Riding trilogy this past week and I came to the same realization as well. Threw that fucker in the trash.


It was terrible. Only gets propped up because its British. Dude sucks at what he does. People overlook those things when Pegg and Wright are being hilarious but just look at Pilgram. Trash.

The people that want his antman are hilarious. 2 fucking hours of antman running around while he adds post op stuff like ant man staying NARLEY!!!!! What a joke.
Scott Pilgrim is fucking amazing and I simply can't get along with anyone who disagrees. Look at the premise of the movie, look at what it's trying to do, and then look at how hard it nails it.
The people that want his antman are hilarious. 2 fucking hours of antman running around while he adds post op stuff like ant man staying NARLEY!!!!! What a joke.

I... don't actually think you've seen any of Wright's movies. Maybe Scott Pilgrim, at a push.

Ahhh.. i see. Nevermind. I'll just stop discussing this with you entirely now.

Mate, if you don't get the joke, you don't have to reply to it.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Used to be, and I feel it was the other talent that surrounded him that he floated along with and benefitted hugely from. His recent efforts have not been good with Worlds End being incredibly stilted and that Daft Punk/Pharrell Williams music video he did being one of the most boring I've ever watched. Scott Pilgrim also bordered on the "way too obnoxious" a little too often.

Oh and him squatting on Ant Man for a decade with the dumb "lets not do the original hero much, skip to the 2nd" script has ensured the MCU will never have a proper Hank Pym, so he has that to answer for.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
It was terrible. Only gets propped up because its British. Dude sucks at what he does. People overlook those things when Pegg and Wright are being hilarious but just look at Pilgram. Trash.

The people that want his antman are hilarious. 2 fucking hours of antman running around while he adds post op stuff like ant man staying NARLEY!!!!! What a joke.

Hold the fucking batphone tho man ... Cause he's british? Scott Pilgrim trash?

Crazy pills. Everywhere...

Mate, if you don't get the joke, you don't have to reply to it.

My bad... I was running under the gun of assuming he wasn't joking when he started edging towards lumping Marvels movies in with COD.

Showing myself out...
Marvel knows how to have fun. They know how to do superheroes. They've shown that for a number of years straight now. People treat Wrights leaving like some schoolyard squabble instead of the calculated decision it most likely was. I'm not asking anyone to "have faith" in it but shit... it's not like Wright was gonna be the lynchpin to anything they had going on. "we didn't lose a cure to cancer..." if ya know what i mean.


Ahhh.. i see. Nevermind. I'll just stop discussing this with you entirely now.

I know it can be hard to detect sarcasm in discussions like this, but I'm not that big of a douchebag :)

I mean, I don't completely disagree with you. For me, it's personally disappointed because I think the best MCU movies are the ones where the directors are able to take them slightly off the path that Marvel has laid out and add their own flair.

The Winter Soldier is likely my favorite MCU movie, mostly because the Russo brothers were able to extend it a bit outside of the "superhero" genre. I absolutely love the espionage elements, the betrayal, redemption, etc. It loses some of this in the BOOM BOOM BOOM ending (which I guess I should be used to by now), but I really do admire a lot of that movie.

Thor is not the best, but I think a lot of the Asgard stuff plays to Branagh's strengths. I really liked that.

GotG, of course, oozes Shane Black. I didn't go wild for it like a lot of people, but it is up there among my fav MCU movies, for sure.

Extending outside of MCU, I don't really have to discuss Nolan and the TDK trilogy. They weren't perfect, but they were trying to be more than just a "popcorn action movie" or whatever term we want to apply to these nowadays.

Losing Wright was a big one for me, because I KNOW he would have made it his own. The lesser MCU movies (The Incredible Hulk, Iron-Man 2, and the first Cap) have little going for them, IMO. They're competent but they're extremely safe.
Didn't he leave because he didn't want to connect the movie to a universe and to keep the movie self-contained? And y'all want him to do a DC or Spider-Man movie instead? Last I heard, both were also trying to establish their own universes lol.

Wright is a great director. I would've loved him to have stayed on the helms of Ant-Man, but he didn't stay and people gotta let that go.

I'd take a great film over a connected universe, especially if the character has a low chance of being in other films. The infinity stones being name dropped and the 2 minute Thanos cameo wasn't what made parts of GOTG great. We obviously don't know what marvel has in store for ant man or what creative differences there were, or we don't know how Wright's film would have been or we don't even know how Reed's movie will turn out.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Good stuff

Ahhh alright. See? in over my head I swear.

I can get behind your choices even - in that the directors going for a little of their own flair while playing inside the Marvel toy house can produce the favorites of the bunch for sure. While i know Wright would have put his own stamp on it for sure i do understand (if the explanations we've got are legit) that his interpretation of a "comic book film" would be at odds with what Marvel has done/are trying to do with their world. It's a very carefully balanced formula they are working with and for a director like him i would imagine the flavor that he would want to inject into the film would probably be a selling point to him staying on. To have Feige or another studio head say "Hey .. we like your style and would love you on the project but you have to tone down this and this here to align more with what we've been doing" could turn a director like him off.

And to me that in no way says anything about him as a director (He's a goodun) or Ant-Man (it's still gonna be boss) and the people deciding that him leaving means that one or the other needs to be torn down is such a silly stance.

He'll make another hilarious movie I enjoy and Marvel will continue to construct worlds and stories I love.

Bro fist. internet hug. Hannibal as an avatar? I <3 you. Lets never fight again. Now kiss.
I personally think he is a pretty overrated guy, but apparently lots love him so I'm obviously in the minority.

I thought Shaun of the Dead was fun the first few times but watching recently it is not quite as good. Hot Fuzz is possibly one of the worst 'comedies' I have ever seen, and Scott Pilgrim was bad. Batting 1/3 isn't worthy of some of the praise he gets on this board and others, but that's just my opinion.

He probably could have made a decent Ant-Man, but it's nothing to get up in arms about I think.


at last, for christ's sake
One of the very, very few directors with a keen eye for everything: comedy, action, drama, splatter all in the same movie, and with a very personal style to boot. Edgar is a treasure, and I hope he continues putting his enormous talent behind the camera for many years to come

About Ant-Man? I ain't even mad, I've gotten used to these movies sharing a similar style
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