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English voice actor of Kiryu in Gaiden is being replaced by Youtuber Yong Yea


His voice just doesn't fit, and to make it worse I noticed that he sounds like a young version of Sam from Sam & Max and now I can't unhear it!!

There’s been a big push recently in the West for animated characters and their voice actors to match races. You can tell by the Yakuza 7 casting they tried their hardest to find as many Asians as they could for a game that has dozens of them. My guess is that they didn’t want one of the most iconic Asian video game characters in history to be voiced by a white man anymore. The same thing was done with Chun-Li in SF6. They dumped a veteran voice actress so they could champion that Chun-Li “finally has an Asian-American voice actor!” I know it sounds crazy, but this is how these people think and operate

Now as for why they specifically chose Yong, my guess would because he’s well known but also cheap. His Mr Beast argument is quite disingenuous as he would be way out of Sega’s price range. Mr Beast is more famous than Sega is at this point. Also, it was just announced that he got a role in the Persona 3 remake. So maybe he just knows someone or has a fan at Sega of America. It can’t be on merit, I mean just listen to that.
Let's not forget the downgrade for Ada Wong.

It has to be that, plus Sega now hiring cheap celebs they can namedrop in marketing for the last few entries. So here you've got someone with the right ethnicity and I assume a relatively big (but not too costly) following they wanted to take advantage of.
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I thought it would not be a big deal then listening to his voice, it is cringey. Thankfully I only play the Japanese version anyway.


Reseterror Resettler
Yong Yea is such a hypocrite. He can dish it out but he can't take it.

I stopped taking the dude seriously when he pulled the stock "if you don't vote like I do, then I don't want you as a fan/subscriber/whatever," tack. Without bringing any politics into it whatsoever, that struck me the same way Frosk's fit did. You don't pick your audience. That's the kind of bleed-through of narcissism and arrogance that usually belies a truly insufferable character behind closed doors.
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I'll take bad dubs over subs ANY day. I'm playing a game not trying to read shit during cut scenes or watching an anime.
Bad news: there's an enormous amount of unspoken dialog in the game. You're going to be doing a fuckload of reading either way. You might as well make the experience enjoyable.
I know I'm retarded for playing stuff in dubs but I can't help it. If I wanted to play this game would I have to play any of the other games or can I start with this one?
God I feel like The Man Who Erased His Name would be the worst possible yakuza game to jump into first. The whole game is basically a celebration of Kiryu's life and the experiences the player has had with him. So many references to the past and old events, characters, etc that a new player would not get or appreciate at all. They definitely need to be played in order. 0 to 7 and then Gaiden. It's all one long continuous story.
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I'll take bad dubs over subs ANY day. I'm playing a game not trying to read shit during cut scenes or watching an anime.

Bad dubs in my opinion just ruin the whole damn experience. Shenmue 1 and 2, FF15, Star Ocean TLH, Infinite Undiscovery and I can go on, insufferable in English, absolutely ear rape. Thank god we had the Japanese version of Shenmue with English subs.

But to each his own of course, but for me Japanese content stays exactly that and if there's no subs I don't watch.
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I know I'm retarded for playing stuff in dubs but I can't help it. If I wanted to play this game would I have to play any of the other games or can I start with this one?
Story-wise, this game quite relies on having at least some clue about the characters. Yakuza 0 is the one to start with (followed by at least Kiwami 2 and a couple of others), but that's Japanese only. If not that, then Yakuza 7.
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I did love the 6hrs I played of 7 and the dubs were good (thankfully).I guess I'll start on 0 and work my way through them all though. thanks!


I felt the same, and then I encounter this voice. I just hope public outcry works its magic this time, but I’m worried it will just be the twilight zone here.
yeah he's pretty bad,heard worse but yeah. He makes peter dink from destiny 1's VA seem good
Bad dubs in my opinion just ruin the whole damn experience. Shenmue 1 and 2, FF15, Star Ocean TLH, Infinite Undiscovery and I can go on, insufferable in English, absolutely ear rape. Thank god we had the Japanese version of Shenmue with English subs.

But to each his own of course, but for me Japanese content stays exactly that and if there's no subs I don't watch.

I rather be able to watch cutscenes and hear whats going on having to read stuff so I don't mind bad dubs too much.


Reseterror Resettler
Anyone else said how weird it is that he keeps dressing up as the character he’s doing the VO for?

I want to say Mark Meer of Mass Effect and Briana White from FFVIIR have both cosplayed their characters. Difference is, it was like....for a convention. Or a photo op. This guy seems to like...spend entire portions of time irl in character. Like he's developing the intense method acting of Ledger without telling anyone, except he takes gay-Superman liberties with the source material. It's giving me like Chibi/Ace Attorney vibes.

Edit: it doesn't help that the character he plays isn't instantly recognizable to people who aren't entrenched in the genre. Spirit store quality or made by Hollywood, a Mario costume is pretty instantly recognizable. To the untrained eye, dude looks like a Vegas Elvis priest.
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Anyone else said how weird it is that he keeps dressing up as the character he’s doing the VO for?
I think Yong may be in desperation mode, he probably knows Sega isn't going to ask him to do another game judging by how the fans have reacted thus far, (unless he signed some sort of contract). He is trying to show Sega he is all in, he is Kyru. Also, I don't know if he does other voice work for games, but this may hurt his career obviously.
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I stopped taking the dude seriously when he pulled the stock "if you don't vote like I do, then I don't want you as a fan/subscriber/whatever," tack. Without bringing any politics into it whatsoever, that struck me the same way Frosk's fit did. You don't pick your audience. That's the kind of bleed-through of narcissism and arrogance that usually belies a truly insufferable character behind closed doors.

Too many people in today's age will subscribe and give views simply to hate something or at worse scour through footage to look for a single mistake. If he wants to make that big gamble to tell those who do such a thing to leave, then I guess I don't see the problem with that because I did just that and stopped watching him. Frosk's speech affected more than just herself which is what her problem was. However, she had very, very little to do with that company tanking financially which, for some reason, is the narrative that's been pushed. G4's management didn't know how to handle money properly and they spent way too much, way too fast, before gaining enough traction to do so. They were doomed even if Frosk didn't exist, but she took the fall for all of it. That's actually impressive in a way.



I mean he does a pretty damn horrible job of course but the whole vocal track sounds as if there's a total lack of processing outside of a really bad implementation of pitch correction. It's dry AF, barely any reverb or delay and by the sounds of it barely any filtering/EQing or vocal processing at all.
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Reseterror Resettler

Too many people in today's age will subscribe and give views simply to hate something or at worse scour through footage to look for a single mistake. If he wants to make that big gamble to tell those who do such a thing to leave, then I guess I don't see the problem with that because I did just that and stopped watching him. Frosk's speech affected more than just herself which is what her problem was. However, she had very, very little to do with that company tanking financially which, for some reason, is the narrative that's been pushed. G4's management didn't know how to handle money properly and they spent way too much, way too fast, before gaining enough traction to do so. They were doomed even if Frosk didn't exist, but she took the fall for all of it. That's actually impressive in a way.

I think it's logical enough in Frosk's case. She took an opposing position to G4's fan base (and justified or not, that's 99.99% of the time a bad call) and she was one of the front facing elements of the company. It's like finding out they removed your favorite menu item at Fast Food Place # 53. It's a corporate decision, and chances are, the people who made it aren't even in the same state as the customer, but it's gonna be the 17 year old bored girl at the window who gets to hear the rough draft of the angry letter that's going to be written to the CEO of FFP#53. It's not fair, it's not air proof logic, but it makes sense.

If you're an author, a presenter, a performer, an actor, a sales representative, basically anything that has you acting as professional liason between corporate and public interests - then the invisible ink clause of your contract is to be a lightning rod when shit peaks.
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