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Final Fantasy XIV Information Thread | PC Open Beta... yeah it's not really open.


Ugh.. Don't like how they human-fied the Mithras more. I know it's suppose to be a different race but... I like the old noses for the Tarus and Mithras.

Yeah LOL at one Gameplay pic.


CORRECTION: Not a party battle, just displaying the different ranges of the jobs. Its the same guy demonstrating various jobs.


Not too far off from FFXI, but seems like there is a wider range for...ranged attacks.


I like the new races' looks. The lalafell look adorable to me. :)

I hate thinking of names... and now there will be last names? :(


Lol only 1 gameplay shot :lol

Are we going to be saying goodbye to macro heavy gameplay now that there's an action bar?


Sebulon3k said:
Lol only 1 gameplay shot :lol

Are we going to be saying goodbye to macro heavy gameplay now that there's an action bar?
Im hoping that the UI for the ps3 version is different cause the UI in WKC which looks similar wasnt that good imo


suzu said:
I like the new races' looks. The lalafell look adorable to me. :)

I hate thinking of names... and now there will be last names? :(

Or titles. Say... Teknoman the Brave or something.

EDIT: Just realized the above isnt a party battle, its the same guy as different jobs :lol


I like that the party set up will be different. I also like that only miners can see mining points which will make it harder for people not mining to steal your mining point.

However one thing that I worry about is the amount of time it will take to find 8 people ready to party. It took hours on end to find a good group of 6. I just hope it will be easier to make parties to gain exp or to complete missions with.


suzu said:
I like the new races' looks. The lalafell look adorable to me. :)

I hate thinking of names... and now there will be last names? :(
You should call your character Dragondark Slayerblood.

No need to thank me.

Edit for relevancy to the thread:

The artistic design is looking fantastic, I enjoy the detailed look of the armors and monster designs are looking awesome.

It's going to be interesting to learn how the jobs function and work together in a party situation over the course of the alpha/beta. I'm really looking forward to the archer class and whatever sneaky/backstabby job they have in the pipeline. :D


I like how some of the things that I thought monk classes should have actually made it in. The shockwave move should've been an obvious one. Now a range ki projectile/beam Sabin style, and im set.
That gameplay pic was a bit worrying in terms of the UI. Far too busy with the map, hotkeys and dialog box in it. Hopefully you can either make them smaller, remove them or make then semi-transparent.
And yes, S-E we know you can do CG. We fucking know.


Nakazato said:
Im hoping that the UI for the ps3 version is different cause the UI in WKC which looks similar wasnt that good imo

I'm sure they will stream line the UI to make it more comfortable for console players to play on, FF 11 wasn't that bad because of how awesome you could make the macros. At least on the 360.

Londa said:
However one thing that I worry about is the amount of time it will take to find 8 people ready to party.

Jesus it's party sizes of 8 now?


I remember reading something about the game being in windowable mode from the start along with UI elements being moveable/removeable.


I think im having withdrawals from playing FFXI lately. Im constantly being reminded of the beetles fought Garlaige Citadel through everyday things. its weird :/


Arsenic said:
I think im having withdrawals from playing FFXI lately. Im constantly being reminded of the beetles fought Garlaige Citadel through everyday things. its weird :/

Being a Black Mage in that place was amazing, Blizzard owned so hard against those beetles :lol


Arsenic said:
I think im having withdrawals from playing FFXI lately. Im constantly being reminded of the beetles fought Garlaige Citadel through everyday things. its weird :/
I'm sorry to hear that people have been kicking you repeatedly in the balls in your day to day life.


Sebulon3k said:
Being a Black Mage in that place was amazing, Blizzard owned so hard against those beetles :lol
Oh how you just reminded me of the sound of Distortion Skillchain and:

Magic Burst! The Helm Beetle takes 256 points of damage.


Arsenic said:
I think im having withdrawals from playing FFXI lately. Im constantly being reminded of the beetles fought Garlaige Citadel through everyday things. its weird :/
I hated the fucking place everything aggroed and/or linked and i was always the puller (THF)
and the damn beetles fucking ruin my damage


Nakazato said:
I hated the fucking place everything aggroed and/or linked and i was always the puller (THF)
and the damn beetles fucking ruin my damage
Crawler's nest was where the nightmares were for me, way before they patched in to prevent from MPKs


Arsenic said:
Crawler's nest was where the nightmares were for me, way before they patched in to prevent from MPKs

Yeah, nothing worse than zoning into the nest, and the entire crawler population was waiting to chew into you.

EDIT: There needs to be a character class that uses whips/ chain weapons. A new beastmaster style class.


Teknoman said:
Yeah, nothing worse than zoning into the nest, and the entire crawler population was waiting to chew into you.

EDIT: There needs to be a character class that uses whips/ chain weapons. A new beastmaster style class.
It was always mind-boggling how some pullers managed to get even the scorpions all the way out to the zone. man the experiences from that game are endless :lol


I need to hear what beneath bloody borders sounds like in its entirety. Supposed to be the main battle track according to Uematsu, and its even got the classic FF battle build up.

hateradio said:
The sky is all nice in the CG, but then the actual game is just has a cheap gradient :lol

I think the character turned off some settings? Someone said weather was turned off.


Teknoman said:
Someone said weather was turned off.

oh i was just guessing since that looks exactly like how XI looks with weather turned off XD

edit: has to be the case since the same area had clouds before



hateradio said:
The sky is all nice in the CG, but then the actual game is just has a cheap gradient :lol

Weather effects may be off, which may include stuff like clouds

At least what I'm hoping :(

Edit: Beaten so bad.
Sebulon3k said:
Weather effects may be off, which may include stuff like clouds

At least what I'm hoping :(

Edit: Beaten so bad.

It's also an alpha build. That kinda stuff might not even be in the game at the moment. As said, the alpha/beta will be more taxing on higher power computers than the final build will be. If the option is in the game perhaps it was turned off to maintain a decent framerate.

I don't want to step over any boundaries with rules and whatnot, so once the alpha begins I'll just clarify things that that have been discussed publicly. I don't think I wanna risk getting banned for divulging all the info I get out of the alpha.


looks like there's actually difference in the weapons you use.

alot of skills are not translated

Pugilist skills

口笛 口笛を吹き、敵の注意を引きつける 敵の注目を集める - provoke-like skill, grabs enemy attentions
ブラインドサイド 敵の背後をとる 背後から攻撃に成功した際、大ダメージを与える - sneak attack, critical hit from behind
チャクラ 丹田に力を入れる TPを削り、自分のHPを回復する - exchange TP to recover own HP
盗む 所持品を掠める 敵の所持品を掠めとる steal
フェザーステップ ゆらりとした歩法に変える 1回だけ、回避力を飛躍的に向上させる - evasion, increase rate of evasion

looks like pugilist are a combination of monk and thf

Marauder skills

ブラッドバス 返り血で戦意を高める 次の攻撃で敵に与えたダメージを自分のHPに加える - exchange HP to deal more damage on next attack, sounds like soul eater
力攻め 斧重量を乗せて、振り下ろす クリティカルの確率を高める - increase critical rate
ディフェンダー 斧での防御に努める 攻撃を捨て、物理防御を高める - defender, decrease attack increase defense
ディスオリエント 斧で砂を巻き上げる 敵の回避力を下げる - decrease enemy's evasion
不屈の行軍 地面を踏みしめながら行進する 拘束魔法を受けても、ゆっくりとだが動くことができる - sounds like if you stand your ground (not moving) you'll take less magic damage.

looks like marauderr going the war/drk path

archer skills

リプレニッシュ 持てるだけの矢を番える 複数の矢を同時に発射する - barrage, shoot multiple arrows at once
カメレオン 呼吸を整え、息を殺す 自分の気配を消す - hide your presence, sneak + invisible ? can also mean decreasing aggro.
ストライド 大股にすたすたと歩く 短時間、高速移動する - increase movement speed for short time
リトリーヴァル 狐矢を拾う HPを削って、矢を拾い集める - exchange hp for more arrows (wth? lol)
ホークアイ 鷹の如く目を凝らす 次の射撃の命中精度を高める - increase accuracy of your next range attack.

gladiator skills

剣の喝采 剣の切っ先を振り、敵に挑戦する 敵の注目を集める - provoke, grabs attention
カバー 背後の味方を護る 背後にいる仲間のダメージを肩代わりする - cover, protect your allies behind you
ランパート 剣による防御に注力する 物理防御と魔法防御を向上させる - increase physical and magical defense (rampart?)
プレシジョン 足を踏ん張り、剣による攻撃に注力する 回避を捨て、代わりに命中を向上させる - decrease evasion, increase accuracy (aggressor?)
イージスブーン 盾に隠れつつ、自らの回復を図る 盾でガードした際、ダメージをHPに変換する - when guarding, absorb amount of damage taken into hp

Lancer skills

鼓舞 槍旗を掲げ、士気を鼓舞する パーティメンバーが目標を攻撃した際にTPを与える - sharing of your TP with allies
フェロシティ 全力で槍を突き出す HPを削り、次の一撃で大ダメージを与える - sacrifice hp to deal major damage
気合 自身に活を入れる HPを削り、TPを増加させる - exchange HP for more TP
コルーション 仲間の陰から槍を突き出す 敵の注目を仲間に集めつつ、その奥から攻撃を繰り出す - sounds like trick attack, change monster's attention to ally
竜剣 槍を巧みに操り、敵を翻弄する 槍で敵の回避力を下げつつ、HPを吸収する - decrease enemy evasion and drain HP.. hmm.. weird
So its pretty much confirmed that people with standard rigs aren't getting into the Alpha. I don't remember, did they ask for more than the Graphics card? Either way I think I'm safe with my i5/5850 combo :D
I should be doing hw said:
So its pretty much confirmed that people with standard rigs aren't getting into the Alpha. I don't remember, did they ask for more than the Graphics card? Either way I think I'm safe with my i5/5850 combo :D

I'm pretty close to that, so I'd certainly hope so. I'm guessing "high end" is much looser a term than it sounds. I know people who play WoW on some of the most questionable rigs around, so the range is larger than most of us probably think.
Arsenic said:
It was always mind-boggling how some pullers managed to get even the scorpions all the way out to the zone. man the experiences from that game are endless :lol
S'not that hard. You can avoid the Exorays by sticking to the walls, and then the entire way up is smooth sailing, since nothing else aggros. I know I brought CN to a halt several times during my career. Thank goodness for Flee. :D
Now that I think of it.. I was so excited reading the update notes saying mobs would disappear when zoned. Looking back though, I kind of miss the dynamic it added to partying in places like Crawlers' Nest and Yhoator. Nothing will ever replace those days.


I'm really looking forward to the archer class and whatever sneaky/backstabby job they have in the pipeline.
There needs to be a character class that uses whips/ chain weapons. A new beastmaster style class.
I don't think you guys should have high hopes for such classes being added before launch, seems like 5 "Fighter" classes and (I assume) 5 "Mage" classes would be a pretty reasonable amount of classes to work with until the first expansion.


hteng said:
竜剣 槍を巧みに操り、敵を翻弄する 槍で敵の回避力を下げつつ、HPを吸収する - decrease enemy evasion and drain HP.. hmm.. weird

It's the Dragon Sword ability from FF5. I'm always amazed DRG never got it itself in 11, just getting the name for their post-buff 2hr, but I guess here it is. :lol

I'm not sure we're going to get new jobs with expansions per se, most of these archetypes are pretty broad. Most of the function could be handled by, say, patching in for Lancers a variety of katanas and domarus, or a special branch of maces and broadswords for Gladiators.
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