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First Dragon Quest Builders Information, Releasing This Winter

Gamers: We want a new Dragon Quest!
Horii: Fuck it, you do it.

Following that Nintendo logic.

Never played Dragon Quest before DQH came out. Now I like the look of this game as well.

Someone tell me what other DQ games I should look at?
Heroes is pretty different from what you should expect from the series, but if you want to dive in look at 5 or 8


That sounds nice and if it pans out, I'll be all over this. Despite buying three copies of Minecraft, I never played a single minute of it (they were a present for my nephews)

I need plot with in my sandbox. Give me an adequate tutorial and I'll be on my way.


The biggest barrier of entry for games like Minecraft and Terraria is that at the beginning you are dumped into a world and you can mine and build anything as long as you have the materials, but players unfamiliar with the concept don't know where to start. DQ is a huge mainstream brand, so they will likely want to mitigate this as much as possible.

The way I envision this game panning out is that at the beginning there will be very simple and specific quests which serve as tutorials to how the game works. So your first quest might be to gather specific materials and build a house for yourself. They will tell you what you need and there will be a recommended spot where you can build the house for example. From there the next thing might be to build a shop, and then to go into a dungeon to recover some items the shopkeeper would need to run the shop. After building a range of shops, you might need to build a Town Hall, and get a mayor into the town. From there maybe you'll need to build walls to protect the town from monsters as it grows.

That's just a guess, but I think it is reasonable to expect stuff like that considering the sort of brand DQ is, and the fact that this is still being sold as a RPG rather than just a sandbox game.

Yup. Messed around with Minecraft a bit and had no idea what I was meant to be doing and why, and promptly gave up. If this provides more direction and focus, with actual purpose (like a story mode) for what i'm doing it could be interesting


Never played Dragon Quest before DQH came out. Now I like the look of this game as well.

Someone tell me what other DQ games I should look at?

Well you might as well play DQ1, 2 and 3 since this game takes place in that world.
Interesting. I liked Minecraft for about 25 hours, but eventually the lack of any story made me move on. I can only dig and build (and get sniped by skeleton archers in the dark) for so long without motivation from a story. This could be a nice way to balance it out.

Though I also want to say FU to S-E. I had pretty much decided to forgo a PS4 and get a gaming PC. Now SE is finally making DQ games again, and they all seem to be Sony exclusive... Bastards.

Maybe start with that 3DS version of DQ VIII.
The biggest barrier of entry for games like Minecraft and Terraria is that at the beginning you are dumped into a world and you can mine and build anything as long as you have the materials, but players unfamiliar with the concept don't know where to start. DQ is a huge mainstream brand, so they will likely want to mitigate this as much as possible.
This is not entirely true about Minecraft. With console releases, they've added, and later expanded, a tutorial part that does essentially what you describe. This definitely helps to ease in new players and made Minecraft finally click for me.

I assume DQB will have a stronger quest line backbone than Minecraft though, with objectives that would give more sense of purpose to players used to more traditional games.


Never played Dragon Quest before DQH came out. Now I like the look of this game as well.

Someone tell me what other DQ games I should look at?

Depends what you like. The main series is a very by the books jRPG. DQ8 is widely considered the best, but go for the PS2 version or wait on the 3DS version. The mobile one is very compromised. DQ5 is held in very high regards too as one of the best 16 bit stories.

Dragon Quest Monsters series are kind of like Pokemon, but I always preferred them to Pokemon. You fight with a team of 3, and there's more emphasis on breeding rather than capturing. I liked 1,2 and The DQM: Joker games. Stay away from #3 - Caravan Heart. It's junk.

And then if you like dungeon crawlers, there is a side series featuring a character from DQ4 named Torneko (or Taloon inbthw original Nes version). Torneko the Last Hope is the only one of those that was translated for the West, though you can find a translated Rom of the super Famicom one called Torneko's Grand Journey (or something close to that).


I never knew I wanted this, never even played a DQ game before. Yet here I am, wanting this.

I adore minecraft and still pop it in from time to time, the freedom and lack of boundaries is incredible but something like it with a bit more goals dangling in front of you would be my jam.


The story is kind of awesome. It's like Zelda timeline split level of crazy.

No idea what you're talking about, I'd never give the wrong answer.

Yeah, that's awesome.

It definitely is a nice touch. It's the kind of thing that reminds me of how Caravan Heart had you
as Keifer from DQ7, fooling around in the world of DQ2
. Stuff blew my mind back when I first played!


Odds that the Dragonlord is the missing hero? It seems like an obvious twist,but this game might be trying to be even more straightforward than this.


Odds that the Dragonlord is the missing hero? It seems like an obvious twist,but this game might be trying to be even more straightforward than this.
No. The heritage of the DragonLord and hero are well established in the first 3 games. I don't see SE doing a retcon or retelling the story. Japan would riot.


Sounds like a pseudo-parallel Dragon Quest 1 with a combination of Minecraft and Dark Cloud. I...think I can get behind this, but I'll need to see some gameplay.


Haven't played a DQ game since Dragon Warrior and later Dragon Warrior Monsters. This seems like it'll be fun.


If if it doesn't, people can still pick up the Vita and PS3 versions.

Yeah, I'd say the whole purpose of this game is to try to appeal to the current Vita userbase in Japan due to the excellent sales of minecraft there.

It could end up being huge for the platform.


Never played Dragon Quest before DQH came out. Now I like the look of this game as well.

Someone tell me what other DQ games I should look at?

DQ 4 and 5 for the DS are great points to start with (the older ones (except 3 since i havent played it) are kinda dated ) and are easily available, DQ4 was a big hit as you play multiple characters until the later chapters once you get together (pick a male or female (Broccoli head) main character)) DQ5 is the game to influence pokemon with monster taming + it has you play a centralized character (male this time) as he grows up to be an adult and finally get married (your choice of 3 women(DS added a new wife) My favorite behind DQ8. DQ8 will spoil you too much if you play it first because the western versions got such a nice addition to the japanese version (The top tier dub, Orchestrated music). DQ9.... I feel like SE needs to re-release it via mobile for it to be considered good again due to its multiplayer structure. but you make a team of characters in this game, your characters are meh, it was the best in gameplay (only issue was no monster taming) DQ heroes is like the Dissidia/ warriors orochi of DQ so you could play that too. and we know you will.


This is not entirely true about Minecraft. With console releases, they've added, and later expanded, a tutorial part that does essentially what you describe. This definitely helps to ease in new players and made Minecraft finally click for me.

I assume DQB will have a stronger quest line backbone than Minecraft though, with objectives that would give more sense of purpose to players used to more traditional games.

I didn't know that actually. Pretty cool that they did that. Also, it makes sense with the console versions selling so well even long after the PC version became a huge hit. But yeah, I expect that in the case of DQ, they'll be mixing story with the tutorial stuff as well to give more incentive for players to invest in the world.


The aesthetics of Minecraft put me off from pouring any serious amount of hours into it. Found the world of Minecraft a bit bland / flavorless.
The world in this game feels a lot more interesting to me. Could be the game to finally entice me to indulge in my creative side.

I wonder if its going to be building by hand brick by brick or if its more of a recipe A for weapon shop, recipe's A,B,C and D for a castle.. etc etc.

I wouldn't want to build a while minecraft city/castle/world .... if I did.. I would do it in.. minecraft?


Wow this is the year of Dragon Quest !

If it's like Minecraft but in DQ world with a decent story, I NEED this .
Pretty sure this will be released here .

I was not aware Minecraft was popular in Japan but then again I'm no expert in Japanese culture .


For some reason, I am reading their rebuilding of Alfengard as if it were partially automated to give you "castle-like"/"merchant-like" things and such when rebuilding.

Feels more like you're working towards recipes.


I like the concept.

Although unlike something such as Dark Cloud or Soul Blazer in which the world is already established and you are simply restoring the people, buildings, etc.

The whole world is one massive georama for you to construct and piece together.

I'm definitely on board.
you know thinking about this game reminder me of the Wii game My life as a king, i'd love for SE to either HD release that or create a sequel or minecraft it up like this game


It would be very smart of Square Enix to ensure there's good multiplayer options on Vita, including potential cross-platform functionality.
For some reason, I am reading their rebuilding of Alfengard as if it were partially automated to give you "castle-like"/"merchant-like" things and such when rebuilding.

Feels more like you're working towards recipes.
I'd be okay with that actually, and there are probably options to do exactly that. I imagine they want to cater to as much people as possible, and not everyone enjoy building a complete castle from scratch, cube by cube. I imagine there will be preset houses and castles you can made as long as you had the material. I also wouldn't be surprised if there's a community aspect of sharing other people creation online
Having a story/objective makes this way more appealing to me than minecraft. I definitely prefer having a central goal to work towards
Thanks for the reply.

If this game pans out like that, I might buy it. Having just a simple outline of things to do can help.
Now that I think about it, the premise sounds good. Seeing a story-driven franchise like DQ mixed with minecraft seems appetizing, as we can somehow "create our own story" in a little way. A story might deviate a little bit with how you create the landscape but the goal is the same can somehow freshen up the narrative for a bit.


Never played Dragon Quest before DQH came out. Now I like the look of this game as well.

Someone tell me what other DQ games I should look at?

DQ1 - Super basic RPG, fun to see where console RPG's truly got popularized.
DQ2 - Ups your party from 1 to 3, more complex combat and overworld.
DQ3 - More story-centric, you create 3 out of 4 members of your party from scratch from a rudimentary job system.
DQ4 - Very story centric, split into chapters, more linear. No job system.
DQ5 - Story centric but you make pivotal choices, generally one of the favorites of the series for most fans. Introduced monster capturing.
DQ6 - Darker and broodier, also a huge graphical upgrade ala FF5->FF6. Job system returns. It's basically the FFIX of the series, everyone knows it's the best but no one's willing to admit it.
DQ7 - Like DQ6 but the pacing is a little slower. Will take you forever to beat. Released super late into the Playstation's life cycle. Greatly expanded job system.
DQ8 - Voice acted, combat made a little easier, took advantage of the PS2's capabilities. Gorgeous, fun, a great introduction to the series. No job system.
DQ9 - Fully player-generated party, personally I hated it for this reason but apparently people loved this one in spite of it. Lots of goofiness. Only on the DS.
DQ10 - Online, japan only.

Dragon Quest Monsters series - Better than Pokémon.

Go, be free! And play them all!
We really aren't going to get a new Hunter X Hunter chapter any time soon, are we?

Stop, pls. It hurts. Now we need a new Idolmaster and may as well n¿say good bye to Berserk as well. Thanks God Yukimura isn't into videogames I wouldn't know what I would do without Vinland Saga.


Stop, pls. It hurts. Now we need a new Idolmaster and may as well n¿say good bye to Berserk as well. Thanks God Yukimura isn't into videogames I wouldn't know what I would do without Vinland Saga.

Berserk is resuming monthly releases.

This year's 14th issue of Hakusensha's Young Animal magazine is announcing on Friday that Kentarou Miura's Berserk manga will resume in the magazine's next issue as a monthly series, after a 10-month hiatus. Hakusensha will publish this year's 15th issue of Young Animal on July 24. Miura's last published a chapter of the manga in Young Animal on September 26.



Having a story/objective makes this way more appealing to me than minecraft. I definitely prefer having a central goal to work towards

Same, after i platinumed Minecraft i quickly lost interest as I had no more goals/objectives


Not sure which platform to buy this on....

big screen vs portability...

No chance SQEX opts for cross buy right? (FFX didnt) :(
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