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[G&M]: Canada ran covert program to give asylum to gay Chechnyans


A really interesting read from John Ibbitson and the Globe and Mail.

Apparently Canadian officials have created a new underground rail road to allow gay Chechen people to come to Canada and seek asylum.

For three months, the federal government has been secretly spiriting gay Chechen men from Russia to Canada, under a clandestine program unique in the world.

The evacuations, spearheaded by Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland, fall outside the conventions of international law and could further impair already tense relations between Russia and Canada. But the Liberal government decided to act regardless.

As of this week, 22 people – about a third of those who were being sheltered in Russian safe houses – are now in Toronto and other Canadian cities. Several others are expected to arrive in the coming days or weeks.

"Canada accepted a large number of people who are in great danger, and that is wonderful," said Tanya Lokshina, Russian program director for Human Rights Watch, a New York-based organization, in a telephone interview. "The Canadian government deserves much praise for showing such openness and goodwill to provide sanctuary for these people. They did the right thing."


In strict secrecy, federal officials worked with the Rainbow Railroad and the Russian LGBT network to identify men who were willing to come to Canada. Ms. Freeland "wanted to be able to save a few individuals," the government source said. "And we also wanted to allow Canada to serve as a demonstration for like-minded countries about what could be done."

It was a difficult choice for men and women who, until the purge began, had given scant thought to leaving Russia. Hamzat knew little of Canada. "Hockey. The maple leaf. Legal marijuana."

But he welcomed the chance to immigrate. "All my life I have pretended to be someone else," he said. "Now I have come to a place where I can be myself."

The government is not willing to discuss how it overcame the issue of countries not accepting refugees who apply from their home country. "A process was undertaken by which an exception could be made to some of those rules," the official said.

After background checks and security screenings, the first of the refugees began arriving in Canada in June. One of them marched anonymously in Toronto's Pride parade.

The individuals involved have been designated government-assisted refugees, which will allow them to obtain permanent-resident status and citizenship. "We will continue our work in terms of screening and trying to bring more over," the official said. But the government believes that, for the moment, all of those who wish to come to Canada and who qualify are now here or will soon arrive.

Rainbow Railroad believes that the total will reach 30. Most, but not all, are men, and most are from Chechnya, with the rest from other parts of the North Caucasus.

Canada is not the only country to accept gay refugees from Chechnya and other countries in the region. France has accepted at least one person, as has Germany, and two are in Lithuania. An undetermined number of individuals have travelled to European Union countries on tourist visas, and then applied for refugee status.

But Canada is the only country to have adopted an organized, methodical program for taking in as many gay Chechens fleeing persecution as were qualified and willing to come.

The Trudeau government has made LGBT rights a priority, appointing Edmonton MP Randy Boissonnault as special adviser on LGBT issues. The government has already moved to protect transgender rights, and is expected to offer an apology and redress for those in the public service and military who were discriminated against in the past because of their sexuality. Canada is also co-chair of the Equal Rights Coalition, a new international organization dedicated to protecting and advancing the rights of sexual minorities.


For now, the Canadian government considers the Russian underground railroad a unique program, though one that could be adapted to meet future emergencies. The government official speaking on background stressed that the refugee program is part of a major foreign-policy priority: to protect the rights and safety of sexual minorities around the world.

What matters most to Hamzat and others in his position is that Canada has once again welcomed people fleeing persecution – in this case, people who were at imminent risk of harm.

"I am looking forward to my life here," said Hamzat. "I will likely continue to do professionally what I did back home, but I also want to contribute to bigger causes."

"These individuals are young and bright and full of potential," said Mr. Powell. He is convinced they'll do just fine.

More at the link.

There seems to be more to this government than meets the eye. This will most likely strain relations with Canada and Russia but it was worth it in my view.

Welcome home all!


This will most likely strain relations with Canada and Russia but it was worth it in my view.

Will it?

I figured the Russians would be thrilled that other countries are taking LGBT folks off their hands.


Man can you imagine if America followed up Obama with someone like Trudeau instead of Trump? Hope would have flourished in the USA. I'm proud I voted for Trudeau.

USA is an absolute mess. Canada is an absolute gem.
Wouldn't this piss off Putin? Canada Russian relationships should take a toll...

Oh no.
It's not like Russia is our friend or anything anyway, nor should we trust them. They're trying to stir up shit here like the US too.

Chrystia Freeland was banned from entering Russia years ago. Trudeau already did a troll job on him by appointing her as Foreign Minister anyway.


Yup, ta hell with Putin. I don't think he really cares anyway.

It's good because it's the right thing to do. If it ruffles some feathers, then screw them too.


Fuck Russia. Saving lives is more important than keeping good relations with genocidal dictators like Putin.

Canada showing again why we're the best country in the world.
um, this makes me proud and shit.

but also, um, why the fuck am i reading about this?


Man can you imagine if America followed up Obama with someone like Trudeau instead of Trump? Hope would have flourished in the USA. I'm proud I voted for Trudeau.

USA is an absolute mess. Canada is an absolute gem.

well, i'm not proud you did [considering the attack-on-the-middle-class tax laws he's trying to pass currently]

not to mention all the blatant campaign lie-promises that have been exposed since his election.

but at least he's promoting sunny ways.


Oh no.
It's not like Russia is our friend or anything anyway, nor should we trust them. They're trying to stir up shit here like the US too.

Chrystia Freeland was banned from entering Russia years ago. Trudeau already did a troll job on him by appointing her as Foreign Minister anyway.

lol I guess it was already dead.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Wouldn't this piss off Putin? Canada Russian relationships should take a toll...

Well sure, it is true that the less Putin's Russia thinks about Canada, the better, and this unfortunately will make them take notice.

But this is still the right thing to do. So, it's a difficult situation if that's what you mean.

Relations have never been good though...well, maybe in the 1990's with Boris Yeltsin.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Man can you imagine if America followed up Obama with someone like Trudeau instead of Trump? Hope would have flourished in the USA. I'm proud I voted for Trudeau.

USA is an absolute mess. Canada is an absolute gem.

Another, more pessimistic way of looking at it is that Trudeau is our Obama, we're just on a delay (Harper was our W. Bush), and we're in for worse leaders in the future.

Of course I have hopes that Canada's nature is better, but Trudeau is loathed in the heartland... things could change politically.


Another, more pessimistic way of looking at it is that Trudeau is our Obama, we're just on a delay (Harper was our W. Bush), and we're in for worse leaders in the future.

Of course I have hopes that Canada's nature is better, but Trudeau is loathed in the heartland... things could change politically.

In that case, Scheer is our Mitt Romney then? That seems fairly accurate.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Canada is not-so-secretly one of the most anti-Russian countries outside of Eastern Europe.

If you've seen Russia's claims in the arctic, it's a good clue why Canada's not compatible with Russia at all, and has a lot in common with those Eastern European NATO nations.


Read the entire article guys. :)

We did. Trying to score good will and also PR points for the PM and his government for taking in a handful of gay Chechnyans and potentially shaming fellow allies into doing the same means squat if strongman Ramzan Kadyrov expels all Canadian citizens out of Chechnya, arrests any Western person in Chechnya as a spy and holds them in detention, or Russia ramps up counterintelligence there.

You think Putin and Russians and their FSB intelligence officers reading this won't try and stop this? Very easy to see how 22 citizens left and are now in Canada as Canada need official landing documents for them. They can easily hack if they needed to. Harass family members. This is great,but don't announce it UNTIL aftee the program is no longer viable. Not while still ongoing.


We did. Trying to score good will and also PR points for the PM and his government for taking in a handful of gay Chechnyans and potentially shaming fellow allies into doing the same means squat if strongman Ramzan Kadyrov expels all Canadian citizens out of Chechnya, arrests any Western person in Chechnya as a spy and holds them in detention, or Russia ramps up counterintelligence there.

You think Putin and Russians and their FSB intelligence officers reading this won't try and stop this? Very easy to see how 22 citizens left and are now in Canada as Canada need official landing documents for them. They can easily hack if they needed to. Harass family members. This is great,but don't announce it UNTIL aftee the program is no longer viable. Not while still ongoing.

The operation was completed months ago. The initial wave are safely in Canada or in transit in safe countries. Any future programs can be started with a different program.


In that case, Scheer is our Mitt Romney then? That seems fairly accurate.

Scheer just doesn't not feel like a leader to me, he lacks the sense of presence needed, I'd be very surprised if he becomes PM at any point in the future.
This is good. This is Canada's way of saying don't try your propaganda bullshit in Canada, because we're smart enough to resist it. We smuggled out citizens of your own country because we think you're treating them like shit.
Another, more pessimistic way of looking at it is that Trudeau is our Obama, we're just on a delay (Harper was our W. Bush), and we're in for worse leaders in the future.

Of course I have hopes that Canada's nature is better, but Trudeau is loathed in the heartland... things could change politically.

But your heartland only has like 5 people in it right?
I'm kidding of course, but still, the rural regions of Canada in particular would be a lot less densely populated, no?

It seems unlike both the US and Europe, Canada is on its way to be the true leader of the free world, while we all descend in 20th century fascism, boundless capitalism or both.


When news of the detentions and torture became public, a spokesman for the Chechen government insisted there was no pogrom under way because there were no homosexuals in Chechnya, and if there were, "their relatives would send them somewhere from which there is no returning."

You can't make this stuff up.

My government putting in the work.


If you've seen Russia's claims in the arctic, it's a good clue why Canada's not compatible with Russia at all, and has a lot in common with those Eastern European NATO nations.
That's not the main reason though. Canada is home to a large population of ethnic Ukranians, so anti-Russian moves are also useful political moves. In this case it's well warranted as the treatment of LGBT people in Russian territories is atrocious.
Very cool of them

More developed countries should be doing programs like these for gays, atheists and other high risk groups of people that are facing discriminatory violence in their home countries.


I've been really impressed with Freeland thus far and this is especially great.

I remember my cousin's husband going on about how he doesn't care much for Trudeau but he really likes Freeland because of her anti-Russian stance, and also their kids go to the same Ukie daycare and she speaks Ukranian. Ms.Freeland is very popular in the Ukranian community, even among the generally conservative people.

This also brings to mind a family friend talking about how he (or a friend of his?) was getting government grants for having hired a "Syrian" refugee who spoke Chechen and it was great because one of his other employees from Georgia speaks Chechen.
Some people actually used the Underground Railroad to travel back to the United States as slavery was abolished in Canada later than it was in the US. Fun facts.

Fun incorrect facts, though. Slavery was considered completely abolished in the US only in 1865 when enough states signed to get the required criteria to make it the law of the land. The act of slavery was abolished across the British Empire and its colonies in 1833(and came into full effect in 1834). However, this was considered as a done deal by the courts in Upper/Lower Canada since the 1790's.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
But your heartland only has like 5 people in it right?
I'm kidding of course, but still, the rural regions of Canada in particular would be a lot less densely populated, no?

I'm talking about provinces like Alberta, which regardless of urban/rural split are generally more conservative. Trudeau also has enemies on the left, too.

We're not locked into progressive leadership like this in Canada. It could easily go away.

I keep bringing up this book since Trudeau and Trump won. From the far distant era of 2009, it looked like America was more progressive and Canada was regressing. Things can change pretty fast.


(^ completely coincidentally, it's written by the author of the OP's news story)


We did. Trying to score good will and also PR points for the PM and his government for taking in a handful of gay Chechnyans and potentially shaming fellow allies into doing the same means squat if strongman Ramzan Kadyrov expels all Canadian citizens out of Chechnya, arrests any Western person in Chechnya as a spy and holds them in detention, or Russia ramps up counterintelligence there.

You think Putin and Russians and their FSB intelligence officers reading this won't try and stop this? Very easy to see how 22 citizens left and are now in Canada as Canada need official landing documents for them. They can easily hack if they needed to. Harass family members. This is great,but don't announce it UNTIL aftee the program is no longer viable. Not while still ongoing.

The Russians certainly don't need a Globe & Mail article to tell them this is going on. Here's an article from July 14, 2017

Chechen president and MMA promoter says gays are ‘devils,' should be taken to Canada

HBO's David Scott: ”I wanted to ask you about the alleged roundup, abduction, and torture of gay men in the Republic. What, Mr. President, do you want to say about that?"

Ramzan Kadyrov: ”Why did he [Scott] come here? What's the point of these questions? This is nonsense. We don't have those kinds of people here. We don't have any gays. If there are any, take them to Canada. Praise be to God. Take them far from us so we don't have them at home. To purify our blood, if there are any here, take them."

The "gay people are devils" thing seems to be a common trope among codgy Eastern European priests. There was a needlessly long sermon on the topic at a Ukie festival one year. (They got a younger, cooler priest the next year.)


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Where are you getting that from?

Slavery abolished in British Empire including what became Canada - 1834
Slavery abolished in the US - 1865
Canada became its own country - 1867

Seriously how would the underground railroad even work if Canada still had slavery at the finish line? lmao.
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