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GAF, tell me about these PS 4 games (mostly JRPGs)


Hello there, GAF.

Since I own a PS 4 I've only bought Persona 5 and Kingdom Hearts 2.8. There are so many games out there I want to play at some point, but since the day only has so many hours I have to choose what to play first. So I would like some first hand impressions which may help me decide. I do know there are a few games that are more or less considered "Must Have" for the console (Bloodborne being a prime example), but if I don't list them here I am either not interested, not sure if I would actually enjoy it or may want to play them anyway, so I don't need impressions.

So, with that out of the way, here is the list of games I am interested in:

World of Final Fantasy
How is it? I did like the first reveal trailer, but I basically know nothing except for it being a sort of pokemon/persona catch'em'all system.

Final Fantasy XV
The last FF I played was 12 and I absolutely despised the battle system, which is why I put the game away after 2-3 hours of playtime and never touched it again. FF XV looks quite different, so this piqued my interest in the series again.

While I haven't finished a single Souls game yet and Nioh seems to fall into the sort of same niche, it looks pretty awesome. What would I have to expect here? Somehthing more Souls like, with a (semi) open world or would it be more like a DmC or Bayonetta, just with different combat?

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
I've heard some really good things about this game, some even compared it gameplay wise a bit to Persona. But that's basically all I know. Is it any good?

Valkyria Revolution
This hasn't released yet (or releases today), so any impressions at all would be nice. I liked the first Valkyria Chronicles, only played a bit of the second and never touched the third. I do know that this is no tactical RPG and instead an action RPG, but is the game itself any good?

Arslan or Berserk Musou
I've never played a single Musou so far, but those two besides the upcoming FE Musou are the ones that interest me the most. I've heard the Berserk one has pretty hard/unique bosses compared to other Musous, no idea what the Arslan Musou has.

Danganronpa - Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls
I do own it on my handheld, but I only ever played chapter 1. I don't really care wether or not the game itself isn't so good, what I am most interested in would be the controls. They were pretty akward to handle on the Vita, are they any better on the PS 4 version? Because that's one of the main reasons why I stopped (and the fact that I lost my save twice after beating chapter 1, ugh). Also, does this have dual audio at all? The japanese voiced were DLC on the Vita version.

I think that's pretty much it. Any impressions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance, GAF!


Your list is missing Yakuza 0.

Its pretty close to the best JRPG on PS4

I have never played a single Yakuza game, which is why it falls under "Not sure if I even like it". So, yeah, not at the moment, maybe someday.

Atelier Sophie and Odin Sphere should be on that list

Odin Sphere never really interested me. As for Atelier, I played Atelier Iris 3 on the PS 2 and have one of the PS 3 Atelier games I barely touched and I should play first.


Neo Member
Sölf;241946040 said:
Hello there, GAF.

While I haven't finished a single Souls game yet and Nioh seems to fall into the sort of same niche, it looks pretty awesome. What would I have to expect here? Somehthing more Souls like, with a (semi) open world or would it be more like a DmC or Bayonetta, just with different combat?

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
I've heard some really good things about this game, some even compared it gameplay wise a bit to Persona. But that's basically all I know. Is it any good?

Think about Nioh more like an Onimusha game with some mechanics from soulsborne games, but not the way around. You'll enjoy it a lot more. Pretty good game.

Cyber Sleuth is probably the best digimon game ever made. So you should try it out too.

And I recommend you to add Tales of Berseria to that list. I had a great experience playing it. One of the best Tales of.

Nier Automata is my goty so far. Play it


Nier: Automata

That's one of the games I want to play at some point, just not right now. I also never played the first Nier, I may want to give that one a go first.

Think about Nioh more like an Onimusha game with some mechanics from soulsborne games, but not the way around. You'll enjoy it a lot more. Pretty good game.

Cyber Sleuth is probably the best digimon game ever made. So you should try it out too.

And I recommend you to add Tales of Berseria to that list. I had a great experience playing it. One of the best Tales of.

I am really not interested in the Tales series. The only Tales I ever played was the GBA remake of Phantasia, and I didn't play much of it. I do know the newer ones have basically nothing with that old one in common, but somehow I just am not interested in all.


Play Nioh, NieR: Automata and Yakuza 0.

Pretty much this.

Avoid FFXV. If you prefer more traditional FF combat you won't find it here, plus there are many many more shortcomings with the story and questing.

EDIT: lol the post below. Neogaf.gif. Everyone is different.


For FFXV, I had a real blast. Here's one way to tell if you might enjoy it:

Watch Kingsglaive and the Brotherhood anime shorts. They are free I think, at least brotherhood is. Kingsglaive was on Netflix, not sure anymore.

The story is not really about the world. Its the story of four men who became brothers in arms that explore this world. The combat can get repetitive, and maybe need to check a wiki to get the full story. Playing with subtitles might help a bit. Without spoilers, the first half of the game is very open world, the back half is more linear. Personally I loved this change in pace as I was getting sick of combat, but others felt that was a big issue.

Boy it was a great ride while it lasted. I've rarely felt so attached to secondary characters.


Yakuza 0 has been pretty popular on GAF. Its a prequel that gets things started. Here is a link to a thread that explains the series quite well.


It might not be your thing, but given your preferences for lighthearted ARPGs like Kingdom Hearts but also Bloodbourne i think the series would be a great fit. It has stats and leveling like a typical JRPG but is a brawler at its core.


Sölf;241946436 said:
That's one of the games I want to play at some point, just not right now. I also never played the first Nier, I may want to give that one a go first.

You don't have to play the first Nier if u wanna enjoy Automata. Also Final Fantasy XII launches in 2 weeks or so, looks pretty good.


Neo Member
Sölf;241946040 said:
Final Fantasy XV
The last FF I played was 12 and I absolutely despised the battle system, which is why I put the game away after 2-3 hours of playtime and never touched it again. FF XV looks quite different, so this piqued my interest in the series again.

While I haven't finished a single Souls game yet and Nioh seems to fall into the sort of same niche, it looks pretty awesome. What would I have to expect here? Somehthing more Souls like, with a (semi) open world or would it be more like a DmC or Bayonetta, just with different combat?

Out of the ones you mentioned I've only played those 2, although I plan to pick up Ultra Despair Girls soon.

I really enjoyed FFXV, very different from the battle system of 12 if that's what put you off of it, felt a lot more action focused. Story was pretty decent, had its bad moments but generally good.

Nioh I absolutely loved, really enjoyed how fast paced the action was, if you liked any of the souls games I'd definitely recommend this. Combat is like a very quick souls game, rather than something like DmC.

I'd also add Nier: Automata and Tales of Berseria.
Nier is probably my GOTY so far, and Berseria is the best tales game I've played since Vesperia.
I liked World Of FF. It is quite linear/dungeon crawly. There isn't much of a world to explore, so you'll spend a lot of time in dungeons moving towards the next plot point but the actual monster collecting and evolving was really fun (I always had to have a chocobo follow me lol) and the story was cute. Really high production values, some good twists and turns and a nice heartfelt core. I would recommend that one as long as you go into knowing it's quite linear.


World of Final Fantasy is a nice throwback to old school Final Fantasy titles. Its a fun little title that Im enjoying. But I can't stand some of the voice acting in it. Some strange choices there. Still a great game.

FInal Fantasy XV was an awesome game for me. Story couldve used some work, but everything else was a blast. Really enjoyed the gameplay in it. Haven't tried the DLC yet but I loved just about everything in the game.

Nioh is fantastic, but insanely hard. I still can't get past the second boss. Still everything i go back to try I have lots of fun.

Valkyra Revolution, sigh, biggest disappointment of the year by far. Got the Japanese release and I just couldn't get past the first two hours. Still want to try and get through it someday, but its really a tough game to enjoy. Nothing like the original. Sadly most of us in the import thread felt the same way and have been warning people about the game for months. Be very cautious on this one.

Arslan Musou has been pretty much a fun game. I like the Arslan anime so its a no brainer that I would like the game. its just a lot of fun.

And yeah like everyone said, Nier is a must. And the Yakuza games are also well recommended.


You don't have to play the first Nier if u wanna enjoy Automata. Also Final Fantasy XII launches in 2 weeks or so, looks pretty good.

Knowing the OG Nier characters makes Automata much more impactful though. But yeah, it's not a requirement.

Also OP stated he didnt like XII.


World of Final Fantasy is super fun with classic style combat. Watching all the past FF characters interacting is really cute. Make sure you get the Japanese voices dlc if you don't mind subs cuz it's really good.


UDG does have dual audio, I think. The story is really, really twisted.

Also, the party customization in Tales of (etc) is through the roof. I'm fond of Xillia.

I really enjoyed XV, and I wasn't a fan of XII either.


World of Final Fantasy:
If you've played older Final Fantasy games, then WoFF is massive fan service game that is amazingly charming, cute and silly. Every FF fan has to experience it! Do you recall the infamous Tidus laugh? Well, watch this:

Below is copy-paste of my thoughts on WoFF from the OT:

The cutscene direction, intervention quests, and the localisation were some of the highlights of the game. It was a pleasure to see so many different and wonderful locations. The graphics and art were amazing in terms of environments. I liked the grown up versions of the characters, but the chibi ones didn't bother me too much either. The main party really grew on me, like dude! The funny banter really turned my corners up!

The story was okay I guess. A little too convoluted at the end for their target audience (kids) I think, and it could also have used less jargon. But the game does go around to explain it all, so it wasn't so bad. This would have to be weakest aspect of the game though.

The gameplay was average. It was just too simple for me. It should have allowed us to use mirages in all 3 spots from the start of the game. That would have opened up more strategical options. The stacking mechanic also felt a little lacking. You pretty much never really wanna be unstacked, so it basically kills a big part of the stacking system. Also, since not all abilities have seeds, you can't even plan out crazy setups. It's all very restrictive and held back. It needed more freedom. Like, why aren't there Bravega/Faithga abilities? Why can't I buy an Auto-Phoenix seed and give that ability to any mirage I want? Another thing that was annoying was having to level the mirages whenever you wanted to try some new ones out. Starting them at level 1 makes it a real chore and discourages trying out new mirage combinations. They should have allowed every single mirage to get EXP, even ones not in your party.

Having said all that, overall, I enjoyed the game. It's a solid 8/10 for me. I hope they make another one or something similar.

Final Fantasy XV:
It's utter trash. Don't bother.

Other than that, pick up NieR Automata (my GOTY) whenever you can. Don't have to play the original as they're entirely separate. I'm sure I'm forgetting some others, but will post if I remember.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.

You'll never get a comprehensive and decent opinion in GAF. Just buy it and see if you like it. Also the newest DLC adds more to the story and develops certain characters.


Avoid World of Final Fantasy. I could only stomach it for 3 hours but it has some of the most obnoxious dialogue and voice acting ive seen in a while.
I haven't watched, or really had any interest, in Digimon since Digimon Adventure 2. Decided to pick up Cyber Sleuth on a whim during a sale last year, figuring it would fun for a bit of nostalgia, and I was right, but it ended up being way more than just that. The game is genuinely really well crafted and enjoyable to play through. Collecting the different Digimon and trying to get the right stat balance to get the digivolve path that you're after can be a bit of a challenge at time, but it feels good once you finally have your dream team together and see them fighting right alongside you. The main story is alright, but the side quests are where the real entertainment is. There are some goofy quests, sad quests, happy quests, some that will last you for hours and some that are right quick. There's plenty of content in the game, but it never felt overwhelming to me.

I've played FFXV and World of FF too, but can't really recommend either. Neither of them captured my attention for very long, and every time I'd try to play them, I'd just end up not feeling it. World of FF was throwing me off by having both chibi and human set-ups, and FFXV just didn't.. click. I'm sure there are great things about both of them, though. If nothing else, they both have nice graphics. (and WoFF has a Sora summon!)


Cyber Sleuth and Nioh are the best in that list. Especially Digimon.

The only bad thing about Cyber Sleuth is that you can't skip cutscenes.

Combat, digimons and music are God-tier.


FFXV is pretty good. I had fun with the battle system and the exploration aspects. Story isn't really the best though. I'd wait until it's $30 or so since it seems like they're still patching the hell out of it.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle

You'll never get a comprehensive and decent opinion in GAF. Just buy it and see if you like it. Also the newest DLC adds more to the story and develops certain characters.

So what's a requirement for a 'decent' opinion of FFXV to you? The one similar to yours? :p
World of FF and Ultra despair girls are ordinary games, Valkyria Revolution looks very poor.
Of the list Cyber Sleuth is the one I'd recommend, an excellent and very addictive monster battler.
World of Final Fantasy: only played for an hour, had to drop it because I was playing too many games at the same time. My first impression, I like the art style, the tone seemed a little kiddy and doesn't take itself seriously. Combat is turn based but uses stacking mechanic. From what I played it seems to be an easy and simple game. If you're a huge FF fan you might enjoy the references. Can't say much about the story
There is a demo of it on the ps store if you want to try it out.

Digimon Cyber Sleuth: I am like 6-8 hours in, really enjoying it. If you love the Digimon universe and collecting monsters, this game is great. Has turned based combat, find it pretty easy (mainly because I am overpowered). Haven't played in awhile so I don't recall the story much, so nothing memorable, but it isn't bad. If you like Digimon universe and Pokemon games, you would most likely like this.

Final Fantasy 15: Finished and platinum the game, really liked it. If you're expecting a good story like other FF games, you will be disappointed, the story seems incomplete. The open world is beautiful but not a lot of things to do and a lot of uninteresting side quest. Highlights of the game for me were, the relationship between the 4 characters, dungeons are fun, and I really liked the combat. The combat is action based, more akin to Kingdom Hearts but nothing like the previous final fantasy games. It isn't as good as Kingdom Hearts, but it isn't bad as people say, it can get hectic in indoor spaces. My only negative with the combat system is the magic, they're just basically grenades with cool effects. Overall the game is good, not great nor bad just good. If you're interested in the game I would suggest getting it at a later date when either an complete edition releases or when all the dlc and updates are out since they add a lot of interesting stuff and story content.

Ni-oh: based on the beta I played it felt more souls like but with faster movements.

Out of those, I would suggest Digimon, then later down the road FFXV. Can't recommend WOFF yet.


FFXV is a good game if you go not expecting a traditional FF. it has some shortcomings and the story is a mess, but it's a fun experience with a extremely likeable main cast. Lots of content too.

Nioh is a fun mix between Dark Souls and hack and slash, it kinda drags at the end but the combat is a ton of fun. It's heavily based on loot system a la Diablo.

Rest I didn't play.
Sölf;241946040 said:
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
I've heard some really good things about this game, some even compared it gameplay wise a bit to Persona. But that's basically all I know. Is it any good?

Please, pretend you didn't hear that. It's a good game, but showering it with hype will disappoint you if you set your expectations the wrong way.

That said...

Cyber Sleuth is probably the best digimon game ever made. So you should try it out too.

I agree it's the best Digimon ever made. It's gameplay is simple, but scene/story-wise, it's pretty awesome.

Best Omegamon
and Alphamon

Sorry, western Digimon fans,
it's Alpha and Omega, not Alpha and Omni.


Sölf;241946040 said:
World of Final Fantasy

Loved this game. Switch the game into classic mode (menus, proper turn-based) and try not to get too dragged down by the fairly naff story, but allow yourself some grindy, compelling, old fashioned JRPG pleasure. There's quite a lot to the package, get a bit bored plodding through the story and you can attempt a few challenge battles or retread your path and collect pokemons. Slick and polished.

Sölf;241946040 said:
Final Fantasy XV

I'd rather spend my time washing the dishes or waxing the car, it's that utterly dull and bland. The group of bros are the most banal, meh-inducing shitfucks I've ever encountered in a game. I hated myself for buying and playing this before WoFF.

Sölf;241946040 said:
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth

On my list to add to the pile along with Earthlock.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
So what's a requirement for a 'decent' opinion of FFXV to you? The one similar to yours? :p

A decent opinion where it doesn't fling shit to other users, shoving opinions, or acting condescending to others, like how almost every FFXV thread devolves into.

See, the reason why post less nowadays is because of people like those.

I liked FFXV and I respect people not liking it but to attack people or calling out those who liked it, that's a different story. And that happened to me on several occasions.
Final Fantasy XV
Fun game with flaws, maybe wait until 2018 when all content is patched

Great game, if you like souls games you most likely will like this also.

There are also Tales of Berseria, Odin Sphere, Nier Automata and Yakuza 0 worth checking out.


Sölf;241946214 said:
I have never played a single Yakuza game, which is why it falls under "Not sure if I even like it". So, yeah, not at the moment, maybe someday.

Odin Sphere never really interested me. As for Atelier, I played Atelier Iris 3 on the PS 2 and have one of the PS 3 Atelier games I barely touched and I should play first.

How you gonna have a Gintama avatar and NOT play Yakuza?
Yakuza 0 is a good starting point, don't sleep on dat ish bro ;3

I'd say fellow gaffers already wrote what I would've said about these games.
Digimon is fantastic. It's battle system is fairly simple, so you have attack, defend, special attacks (one unique, and then stuff like firaga, sleep etc.). The battle system has a rock-paper-scissors system in terms of your Digimon's type, along with a neutral type, which determines whether you do normal, 2x or 0.5x damage.

The main draw is the storyline, and Digivolving your Digimon. You have a team of 3, plus 8 in reserve, and unlike most games of this nature, Pokémon being the big example, you can and are encouraged to revert your Digimon back to their previous stages. You can practically reach 90% of Digimon from anyone Digimon, due to the branching path of Digivolution. Generally, each Digimon has 4 or 5 different Digimon they can digivolve to, who in tun can be digivolved into from 4 or 5 different Digimon. As you go through these, you can increase your stats, even by going down to a previous Digivolution, along with keeping any special moves you pick up on the way. This means you can go really in depth with building a team with abilities that you want.

Cyber Sleuth and Nioh are the best in that list. Especially Digimon.

The only bad thing about Cyber Sleuth is that you can't skip cutscenes.

Combat, digimons and music are God-tier.

The music was my one complaint with Cyber Sleuth.
Sölf;241946040 said:
Final Fantasy XV
The last FF I played was 12 and I absolutely despised the battle system, which is why I put the game away after 2-3 hours of playtime and never touched it again. FF XV looks quite different, so this piqued my interest in the series again.
Good game that is way overhated. It has some major flaws like a shit story which the traditionalist fan base doesn't forgive at all, but IMO it's the most fun game in the series in a while. However, I feel like it's the FF closest to 12 so I'm not sure if you want this. Persona 5 as a JRPG is better than this to be fair.

While I haven't finished a single Souls game yet and Nioh seems to fall into the sort of same niche, it looks pretty awesome. What would I have to expect here? Somehthing more Souls like, with a (semi) open world or would it be more like a DmC or Bayonetta, just with different combat?

It is a bit of an inbetween and frankly, the moment to moment gameplay king in my opinion. Doesn't get more fun that this. It does have some drawbacks, mainly enemy variety and dragging on for too long. I thought the amazing mechanics at 60 FPS carried the game easily through the last third but opinions are divided on that, I'm not gonna lie.

Also, try Yakuza 0. Game is mind-bogglingly good and legit one of the best games of the decade, let along of this year. It was my first Yakuza and the amount of high quality content simply blew my mind. All those Yakuza 0 spammers on Facebook were right after all.


Sölf;241946040 said:
Hello there, GAF.

World of Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy XV


I think that's pretty much it. Any impressions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance, GAF!

If you want the best Final Fantasy game on PS4, its going to be coming out FFXII HD. I'd get that one personally over World and XV.

Nioh is a great game. At first its like a Souls game, and the enemy encounters are pretty much Souls, but the combat itself, there's so much flexibility from having high/mid/low stances at the switch of a button allowing you go hard attacks but at the cost of agility, or light attacks but with better dodging. Built on top of this are six or seven weapon sets that all play different with different skill sets and moves. Then there's the entire Diablo loot system that makes you dig deep into the stats to get the best build possible. Amazing game. The story, graphics are nothing to write home about, the story is rather bad actually, the graphics are just ok, the performance is great though, game runs 720/900p/60 on the OG PS4 and is smooth as silk.

Your list is missing the best game of the year Yakuza 0. Please give this a chance. It is WAY better than stuff like Valkyria Revolution or Danganronpa: Ultra Girls Despair which by most user impressions is pretty average.


Cyber Sleuth really surprised me. I liked it a lot. If you have any nostalgia or affection for Digimon it is worth checking out.

I would skip Ultra Despair Girls. Danganronpa 1 + 2 are some of my favorite games of all time, but Ultra Despair Girls is a slog with very little payoff.


Bit of an inbetween and frankly, the moment to moment gameplay king in my opinion. Doesn't get more fun that this. It does have some drawbacks, mainly enemy variety and dragging on for too long. I thought the amazing mechanics at 60 FPS carried the game easily through the last third but opinions are divided on that, I'm not gonna lie.

I'm one of those people who thought it was about 30 hours too long (finished at 72). The second half of the game is WAY better than the first half when I was getting to grips with the mechanics, the controls and having a limited skill set (that is still got way more options than any other game with combat).

The end game in the last two regions where you unlock basically everything and have so many combat options, weapon sets, stances, skills, magic, ninjitsu/traps is MIND BOGGLING. And being able to use them all in combat against bosses AND overpowering them is AMAZING. By the end of Nioh you truly become badass.
I'm one of those people who thought it was about 30 hours too long (finished at 72). The second half of the game is WAY better than the first half when I was getting to grips with the mechanics, the controls and having a limited skill set (that is still got way more options than any other game with combat).

The end game in the last two regions where you unlock basically everything and have so many combat options, weapon sets, stances, skills, magic, ninjitsu/traps is MIND BOGGLING. And being able to use them all in combat against bosses AND overpowering them is AMAZING. By the end of Nioh you truly become badass.

Yes, I loved that too and didn't mind the length. I can totally see why one'd be annoyed by facing no new enemies past mid-game though. Also +60h for a such a highly-paced, diverting game that is almost exclusively moment-to-moment gameplay can become exhausting. It feels nothing like 60h of Persona 5.
FFXV is a bit of a mess, but it's a lovable one. I really would recommend it, but don't try to take it very seriously or you're bound to be disappointed. There are some lows, particularly with poor side quest design and a narrative that doesn't always come together, but there are so many highs and epic moments that I feel it's a net positive experience.

It's not for everybody, but I sure as hell enjoyed my time with it.


I'll echo Yakuza 0, despite you saying maybe someday. One of the best games on the PS4 in my opinion and it has a lot of elements in common with a lot of JRPGs.

In regards to FFXV, I really, really like it, but it has a lot of really odd design decisions that may or may not ruin your experience. It seems to be pretty divisive. As the poster above me states, it is a lovable mess.


I've played nearly all of these games so here are my thoughts.

World of Final Fantasy
It's cute, very cute, nostalgia and it's aesthetic are the biggest draws. It's not a particularly engaging or difficult game and the story isn't the best out there but if you want a very basic JRPG with a lot of adorable style and nostalgia, you can't go wrong with it.

Final Fantasy XV
I personally loved FFXV but I know tons of people who found many issues with it's disjointed storytelling and unfocused and tedious gameplay elements surrounding its open world. Personally I say this is a shoe in, but for the average buyer you might be better waiting until all the "fixes" and updates have been done to the game. As I'm sure this game will be a much better and more fleshed out title from its launch iteration.

Nioh is great but it really wears down its welcome, it reuses levels constantly and pads out its gameplay way longer than it needs to. The game is very good though, employing the souls formula to Ninja Gaiden style combat really works. But unlike both it doesn't necessarily excel at either formula, it has segmented levels that aren't nearly as interesting as Souls levels. If you buy it maybe don't do a lot of side content as that was what wore me down on the game.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
It's basically budget Persona with Digimon. It's a really enjoyable ride but if you've played Persona 5 I can see this title feeling so much weaker in comparison. It's a straightforward monster raising JRPG, more akin to how Digimon World 3 if you need a point of reference. I love Digimon so this was a sure buy for me, but you might also be better waiting for the new version of the game releasing this year.

Valkyria Revolution
Heard it getting panned in reviews, maybe pass? Only one I haven't played.

Arslan or Berserk Musou
Haven't played Arslan, but did play Berserk Musou. It's by the numbers very much a Musou game through and through with nothing that truly sets it apart other than being set in the Berserk universe. If you haven't played a Musou in awhile and love Berserk, go for it, just know what you're getting into. It's still a fun game, just nothing outright special like Hyrule Warriors was.

Danganronpa - Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls
The weakest Danganronpa game, but still very enjoyable if you enjoy the story and characters of that universe. It has a lot of weird controversial stuff in it, the gameplay is kind of stiff, and it seems relatively unimportant in the grand scheme (though it does flesh out quite a few existing people). If you're itching for new Danganronpa content I'd say go for it, but you'd be better with a few of the other games on this list unless you're dying for more. Also this technically isn't a JRPG at all if that's what you're going for, it's a third person shooter of sorts.

Personally I'd also pick up Yakuza 0 if you haven't as that's technically a JRPG and vastly better than all the games on here.

But what you listed I'd personally go:

FFXV > Nioh > Digimon Cyber Slueth > Danganronpa > Berserk Musou > World of Final Fantasy
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