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Game design sins?

What aspects of game design grinds your gears?

In no particular order:

1. Silent protagonists. DOOM is the only exception, maybe Metroid Dread as well. And in any narrative heavy game they just don't work. They never work and never will work.

2. Forced 30fps. Especially in the year of our lord 2022. 30fps should be extinct by now.

3. Frequent forced walking.

4. Focusing on lengthy cinematic animations over fluidity and speed.

5. Health/Mana collectibles being scattered across levels(This is mainly a problem in games like DMC and Bayonetta).

6. Constant genre shift gimmick sections. I'm looking at you platinum games.

7. Putting bots in a match to fill empty slots. ESPECIALLY when the game doesn't even tell you who are bots and who are players! This is only excusable if they only replace slots of players who RQ.

This is just off the top of my head.
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World’s Biggest Weeb
I’ll just focus on JRPGs since that’s what I’m most familiar with:

1. When you can permanently gimp yourself or lock yourself out of stuff just by exploring and fighting battles (e.g. enemies that out-scale you, randomized stat boosts that might be bad, event timer/battle rank shit)

2. Enemies you can see on screen but are difficult to avoid. A) it looks stupid seeing all these bad guys pacing around the environment for no reason and B) it’s so annoying doing the retarded little dance to see who goes first. I’d rather just have random battles

3. Unpopular opinion maybe but I hate character swapping. I think RPGs are at their best when you have to commit to a party/build and make it work instead of “just swap in whatever character has the ability you need right now”

4. Trying to “spruce up” boring battles by making you solve the same puzzle over and over - see Xenosaga 2 for the worst example

5. Prioritizing cool animations over speed. I’m going to fight like 5 million battles, make the animations damn fast with little pause between them. Same with exploration, I don’t need to see my character bend over to pick something up then give me a dialog window telling me what it was. Just let me touch an item and have it instantly added to my infinitely large inventory without stopping


Things that developers drop in from nowhere to spice things up, which can make a game hard to play for accessibility reasons. Screen shake, changing FOV when running, button mashing, random rhythm action games.

Head bob. Doom could get away with it because you were looking at like 50 pixels dancing around on a postage stamp sized screen. Get rid of it.

Games that have zero chill. Someone is always talking at every moment, and you are always being pushed forward and told what you need to do next.


Most games that try to look like Fortnite. Kiddy games with vibrant colors and silly/kiddy faces on characters. It's just lazy. And weird walking/running lack of ground friction, aka the character moves more or less than the actual animation speed.


Gold Member
Quick time events
Tacked on crafting systems to waste player's time
Unskipable cutscenes
A dozen mini videos when loading up the game, for the studio, middleware, licenses, sponsorships, etc.
No option to toggle Aim Down Sights
Characters that don't shut up, even when there is nothing going on
NPC's that spoil the solution to puzzles
Forced walking just so an NPC can dump exposition
Bad writing
Squeezing through narrow passages and air ducts for dramatic effect or to mask a loading screen
Boring fetch quests pretending to be real content
Empty open world, that only serve to waste time going from mission to mission
Mini games passing for hacking
Devs that can't create a tense immersive atmosphere in horror games, so they resort to cheap jump scares
Multiple in-game currencies
NFTs and micro-transactions


World’s Biggest Weeb
One more for JRPGs: too much yapping. Dialog scenes will go on for like twice as long as they need to. Characters talk in circles. Every party member has to chime in and say something that is completely determined by whatever trope they belong to.

Especially stupid if it’s like, you push a button, some stairs appear, then they fucking break out into a conversation like “what was that sound, did you hear something” “hey, I don’t remember these stairs before” “think we should go down the stairs” “well it seems we have exhausted all other options”

Bahhh shut up


Gold Member
Unrewarding exploration, very few games get that right.

Locked hard mode behind bullshit requisites like playing the game twice.

Shitty camera and lock on, in 2022 devs still don't know how to solve that even in overpraised games like ER, when you have to fight the camera more than the enemy, you know they fucked up.

It's funny how many of these things are in Callisto Protocol
But hey, looks a the graphic tho.


I rolled my eyes hard at you mentioning 30fps…. Sigh…. Like seriously?! Best games on 360 and ps4 were all 30 and we never cared. Oh never mind.

Real issues - Bloat and grind.
Look at forbidden west. It should have less systems, less arrow types, why do I need to grind to level armour ! Games should not be this huge just by the means of piling on mechanics.

Shimmy sections. God of war ragnarok was like 10% shimmy sections lol
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Gold Member
Pointless mechanics added because a) some chart said its popular b) cause that live service game you play on your spare time has it c) cause tons of game have them and you happened to run out of creativity d) cause MUNEH!

Seriously, AAA games are especially guilty of this. So many titles could do away with "muh rpg elements and sill trees" or "muh crafting survival" or "muh lets put 17 different types of ammunition despite the fact standard ammo kills enemies efficiently already anyway"


Gold Member
My #1 issue with games these days is that so many of them don't respect your time, at all. Especially in this day of trying to extend play length so they can say how many hours of "entertainment" you get out of it. Well, imagine if you had a 6 hour movie, but spent 3 of those hours sitting through the same repetitive crap to watch the 3 hours of actual content. Welcome to gaming.

I think this is the reason most of my new gaming is multiplayer, and I spend more time on single player old games than new ones. Not entirely, but I know exactly what I'm getting from old titles from a time management standpoint. With a new game, you can spend an hour having not really played anything between updates, cutscenes and padding/filler. Yes there is value in new games, but too often my sensation is "wow I feel entertained sitting here consuming this product" instead of "wow I really like PLAYING THIS GAME".

Edit: Obviously the open-world trend is a HUGE transgressor in this. It's a framework for giving you a lot of time-consuming stuff to do with the smallest amount of content.
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30fps. If there is action or speed. It looks nice in photos but like a stuttery mess in gameplay and make the game play worse too. No, motion blur doesn’t help, it just make it look like a blurry mess while still stuttering and playing badly.

Hand-holding. I’m nearly 50 and I’ve been playing games for 40 years, I managed to play through Sierra’s text focused adventures before I could even speak english. It’s simply insulting in modern games if I get an advice after 5 seconds or reaching a puzzle or if there are bouncing arrows showing how I should traverse the map, it’s literally taking away my enjoyment of playing the game.


Gold Member
I rolled my eyes hard at you mentioning 30fps…. Sigh…. Like seriously?! Best games on 360 and ps4 were all 30 and we never cared. Oh never mind.

Real issues - Bloat and grind.
Look at forbidden west. It should have less systems, less arrow types, why do I need to grind to level armour ! Games should not be this huge just by the means of piling on mechanics.

Shimmy sections. God of war ragnarok was like 10% shimmy sections lol
So guerilla should have reduced the mechanics in a sequel because that is what people expect from a sequel, less elements, less weapon types, less mechanics...

You know you are not forced to use any of that right? You can just chose your favourite 2 weapons and go with that?

I played the entire game on max difficulty with a melee build, you can indulge on the miriad of mechanics and weapons and elememts or not, how is it a flaw to give more freedom of choice and content variety to the player?

The game had many flaws but having a lot of content in a 80euros open world game was not one of that, at the core the game is still an action-RPG not a pure action like bayo, and rpg have builds, weak points, elements, weapon rarity and upgrades etc.

People are not happy when games feel too samey like ragnarock but they are not happy when a games does a lot of new things, devs can't win...
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Gold Member
Forced walking is the worst for me.

Also don’t like when devs use actors in their games and skip out on designing a unique protagonist/antagonist.

Characters that won’t shut up has also become exceedingly annoying, especially when they reveal how to move forward. “Hmm, maybe I should do ‘this’ to solve the puzzle?”.. Give me more silent protagonists, please. At least during gameplay.

There’s probably more. That’s just from the top of my head.
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What aspects of game design grinds your gears?

In no particular order:

1. Silent protagonists. DOOM is the only exception, maybe Metroid Dread as well. And in any narrative heavy game they just don't work. They never work and never will work.

Disagree. Silent for the win. Fallout 4 was a disaster of a game because of crybaby Protag never shutting the fuck up.

2. Forced 30fps. Especially in the year of our lord 2022. 30fps should be extinct by now.

Agree. 30fps is a crutch used by losers that suck at game design.

3. Frequent forced walking.

Agree. Sprint or death.

4. Focusing on lengthy cinematic animations over fluidity and speed.

Agree. One big reason I had to uninstall Deathloop during the second mission because I was so pissed off every time I re-examined a fucking tool or weapon I had to pick up over and over and sit through a god damned cinematic of the protagonist examining it for 10 seconds. What a stupid, stupid disrespectful game on so many levels that just didn't care one iota about the player or their time.

5. Health/Mana collectibles being scattered across levels(This is mainly a problem in games like DMC and Bayonetta).

Agree. Love Bayonetta, hate the collectibles spread across a big dead world with nothing else to do but break shit.

6. Constant genre shift gimmick sections. I'm looking at you platinum games.

Sometimes agree, sometimes not. My least favorite part of Neir Automata, but also my favorite parts of Space Rangers 2 and other games that experiment with it.

7. Putting bots in a match to fill empty slots. ESPECIALLY when the game doesn't even tell you who are bots and who are players! This is only excusable if they only replace slots of players who RQ.

Beyond my experience. I haven't yet played multiplayer games that utilize this.
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So guerilla should have reduced the mechanics in a sequel because that is what people expect from a sequel, less elements, less weapon types, less mechanics...

You know you are not forced to use any of that right? You can just chose your favourite 2 weapons and go with that?

I played the entire game on max difficulty with a melee build, you can indulge on the miriad of mechanics and weapons and elememts or not, how is it a flaw to give more freedom of choice and content variety to the player?

The game had many flaws but having a lot of content in a 80euros open world game was not one of that, at the core the game is still an action-RPG not a pure action like bayo, and rpg have builds, weak points, elements, weapon rarity and upgrades etc.

People are not happy when games feel too samey like ragnarock but they are not happy when a games does a lot of new things, devs can't win...
The game is overbuilt, bloated and grindy. It's not a controversial opinion.
Everyone is saying that...
More is not aways better. I have to scan every enemy... add jobs to grind for my gear, craft plenty of arrow types to have on hand. It's just bus work at some poing.
And yes. I finished the game. I don't need huge bloat because I've paid 70$ for a game. Ragnarok does this much better but also have some bloat... not even in the same ballpark as horizon2.

Dumbasses like you never cared. Most people did, just cause we played at 30 fps doesnt mean it was what we wanted. Do you really think any human being prefers laggy over smooth? Oh right, I remembered why I have you on ignore. Jesus.
Yeah... for sure we were all concerned about 30fps when we played uncharted 2 or bloodborne. Get real.
nobody is saying 30fps is better than 60fps. Of course 60 is better. You know what is even better? 240fps? where do we stop? I like good graphics and it's possible to do with proper 30fps. Like uncharted4 or tlou2. These games control great.
30fps is laggy now. It wasn't always like that. It can be done well. Bloodborne 30fps has 75ms less input lag than demons souls 30fps mode...

I for one, preferred when games had no modes and were crafted precisely for that machine.
But today, with VRR, there is no reason all games shouldn't have 40fps modes or unlocked vrr modes. why not.
But I am opposed to 7 modes in each game, because part of the modes usually suffer. Like yes... I can select 4k30 mode for better graphics, but it's so fucking laggy because they didn't give a shit about this mode when they made the game. Seriously, start bloodborne on your ps5. It runs so fucking smooth, you would be surprised it's not 60fps (frame pacing is there but it's not as bad as final fantasy XV.... that game is unplayable)

But if you "have me on ignore" lol, because I don't freak out and boycott 30fps games? get the fuck out of here lol. What are you even doing?! I play games my whole life. Enough to know that ignorance is bliss.

tl;dr people who gatekeep games because of 30fps are fools and only do disservice to themselves. They are not gamers.
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Gold Member
The game is overbuilt, bloated and grindy. It's not a controversial opinion.
Everyone is saying that...
More is not aways better. I have to scan every enemy... add jobs to grind for my gear, craft plenty of arrow types to have on hand. It's just bus work at some poing.
And yes. I finished the game. I don't need huge bloat because I've paid 70$ for a game. Ragnarok does this much better but also have some bloat... not even in the same ballpark as horizon2.

Yeah... for sure we were all concerned about 30fps when we played uncharted 2 or bloodborne. Get real.
nobody is saying 30fps is better than 60fps. Of course 60 is better. You know what is even better? 240fps? where do we stop? I like good graphics and it's possible to do with proper 30fps. Like uncharted4 or tlou2. These games control great.
30fps is laggy now. It wasn't always like that. It can be done well. Bloodborne 30fps has 75ms less input lag than demons souls 30fps mode...

I for one, preferred when games had no modes and were crafted precisely for that machine.
But today, with VRR, there is no reason all games shouldn't have 40fps modes or unlocked vrr modes. why not.
But I am opposed to 7 modes in each game, because part of the modes usually suffer. Like yes... I can select 4k30 mode for better graphics, but it's so fucking laggy because they didn't give a shit about this mode when they made the game. Seriously, start bloodborne on your ps5. It runs so fucking smooth, you would be surprised it's not 60fps (frame pacing is there but it's not as bad as final fantasy XV.... that game is unplayable)

But if you "have me on ignore" lol, because I don't freak out and boycott 30fps games? get the fuck out of here lol. What are you even doing?! I play games my whole life. Enough to know that ignorance is bliss.

Well sure if some youtuber and some gaffers say so it must be true...

Gow recycle 90% of combat content and mechanics from the first game, all the shield types and stuff were just gow 2018 but with a different more dispersive way to get the same thing, it is not as smart as you think.

Not sure how having a fuckload of weapons and skill in ER is incredible but it is bad when horizon does the same to give the player more choice, they are both action rpg, they live or die depend on how many content they have and nobody force you to use all of them.
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Gold Member
I forgot one, using famous actors, the story\acting doesn't get any better with those, callisto and cringe stranding are some examples.

And the worst part is the budget of hiring such actors could have gone into better things, like hiring more programmers, level designers, gameplay designers, etc.


Well sure if some youtuber and some gaffers say so it must be true...

Gow recycle 90% of combat content and mechanics from the first game, all the shield types and stuff were just gow 2018 but with a different more dispersive way to get the same thing, it is not as smart as you think.

Not sure how having a fuckload of weapons and skill in ER is incredible but it is bad when horizon does the same to give the player more choice, they are both action rpg, they live or die depend on how many content they have and nobody force you to use all of them.
Elden Ring is also bloated my son. At least to some degree.
I love the game but it's on the bottom of souls for me. Bloated with magic crap, repeated caves and bosses! I prefer proper pacing.
but no.... it still does not make me feel the same grind and job like horizon does. It's just systems on systems and arrowtypes and crafting this that.... and when you dont do that, the annoying bad characters talk all the time.
FW is an ok game. Don't get me wrong. I might even replay it some day.... but ER and GOW although sharing some issues, are still way better. Nothing is black and white


Gold Member
Elden Ring is also bloated my son. At least to some degree.
I love the game but it's on the bottom of souls for me. Bloated with magic crap, repeated caves and bosses! I prefer proper pacing.
but no.... it still does not make me feel the same grind and job like horizon does. It's just systems on systems and arrowtypes and crafting this that.... and when you dont do that, the annoying bad characters talk all the time.
FW is an ok game. Don't get me wrong. I might even replay it some day.... but ER and GOW although sharing some issues, are still way better. Nothing is black and white
Agree to disagree dad, I think that too many content is never a flaw if you are not forced to consider all of them and in horizon you are not forced either, even on max difficulty.

The first one was criticized because people only used bow and arrow even if you had many weapons, i can't fault the developers for listening to the critics.
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What aspects of game design grinds your gears?

In no particular order:

1. Silent protagonists. DOOM is the only exception, maybe Metroid Dread as well. And in any narrative heavy game they just don't work. They never work and never will work.

2. Forced 30fps. Especially in the year of our lord 2022. 30fps should be extinct by now.

3. Frequent forced walking.

4. Focusing on lengthy cinematic animations over fluidity and speed.

5. Health/Mana collectibles being scattered across levels(This is mainly a problem in games like DMC and Bayonetta).

6. Constant genre shift gimmick sections. I'm looking at you platinum games.

7. Putting bots in a match to fill empty slots. ESPECIALLY when the game doesn't even tell you who are bots and who are players! This is only excusable if they only replace slots of players who RQ.

This is just off the top of my head.
I dont think any of these bother me, and some of them I quite like, i.e. the silent protagonist, or genre shifts. What I really despise is unskippable custcenes, forced narrative, and taking control from the player (hello unexpected tutorials). I also dislike how dumbed down games have become, you are literally expected never to figure anything on your own.


Gold Member
De facto cutscenes that don’t take away your agency, just so you retain an illusion of control.
I’m sure this was sensational in Half-Life back in 1998 and was still effective in the Bioshock games, but I really hate this. If you want to stop the action and have me listen to a dialogue and maybe follow some scripted scene, please interrupt the action and give me a properly edited cutscene. Watching badly lip-synched marionettes babbling about stuff with my weapon still drawn and pointing at the middle of the screen isn’t immersive, it’s dumb. Even worse when stuff happens and you‘re supposed to react to it: maybe a monster is going to crawl out of an airduct or something, but I still have free control over the camera so I may be looking the exact opposite way at that moment. All those memorable scares in classic Resident Evil would never work if the games had Bioshock-like camera and controls.

Audio logs fall in this category as well. Having a recording playing while you’re going around with a drawn weapon looks and feels stupid. You want me to read or listen to some log entry, you put that in a separate screen and stop the action. If you don’t, it’s just distracting.


Gold Member
De facto cutscenes that don’t take away your agency, just so you retain an illusion of control.
I’m sure this was sensational in Half-Life back in 1998 and was still effective in the Bioshock games, but I really hate this. If you want to stop the action and have me listen to a dialogue and maybe follow some scripted scene, please interrupt the action and give me a properly edited cutscene. Watching badly lip-synched marionettes babbling about stuff with my weapon still drawn and pointing at the middle of the screen isn’t immersive, it’s dumb. Even worse when stuff happens and you‘re supposed to react to it: maybe a monster is going to crawl out of an airduct or something, but I still have free control over the camera so I may be looking the exact opposite way at that moment. All those memorable scares in classic Resident Evil would never work if the games had Bioshock-like camera and controls.

Audio logs fall in this category as well. Having a recording playing while you’re going around with a drawn weapon looks and feels stupid. You want me to read or listen to some log entry, you put that in a separate screen and stop the action. If you don’t, it’s just distracting.
For many people it's the opposite, they get mad if they can't listen audio logs while walking (i'm in this category aswell)
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Gold Member
Console game user interfaces that use a mouse-like cursor. I mean JFC, I don't want to move a pointer all over the screen to get somewhere, then most likely hold a button 2 seconds before an option is selected just because you might be unsure of what you're pointing at.


It's funny how many of these things are in Callisto Protocol
None of those point mentioned in the OP are present in the game

Only number 4, I reckon

Unles you are refering to other design sins?

Most points presented here arent necessarily bad, just used improperly in a game or a matter of taste

One that personaly doesnt gel with my gaming tastes are abundant loot/upgrade paths.

This is a plague present in all AAA nowadays. Every character gotta have upgrades!

In GOW Ragnarok there are 5 different pieces of armor, 3 for your weapon, then charms, then enchantments, then abilities to unlock, and Zzzzzz

Feels like busywork, only because devs want to add superficial depth to their game
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No/poor tutorials in a systems-heavy game. I love Paradox games but every time I try a new one I know I'll be spending an hour playing their tutorial and then 10 hours watching YouTube walkthroughs.


I’ve got one that’s way too common. Games where there is no way to get back to the title screen/load screen mid game other than dying or completely quitting and restarting the game. I’ve had bad play sessions where I just wanted to quit and start over and there was no way to do that.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Just skimmed this thread and it strikes me that most things mentioned aren't "sins" at all. Just people being pedantic or picky about things that they don't understand the reasons for, and what the costs/downsides are when implementing an alternative.


Collectible notes to unfold the story. Even The Last of Us does this atrocity that belongs to 30 years ago. It's immersion breaking for me. I mean, I'm fighting for my life and I enter a office building with a zillion of papers but one is glowing and I detour from my objective to read how Sarah was bitten the day before their wedding. C'mon, what I see at that moment is the designer writing that shitty text in their computer.


I'm probably complaining about this too much but I'm really tired of video games that constantly interrupt the gameplay to bukakke you with cinematics and dialogue.

Video games are an interactive medium and video game developers, especially the triple-A ones, should get their shit together and start treating it as such instead of pretending like their B-grade soap opera plots are some sort of high art that matters. Interactive storytelling - that's when games are at their best and can deliver even the simplest messages in a way that's a billion times more impactful than just watching a cutscene.

When you go to see a film, you don't sit there and read text cards that convey huge chunks of the plot for half of its running time without showing any of it. That only happened during the silent movie era and they managed to evolve the medium since then. Now you get to experience it as a series of moving images with a complete sound track. So if movies managed to evolve in a way where they ditched storytelling methods that were restricting its audio-visual potential (i.e. written prose and dialogue that interrupted the film), then why do developers insist on telling stories in a cinematic way that feels restrictive to its interactive potential? And not only no one seems to be questioning it, most people seem to think that it's great.

It's just so stupid and I hate it. I hate video games that pretend to be like movies and try to shove this "cinematic experience" garbage down our throats.
I rolled my eyes hard at you mentioning 30fps…. Sigh…. Like seriously?! Best games on 360 and ps4 were all 30 and we never cared. Oh never mind.

Real issues - Bloat and grind.
Look at forbidden west. It should have less systems, less arrow types, why do I need to grind to level armour ! Games should not be this huge just by the means of piling on mechanics.

Shimmy sections. God of war ragnarok was like 10% shimmy sections lol

>I rolled my eyes hard at you mentioning 30fps…. Sigh…. Like seriously?! Best games on 360 and ps4 were all 30 and we never cared. Oh never mind.

Yes. Still far from ideal and should never be the norm. Recently most games have been 60fps. However now that Shin Megami Tensei V which came out just a year ago which runs around 30fps felt extremely laggy and slow in comparison.

I will take 60fps any day over extra eye candy. Graphics already look good enough as it is anyway.

>Real issues - Bloat and grind.
Look at forbidden west. It should have less systems, less arrow types, why do I need to grind to level armour ! Games should not be this huge just by the means of piling on mechanics.

I agree in this instance. FW could maybe do with less bloat. You get way too much stuff to fit on a single weapon wheel, way too many items to cram onto the d-pad. I loathe the fact that you have to grind to modify equipment.
These narrow tunnels you have to slog through while assets are loading. I'd rather take a loading screen.
This is why I didn't like the FF7 remake. So much of this disguised loading bullshit. Should have just been saved for next gen exclusive so the SSD can cut those parts out.


Gold Member
- Invisible walls
- Not being able to swim
- No lock on camera in a action rpg games
- Auto aim in third person shooters/first person shooters
- Forced tutorials
- Recycled kill animations
- Floaty combat/traversal
- Janky animations
- Recycled voice overs
- Over reliance in audio logs or text logs
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