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#GAMERGATE: The Threadening [Read the OP] -- #StopGamerGate2014

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There's only so many times you can apologise to people or a select group until you're just repeating yourself chief. I can tell (as well as many others) that your heart is in the right place. Anybody in your position (front and centre in the gaming media) is prone to attack despite how well aligned your halo is. If you focus in on ANY human being for prolonged periods of time they are bound to make mistakes or say something that is disagreeable. People that take things out of context or jump down the throats of others over something that is posted online are the ones to blame in all this. Humans make mistakes, it's how we move on that matters.

thank you, Murdoch. that help put my mind at ease.


I don't know if they have achieved anything else.

the only thing I want to achieve is to evoke kindness and empathy in everyone involved until this is over.

If the end result is that the gaming industry is changed for the better in one form or another that would be grand. I don't know why I feel I need to say this, but that does not mean "Women being driven out" or anything along those lines. It also does not mean "Zoe quinn is tortured" or anything else.

It simply means that if the gaming industry changes FOR THE BETTER, that would be awesome.

Women were and still are, heavily abused under the #Gamergate hashtag. It started as abuse. If you tell them "be kind", "be nice" you are not helpful. You are not helpful for a change for the better. Acknowledge the ongoing abuse. Fight it. That would help more than just a nebelous better. That has so far only resulted in women leaving the industry and being silenced, for doing nothing wrong.
Women were and still are, heavily abused under the #Gamergate hashtag. It started as abuse. If you tell them "be kind", "be nice" you are not helpful. You are not helpful for a change for the better. Acknowledge the ongoing abuse. Fight it. That would help more than just a nebelous better. That has so far only resulted in women leaving the industry and being silenced, for doing nothing wrong.

I actually took lime's advice and acknowledged the abuse in a tumblr post last night, actually. I think you might find it an interesting read as well.



I actually took lime's advice and acknowledged the abuse in a tumblr post last night, actually. I think you might find it an interesting read as well.


But there are clearly not the only people that have lost their minds. I’ve been told that even using the term #gamergate is ‘assault’ and ‘an attack on zoe’. The logical steps that are required to reach this level of bizarre thinking are beyond me, so I’ll just have to say I reject that ideal.

To repeat: Gamergate started as abuse of Zoe Quinn, is still used as abuse of Zoe Quinn. Not much else was achieved.


I am sincerely dying for that day. Like literally dying. I broke my diet for the first time tonight. I ate a fried fucking pie. I cried while I ate it.

I'm not sleeping, I'm having heart arythmia, I can't think straight, and I'm just scared shitless and I feel terrible for everyone on all sides of this thing being harmed. I'm constantly second guessing myself and damning myself for the role I'm having in it and that's manifesting in the return of the depression and my compulsive over eating.

I would do literally anything for gamergaters and gaming journalists to try to find some sort of common ground. but its not happening and I know it and I feel I'm letting myself and plenty others down if I don't continue to participate and reminding people to remain civil.

The negative criticisms I've seen in this thread, though warranted, are making me feel evern worse. But I guess I knew that was coming for speaking my mind.

I'm just hoping I survive this at this point. Or maybe I'm hoping I won't. I don't know yet.

But I can't wait until its over to find out.
Me too buddy, me too. You're a very compassionate and emotional person Boogie, and that's a good thing, but you need to remember we know you're only human; even those that are critical of your comments have to realize you're trying your best and genuinely come at this with a good heart. For your health's sake, you've got to remember that.


the only thing I want to achieve is to evoke kindness and empathy in everyone involved until this is over.

This isn't going to happen. There is an environment of "either you are unequivocally for us, or you are against us". No grey area. I saw the snarky remarks you got for daring to link to that Gamesutra piece. Enough of that sort of talk and you'd find yourself removed from the "good media" jpeg.

What is happening is a lot of scrabbling to find scandal to keep the fire burning. Considering that the main perpetrators are effectively acting as media channels, they are not under the same scrutiny that they demand the deemed "bad guys" are. Unnamed sources, logic leaps, "insiders", anonymous developer and oppressed but scared to speak out journalist. Doesn't matter about the actual detail, as long as it has support, make a youtube about it and spread it as fact.

Dismiss any sort of opposition, shout down any sort of counter argument with "WHERE ARE YOUR FACTS", reply with ad hominum and strawman fallacy as a winning trump card. By the time any sort of official light is shed (and there is no such obligation to do so as it is jumping to the demands of an unruly mob), the next scandal is out, the next superstition as fact is the cause.

Sadly, with your position, people are only going to want to hear your support. So you can be tweeted around in a "popular youtuber of the people Francis is on our side!!".
So, I've noticed that TotalBiscut has been mocking this whole thing by using #PidgeonGate on twitter (in reference to Hatoful Boyfriend). Hilarious.

And the #GamerGate hashtag is practically poison at this point. Trying to discredit it entirely and focus on a more positive label has certainly crossed my mind.


I actually took lime's advice and acknowledged the abuse in a tumblr post last night, actually. I think you might find it an interesting read as well.


You still associate with a movement that was originated in a focused attack on Zoe Quinn with the veil of "games journalism transparency" as a smoke screen. Trying to redirect the earnest people that rallied around that movement unknowingly of its origins is commendable but people that know where it started, people that know the damage it made, and people that know the hate and maleficence behind it won't ever take this serious. I won't. And I'm a gamer too.


On the "remove politics from our vidya gamez" whining:

One of the popular memes causing certain members of the gaming community to shit the bed right now is the idea that politics are being inserted into games by critics and journalists who are looking to push an agenda. It's a naive point of view, but I've found that just saying that to people doesn't make for a convincing argument. As an experiment, I'm going to try and explain how I reach that conclusion.

On being, well, female and angry:

Gender isn’t a game you can play and win by brutalising and harassing and shaming and hurting the other ‘side.’ Ultimately, there is no other side. Gender oppression is structural. Everybody loses, in the long term, because everybody has to live in a culture where it’s normal to hound women out of their homes for daring to demand fairer treatment, normal to shame girls and queer people into silence for suggesting that there might be other interesting stories to tell. There is no way to win this game, except by not playing at all.

So they can’t understand why they’re losing.

On #gamergate's ball of shepherdless cats:

It’s telling that in the context of the conversation with Kunzelman, Haux expresses opinions on the spectrum from ‘I am upset about the high numbers Call of Duty and Gone Home got in their reviews’ to ‘Deus Ex: Human Revolution is a 7/10′ to ‘you can’t score a game any more than you can score a book.’ I see similar confusion infecting claims made by other #GamerGate participants. Compare, for instance, points #2 and #4 about games journalism in this manifesto, which is edited by “Gamers,” and try to tell me that the #GamerGate people know what they want in any detail more specific than ‘fewer women writing about games’ and ‘a lower Metacritic score for Gone Home.’ As Matt Lees points out, many of the specific demands are based around misconceptions in the first place. I imagine many of them are unclear not just about what they want but why they want it.


To repeat: Gamergate started as abuse of Zoe Quinn, is still used as abuse of Zoe Quinn. Not much else was achieved.

and Jenn Frank too.

Zoe came under consistent flak based on gossip. Media, after much pressing of "why are you not reporting this", stepped in to denounce the harassing and negative element of "gamers" (under the pretense that a majority of us had moved on from such a terrible mindset and were actually forward thinking lovers of games), on doing so, a massive witch hunt began. People treated headlines and articles as "ALL GAMERS ARE SIN". A massive push began to find "corruption" which was little more than leaps of logic and hearsay. Jenn Frank was one said source of non-transparency. Except it turned out that a 200 year old institution and no doubt specialist in journalist ethics decided that the COI that she expressed was not a big deal.

Didn't help. #gamergate ethics was the weapon to beat her down. Except by this point it was deemed that it had "evolved" beyond those roots into a higher purpose. It hasn't. It is the exact same thing that it is now. The firestarters have their targets, the light the touchpapers under them and wait to see what happens. Any sort of media/social media/forum that might discredit them is quickly put onto a debunk list so they can be dismissed out of hand.
This has been ongoing for 3 weeks? I had no idea. Was anything reached besides 3 women leaving the industry over harassment and death threats connected to the adress?

Well the groundwork has been laid to force more women out down the road and now more of them will be worried about stepping out of line by actually being women and having a public presence so as far as I can tell its a win for gamersgate. Go team!

Bold One

I actually took lime's advice and acknowledged the abuse in a tumblr post last night, actually. I think you might find it an interesting read as well.


be that as it may I hope you realize that you don't have to come here and justify the key stroke of every tweet, NeoGaf is not the internet's bastion of decency, you don't owe anyone here anything.
on balance you have probably done more good for the industry as a whole than the majority of the righteous indignation crowd on both sides of the argument.

that being said, well done for taking the time to comment regardless
To repeat: Gamergate started as abuse of Zoe Quinn, is still used as abuse of Zoe Quinn. Not much else was achieved.

Did it? I had no clue. What was the first post that used it?

PS: Sorry I'm late to this topic although I have read Leigh Alexander's Gamasutra article.



It has opened a much needed door on transparency among journalist. If you choose to only look at Zoe's "abuse", then that's all you see.

That transparency on the independent space is welcomed and applauded. Move your aim now to bigger, more important targets. It's strange that a games journalism transparency movement focused almost entirely on independent developers/journalists relationships and the bigger players, the publisher relationship with journalists, youtubers and streamers is marginally mentioned if at all. #followthemoney
This isn't going to happen. There is an environment of "either you are unequivocally for us, or you are against us". No grey area. I saw the snarky remarks you got for daring to link to that Gamesutra piece. Enough of that sort of talk and you'd find yourself removed from the "good media" jpeg.

What is happening is a lot of scrabbling to find scandal to keep the fire burning. Considering that the main perpetrators are effectively acting as media channels, they are not under the same scrutiny that they demand the deemed "bad guys" are. Unnamed sources, logic leaps, "insiders", anonymous developer and oppressed but scared to speak out journalist. Doesn't matter about the actual detail, as long as it has support, make a youtube about it and spread it as fact.

Dismiss any sort of opposition, shout down any sort of counter argument with "WHERE ARE YOUR FACTS", reply with ad hominum and strawman fallacy as a winning trump card. By the time any sort of official light is shed (and there is no such obligation to do so as it is jumping to the demands of an unruly mob), the next scandal is out, the next superstition as fact is the cause.

Sadly, with your position, people are only going to want to hear your support. So you can be tweeted around in a "popular youtuber of the people Francis is on our side!!".

I absolutely know that my efforts will be largely fruitless, just the same way I know my efforts to diet, or my efforts to create videos that keep people from offing themselves, or my efforts to encourage gamers to treat others gamers kindly...

I know I cannot change the entire movement and I won't dare to try. But if I can change one or two people's hearts or minds and this extends past this debacle that would be grand.

Besides, I am on a side. I'm on two sides, to be honest. On one hand I favor gamergate for the ideals expressed in helping the industry evolve into a better thing.

On the other hand I am on the side of all of the diverse gamers who want to help the gaming industry evolve into a better place.

I think everyone knows this and understands this about me. I just want to see the industry and gaming as a whole become better. I still believe this is a possible outcome of this whole mess.

Anyone who sides with #gamergate should and will know that I agree the role of diverse gamers is very important and a discussion we must have on their terms.

Anyone who sides with diversity in gaming should know that I agree with the folks at gamergate who are calling for reform.

I'll make sure of it :)



It has opened a much needed door on transparency among journalist. If you choose to only look at Zoe's "abuse", then that's all you see.

We had this discussion since Doritos Gate. Nothing really new. Btw, nice quotation marks.

We had this discussion since Doritos Gate. It is not really new.

On one hand I favor gamergate for the ideals expressed in helping the industry evolve into a better thing.

On the other hand I am on the side of all of the diverse gamers who want to help the gaming industry evolve into a better place.

That is a really weird line to draw.


I absolutely know that my efforts will be largely fruitless, just the same way I know my efforts to diet, or my efforts to create videos that keep people from offing themselves, or my efforts to encourage gamers to treat others gamers kindly...

I know I cannot change the entire movement and I won't dare to try. But if I can change one or two people's hearts or minds and this extends past this debacle that would be grand.

Besides, I am on a side. I'm on two sides, to be honest. On one hand I favor gamergate for the ideals expressed in helping the industry evolve into a better thing.

On the other hand I am on the side of all of the diverse gamers who want to help the gaming industry evolve into a better place.

I think everyone knows this and understands this about me. I just want to see the industry and gaming as a whole become better. I still believe this is a possible outcome of this whole mess.

Anyone who sides with #gamergate should and will know that I agree the role of diverse gamers is very important and a discussion we must have on their terms.

Anyone who sides with diversity in gaming should know that I agree with the folks at gamergate who are calling for reform.

I'll make sure of it :)

FYI - I don't meant to come across shouty (text based conversation yadda yadda) and I know you are doing your best to be as level as possible.

I've noticed you looking fatigued by the entire thing on here and I really hope everything turns out ok!


the publisher relationship with journalists, youtubers and streamers is marginally mentioned if at all. #followthemoney


Because normally, Neogaf tends to look down at bad behavior like that. Except this time, the veil of misogyny covered any actual argument.

Gamergate was pinpointed at one particular aspect of the industry which is dev and indies. The #XB1M13 and the similar one for EA received tons of flak.
The only thing that really bothered me about this whole scandal, wasn't really what Zoey Quinn did, but how the rest of the industry has responded. I can put to over a dozen articles written by "Games Journalists" who spend over 3000+ words, talking about how vile the denizens of the internet are, but spend less than a 100 talking about what caused it.

The vast majority of articles about this just do not address what happened. It is implied that Zoey Quinn slept with a games journalist to get a positive review for her game. A game that was almost universally panned by the Steam Green Light system, but still got onto Steam. Since then we have had a whole dirty closet aired about practices and ethics in the industry.

I don't think anything will really change though. The industry is almost impossible to police at this point and unethical practices are almost common place. All that we can really hope for is that journalists turn to the more morally sound voices. TB for example. You can disagree with him, but at least he is open and transparent.
I absolutely know that my efforts will be largely fruitless, just the same way I know my efforts to diet, or my efforts to create videos that keep people from offing themselves, or my efforts to encourage gamers to treat others gamers kindly...

I know I cannot change the entire movement and I won't dare to try. But if I can change one or two people's hearts or minds and this extends past this debacle that would be grand.

Besides, I am on a side. I'm on two sides, to be honest. On one hand I favor gamergate for the ideals expressed in helping the industry evolve into a better thing.

On the other hand I am on the side of all of the diverse gamers who want to help the gaming industry evolve into a better place.

I think everyone knows this and understands this about me. I just want to see the industry and gaming as a whole become better. I still believe this is a possible outcome of this whole mess.

Anyone who sides with #gamergate should and will know that I agree the role of diverse gamers is very important and a discussion we must have on their terms.

Anyone who sides with diversity in gaming should know that I agree with the folks at gamergate who are calling for reform.

I'll make sure of it :)

Stay strong boogie, don't let people bully you into submission. If you type #GamerGate or #NotYourShield into twitter you will see thousands of men and women that share your thoughts and feelings. The vast majority of them are not bigots and neither are you. Take care.


The only thing that really bothered me about this whole scandal, wasn't really what Zoey Quinn did, but how the rest of the industry has responded. I can put to over a dozen articles written by "Games Journalists" who spend over 3000+ words, talking about how vile the denizens of the internet are, but spend less than a 100 talking about what caused it.

The vast majority of articles about this just do not address what happened. It is implied that Zoey Quinn slept with a games journalist to get a positive review for her game. A game that was almost universally panned by the Steam Green Light system, but still got onto Steam. Since then we have had a whole dirty closet aired about practices and ethics in the industry.

I don't think anything will really change though. The industry is almost impossible to police at this point and unethical practices are almost common place. All that we can really hope for is that journalists turn to the more morally sound voices. TB for example. You can disagree with him, but at least he is open and transparent.

Zoe Quinn did nothing wrong. She slept with one guy who didn't review her game. Just full stop.


The vast majority of articles about this just do not address what happened. It is implied that Zoey Quinn slept with a games journalist to get a positive review for her game. A game that was almost universally panned by the Steam Green Light system, but still got onto Steam. Since then we have had a whole dirty closet aired about practices and ethics in the industry.

A vast array of tosh gets greenlit to be fair. That isn't an industry problem but a Valve curation one.

The articles didn't address what happened specifically because the entire ZQ saga was spun from some he said she said gossip from the ex and some huge leaps of logic to tie it into a more angled attack. I don't want my gaming outlets speculating on hearsay! So they reported on what they could, "those" gamers who like to latch onto anything like this to harass and attack. To highlight the sort of gossip based nastiness that seems to burrow away unchecked, given a social media platform to flourish and pose as truth and righteous.


Every time someone brings up Greenlight like it's an accomplishment these days I have to assume they aren't even remotely familiar with the system.
The vast majority of articles about this just do not address what happened. It is implied that Zoey Quinn slept with a games journalist to get a positive review for her game. A game that was almost universally panned by the Steam Green Light system, but still got onto Steam. Since then we have had a whole dirty closet aired about practices and ethics in the industry.

You mean the positive review that doesn't exist? Good point this needs more discussion. I think we should all just stop this gamergate thing and start a new tag, maybe we can call it #zoesvagina? Well at least that was the only crappy game that got on steam amirite.


It would be great if a mod could gather up the surfaced facts surrounding the Quinn thing - the hashtag campaign's origin in those IRC logs, the stated purpose of that campaign, the official statement from Totilo highlighting the baseless fabricated horseshit nature of the accusations etc. - and place it in the OP.

There's still a bunch of people on GAF who are not in this thread but see it on the front page and are thinking "that's the thing which started because a chick fucked a journalist i think?" The accusations stuck; the refutements (is that a word?) have passed largely unnoticed. As a targeted character assassination, #gamergate is a net win for the perpetrators, since they evidently never gave much of a shit about editorial disclosure and the like. Success for their cause, as now whole arrays of the community have cause to doubt the integrity of a vagina-owner. A way to dilute that success is to gently point out to fellow GAFfers that, hey, by the way, all that Quinn stuff was made-up bullshit stemming from a spiteful ex-boyfriend and then co-opted by a gathering of misogynistic turdcurdles.
Did it? I had no clue. What was the first post that used it?

PS: Sorry I'm late to this topic although I have read Leigh Alexander's Gamasutra article.

Never mind!
Ok, so it was Adam Baldwin with this first post about Quinnspiracy...

Well, if he didn't review the game, in your words, what DID Nathan Grayson do?

I'll bet you a lifetime ban he didn't review the game. Fair?

literally 2 seconds on google can give you your answer, maybe you should read some of the thread next time
To so much fanfare by the press members she's connected to, yes. That makes it an anomaly among bad games that make it on Steam.

Maybe some people actually liked it for being a game about something that people don't typically make games about? Maybe it was well done, I don't know I haven't played it, have you? Are you alleging that games media figures intentionally gave depression quest better coverage than other games explicitly as a favour to a friend?



Which side would you want? Multiple media outlets giving her positive press and shout outs? Or, an entire internet defense force, that as Greg Tito of Escapist said was based on "little evidence other than her word".

You can downplay evidence to the contrary, or frame everything as abuse, but in the end, similar things have occurred in the game industry been met with pure condemnation on this site.

If you want to play favorites, fine.

I'm going to work.


Media attention that most of the games on Steam don't necessarily get.

I see loads of articles about greenlit games. Depression Quest got notoriety thanks to the flak it received. If it hadn't been a targeted game/developer, I highly suspect it would not have received anywhere near the notoriety. It was already in the spotlight. So when said notorious game comes to fruition, it no doubt gets a mention.


Which side would you want? Multiple media outlets giving her positive press and shout outs? Or, an entire internet defense force, that as Greg Tito of Escapist said was based on "little evidence other than her word".

You can downplay evidence to the contrary, or frame everything as abuse, but in the end, similar things have occurred in the game industry been met with pure condemnation on this site.

If you want to play favorites, fine.

I'm going to work.

You could stay polite.
I'm asking you where is all the media attention prior to this whole thing blowing out.
I mean if we are to indict the press in illegitimately giving attention to this game, surely there is a mountain of links you could give.
There were talks (here and there) about the suspiciously big media coverage of TitanFall, yet no one harassed anyone in that case.
What's the difference here to warrant such vitriol (if this is about ZQ's game having special media attention)?


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Oh come on Kotaku. Not sure if this fits here cause I have no idea what "Gamergate" now stands for I guess, but really?
Asking readers to design an ad for Destiny? Come on. Not right now. Not the best time.



Oh come on Kotaku. Not sure if this fits here cause I have no idea what "Gamergate" now stands for I guess, but really?
Asking readers to design an ad for Destiny? Come on. Not right now. Not the best time.


Do not worry, it is all perfectly fine. You see, the people behind this are not females sleeping with journalists. No. So it is morally white, you see? :D
Oh come on Kotaku. Not sure if this fits here cause I have no idea what "Gamergate" now stands for I guess, but really?
Asking readers to design an ad for Destiny? Come on. Not right now. Not the best time.

...Kotaku has been doing their Shop Contests in a similar fashion for years. Usually they are about hyped games on the horizon (such as this) or goofy events that happened in the Anime or Gaming community. It actually works rather well for the format considering how Microsoft handled not advertising Destiny--one of the most hyped games of the year.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
...Kotaku has been doing their Shop Contests in a similar fashion for years. Usually they are about hyped games on the horizon (such as this) or goofy events that happened in the Anime or Gaming community. It actually works rather well for the format considering how Microsoft handled not advertising Destiny--one of the most hyped games of the year.

I don't really see how "They've been doing this for a long time" makes it better in any way, to be honest.
I don't really see how "They've been doing this for a long time" makes it better in any way, to be honest.

You've yet to make a compelling argument as to why it's in poor taste. They are continuing a harmless tradition while simultaneously poking fun at Microsoft's somewhat ridiculous round-a-bout way of advertising. Should the entirety of Game Journalism enter a moratorium or something?


Anyone mind PMing me a quick rundown on what the fuck is going on? I keep trying to get a grasp on it...but it just feels like two dumb armies clashing for no apparent reason.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
You've yet to make a compelling argument as to why it's in poor taste. They are continuing a harmless tradition while simultaneously poking fun at Microsoft's somewhat ridiculous round-a-bout way of advertising. Should the entirety of Game Journalism enter a moratorium or something?

I didn't think it was necessary, since I thought the image spoke for itself. No, Game Journalists shouldn't say "Hey readers, let's make more ads for one of the most hyped games this year".
This isn't "poking fun", this is playing right into the marketing machine. If you want your silly photoshop contests, do something like "Make a Destiny-style non-ad for a game that's already out"
But I can already tell by the wording of your post that this conversation probably won't lead anywhere. I honestly don't understand how one could see a major site asking it's readers to design ads for an upcoming game as "harmless" but to each his own I guess.
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