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Give valid criticism of some of your favourite games of all time


Valid negative* criticism. Look back at any of your favourite games, and point out some flaws, even if they personally didn't bother too much. I'll start with two of mine:

Pillars of Eternity: too focused on pushing worldbuilding/lore during conversations which detracts from the plot, some fights get repetitive after a while, few characters are interesting, goals aren't straightforward, scale felt too small for an adventure

Elden Ring: boss design too focused on forcing openings through means other than physical combat (summons, mimic, spells, throwables, ashes of war) when those other means just plain aren't as fun as a normal fight, quest design is too disjointed, music is too forgettable, world design becomes dull on a second playthrough

I chose relatively recent games because I don't really replay games much, and the flaws are more apparent when the game experience is fresh in your mind
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There's too much negativity about the hobby these days already. How about we say something nice about our favorite games and the things that we love about them the most?

You don't want your favourite games to improve? Do you believe games are at the absolute best of what they could be? Will I keep asking these questions? Are you even reading them? Do you believe your favourite games are without their flaws?


You don't want your favourite games to improve? Do you believe games are at the absolute best of what they could be? Will I keep asking these questions? Are you even reading them? Do you believe your favourite games are without their flaws?
Nothing is flawless (except maybe for young Adriana Lima) but sometimes it's those imperfections that make some games special.


Nothing is flawless (except maybe for young Adriana Lima) but sometimes it's those imperfections that make some games special.
Sometime, sure. But most of the time what makes them special are the great parts. A game being remembered(or considered special) because of its imperfections is an exception. You can't tell me you enjoyed every single second of every single moment of your favourite game without even once saying "well that's a little annoying" or "why didn't they do this the another way" or something similar

Now, for coming into this thread, you have to list a flaw you noticed in your favourite game, or I'll get my uncle who works at neogaf to get you banned forever
The older Tales of games (Eternia, Symphonia, Vesperia...) have way too many obscure, very time-sensitive stuff (quests, hidden items) that nobody could ever figure out on their own without following a guide. Getting 100% in any of these games is almost impossible if going in blind.

Guardian Heroes stats are so unintuitive that it took 10 years for someone to figure out the maths (no, Strength doesn't increase your physical damage, or not by much compared with... Luck, of all things).

Saving/loading often breaks the AI in Warcraft 2.
GTA V: Not enough ways to interact with the world. For a car centric game like this the cars are missing details and some car design choices doesn’t make sense.

Hitman: Still not very good at story writing.



Mr Branding

Mk11: love the customization, love the gameplay, but I think the variations should have been dropped for this and the guests were always dumb. Roster is missing key characters just as a gimmick so they have more of a wow-factor when they do appear in the following game but this is a lame strategy imo. Give me Sektor instead of Robocop or Reptile instead of fucking Joker. I know they are here to stay but it’s sad, I’d rather see new characters.


Street Fighter 5 and Tekken 7 = absolute dogshit Netcode. Lack of cross platform online for tekken.


I dislike that maxing out social links in Persona games means that once you‘ve maxed out someone‘s link, you don’t really interact with that character anymore afterward. Like, a character confesses their love for me and we enter a relationship, but no one in the game even acknowledges it, and it has no effect on the story whatsoever. A character with a maxed out social link might as well be a total stranger, that‘s how little we can do with them. They really need to integrate the social links into the main story more, and to give us unique interactions with characters even after we maxed out their link.



- Framerate is bad and the framepacing makes it even worst.
- Chromatic aberations can ruin the incredible scenery
- Blood vials system is bad and can add useless grinding
- Stone/Gem system for weapons is shallow and poorly balanced
- Chalice Dungeons are a very good idea, but the execution is a bit meh

Still the best game ever made for me.
Bloodborne - Frame rate, frame pacing, overly aggressive chromatic aberration, etc.

As to my other favorite games of all time:

Mass Effect - The combat is pretty rudimentary, even in the Legendary Edition. Unexplored worlds were boring wastes of time. Too many reused maps.

Mass Effect 2 - Bioware might have overly streamlined the game, particularly regarding squadmate powers. Planet scanning.

Mass Effect 3 - Star Child and Kai Leng. One is a lazy, poorly conceived antagonist who is introduced into a 60 to 100 hour long series in the last three minutes and the other is a space weeb with the most impenetrable plot armor I've ever seen in the history of fiction.

Dark Souls 3 - Some bosses and enemies felt Bloodborne fast, but you as the player are stuck being only Dark Souls fast.


Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory.
The remote hacking with the goggles breaks the game. As in, it's too OP. Being able to hack a device from across the room just by looking through it makes the game too easy even on Expert difficulty.

Half-Life 2.
The beach sections where you have to drive to the lighthouse and fight the antlions are way too long and tedious. Especially since the come after the superb Ravenholm.

Alien: Isolation.
Stealth is way too shallow. It relies heavily on pure line of sight.
Also, the checkpoints are useless in the sense that they're too close to each other. It's no better than letting the player save manually. If a masterpiece like System Shock 2 can be scarier and still have manual saves, Isolation had no excuses.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Gears of War - it's almost too good
j/k anyone remember the original quote and game version my google-fu failed me
For reals
Supreme Commander
-Only uses a single core
-Air superiority becomes a needless drag on performance
-Insanely difficult to get in to nowadays.
Ghostrunner - A few audio bugs. That's literally it, it's a perfect game in virtually every regard and I will stand by this

Final Fantasy X - Long ass intro and too many sections where you're forced to talk to people

Bayonetta 2 - Combat mechanics are dumbed down compared to 1. Still better overall though imo.

Devil May Cry 3 - Graphics have aged a lot. The main battle track is mid and gets much worse the more your hear it over time. Annoying level design and some enemies are really annoying and poorly designed like the faux-angels and the little flying octopuses that hide themselves in mist.

Metal Gear Solid 2 - Dunno. It could be a little longer maybe.
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Secret of Mana - Hit detection on enemies is off, AI controlled party members get stuck a bit too easy.
The Last of Us - Searching every drawer for resources to upgrade weapons was tedious.
Street Fighter II - The computer cheats with hit detection. (If you’ve seen the YouTube Video you know what I’m talking about)


Bioshock 1 - Ending Boss
Dead Space Remake - Progression coming to a screeching halt by outside dialogue. I'm talking so I am locking this door to you.
also - worthless RNG pick ups. I have Security Clearance 3 and still get $100 space bucks.
Elden Ring - Input Reading Bosses
Red Dead 2 - pointless and endless travel to and from missions (no fast travel)
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You can't tell me you enjoyed every single second of every single moment of your favourite game without even once saying "well that's a little annoying" or "why didn't they do this the another way" or something similar
Well, no. Of course not. I was just being cheeky. It's just that people talk about the negatives so often, it's like half of the main page is always filled with threads where some guy is unhappy about something. But at the end of the day, isn't this hobby supposed to be about having a good time and enjoying meaningful experiences?

Do you remember when you were a kid, eagerly waiting for your turn to play your favorite game when your folks wouldn't allow you to play during the week because of school and other bullshit? Back then, you didn't analyze the game mechanics or pay attention to the storytelling or voice acting. All you cared about was playing a tight game and having a blast. It's okay to have critical discussions about video games, but it's unfortunate that some people seem to have too much time on their hands to focus on trivial matters instead of what truly matters: the joy of playing.
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Supreme Commander
-Only uses a single core
-Air superiority becomes a needless drag on performance
-Insanely difficult to get in to nowadays.
There have been unofficial patches that fix the single core issue for a long time now; just use FAF (Forged Alliance Forever), it's a launcher and mod manager, that also still has lots of people playing almost at all times. Works fine with the Steam version too. Performance definitely was a big problem at launch though.


Tears in the rain
Elden Ring is IMO, the greatest game of all time. And I've been gaming since the NES. Birthday gifts were NES games for me.

But...Yeah they did recycle some bosses a tad too much (Looking at you Ulcerated Tree Spirit).


Reverse groomer.
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Horrendous camera, doesn't have the same gigantic amount of ports Sonic 1, 2 and CD do

Mario 64: Terrible visuals, some stars are a bit obscure, bowser fights are honestly a pain in the ass

Spelunky 2: can be unfair at times, camera is not that good

Megaman X4: The voice acting is a meme

Castlevania Symphony of the Night: The voice acting is a meme, Crissaegrim is hilariously overpowered

Gran Turismo 4: The game understeers like hell. License tests are even worse than GT2

Gran Turismo 2: the pop in is terrible. License tests are still a pain in the ass

Cave Story: the original Organya soundtrack has amazing compositions but it can be a bit hard on the ears. Hell & Ballos is a gigantic difficulty spike

Omori, Yume Nikki, Oneshot, pretty much all RPGmaker games: only cardinal movement on the overworld (as infintessimal as it sounds, it's a pain in the ass after playing games like Earthbound, Final Fantasy 7 and Undertale with 8 directional movement)

Crosscode: when you're underleveled dungeons are a genuine struggle (wouldn't be an issue but even when you grind beforehand the level requirements are higher than you'd expect)


World’s Biggest Weeb
Xenogears: biggest and most ambitious story ever attempted in a video game but some bits of it are just a little too wacky like:

Giant Chu Chu getting nailed to a cross. Or how the Yggdrasil is not just a sand submarine, it also can fly, and it’s also a giant gun? Did nobody serving on this ship ever notice that most of it is… not actually a ship?


Hmmm let me think:
Max Payne 2 - too short. Mona section kinda sucks.
Uncharted 4 - Elena is kinda there just to be whiny, Sully disappears for most of the game.
Dark Souls 2 - uneven looking areas technically. Terrible deadzone movement controls
Half-Life 2 - it really wouldn't hurt if Gordon was speaking
Metro Exodus - it really wouldn't hurt if everyone around you shut up a bit and Artyom was speaking
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Devil may cry 5: character named V exists in the game
Starcraft 2: UI too big
Darktide: you dont get to play as a space marine (which would make perfect sense since you destroy enemies by the dozens), you play as a custom characters with zero personalities
Monster Hunter World: The worst temporal anti aliasing ever
Mass Effect 3: The "child"


Xenogears second disc is a disaster

Lufia 2 has whole areas that are glitched and you have to navigate through gibberish

Yakuza 0 has so many cut scenes you can go hours with barely playing

Last of Us 2 tries a little too hard to force diversity

Elden Ring has no story or memorable characters and many of the bosses aren’t fun

The soundtrack for Dragon Quest 11 is an abomination and a serious buzz kill for such a long game
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Neo Member
Bloodborne - launch loading times were agonizing and chalice dungeons were a waste of resources (unimaginative, dull, repetitive).

Halo 2 - dual wielding ruined the iconic pistol

Cyberpunk 2077 - while still an amazing game to me, it never approaches anywhere close to the highs of the beginning hours of the game

Sunset Overdrive - forgettable story and takes too long to acquire basic moves


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Quake 2 - too much back tracking to find stupid colored keycards.
Jedi Knight 2 - lightsaber controls are pretty bad making the lightsaber battles a chore rather than a highlight of the game like they should be.
Flight Simulator - no weapons, even fake ones, even in Maverick DLC.


Tears of the Kingdom is just BOTW DLC.

I know I know game isn't out yet so how can I know it's my favourite and what to criticise about it.

I'm hoping this post will act like garlic with vampires and keep the real trolls at bay .

BoTW lacks enemy variety, dungeons with puzzles that require clever item use, a gripping story and imaginative and varied bosses. The ending is also way too easy for all that comes before it. But weapon degradation was OK. Didn't love it or hate it.

Ring Fit Adventure lacks customization and the rpg element is too generic without a clear destination and doesn't have an easy way to jump in and out...once you take a break for a few weeks you can't easily jump back in.
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Edge Lord

The last guardian - fiddly controls but that's the charm of the game.
Devil may cry 5 - V
Final fantasy 7 remake - lot of squeezing throughs
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