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Give valid criticism of some of your favourite games of all time


I love racing games, it's pretty much the only genre I play for modern games, and I love the Forza Horizon franchise, but I'd really love if I could bring up a menu of different races and choose them rather than having to drive to them. Pretty much all open world racing games are like this too which sucks. It's really a huge waste of time for the user that just wants to jump in and do a few races and get out.


Marlboro: Other M
Navi can be really annoying if you know exactly where to go. Sometimes you are already going to the place you should, but she pops up anyway to give you a condescending hint of what you should do now.

Mr Branding

Well, no. Of course not. I was just being cheeky. It's just that people talk about the negatives so often, it's like half of the main page is always filled with threads where some guy is unhappy about something. But at the end of the day, isn't this hobby supposed to be about having a good time and enjoying meaningful experiences?

Do you remember when you were a kid, eagerly waiting for your turn to play your favorite game when your folks wouldn't allow you to play during the week because of school and other bullshit? Back then, you didn't analyze the game mechanics or pay attention to the storytelling or voice acting. All you cared about was playing a tight game and having a blast. It's okay to have critical discussions about video games, but it's unfortunate that some people seem to have too much time on their hands to focus on trivial matters instead of what truly matters: the joy of playing.
This hit me in the feels. Looking back at my younger game-playing days and now at my son playing games and enjoying every moment it feels kind of awkward to get mad or even complain about games, especially in front of him if something is off within the game or is simply annoying to me.

If I don’t like something I’ll stop playing and move on to something which I actually enjoy, but I feel those moments of joy are kinda diminishing. Maybe we are too focused on the negatives.
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Judgement - the random battles need to be toned down by about 80%.

Journey to the Savage Planet - snarky and sarcastic sidekicks/guides we're overplayed about a decade ago.

Control - DLC completely kind of missed the mark, and they could have toned down that fungus level.


Metal Gear Solid 2 - the swimming section was absolutely abysmal and the amount of gameplay in the second half (roughly from the Harrier battle onwards) becomes a bit shallow, both in terms of interesting things you're doing as well as the gameplay:cutscene ratio.

Halo 3 - when you break down the campaign, it's a pretty linear and set-piece driven affair (same for Halo 2). Few of the sequels until Halo Infinite really captured the feeling of open-endedness that Halo: CE had in several of its levels. The resolution of the story also didn't feel like it actually managed to live up the level of hype that was generated at the time - it felt small scale to me, like it's meant to be this galaxy defining final battle, but you're mostly just fighting in these backwater facilities.

Resident Evil 4 (original) - enough said about the island finale really. It's not bad, but it's visually such a drab and uninteresting environment compared to the village and the very ornate design of the castle. Aside the regenerators, there wasn't as much horror any more, and the game went full action but with less of the fun silliness of the castle, like running from giant robot Salazar.

Dark Souls - second half of the game after around the Painted World is frankly fucking terrible (i'm detecting a trend here). The Catacombs and Tomb of Giants are awful levels that are up there with Memetown as the game's sweatiest. New Londo Ruins was dull. The crystal level was visually interesting but it's a short section. And finally, of course we cannot forget Lost Izalith, one of the most despised levels in series history with one of its worst bosses, Bed of Chaos. You can practically pinpoint that this is the level where the developers just said "fuck it, let's just copy paste a few assets and enemies and ship it". Just dire stuff.
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ידע זה כוח
Ocarina - Water Temple is obtuse
BotW - Story is weak
Metroid Prime - Could've used the other visors more


Gold Member
Streets of Rage 2.
- Axel Grand Upper spam attack can get you through the whole game. Overpowered attack than melts away enemy health. And it wasnt considered a special attack so it didnt drain any of your health. It was 100x better than his actual special attack (the rapid punching move) which was almost useless.

Ace Combat 4
- The escort mission you cant fly above a certain altitude

EA NHL games
- The same unbalanced AI cheating moves since the 360 days as the AI can skate, turn, accelerate and pass at speeds you cant. Even their 4th liners can outdo your allstar players. The best example was I had a breakaway going inside their blue line. An AI player jumped off their bench and literally zoomed up to me at Superman speed. It was like the player time warped to be beside my player at 200 mph. You didn't get this weird cheating AI in 16-bit, PS1 or PS2 era games. It started with NHL 08 I think
- Replays always choppy. Not even 30 fps. The same shitty frame rate since the first 3D game that did replays
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This hit me in the feels. Looking back at my younger game-playing days and now at my son playing games and enjoying every moment it feels kind of awkward to get mad or even complain about games, especially in front of him if something is off within the game or is simply annoying to me.

If I don’t like something I’ll stop playing and move on to something which I actually enjoy, but I feel those moments of joy are kinda diminishing. Maybe we are too focused on the negatives.
Exactly. Sometimes I feel like we get too caught up in looking at things with a critical eye instead of letting it go and just enjoying the chance to play a cool game. I guess it's just part of growing up, you get enough experience under your belt to see the obvious flaws and having the urge to point them out or in some cases even do something about them.
Battlefield 2's random bullet deviation makes it a pain in the ass to play today

Most of the animations in OG Deus Ex are laughable.


Morrowind - can be buggy.

Ninja Gaiden Black - camera can be annoying at some points.


Metroid Prime 2. The key collecting is stupid and should have been implemented to be collected as you move through the map.


Gold Member
Ff6 - the end game is shortened and could have lengthen out some with additional information and quests. Shadow needs more ways to get him back.

Chroni trigger - for the love of god, make the triple attacks more powerful than the single ones.
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Little Mac

Hollowknight … an 10/10 amazing game … that just took forever to finish. A metroidvania has no right being that long. I hope silksong if half of hollowknight’s length.

Regardless, HK was $15 bucks and pure GOTY potential when it released.
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Gold Member
Link’s Awakening: the unskippable text for the power-up items and the main items in the dungeons is very, very annoying on repeat playthroughs, especially the text for the Compass.

Super Metroid: weapon selection is a pain in the ass.

Metroid Prime: enemy respawn is way too aggressive, and it is a bit stupid that by the endgame you still have to switch beams to open doors you’ve been through dozens of times.


  • Red Dead Redemption 2 - Pacing issues around the middle point of the game.
  • Bioshock 1 - Last boss felt phoned in.
  • Metal Gear Solid: Phantom Pain - Last half/quarter of the game falls flat. We know why, but it still sucks.
  • Half-Life 2 - Had some pacing issues throughout.
  • Resident Evil 7 - Second half falls flat compared to the first.
  • DOOM(2016) - Multiplayer was surprisingly solid, but really could've done without loadouts. Felt like an identity issue.
  • The Last of Us 1 - Combat and stealth felt very shallow and not fun once you got familiar with it. Story was great though, especially at the time.
  • Resident Evil 4 (OG) - Island portion of the game had weird pacing issues.
  • Dead Space Remake - I really wish they would've added more content. Something similar to RE2R, and RE4R would've been great.
  • Elden Ring - Minor irk with seeing the same sub-bosses.
  • DOOM 3 (OG) - Minor irk with the marine using a standard flashlight. I was okay with having to swap between light and weapon as it increased tension. But it was funny to me to see this futuristic universe, and your character is holding the most default looking flashlight imaginable, lol.
  • Quake 4 - In the end it felt more like a DOOM 3 expansion more so than a "sequel" to Quake 2. Especially with how enemy introductions, spawns, etc. were handled.
There needs to be more faction lockouts in Bethesda Games Studio games. There's no reason I should be able to side with the Empire in Skyrim after completing the Dark Brotherhood. Isran is a former Vigilant of Stendarr, hatred of vampires or not he shouldn't let my werewolf ass join his merry band of lunatics until I cure that shit.

Don't let the player join every faction in one playthrough, it's not like your fans aren't going to make 50 characters over a decade.


Ah what the hell, I'll throw in my gauntlet as well:

I would really love it if the horse riding in The Witcher 3 wasn't so damn busted. Other games have done a far better job at it before and since but in this game it's a pain in the ass.

Brainless climbing mechanics in most playstation games. Remember how in the classic Tomb Raider or Prince of Persia (even the ones from the PS2 era) platforming was a genuinely tense challenge because there was a real possibility to fuck up and plunge to your death with every precarious jump you've made? That's the kind of gameplay that I would appreciate if it was more prevalent in modern games as well. Otherwise it feels like a pointless time sink where the only challenge is to avoid falling asleep while the painfully slow and lavishly animated character makes the climb up a wall number 369. Even Uncharted, which arguably started this whole trend, did a far better job at making it somewhat of a challenge sometimes, but most imitators that copied this idea since, have done nothing with it except to dumb it down.
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The 2nd half of the original map for crazy taxi is flawed. Particularly the viaduct area between the Osmosis hotel and Bus Terminal. The two upper roads involve way too much randomness due to their frequency to be fully blocked by traffic. The viaduct trades less traffic for blind corners with obstacles randomly appearing in the exit.

Too many passengers on either side send you back and forth which ends the game if you don't know the tricks to mitigate the effect of the jam. The area serves a similar role as the highway between the baseball stadium and police station only without the opportunities for combos.

Surviving that part usually takes you to the fire station and passengers leading to the start of the game. The roads are again just straight lines with little of the fun found on the rest of the map. I wish Sega had focused on making completion of the map loop more interesting instead of assuming everybody failed 3/4 of the way through.


- It has some technical issues, 30fps was the norm at the time but there's no excuse for the poor frame pacing
- Personally I didn't like the switch back to consumable healing items, the Estus Flask system is better
- The chalice dungeons aren't that good. Some of the boses are nice but I'd have gladly traded all the chalice dungeons for one new main area.
- The moon presence is one of the weaker final bosses in Souls
Battlefield 3-

Meh Campaign with only a few highlights

Snipers were annoying as fuuck to deal with online

Inconsistent weapon damage especially when it came to shotguns

RDR 2- Tanky and slow/cumbersome controls along with forced weapon sway and manual bullet reloading made this frustrating as fuck to play.
-Being forced to tap a damn button to run still. Take this shit out R*!! Nobody fucking likes it!!


-Dumb ai who use a shit ton of aimbot for higher difficulty. This is infuriating AF! The fact that they can blindfire and still hit you perfectly is just stupid!

Cops who are all idiots and only have a track mind to kill no matter what. They also know where you are at all times and will constantly spawn in your direction when your out of sight. Dont forget getting random wanted levels in the middle of nowhere because animals can call cops.

Sharkcards contributing to shitty, deliberate game design choices like tedious source and sale missions, constant paywalls, vehicles only available for a limited time etc..

Some of the shittiest stealth mechanics in gaming history.

Traffic ai that are designed to hit you no matter what you do

Battlefield 1

Constant grenade spam overpowered weapons

Under balanced behemoth vehicles.

Too many chokepoints online.

Forza 7

No racing rules or racing flags so most races become ram fests especially online.

A lack of tracks compared to other games and previous games. Add more tracks dammit!!

Repetitive and relatively shallow career which consist of doing races one after the other with no end in sight.

No qualifying means youre either in the middle or at the back of the race every single time.
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Well BOTW is super easy to criticize lol. Bad enemy variety, bad performance, bad story and VA.
Elden Ring is also super easy to criticize. Awful mini dungeons, repeated boss fights, terrible final third.
Persona 5 has the worst pacing known to mankind.
Portal 2 is so perfect that no game has been able to match it since.
Morrowind is so amazing nothing since then has met it.
God of War 2018... well, again, super easy to criticize lol. Bad pacing, bad enemy and boss variety, forced walk and talk sections, so much backtracking.
Baldur's Gate 2 - Rests on the inaccessible and opaque 2nd edition rules, making it a hard sell to new gamers; end of the game is kind of a slog
Mass Effect 2 - Does little to advance the overall plot of the franchise, making its sequel feel rushed
Street Fighter 2 CE: Character balance is quite poor, making victories by good players of, say, Dhalsim very tough against good players of Ken
Rayman Legends: The late game levels with zero visibility are kind of b.s.
Metal Gear Solid: Too short, with limited application opportunities for a lot of the gear/moves
Superhot Mind Control Delete: It's nuts that this isn't in VR. The series was made for VR
The Last of Us: In a game that strives to make you feel real feelings of protectiveness, it's a little bit nonsense that we're just supposed to pretend no enemies can see or hear Ellie during stealth sections


Nioh 1 and 2 are great, but the loot system is a chore. Resident Evil games are generally awesome, but the boss battles almost always suck.
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Zelda BotW
-Lack of present story (I didn't like that you had to piece it together with memories)
- Stamina was cumbersome
- Being able to repair broken weapons would have added to the game while still giving you that feeling to use different weapons and items
- No fishing was a missed opportunity
- I hate inventory management in games
- Wish it felt more like a Zelda game at times. I forgot I was playing a Zelda game sometimes even though it is really close to Zelda 1 in terms of its open-ended nature.

Ghost of Tsushima
- Wish better care was done with the interiors
- Not a fan of Ubisoft like gameplay but it was my favorite of this kind of open world.

TLOU Part 2
- Hate that the game is separated between Ellies and Abbies stories. Ruins the pacing for me.
- Not as focused as the first
- Ruined most other video games for me due to being above and beyond in terms of animations, AI, and environmental design.

Hi-Fi Rush
- Platforming parts are annoying and wonky
- It isn't an animated series yet

The Last Guardian
- Camera wasn't the best sometimes
- Made me overprotective of Trico
- A guide was needed for a few puzzles

Yakuza Like a Dragon
-Almost a perfect game right up until the part where you have to grind for eons due to the enemy levels increasing by almost 20 for me. The training tower became a real slog and it really halted the momentum of story that had me so invested. Then my PS4 got struck by lightning and lost my saved file T_T


TLOU2-They overdid a bit with some of the flashbacks

GTA IV-They over did a bit with the phone calls.

San Andreas-The original PS2 version is buggy as hell


BotW's weapon degredation is an obvious choice. I don't mind that it exists, but that it's so fast and there's no way to mitigate it. A lack of ability to repair weapons by combining duplicates or using certain resources was a miss. Here's hoping fusion is a decent solution.


Gold Member
Elden Ring and Bloodborne prove that while FromSoft has some awesome designers, it has a terrible technical team.

Xenogears should have never been rushed to completion. The final stretch of the game was a mess because of it. What was already a fantastic game could have been unmatched.

Skies of Arcadia could have done with a slightly more complex battle system.

World of Warcraft would do well to add more non-combat features and systems. Player housing comes to mind.


Gold Member

it isn't as good as knack 2



- Paper Mario TYD: There is A LOT of unnecessary back tracking in this game, the only thing that keeps it from absolute perfection

- GTA San Andreas: the combat sucks. While the map is gigantic there are a lot of uninteresting areas and missions, the mission system is very rigid, giving you a failed state for small errors. The damn RC plane section.

- Pokemon HG/SS: You can get a work out in or play another game while the health bars decrease/increase

- Fire Emblem Path of Radiance: No mercenary/hero class, GTFO

- Wind Waker: the triforce quest is way too boring and repetitive.

- MGS2: holy shit, running around the big shell gets very boring and is a gigantic downgrade on shadow moses. Solidus Snake is such a great character but he was merely used as a plot device and became an afterthought after this game.

- MGS3: The controls suck dick.

- MGS4: Man who allowed Kojima to have a 90 minute cutscene in this game, holy shit lol.

Uncharted 2 is incredible visually and set piece wise, the gameplay and puzzles are extremely simple and not that good. Still love it dearly

Assassins Creed 2: the economy system is extremely broken and not well thought out, you basically get infinite money lol, the controls were hard to wrestle with even back in the day, so many times Ezio would do the complete opposite of what you wanted him to do. Ezio is an amazing main character, but the rest are not that memorable.

Tales of symphonia: movement speed in the overworld is so damn slow, the dungeons kinda suck because of the back tracking and the puzzles arent really that great, the overarching theme of racism and discrimination wasn't handled that great looking back on it.

You're disgusting OP, I feel like I just ripped apart my childhood. I still love every one of these games dearly.

Sad Doctor Who GIF
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Im trying to think of a single negative thing about Zelda 3 and cant think of anything. Sorry OP.


Nier Automata - side content sucks and playing the game twice could have been done better. Also, the enemy variety for an action game is very weak.

World of Warcraft - the focus on vertical progression, instances, and raiding is not rewarding enough. The living world was the best part, and blizzard has lost touch of that for over a decade.

Red Dead 2 - the money and honor system are poorly designed in a nearly perfect game.

MK11 - ugly art direction and sluggish interface. Interacting with the menu makes me want to hurl.

Devil may cry 3 - awful platforming
Devil may cry V - V was terrible to play and the game would have been better off without his segments. Plus, the art direction is unappealing in the same way MK11.

Resident Evil 7 - the boat section drops the whole game by a letter grade.

Dishonored 2 - the fantastic level design suddenly gives up towards the end.

Diablo 3 - Act 3 blows
Diablo 2 - Duriel is an unnecessary wall for certain builds.

Fire Emblem Three houses - the church/school sucks and character design is bland.

Elden Ring - the aimlessness is a knock on the game design, having some direction would have been preferable. If you feel the need to look up a guide to progress, the game is at fault.
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Hot Shots Golf 5 (PS3) is a poorly optimized game. If you turn to look at vegetation swaying the game crawls to single digit FPS. They shoehorned a PS Move patch into the game years after launch and to compensate for it trees no longer sway and textures are seemingly lower res.

I haven't played the game since the servers went off on Halloween '13 but if I wanted to revisit it I'd sacrifice the the two DLC courses and DLC characters for an earlier version of the game.


I love racing games, it's pretty much the only genre I play for modern games, and I love the Forza Horizon franchise, but I'd really love if I could bring up a menu of different races and choose them rather than having to drive to them. Pretty much all open world racing games are like this too which sucks. It's really a huge waste of time for the user that just wants to jump in and do a few races and get out.

I always do the fast travel billboards first for precisely the same reason.


I hate how invasions work in FROM games, as they encourage trolling and power gaming. Give me the option to co-op, but not pvp.

Elden Ring did it right.
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