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Greenberg: Quantum Break is not coming to Steam


Am I crazy or is it pretty much impossible to be the sole administrator of your computer after you agree to the windows 10 licence?

Did Haunted get played?
like a damn fiddle

I meant it literally, as in, actually being the only human being involved with this PC who has the role of administrator in this network, not in the undoubtedly insidiously worded technical way Microsoft meant in its EULA/whatever license, I'm sure. :p


Unlike GFWL, the Windows Store is built-into the OS.

Coupled with the whole ecosystem they have going on between their hardware and OS, this Store isn't going anywhere.

Regardless of if the store exists or not, it doesn't mean they will support the games. Several GFWL games before the shutdown were nuked or had functionality crippled.

So Gears of War Ultimate Edition you'll be able to play for a long while most likely, in single player. Multiplayer? Maybe not.



Cant inject/modify the game, patch waiting is longer etc

I wonder how long it would had taken to patch and modify game files for it if they were never putting it on PC.

PC gamers already don't have to pay for online fees. Entitlement is never an attractive quality.


Why Steam is so special? Why not GOG for example?

People saying they only want Steam is perfectly valid if that is what they like, just as it is for any platform. I don't think anyone is saying that there can't be anything else.

However not everyone is like that. I love Steam, GoG, Humble, Battlenet most, and use them very regularly. However I am not willing to sacrifice the ability to modify games, use overlays, other applications and features that the Windows App ecosystem actively prevents in favour of MS own solutions. It really goes against the freedom I've come to expect from PC games that draw me to them in the first place. Even then, I will not put any money in a MS platform for purchases until they can demonstrate being competent after GFWL. That is going to take several years for me, and I'll see then if things have improved and stayed consistent. Regardless of that, the limitations alone right now make the decision for me to steer clear an obvious one.


Yeah if this is such a big issue to you guys then don't buy the game and when it sells horribly and they dont bother with the next port you'll just complain about them not caring for PC games again and asking for ports but ok. 🐸 ☕


Yeah, still not seeing the issue. I get that there are major problems with the Windows 10 store at the moment, but you also need to realise that their a company trying to build a service. If Quantum Break suffers because of this, then they may re-think things, but let's see how this all pans out first.

The point is people aren't going to buy games from a store with major issues if the company running it has GFWL on their resume. Once MS has fixed the store, then people won't complain about games being exclusive to it (or complain about it a lot less).

Yeah if this is such a big issue to you guys then don't buy the game and when it sells horribly and they dont bother with the next port you'll just complain about them not caring for PC games again and asking for ports but ok. �� ☕

sure, I'm fine with MS being a non-factor in PC gaming. It's better that way.


Gold Member
Yeah if this is such a big issue to you guys then don't buy the game and when it sells horribly and they dont bother with the next port you'll just complain about them not caring for PC games again and asking for ports but ok. 🐸 ☕

Right, because clearly it is the consumers fault. Hahaha
Why would they? The point of putting Xbox games on Windows... is to get people on their latest OS and their store, where they don't have to give anyone else a cut. I have no problems with this.
So is there actually any way to run Windows 10 Store apps through Steam? I tried adding Lara Croft GO yesterday, but it did not seem to be possible (or at least not straight forward). And if I cant make use of my Steam controller, then I'm just going to be that much less likely to purchase this game and other games released via that platform.


For you.
A stupid ass argument that's 100% true.

Their reasons for making it exclusive to their store front is to pocket a larger percentage of the revenue, and build up their store front. End of story.
Total revenue from selling on Win 10 Store and Steam at the same time >>>>>>> revenue of selling it on Win10 store. That isn't even up for discussion. And Microsoft will still sell the game on digital stores that take 30%(as in, every single Store that isn't Humble Bundle), which is why the explanation of they wanting that 30% doesn't make any sense whatsoever. They wont have any issues giving up that 30% to everywhere else.
I wonder how long it would had taken to patch and modify game files for it if they were never putting it on PC.

PC gamers already don't have to pay for online fees. Entitlement is never an attractive quality.

God damn this is such an awful argument. People aren't being "entitled", the Windows Store has LEGITIMATE TECHNICAL ISSUES, along with a piss poor track record.

Also, MS already tried to make PC gamers pay to play online with the first iterations of GFWL. It didn't work because it's an open platform.

Just... Wow.
Yeah if this is such a big issue to you guys then don't buy the game and when it sells horribly and they dont bother with the next port you'll just complain about them not caring for PC games again and asking for ports but ok. 🐸 ☕

What do you think you're adding to this thread with posts like these? Shitposting in order to start platform wars is downright embarrassing. Grow up.


What is this for argument?
Win10 store sucks really bad, there's legit reasons for not wanting to buy games from there.

I'd definitely say the same thing if it is as egregious as the W10 store.

If you really want to play those games (QB on PC or Sony 1st party on PC), you WILL kinda have to deal with not being able say use Steam.

If you dont really want to play those games then yes, you can just ignore those services/clients/games and move along. But I find it odd if you are PC only (assuming) and wanted to play these games, all of the sudden you dont want to even though its right on your grasp because a store front.

To me, having a choice is better than none at all. Is the Win10 store bad? Sure but it gives you the chance to play some of the big xbox titles without an xbone. Just me though.


So, what exactly are you talking about?
I'm talking about the fact that Windows store "apps" are not actual Win32 programs, and thus offer far less functionality and control to the user than you can expect with a real PC program.

Until that changes (and it won't), "universal apps" are unacceptable to me as a PC gamer.

If you really want to play those games (QB on PC or Sony 1st party on PC), you WILL kinda have to deal with not being able say use Steam.
I don't have any issue with not using Steam. I have an issue with turning my PC into a (faster) console.


Why would they? The point of putting Xbox games on Windows... is to get people on their latest OS and their store, where they don't have to give anyone else a cut. I have no problems with this.

I assumed it would have been obvious. Whatever, I'll be playing on Xbox One anyway.


Then they're going to have a big problem.

If they keep the store the way it is and release their games with the issues TR has then they're just undermining their own gaming portion of the OS.

You vastly overestimate how many people care about these things

Tr runs great on windows store. Dxtory works as fps counter. The only issue that isn't going away is injection...and 1% of 1% cares about that

Microsoft jealously protects Xbox live and their new environment allows then to better allow cross platform play and security


Yeah, still not seeing the issue. I get that there are major problems with the Windows 10 store at the moment, but you also need to realise that their a company trying to build a service. If Quantum Break suffers because of this, then they may re-think things, but let's see how this all pans out first.
Maybe they should build a proper service then


I love how everyone complaining in here fails to acknowledge that Valve gets 30% of every purchase. No fucking duh Microsoft will try to avoid that if they can. Secondly, if it does do horrible on the Windows store it will come to Steam.


Yeah if this is such a big issue to you guys then don't buy the game and when it sells horribly and they dont bother with the next port you'll just complain about them not caring for PC games again and asking for ports but ok. 🐸 ☕

Typical console gamer salt.

Game is going to sell horribly anyway because of the OS requirement/unwillingness to use the most popular store the platform has ever known.


Wow, didn't know about those Windows Store RoTR limitations 'til I skimmed this thread.

Still wanna get KI on Windows, but it'd be a pretty big issue if I can't (amongst other things) run AfterBurner/RivaTuner with it.


I'm talking about the fact that Windows store "apps" are not actual Win32 programs, and thus offer far less functionality and control to the user than you can expect with a real PC program.

Until that changes (and it won't), "universal apps" are unacceptable to me as a PC gamer.

I don't have any issue with not using Steam. I have an issue with turning my PC into a (faster) console.
So those executable are like .NET/java bytecode/android apps? Are you opposed to those platforms as well?

Edit: Or is there something special in MS's implementation? It's basically a VM?
(somebody mentioned minecraft here. The PC version of minecraft isn't win32 either)


The cry babies in this thread are really entitled.

"They really don't care about pc gaming then!"

Yeah they just took one of their exclusives and put it on Pc for you to enjoy and you're crying because you can't buy it on Steam lmaooo like they should give Valve 30% of their sales as of they're not doing enough by putting the damn game on Pc. No matter what they do ppl will still find a way to cry about it.

You might have greater success on this message board when you don't include name calling in your arguments when you disagree with people.

Especially when one of those people is the site owner who has posted in this very thread.

I love how everyone complaining in here fails to acknowledge that Valve gets 30% of every purchase. No fucking duh Microsoft will try to avoid that if they can. Secondly, if it does do horrible on the Windows store it will come to Steam.

It has been acknowledged, and it has also been acknowledged that they still sell games on other storefronts that take the same 30% cut. This argument doesn't really hold water.
Edit: I misread the Amazon page, I'm not sure if MS actually does sell Windows store games on other storefronts. Sorry. EA does though!


Yeah if this is such a big issue to you guys then don't buy the game and when it sells horribly and they dont bother with the next port you'll just complain about them not caring for PC games again and asking for ports but ok. 🐸 ☕

So people are meant to support an ecosystem that has limited functionality compared to what they expect, out of fear that uncle Microsoft will take the toys away or not bring new ones? Is this some hostage situation to you?

Obviously others have their own reasons for not wanting to purchase, but that is the most pathetic reason to get on board with something


I don't have a problem with this. Kind of silly so many people are so married to Steam. Honestly in terms is user experience I prefer Origin over Steam (*ducks for cover*).

The alleged limitations of W10 store are unfortunate though. Hope they sort some of that out.

I'm in day 1. Doubt the Ukraine store trick will work though; seemed like it stopped working for people after a while with RotTR. Maybe MSFT changed something.
Wow, didn't know about those Windows Store RoTR limitations 'til I skimmed this thread.

Still wanna get KI on Windows, but it'd be a pretty big issue if I can't (amongst other things) run AfterBurner/RivaTuner with it.

I really hope KI is available on multiple storefronts. Don't want to be forced to use the Xbox app to record gameplay or stream


You vastly overestimate how many people care about these things

Tr runs great on windows store. Dxtory works as fps counter. The only issue that isn't going away is injection...and 1% of 1% cares about that

Microsoft jealously protects Xbox live and their new environment allows then to better allow cross platform play and security

We'll see if this will ultimately work out for them.

To me, having a choice is better than none at all. Is the Win10 store bad? Sure but it gives you the chance to play some of the big xbox titles without an xbone. Just me though.

But given the Windows store in it's current state, would you really want to?

If I had a capable PC and saw that Xbox games were going to be dumped into the Windows 10 store the way it's set up now I'd definitely take a pass on it. In fact the XBO might actually seem like the better option.
I have nothing against Origin and uPlay. Well, the latter could be a little faster.

Windows 10 Store creeps me out though because of the whole sandboxing nonsense, and if what you say about being unable to set per-game settings with drivers is true, then I'm outta here. This is the most important interaction between game and other program period, especially for ones with gaming laptops. If they can't get THAT right, then they can't get ANYTHING right.

Anyway, anyone tried to mess with these folders using Linux?
The cry babies in this thread are really entitled.

"They really don't care about pc gaming then!"

Yeah they just took one of their exclusives and put it on Pc for you to enjoy and you're crying because you can't buy it on Steam lmaooo like they should give Valve 30% of their sales as of they're not doing enough by putting the damn game on Pc. No matter what they do ppl will still find a way to cry about it.

Just holy shit. Why the fuck are you posting in this thread? You aren't adding anything. All you're doing is trying to stir shit up like an 8 year old.


So those executable are like .NET/java bytecode/android apps? Are you opposed to those platforms as well?
No, they are not. Bytecode is not inherently signed and restricted.

In any case, yes, I am strongly opposed to all software platforms which don't allow me to run arbitrary unsigned code.


You might have greater success on this message board when you don't include name calling in your arguments when you disagree with people.

Especially when one of those people is the site owner who has posted in this very thread.

He's not wrong though. (Aside from the name calling.)


Really sad that people are going to gratificate their terror tactics with money.

Oh well all I can do is vote with my wallet and get it from bargain bin few years from now.
Just don't buy it.

'I want the game, but F u to the developer, I won't support them properly'. Sounds like a spoiled kid to me.


For you.
I wonder how long it would had taken to patch and modify game files for it if they were never putting it on PC.

PC gamers already don't have to pay for online fees. Entitlement is never an attractive quality.
Yes, asking for features that have been standard for >20 years is being entitled now. LOOOOL.
You know, they might as well release their games in 320x240 resolution running at 5fps. Dont like it? Hurr durr, you're entitled !


The Windows 10 store installs these games into folders which I, as the sole administrator of my network and my PC, do not have access to.

That's simply unacceptable.

I actually didn't know this.

But after about 5 minutes of Googling, I found a solution.

- Go to your Program Files, click the 'View' tab at the top of your window and select 'Hidden Items'

- You'll now see a WindowsApp folder. Double click it and it'll say you don't have the permissions. Follow these directions.

- Go to an explorer bar and type in: %windir%\explorer.exe shell:::{4234d49b-0245-4df3-b780-3893943456e1}

- Press Enter, find the Windows App you're looking for and make a shortcut on your desktop.

You can run it directly from that shortcut now.


Why would they? The point of putting Xbox games on Windows... is to get people on their latest OS and their store, where they don't have to give anyone else a cut. I have no problems with this.
Thank you. Microsoft wants all the profit. It's almost like ppl don't realize Microsoft aims to make profit off this port, as the employees aren't paid off good will. Steam getting 30% is huge.


The cry babies in this thread are really entitled.

"They really don't care about pc gaming then!"

Yeah they just took one of their exclusives and put it on Pc for you to enjoy and you're crying because you can't buy it on Steam lmaooo like they should give Valve 30% of their sales as of they're not doing enough by putting the damn game on Pc. No matter what they do ppl will still find a way to cry about it.
Just keep going like this, you're doing fine.


I really hope KI is available on multiple storefronts. Don't want to be forced to use the Xbox app to record gameplay or stream

My guess? Nope like gears of war they will all be on the windows store and with that i will not buy anything from there with their horrible track record on PC and still continue to do so i will not give any money because they're failing yet again on PC and not understand what makes PC gaming great and forcing it through a app is the worst idea they could think off.


Regardless of if the store exists or not, it doesn't mean they will support the games. Several GFWL games before the shutdown were nuked or had functionality crippled.

So Gears of War Ultimate Edition you'll be able to play for a long while most likely, in single player. Multiplayer? Maybe not.

MP is MS's bread and butter, since that's what their major IPs revolve around. For them gimp it on their modern platform would be the height of stupidity.

Caution is definitely warranted though, due to their past fuck-ups with GFWL.

I can't help but feel a bit confident in that they won't cripple MP games this time due to the ecosystem approach with Xbox hardware.


I have nothing against Origin and uPlay. Well, the latter could be a little faster.

Windows 10 Store creeps me out though because of the whole sandboxing nonsense, and if what you say about being unable to set per-game settings with drivers is true, then I'm outta here. This is the most important interaction between game and other program period, especially for ones with gaming laptops. If they can't get THAT right, then they can't get ANYTHING right.

Anyway, anyone tried to mess with these folders using Linux?
You can access the folders in Windows.
It's like the Alan Wake case all over again but even worse: last time they just made Remedy pull the PC version. Now they give them the PC version but force them to gimp the audience. Good going.
The cry babies in this thread are really entitled.

"They really don't care about pc gaming then!"

Yeah they just took one of their exclusives and put it on Pc for you to enjoy and you're crying because you can't buy it on Steam lmaooo like they should give Valve 30% of their sales as of they're not doing enough by putting the damn game on Pc. No matter what they do ppl will still find a way to cry about it.

That's not how the world works and they are not doing anyone a favor by putting the game on PC. It's just business, pure and simple. People choose if they want to buy something or not, entitlement is irrelevant here. If they put their money where their mouth are, (not many will) that's bad for the publisher period.


I have nothing against Origin and uPlay. Well, the latter could be a little faster.

Windows 10 Store creeps me out though because of the whole sandboxing nonsense, and if what you say about being unable to set per-game settings with drivers is true, then I'm outta here. This is the most important interaction between game and other program period, especially for ones with gaming laptops. If they can't get THAT right, then they can't get ANYTHING right.

Anyway, anyone tried to mess with these folders using Linux?

The folders are easily accessed if you change permissions. People have been able to make profiles from NVidia work...these things will be fixed.

FUD plain and simple


Serious question, thought it was answered before, I would like a little bit more clarification.

By being a MS Store exclusive, what exactly isn't possible ?

I read that it runs on a sandbox and it prevents modding. It prevents all kinds of change you expect from a PC game (change resolution, graphical options, controller options) or simply the ability to change the game code (actual modding)?


Thank you. Microsoft wants all the profit. It's almost like ppl don't realize Microsoft aims to make profit off this port, as the employees aren't paid off good will. Steam getting 30% is huge.

It's almost like you haven't read the thread whatsoever and only came here for driveby platform war shitposts
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