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Guild Wars 2 Press Beta [Prepurchase Is Live]

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I usually avoid the 'small' race because they often come across as too cartoony and comic relief-ish. But I'll be damned if the idea of making an Asura Engineer doesn't sound awesome.

I've always been the type that prefers the least human/ugliest race possible as long as the animations are fun. For me personally I can't get into playing a human and really hate it when there are actual numerical benefits to it in games. My favorite race is usually gnome/goblin type races though and I'm really excited that GW2 has a very interesting incarnation of that type.

Side benefit is Asura/Guardian combo will likely be very under represented as it's not what one would expect for that race at all.
Lettuce Tits Robber.

I read this 6 times before I understood wtf you were saying.

Needless to say, the resultant mental imagery was fantastic.



Ok so it sounds like GAF is gonna be making a guild for this. Anyone decide on what class/race they'll be playing first?

I'm torn between Necro and Elementalist right now. Though that Yogcast vid going through necro skills started to sway me toward necro... (Minion master build is back :D) still remember rune farming back in vanilla GW as a MM

Man, good question. I still haven't decided, because every single video I watch makes me excited to play a different profession.

But i'm thinking either a human warrior or a asura elementalist as my main characters at first.
I'm in love with the two-handed whirlwind attack the warriors have, their blocking mechanic, and their general versatility in terms of weapons.


I might avoid the big races in GW2 just because they feel slow. I know everyone is at the same speed, but unless I'm using a lot of swiftness abilities I'm going to feel like I'm stuck in molasses the entire time.

Doesn't change the fact that your presence is mostly going to be the same as if there was no downed state character. At best the other team will know they have enough HP, go in there, rez, and then heal. So your presence made somebody burn a heal. If they don't have the HP, they will just ignore the teammate. There's really no big depth to this system even when everyone is coming up with usable scenarios. Most of these scenarios require boneheaded moves by the opposition.

It's just hacky. I can't think of a single positive thing about it in PvP. They should go straight into defeated and bleed out. A teammate can rez them if they make it in time. Done. Scrap this "works great in other modes but no this one" system. I'll just leave it at that until I play it.

Wait, if finishing off someone is too risky, and rezzing takes longer than finishing someone off, I don't see how your scenario is possible. It's not like your heal skill heals that much either, remember? The most I've seen people heal on a regular basis is 40% of their health, and it's going to be different for each class. Usually the heal is like 25%, and if it has any other ability attached, it can be even less.

If they ignore the teammate, then the teammate is dead. You're preventing the revive, and the teammate will have to deal with what's still essentially a lengthened respawn timer.

I guess we'll have to leave it at perspective for now.


So apparently I have a mistake, or I've signed up for the beta three times on the same gmail, as I've gotten three signed up confirms. Wut?


So apparently I have a mistake, or I've signed up for the beta three times on the same gmail, as I've gotten three signed up confirms. Wut?

Buy two more monitors.
Grow a third arm (alternative; adopt children and put 'em to work)


My excitment level is unreal for this game. If I had to put it in perspective it would be between my love for one of Retro's puns to 1000. Somewhere in the middle there.


My excitment level is unreal for this game. If I had to put it in perspective it would be between my love for one of Retro's puns to 1000. Somewhere in the middle there.

Yeah, sorry about the puns, I just kinda fell into being 'that guy' in guild chat. Terrible hobbit I picked up in LotRO.


Asura Guardian reminds me of this gif, they have some crazy animations.


As if I needed to anticipate my character anymore! The detail for each class/race animations is really exciting; those are the little things that get one really invested into the character and differentiates each person. Unless you're a sylvari thief; then expect to see a clone of you every few feet unless there's some drastic change from every other MMO ever.


Unless you're a sylvari thief; then expect to see a clone of you every few feet unless there's some drastic change from every other MMO ever.

See, I think a lot of people will be turned off from the Sylvari because they're just too leafy looking. If anything, I expect to see Charr everywhere.

Edit: Unrelated: I need to stop refreshing this thread and give posts I want to reply to some time to sit, seems like every third post is mine on this page. Jira is still the Post Count King though.
See, I think a lot of people will be turned off from the Sylvari because they're just too leafy looking. If anything, I expect to see Charr everywhere.

Edit: Unrelated: I need to stop refreshing this thread and give posts I want to reply to some time to sit, seems like every third post is mine on this page. Jira is still the Post Count King though.

Usually I want to play the huge beastly looking races but for some reason I don't have any interest in the Charr. Sylvari and Asura all the way. Though that is all thats really left after I refuse to play races that are too human looking.


Guild Wars was probably the only MMORPG I ever liked since it had real quests and an actual storyline instead of the typical MMORPG fetch quests. With Diablo 3 on the horizon though, it's going to be tough combining them. :(


Ranger first, might try the Engineer after. I usually play the stealth class first, but I'm not too attracted by the Thief's skills in this game. Anyways, might be a good time to change my play!

Still don't know between Human and Sylvari though. Sylvari Ranger and Human Engineer could be good combos in terms of realism/lore.

I'm a character customization addict, but I haven't seen anything Sylvari related. Anyone found out a video that shows male Sylvari customization?


Charr don't really click with me because their home city looks somewhat unappealing.

Seeing as you get a district of your home city as your own private instance for story quests and other funstuff, I want it to be awesome, and Divinity's Reach looks too gorgeous to ignore.

I'll probably make one character of each race though, so i'll get to see it eventually.


I'll probably be going human male ranger, just like GW1. I'm still considering Sylvari, but a sylvari ranger seems too cliche. Add to that my usual name is Fishious The Green. A green sylvari named Fishious the Green? I think not! (Although I could make my hypothetical lettuce person orange...)

Regardless I intend to main a shortbow and greatsword with max skirmisher trait line. I plan to constantly strafe and cry any time I'm in an enclosed space.


Charr don't really click with me because their home city looks somewhat unappealing.

Seeing as you get a district of your home city as your own private instance for story quests and other funstuff, I want it to be awesome, and Divinity's Reach looks too gorgeous to ignore.

I'll probably make one character of each race though, so i'll get to see it eventually.

Divinity's Reach is absolutely the most appealing city, so I completely understand the whole "private instance" thingie. Hurts even more since I'll be rolling an Asura and don't really like the look of the Asura main city.


Ok so it sounds like GAF is gonna be making a guild for this. Anyone decide on what class/race they'll be playing first?

I'm torn between Necro and Elementalist right now. Though that Yogcast vid going through necro skills started to sway me toward necro... (Minion master build is back :D) still remember rune farming back in vanilla GW as a MM

im gonna be making either a human or norn elementalist as my main and an asura guardian for my alt....the necro looks cool too but the elementalist looks like it does alot more damage and having the different attunements is pretty badass as well imo


...However, when Guild Wars 2 is released, your original Guild Wars character names will be reserved for you.

Good news for you GW vets. Kind of irks me though. Names are hard enough to get to be playing favorites.


I'm probably going to end up playing all 5 races, so I'll just create them all from the start. At this point it's come down to Guardian, Mesmer, Elementalist, and Ranger for sure. My last one is a toss up between Necro, Warrior, or Engineer. I'm not sure which one will be my main, though. Or even what profession I'll use for each race.

I'm going to create all 5 from the start to get the clock rolling on any birthday presents ArenaNet puts into GW2, though.


Good news for you GW vets. Kind of irks me though. Names are hard enough to get to be playing favorites.
Gw1 allowed you to make a name that consisted of multiple words (with a character limit, mind you). I think GW2 also does this. That's not to say a ton of names weren't taken already though :p
I'm guessing they'll only let us keep 1 name per account or something, otherwise there would be no names left for newcomers.
Charr don't really click with me because their home city looks somewhat unappealing.

Seeing as you get a district of your home city as your own private instance for story quests and other funstuff, I want it to be awesome, and Divinity's Reach looks too gorgeous to ignore.

I'll probably make one character of each race though, so i'll get to see it eventually.
One of the main reasons my first character will (at least I think) be a human. Divinity's reach looks fucking amazing, and the surrounding areas (grasslands) give me some pre-searing GW1 vibes, which brings back memories.
I'm going to create all 5 from the start to get the clock rolling on any birthday presents ArenaNet puts into GW2, though.
I was thinking of doing this too. It's kind of hard not to considering how valuable later year birthday presents are in GW1 now. I can always delete the characters later anyway.


Here's some random Human Guardian gameplay. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ca2qc9o842U

He went over to the Charr's low level zone and is fighting harpies much of the time. He's bad enough that I took enjoyment from his torture, but he did put up a decent fight.

The music, the MUSIC.

Jeremy Soule is one of the best thing that could happen to this game. Finally a MMO with epic music while exploring and not just some random mall background.


I'm gonna work on a Guardian Assault Force banner tonight -

Also Retro, do you think you and your wife would want to run with me and my GF as a couples group in the beta? It would be fun!


Saint Titanfall
Good news for you GW vets. Kind of irks me though. Names are hard enough to get to be playing favorites.

Gw1 only alllowed 2 or more word names. GW2 allows 1 word, so there's still a large amout left over. Considering many mmo's only allow one word anyways.


Gw1 only alllowed 2 or more word names. GW2 allows 1 word, so there's still a large amout left over. Considering many mmo's only allow one word anyways.

If the Beta is anything to go by, you can use as many words as you want.
I saw plenty of 3 or 4 word names floating by in the Yogscast videos.

Edit: Oh, I misread your post. My bad!
Good news for you GW vets. Kind of irks me though. Names are hard enough to get to be playing favorites.

They said this long time ago, with my healer dead in GW2 my Ranger will be kept, and my Assassin name too...

I'm going to create all 5 from the start to get the clock rolling on any birthday presents ArenaNet puts into GW2, though.

Creating all 8 classes if they have the CS open to buy extra character slots day one...


Also Retro, do you think you and your wife would want to run with me and my GF as a couples group in the beta? It would be fun!

Depends on if we both get in and what the wife wants to do; she's mentioned already that she doesn't want to play any race/class she intends to play in the full game so she everything is shiny and new. Probably end up in the Norn area if we get in.

As far as I'm concerned the more the merrier though, so if everyone gets in, we'll give it a go.

... Wait... is this the gaming equivalent of joining a swinger's club?


Fat load of good that'll do you, most of the multi-word names are already taken. Probably better off going for one word or think of a really awesome and unique multi-word name.

It's one giant race for the clock. Who enters the name "Charrizard" first, wins.


Gaf Guild should be called Elementalist Haven seeing as 95% of us are rolling an ele first, including myself. :)

Actually, that's a good point, what should the GAF guild be named? Obviously the abbreviation should be "GAF", but the actual name should be something mildly amusing, not too inside, but not offensively unfunny.

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™
Actually, that's a good point, what should the GAF guild be named? Obviously the abbreviation should be "GAF", but the actual name should be something mildly amusing, not too inside, but not offensively unfunny.
dota 2 and lol gaf use "NeoGaf" as chat/guild names why can't we just keep it that way here too =/


dota 2 and lol gaf use "NeoGaf" as chat/guild names why can't we just keep it that way here too =/

Yeah, that actually works for me, honestly.

It occurs to me that GAFers don't really have a universal 'thing' that they call their own. You can count on SA having "Goonsquad" and 4chan having something suitably retarded, but there really isn't something besides "GAFers" that describes members as a whole... and it makes no sense in us having some kind of nickname that doesn't really describe us when NeoGAF works well enough. Nobody is going to get "Sharp Knees" or "Feed it Pizza" and I'm not even sure those are GAF Originals.

Would "We made Dennis Dyack cry" be too long?
I hope the GAF guild has a creative name and simply isn't GAF Guild The guild should be independent and representative of the game we all chose to play.



Your negativity is more than welcome in the guild :D

Not saying that you're wrong of course lol

Also I was thinking of keeping it simple honestly. NeoGAF is straight and to the point. We could always do a cool, spunky name if it really works but NeoGAF sounds fine.


If they ignore the teammate, then the teammate is dead. You're preventing the revive, and the teammate will have to deal with what's still essentially a lengthened respawn timer.
I wrote a longer response but I'll keep it simple. You are barely affecting the status quo with your scenarios. The best you are doing is delaying. That's weak. And we'll just have to agree to disagree at this point.


Your negativity is more than welcome in the guild :D

Not saying that you're wrong of course lol

Also I was thinking of keeping it simple honestly. NeoGAF is straight and to the point. We could always do a cool, spunky name if it really works but NeoGAF sounds fine.

Bish's Ban Brigade. Too bad we can't have a Sam Jackson Guild Emblem.


Your negativity is more than welcome in the guild :D

Not saying that you're wrong of course lol

Also I was thinking of keeping it simple honestly. NeoGAF is straight and to the point. We could always do a cool, spunky name if it really works but NeoGAF sounds fine.

GAF guilds don't last long. I'd be surprised if this is the exception.


Every guild gets to pick a 3 letter abbreviation though, so it honestly wouldn't matter, everyone will have [GAF] in front of their names anyway.

GAF guilds don't last long. I'd be surprised if this is the exception.

It might last a little longer seeing as it requires no monthly subscription. Hell, people could take a 3 month hiatus and jump right back in without paying a cent.
Hopefully that'll give the game some legs.


GAF guilds don't last long. I'd be surprised if this is the exception.

No subscription + MMO of Forever = .... two weeks to die instead of one. Maybe "Borrowed Time" would be fitting.

Every guild gets to pick a 3 letter abbreviation though, so it honestly wouldn't matter, everyone will have [GAF] in front of their names anyway.

Yeah, regardless of what people pick, there's still gonna be a "GAF" in there.


The fact that theres no subscription and no seperate factions, factors into how active a guild like this will last. It'll just be one big guild so more people sticking around. Will it be like AIE they have 500 different people on and active? Most likely not but we will have a good active force.
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