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Halo |OT7| You may leave, Juices. And take Team Downer with you.

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Rage... building. Salt... rising.

But hey, we get 5 weeks of free DLC missions WITH cinematics.

Specializations? No, we'll talk more about those later. When's later? Later. Just to clarify, it won't be ANYTHING like Call of Duty's prestige system. You'll unlock specific weapon skins only if you presti... er, specialize. That's not like Call of Duty, right?

Oh, the actual gameplay? Don't worry about that, sillies. Have you seen the Forward Unto Dawn behind the scenes where every cast member is just so happy to be a part of this experience?

Oh, check out our pro gameplay where everyone uses the BR and Promethean Vision the WHOLE TIME! Tons of new info there... Is the BR a 4 or 5 shot kill? Hell, we don't even know. Can you crouch with the Hardlight Shield? Don't ask Kevin Franklin live during a video, no one on the development team even thought of such a boisterous idea.

How about a wrap up video where the pros just tell you what they think of the game, instead of us showing new things in the game. Is that cool with you guys?

How about our new console? It comes with built in Nokia Pay-As-You-Go cellphone sounds.

Yes, I'm being overly critical. However, there's an ounce of truth to this rant, even as good as 343 has been to us during the release of their game.

Shh, shh. C'mere. It's okay. Let it all out, it's good for you.
Just an idea to further some of the Didact/Chief or (Forerunner Trilogy spoilers)
the theory that Chief has Didact's Geas or something
parallels: maybe the Requiemosphere/Didact [Beach Ball Battle Mode]/Prom Knight Disco Ball/whatever is more of a sentry drone that's being operated either by the ancient evil, a Requiem-native defense AI, or by Didact himself, but from inside his cryptum; this would basically make it Didact's fancy sports car. While the very very definitely important forerunner artifact is actually Didact's Cryptum, which eventually gets opened by the UNSC, more than likely in a cinematic fashion mirroring that of Chief's first awakening from cryosleep.
I Don't Even... Fuckit, Ship It!
Rage... building. Salt... rising.

But hey, we get 5 weeks of free DLC missions WITH cinematics.

Specializations? No, we'll talk more about those later. When's later? Later. Just to clarify, it won't be ANYTHING like Call of Duty's prestige system. You'll unlock specific weapon skins only if you presti... er, specialize. That's not like Call of Duty, right?

Oh, the actual gameplay? Don't worry about that, sillies. Have you seen the Forward Unto Dawn behind the scenes where every cast member is just so happy to be a part of this experience?

Oh, check out our pro gameplay where everyone uses the BR and Promethean Vision the WHOLE TIME! Tons of new info there... Is the BR a 4 or 5 shot kill? Hell, we don't even know. Can you crouch with the Hardlight Shield? Don't ask Kevin Franklin live during a video, no one on the development team even thought of such a boisterous idea.

How about a wrap up video where the pros just tell you what they think of the game, instead of us showing new things in the game. Is that cool with you guys?

How about our new console? It comes with built in Nokia Pay-As-You-Go cellphone sounds.

Yes, I'm being overly critical. However, there's an ounce of truth to this rant, even as good as 343 has been to us during the release of their game.
Sad, but true..
"We are not going to talk about the fiction, because it keeps it fresh for people when they start playing it. Also, HERE IS A BUNCH OF FICTION STUFF."

:lol it's almost depressing how true this is. Almost all of their fiction panels have basically amounted to this:

Frankie: "We're going to make sure fans new and old are caught up. Without saying too much, we can also say that even the most well-versed lore veterans will have some surprises awaiting them."
David: "Yeah, like finding out how the ancient evil's actually--"
*Frankie death glare*
Fan Q&A: "So, any secrets about the multiplayer sandbox you can share with us?"
bsangel: "Teabagging's back!"
Frankie: "Well, one popular map may or may not be returning. And there will definitely be some crowd-pleasers you won't expect."
David: "Like the Promethean Chopper?"
Frankie: "For god's sake shut the fuck up David"


I hope Blops2 live streaming spectator mode becomes a huge success. It could become a staple of many games to come.

Twitch/streaming services would have to adapt. Prolly get into bed with as many game makers and publishers as they can.
:lol it's almost depressing how true this is. Almost all of their fiction panels have basically amounted to this:

Frankie: "We're going to make sure fans new and old are caught up. Without saying too much, we can also say that even the most well-versed lore veterans will have some surprises awaiting them."
David: "Yeah, like finding out how the ancient evil's actually--"
*Frankie death glare*
Fan Q&A: "So, any secrets about the multiplayer sandbox you can share with us?"
bsangel: "Teabagging's back!"
Frankie: "Well, one popular map may or may not be returning. And there will definitely be some crowd-pleasers you won't expect."
David: "Like the Promethean Chopper?"
Frankie: "For god's sake shut the fuck up David"

Full of Win.

:lol it's almost depressing how true this is. Almost all of their fiction panels have basically amounted to this:

Frankie: "We're going to make sure fans new and old are caught up. Without saying too much, we can also say that even the most well-versed lore veterans will have some surprises awaiting them."
David: "Yeah, like finding out how the ancient evil's actually--"
*Frankie death glare*
Fan Q&A: "So, any secrets about the multiplayer sandbox you can share with us?"
bsangel: "Teabagging's back!"
Frankie: "Well, one popular map may or may not be returning. And there will definitely be some crowd-pleasers you won't expect."
David: "Like the Promethean Chopper?"
Frankie: "For god's sake shut the fuck up David"

I feel like Frankie's desk doesn't even have a nameplate on it, just a little placard that says, "No Fun Allowed."

Is he just the secret keeper at 343 or what?


I have little problems with how 343 rolled out the information. I know enough about each game mode and feature to make a decision to purchase, while still being ignorant enough so that I can build my own hype. The game looks fun. It's been bought.
:lol it's almost depressing how true this is. Almost all of their fiction panels have basically amounted to this:

Frankie: "We're going to make sure fans new and old are caught up. Without saying too much, we can also say that even the most well-versed lore veterans will have some surprises awaiting them."
David: "Yeah, like finding out how the ancient evil's actually--"
*Frankie death glare*
Fan Q&A: "So, any secrets about the multiplayer sandbox you can share with us?"
bsangel: "Teabagging's back!"
Frankie: "Well, one popular map may or may not be returning. And there will definitely be some crowd-pleasers you won't expect."
David: "Like the Promethean Chopper?"
Frankie: "For god's sake shut the fuck up David"
Where's the uncensored video to this?!
JK. no but seriously, where?


Ha. How fitting. ^^

Call me paranoid, but it looks like the developers of Black Ops 2 lurked in here. :p

Or they just listened to their fans.

Or it had nothing to do with that at all. I think the notion that developers have to listen to their community to the point that they are deciding the game is extremely stupid. It's also stupid to say that if they don't add a feature that some of the community has wanted it means they aren't listening.

I will be told told "nu uh it's not like that" but it totally is and if it isn't people need to suck it up and stop acting this way. This goes for way too many people here.

The different game engines point still stands. But I would like a legit explanation from 343 as to why Halo 4 doesn't or can't have dedi's or a spectator mode/live streaming.

I hope Blops2 live streaming spectator mode becomes a huge success. It could become a staple of many games to come.

First of all they don't owe us any explanation at all, and they have already given us plenty to know why they didn't. To think they should give us the exact specifics ties into my above statement.

I imagine at some point we may get even more specific info on why that stuff isn't it, but I imagine it'd be after the game launches in follow up interviews or in technical presentations like Bungie had.

Even if there wasn't a technical explanation though and it was just, "we decided not to do" it shouldn't matter. Games don't have to match every other game there doesn't have to be a technical reason for everything.

a zoojoo

Fuck, i just noticed we're 1/2 way through this OT, at least we seem to be going at a slightly slower pace than last OT.



Or it had nothing to do with that at all. I think the notion that developers have to listen to their community to the point that they are deciding the game is extremely stupid. It's also stupid to say that if they don't add a feature that some of the community has wanted it means they aren't listening.

I will be told told "nu uh it's not like that" but it totally is and if it isn't people need to suck it up and stop acting this way. This goes for way too many people here.

My post was a joke. Thought the ":p" would let you know that.


Or it had nothing to do with that at all. I think the notion that developers have to listen to their community to the point that they are deciding the game is extremely stupid. It's also stupid to say that if they don't add a feature that some of the community has wanted it means they aren't listening.

I will be told told "nu uh it's not like that" but it totally is and if it isn't people need to suck it up and stop acting this way. This goes for way too many people here.
Uh, Treyarch patched in a 40 second countdown timer to their custom game options SOLELY for LAN and online tournaments.

Treyarch also unlocked everything on LAN and splitscreen for tournament play so everyone could use their own set up without leagues having to manually unlock or hack Xbox's to have everything available to everyone.

Now, Treyarch is listening to the competitive community AGAIN by changing the HUD of their spectator mode to better suit the needs of tournaments.

So basically "nu uh, it's not like that."
Fuck, i just noticed we're 1/2 way through this OT, at least we seem to be going at a slightly slower pace than last OT.


A slower pace? Halo 4 going to flop and 343 Industries disbanded
outsourced to Infinity Ward
leaving Frankie to go on a film noir adventure to round up the core staff in a last-ditch attempt to regain the fanbase's trust with Halo 5 confirmed?!

The info drop today will probably clean out the reservoir and get it running at double capacity because tears of joy are a more potent source of energy in the fashion of Monsters Inc.


I have little problems with how 343 rolled out the information. I know enough about each game mode and feature to make a decision to purchase, while still being ignorant enough so that I can build my own hype. The game looks fun. It's getting bought.
I think 343 has given out a fair amount of information. Personally I'm not too please about how this information was released and the actual contents though. More often than not information was released via another source rather than directly from 343 which has lead to many misunderstandings and false speculation. Then there's the fact that half the Halo 4 news is from Frankie or David answering questions here which is a bit odd. While nice for us, I think 343 could've done a better job being clear about the info they released so more clarification wouldn't be needed so often. Also, I'd rather see 343 explain their reasoning behind changes more often. Just showing us something new (or something that was kept from older games) and not telling us the reasoning behind it can be frustrating at times.

a zoojoo

A slower pace? Halo 4 going to flop and 343 Industries disbanded
outsourced to Infinity Ward
leaving Frankie to go on a film noir adventure to round up the core staff in a last-ditch attempt to regain the fanbase's trust with Halo 5 confirmed?!

The info drop today will probably clean out the reservoir and get it running at double capacity because tears of joy are a more potent source of energy in the fashion of Monsters Inc.

Shit. I guess my previous statement will be thrown out the window when the news hits.


My post was a joke. Thought the ":p" would let you know that.

I kind of figured, but there are plenty here with that attitude. Sorry, wasn't meant to really be aimed at you.

Uh, Treyarch patched in a 40 second countdown timer to their custom game options SOLELY for LAN and online tournaments.

Treyarch also unlocked everything on LAN and splitscreen for tournament play so everyone could use their own set up without leagues having to manually unlock or hack Xbox's to have everything available to everyone.

Now, Treyarch is listening to the competitive community AGAIN by changing the HUD of their spectator mode to better suit the needs of tournaments.

So basically "nu uh, it's not like that."

This was what I was meaning though. Just because they did that stuff doesn't mean suddenly that 343 does too or that they aren't listening. Surely they are always listening, and they have done plenty of things based on what the community wanted. Just a few simple examples are: BR back, faster higher movement back, attempted to patch Reach's bloom due to complaints, changed MC'd helmet in CEA after many complaints, added codpiece back to chief in 4.

I feel my original point still stands, and you actually reinforced it for me personally.


if its true than bravo to black ops 2. i remember when halo used to unveil ground breaking features in their games.
Halo still is, just not really in the traditional multiplayer space. Spartan Ops as a long term commitment by 343 to doing timely episodic content is a huge deal. Telltale is one of the only companies in the entire industry to have gotten it right (they still fuck it up every once in a while), and 343 might be the first to do it in a big budget environment. Maybe its not exciting in the same way as say, the party system, but it's still an important step for games.
Jesus christ. And it all runs at 60fps.

But hey, at least we got better lighting in Forge. Oh and Spartan Ops should be great, I can't wait to play bite sized linear Firefight missions for 3 minutes once a week.

60fps? Yes

low ass blurry resolution? Hell yes


Neo Member

98% of the Halo player base does not give a flying fuck about spectator mode.

If the core gameplay is fun/entertaining enough, competitive leagues will find a workaround.

This! I realise that there are some very passionate competitive players in here, but surely you have to put things into perspective. I personally hadn't even thought about spectator mode until witnessing spectator-gate on HaloGAF.


This! I realise that there are some very passionate competitive players in here, but surely you have to put things into perspective. I personally hadn't even thought about spectator mode until spectator-gate on HaloGAF.

The thing is, you can say the exact same thing about CoD.


Just sucks seeing the things Halo players have been asking for since 2 and 3 go untouched by 343/Bungie only to have it bigger and better in the upcoming CoD title.

60fps? Yes

low ass blurry resolution? Hell yes

Do you know what any of those words mean?
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