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Halo: Reach Beta Thread

GhaleonEB said:
It's not a huge deal, and I don't want to make it sound like it is. But personally, I'm uncomfortable with military shooters because of their context. A while back I read the interview Gabe did with his grandfather on WWII themed games. It was an interview he did back in 2003 after Call of Duty came out. It made me realize how people who had been through war saw these games differently. I was never fond of the genre, but the interview affected me. And it made me think about my kids - who do not have a proper context for what realistic warfare is about - could be affected by it. I didn't want them running around shooting Marines. Or, for that matter, other people, at least not in a realistic way.

It's one of the reasons I'm comfortable with my kids playing Halo, and not Call of Duty. For the most part, their time with the game has been limited to just messing around together in Halo 3's Forge mode doing silly stuff with man cannons and grav lifts and mongoose and hammers. But now that Natalie is old enough to romp in campaign with me, it's a lot easier for her to understand "shoot the purple aliens" rather than "shoot the people with accents". I don't want her first serious exposure to realistic warfare to be in a video game.

Gabe's grandfather made the comment, "I think they can make games that will interest kids, that don’t have to include war. We don’t need to be killing each other in games. There’s other ways of strategizing and using the kind of skills that make those games popular."

That's stuck with me since. So I'm fine with people killing aliens, and players fighting each other in a stylized MP setting such as Halo's. But there's an aspect of something like CoD that I'm not going to bring into the house. Partly for me, and partly because I don't want my kids' first contact with war to be in games like that. Especially with actual wars going on right now that are killing people, and which I struggle to explain to them. Given the abundance of games out there, and how few I buy these days, it's not a big deal.

At first I thought your argument was going to be a bit 'zany', violence is violence no matter how cartoony it is, but after reading your post I have to agree. Its scary that a whole generation of children are being bred on "Kill the brown/ Russian/ asian dudes", I really hate to say this, but we cant determine how video games affect us mentally and I hope it doesn't lead to people having racist thoughts inbred on there subconscious.

Sorry for the OT, but its really interesting. I still dont think killing humans in video games leads to people with lower values of life, but I do find the 'community' aspect of it interesting, why is it ok for us to kill them?
Despite the 'moral' issues, I still want Insurgents as enemies, just as I will still play CoD.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Dax01 said:
This is how I feel about it.
Edit - Reading that interview now.

You are brown nosing.

You feel exactly how Ghaleon feels towards not wanting to kill fellow human beings, in virtual form, in Halo, yet in these games;

Battlefield: Bad Co. 2
Call of Duty 4
Modern Warfare® 2
Battlefield 1943™
Fallout 3
Battlefield: Bad Co.
Call Of Duty 3
Rainbow Six® Vegas
Battlefield 2: MC

It's fine?

You just took what Ghaleon said, an honest upfront explanation of why he is against the killing other human beings in a virtual war scenario and agreed fully with him despite the fact that it's plainly obvious from the games you've played, extensively, that you have no such qualms about virtual war based games in which you you kill virtual human beings.

Hypocrite much?

You don't feel the same about the situation as he does. Maybe Halo is special to you and your normal sensibilities don't apply. Whatever.


Dani said:
You are brown nosing.

You feel exactly how Ghaleon feels towards not wanting to kill fellow human beings, in virtual form, in Halo, yet in these games;

Battlefield: Bad Co. 2
Call of Duty 4
Modern Warfare® 2
Battlefield 1943™
Fallout 3
Battlefield: Bad Co.
Call Of Duty 3
Rainbow Six® Vegas
Battlefield 2: MC

It's fine?

You just took what Ghaleon said, an honest upfront explanation of why he is against the killing other human beings in a virtual war scenario and agreed fully with him despite the fact that it's plainly obvious from the games you've played, extensively, that you have no such qualms about virtual war based games in which you you kill virtual human beings.

Hypocrite much?

You don't feel the same about the situation as he does. Maybe Halo is special to you and your normal sensibilities don't apply. Whatever.

HALO, where normal sensiblity don't apply.:D
Cheers Ghaleon. I can see why it is important in your household. For me, however, going paintballing made me realise that I wasn't really being affected in a negative way by games. Quite frankly, I am a chicken when it comes to actually putting myself in the position of getting hurt. It's easy for me to kill players in games because I know the damage not only doesn't exist but that the way I feel in real life compared to the feelings I have in a game are worlds apart.

I think it boils down to experiences people have in relation to what we experince in our every day lives and what we do in a game.
Dani said:
You are brown nosing.

You feel exactly how Ghaleon feels towards not wanting to kill fellow human beings, in virtual form, in Halo, yet in these games;

Battlefield: Bad Co. 2 Last Played - 4/11/2010
Call of Duty 4 Last Played - 3/21/2010
Modern Warfare® 2 Last Played - 1/25/2010
Battlefield 1943™ Last Played - 10/21/2009
Fallout 3 Last Played Last Played - 8/23/2009
Battlefield: Bad Co. Last Played - 7/23/2009
Call Of Duty 3 Last Played - 7/11/2007
Rainbow Six® Vegas Last Played - 4/27/2007
Battlefield 2: MC Last Played - 4/15/2006

It's fine?

You just took what Ghaleon said, an honest upfront explanation of why he is against the killing other human beings in a virtual war scenario and agreed fully with him despite the fact that it's plainly obvious from the games you've played, extensively, that you have no such qualms about virtual war based games in which you you kill virtual human beings.

Hypocrite much?

You don't feel the same about the situation as he does. Maybe Halo is special to you and your normal sensibilities don't apply. Whatever.
Holy moly you need to try harder. Oh, and you forgot one game. Here, let me help you:
Call of Duty 2 - 8/12/2008

Context is everything, and in this case, context is time. The last of those games you listed I played nearly two months ago, let alone the majority of those games I haven't played in over a year. I can't change my opinion about these games within two months? I kind of got sick at the thought of shooting other people in games.

Honestly, if you care that much about this, you can track the games I play for however long you like, and you won't see me return to any of those games.
I just remembered a random thought I had after completing ODST.

Let me start by saying I got the impression that most of HaloGAF didn't like that the Rookie in ODST was a mute. Whether or not you liked his inability to talk, I think he was a character. He was MY character. I was the Rookie. Much to my dismay when the credits rolled, the Rookie was absent in the cast lineup. Yeah, that makes sense. Who could you credit? I got a random thought at that moment. I should be in the credits. It should say: Rookie - 'My Gamertag'

I think Bungie has been trying to make us feel like we are going to be Noble Six (And have been many of their other lead characters).

Do we know if Noble Six has a voice actor? If not, I would love to see this happen.

@Dax01: I'm not trying to take a shot at you, but if you play another game where you kill humans, you won't be helping your case. And I think that is bound to happen eventually. :lol


urk said:
Dunno, but I bet even that horse couldn't get your panties un-wadded.
Maybe the 'Fix Reach' part was a little distasteful. Forgive me. And I'm sorry that it takes more than medals to get me excited. Unfortunately, Reach and Sonic 4 have something in common: I'm waiting to see the enhancements the final products are going to go through after what I feel was a very sub par showing.

Yes, I did just compare Reach to Sonic 4. The comparison is apt for the time being and also hilarious.
Blueblur1 said:
Yes, I did just compare Reach to Sonic 4. The comparison is apt for the time being and also hilarious.
Thank god you typed that, I read the comparison and my jaw dropped in a "He can't be serious.." way.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Dax01 said:
I kind of got sick at the thought of shooting other people in games.

Just sounds like a retrospective attempt to justify coming to someone else's conclusion. If you've really made this deep moral shift within yourself then give yourself a pat on the back.

I can understand folks seeing Halo as some kind of fantasy alternative to modern, gritty war shooters but it's not that simple and the parallels to modern war shooters run very deep and I can't see how some folks can ignore them in light of Halo compared to some other games out there.

Whilst there is a wide assortment of fantasy alien weapons, there's still a host a familiar human weapons. Whilst in the campaign you shooter pink and purple aliens, in multiplayer you shoot fellow humans. When you shoot you fellow Spartans, human, they bleed. It's not uncommon to see a splatter of red blood paint itself across a wall when you aim a shotgun at the back of another player's head. So what if the gore is removed and the human is placed inside a suit of armour, you are still virtually killing human beings.

If anything Reach ties in closer with modern war games than any other Halo - although this is restricted mainly to the multiplayer realm rather than the campaign. With things like the assassinations, you'll hear bones snap and the dying gasps of another virtual human being as you knife them in the back. The enhanced animation adds an extra layer of believability to how how a human body reacts when thrown around by an explosion like a ragdoll.

In all honesty, I've never paid much attention to the killing and deaths in Halo's multiplayer. To me it's just a virtual game with virtual avatars running around scoring points and I have fun. I'm not really into murdering simulators and my brief time with military shooter simply bore me.

Some folks distance themselves from certain aspects of it whilst others enjoy it immensely. Then there's others who think Halo doesn't go far enough. It's still there there though. Halo is sandbox in which you can kill virtual aliens for fun as much as you can kill virtual humans.


Church RvB said:
Let me start by saying I got the impression that most of HaloGAF didn't like that the Rookie in ODST was a mute. Whether or not you liked his inability to talk, I think he was a character. He was MY character. I was the Rookie...I think Bungie has been trying to make us feel like we are going to be Noble Six...Do we know if Noble Six has a voice actor? If not, I would love to see this happen.
In Halo:CE Bungie wanted to make Master Chief a character that you could get a good feel of emersion with. He had a good amount of lines in CE as well as the Halo 2, but towards the end of Halo 2 and into Halo 3 I feel like they started to make his just a empty husk with limited dialog because it does give a better sense to the player that you this character. However in ODST I feel like they should of gave the Rookie a little bit more of Character due to the squad aspect of that game, and a mute squad-mate is a pretty sketchy dude to watch your six. It worked just as good in ODST to leave him mute but yeah, it would of been awesome to have a talking character to say badass shit for you like the other squad members. I don't think we know yet if they will do this again with Noble six but considering this game is building on everything they have learned in the past decade, it might be safe to say that he's going to follow that quite character pattern to give a better sense of emersion.
ToyMachine228 said:
Quoting again for Chapel just in case I was missed. Thanks Ssparks.
Yeah man no problem- here's the other clip you wanted, nice snipes bro. Ps: wheres your avatar from, I'v seen it in the Skate 3 demo so I'm curious.
Blueblur1 said:
Maybe the 'Fix Reach' part was a little distasteful. Forgive me. And I'm sorry that it takes more than medals to get me excited. Unfortunately, Reach and Sonic 4 have something in common: I'm waiting to see the enhancements the final products are going to go through after what I feel was a very sub par showing.

Yes, I did just compare Reach to Sonic 4. The comparison is apt for the time being and also hilarious.

One has gotten floaty jumps for some reason, the other has lost floaty jumps for some reason, co-incidence?
Or did Sonic just steal our jumps!???

Dani, to be fair theres a level of 'gore' that comes from being able to actually 'see' the humans you kill, I bet most people simply see Spartans as robots, while Dax may know there are humans under the suits it simply doesn't affect him as he doesn't actually see humans (if that makes sense?) Its one thing to shoot someone in the face, and its another to shoot them in the helmet, its the implied violence which probably makes the difference.

Either way I dont really see why its so disgusting to kill humans, I think the fact that we mostly kill humans from other nations in other games is bad. With racism and distrust so prevailant we should be encouraged to see all people as equal, so ironically GTA is probably the least 'inmoral' game for me. You haven't got a political agenda, your just killing anyone that happens to get in your way. :lol
Dani said:
Just sounds like a retrospective attempt to justify coming to someone else's conclusion. If you've really made this deep moral shift within yourself then give yourself a pat on the back.

I can understand folks seeing Halo as some kind of fantasy alternative to modern, gritty war shooters but it's not that simple and the parallels to modern war shooters run very deep and I can't see how some folks can ignore them in light of Halo compared to some other games out there.

Whilst there is a wide assortment of fantasy alien weapons, there's still a host a familiar human weapons. Whilst in the campaign you shooter pink and purple aliens, in multiplayer you shoot fellow humans. When you shoot you fellow Spartans, human, they bleed. It's not uncommon to see a splatter of red blood paint itself across a wall when you aim a shotgun at the back of another player's head. So what if the gore is removed and the human is placed inside a suit of armour, you are still virtually killing human beings.

If anything Reach ties in closer with modern war games than any other Halo - although this is restricted mainly to the multiplayer realm rather than the campaign. With things like the assassinations, you'll hear bones snap and the dying gasps of another virtual human being as you knife them in the back. The enhanced animation adds an extra layer of believability to how how a human body reacts when thrown around by an explosion like a ragdoll.

In all honesty, I've never paid much attention to the killing and deaths in Halo's multiplayer. To me it's just a virtual game with virtual avatars running around scoring points and I have fun. I'm not really into murdering simulators and my brief time with military shooter simply bore me.

Some folks distance themselves from certain aspects of it whilst others enjoy it immensely. Then there's others who think Halo doesn't go far enough. It's still there there though. Halo is sandbox in which you can kill virtual aliens for fun as much as you can kill virtual humans.
Spartans are heavily modified humans, like Splicers in BioShock except they aren't messed up. That's how I see 'em anyway, which is why it doesn't bother me. Hell, you can even call them another species: that's what the Forerunner Onyx sentinel called the Spartan III, Ash, an "aboriginal subspecies."

I disagree with Ghaleon on the MP aspect for Elites vs. ODSTs and Marines. I don't think I would want to play that, even if there wasn't any context behind it.
Church RvB said:
@Dax01: I'm not trying to take a shot at you, but if you play another game where you kill humans, you won't be helping your case. And I think that is bound to happen eventually. :lol
To be honest, I think this is the last year in which I'm going to be huge on videogames. I'm not even sure I'm going to buy the next Xbox or whatever. No more multi-consoles for me, no more online except for Halo. I want to focus on my college work, and when I go off to college, I may take my xbox with me, and if I do, I'm only going to bring four games: Halo: CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo 3: ODST. I'm probably going to get Gears 3 (just because I want to see the end of the trilogy), definitely getting Portal 2 and HL2 Episode 3 whenever it comes out and Crackdown 2 and whatever game Bungie dishes out next (and of course Reach), but beyond that, I just don't really see that much else in videogames for me anymore.

At the very least, from here on out, I'm going to be a SP-only (including co-op in that) dude with Halo as my only MP game.
Dax I feel you on that, I've taken only about half the amount of classes most people do the past few years. This year I'm going to college full time and I won't be playing near as many games. This summer I'm trying to catch up on anything I need to play. Reach and Madden will keep my busy until Christmas break.


I don't let myself get affected by these games because I have taken an active recognition that it is just a game and That in a real situation it would be very different. I let myself play these games because I can make a distinction between reality and a game.

Also with college-gaming talk, I'll probably be playing handheld games a lot more during the fall.


GhaleonEB said:
It's not a huge deal, and I don't want to make it sound like it is. But personally, I'm uncomfortable with military shooters because of their context. A while back I read the interview Gabe did with his grandfather on WWII themed games. It was an interview he did back in 2003 after Call of Duty came out. It made me realize how people who had been through war saw these games differently. I was never fond of the genre, but the interview affected me. And it made me think about my kids - who do not have a proper context for what realistic warfare is about - could be affected by it. I didn't want them running around shooting Marines. Or, for that matter, other people, at least not in a realistic way.

It's one of the reasons I'm comfortable with my kids playing Halo, and not Call of Duty. For the most part, their time with the game has been limited to just messing around together in Halo 3's Forge mode doing silly stuff with man cannons and grav lifts and mongoose and hammers. But now that Natalie is old enough to romp in campaign with me, it's a lot easier for her to understand "shoot the purple aliens" rather than "shoot the people with accents". I don't want her first serious exposure to realistic warfare to be in a video game.

Gabe's grandfather made the comment, "I think they can make games that will interest kids, that don’t have to include war. We don’t need to be killing each other in games. There’s other ways of strategizing and using the kind of skills that make those games popular."

That's stuck with me since. So I'm fine with people killing aliens, and players fighting each other in a stylized MP setting such as Halo's. But there's an aspect of something like CoD that I'm not going to bring into the house. Partly for me, and partly because I don't want my kids' first contact with war to be in games like that. Especially with actual wars going on right now that are killing people, and which I struggle to explain to them. Given the abundance of games out there, and how few I buy these days, it's not a big deal.

nicely said!
Dax01 said:
I kind of got sick at the thought of shooting other people in games.
Yeah that makes sense... wait a second..




^^ not really people any more

Why are people going out of their way to make dax look bad?

lol, someone fast forward halogaf 2 weeks
Letters said:
^^ not really people any more

Why are people going out of their way to make dax look bad?

lol, someone fast forward halogaf 2 weeks
Well I am partially in a bad mood since I just got back to work... So I apologize for the somewhat rude post.

But also it bothers me that dax agrees with everything ghaleon says... It is getting out of hand, especially with this last one.

To say that you're growing tired of "people shooting people" is quite a bold statement, especially coming from someone who plays Halo and CoD games.

I apologize Dax, perhaps I should stay off the forums during my first week back to work :\
Dax01 said:
I want to focus on my college work, and when I go off to college, I may take my xbox with me, and if I do, I'm only going to bring four games: Halo: CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo 3: ODST.


Not sure of what Dax's intentions were initially, but I rather we remain the Noble Team in the Reach campaign, as well. It made sense in Halo 2 campaign to play as the Arbiter because he was betrayed by the Prophets and Brutes were sent to kill. It was cool, though, because having Hunters by your side is an amazing experience. That said, it won't make sense to use Elites in Reach's campaign unless we're fighting The Flood.
Alienshogun said:
No wonder I got in a fight with Dax earlier in this thread, he's a hypocritical ignoramus.

He's more intelligent than the people around here give him credit for. :lol

Gaf in 2 weeks time will be in flat out hype mode for E3, believe.


ToyMachine and anyone else curious, every clip that was sent to me in PM I downloaded and have locally.

I am using what free time I have now to work on the montage, computer problems are gone thankfully. To be more specific, one of my monitors died a little while ago, and I just got a replacement from a friend. Not really a big deal, but kept me from using my computer properly. TBH though it shouldn't have had any effect on the montage production, just I wasn't using my computer as much due to that reason. Eh, whatever.

I have two songs I enjoy, that I might want in the montage, but I am not sure if they are the right material, for either a montage in general, or just not mainstream enough if you get what I mean. I will link to them.

Bankai - Faun

sharkara - strut

Still looking for recommendations. So far I have some interesting song ideas given, but nothing really stands out you know. My only requirement is that it cant be a really popular song, like something used in a big movie or something that might be played on MTV.

It is funny that music is my major hangup at this point. The video editing is fairly straight forward and turnkey, but finding the right music is hard for me for some reason. Well thanks guys. I hope to have it out next week if I can keep plugging away without too much distraction.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
bobs99 ... said:
He's more intelligent than the people around here give him credit for. :lol

Gaf in 2 weeks time will be in flat out hype mode for E3, believe.

Somehow I doubt that, but I'll have to take your word for it. From what I can tell he's an immature kid who thinks he knows whats going on in the world and has no clue. He also doesn't have the grasp of a "logical argument" yet.

His moral conundrum of the rights and wrongs of killing "people" in shooters and how he justifies what he plays is laughable at best.

From someone who was in Iraq as an infantryman twice, once during the invasion and again during the surge, I see no issue what so ever playing these games. The issue comes when people can't separate reality from fiction.

As for E3, it will be hype mode everywhere. I can't fricking wait.
Devin Olsen said:
But also it bothers me that dax agrees with everything ghaleon says... It is getting out of hand, especially with this last one.
Ghal and I are pretty much the same when it comes to politics and Halo. Outside of that, I could find so much shit to disagree with him about. Movies and TV shows. (Ghal, I'm not sure if Titanic is still your favorite movie since Avatar released, but Titanic still sucks). And Ghal desn't like Jurassic Park. Not sure what's up with him.

To say that you're growing tired of "people shooting people" is quite a bold statement, especially coming from someone who plays Halo and CoD games.
I can tell you that I am most definitely done with CoD games.
I apologize Dax, perhaps I should stay off the forums during my first week back to work :\
Dude, I do it all the time. I did it in the most recent HL2 thread. Just apologize to everyone involved with it and laugh about it later. It's all cool.
Hydranockz said:
I am 300% serious, man. Gotta start thinking ahead and how to get my life where I want it to be.
Dax01 said:
I am 300% serious, man. Gotta start thinking ahead and how to get my life where I want it to be.
I'm all for college dude... I just wasn't sure if mentioning that you were pretty much only bringing all the main Halo titles was serious or not :/
Hydranockz said:
I'm all for college dude... I just wasn't sure if mentioning that you were pretty much only bringing all the main Halo titles was serious or not :/

To be fair a lot of people ONLY play CoD, or ONLY play Halo. Dax, thats a bad approach with College though, part of the experience is making friends, and a few multiplayer gaming sessions is just part of that. Playing video games solo is a pretty bad thing to do if you live with people, take your ODST Mythic disk and leave the rest at home. :D


This is some of the dumbest shit I've read on the internet. We need that podcast ASAP.

Letters said:
Why are people going out of their way to make dax look bad?
No kidding. Since when did one have to go out of their way to make Dax look like an idiot?

AwesomeSyrup said:
Dax I feel you on that, I've taken only about half the amount of classes most people do the past few years. This year I'm going to college full time and I won't be playing near as many games. This summer I'm trying to catch up on anything I need to play. Reach and Madden will keep my busy until Christmas break.
As an undergrad you'll have more free time at college then you've ever had before. If anything you'll play more games than ever especially if you live on campus because every room will have a 360/PS3/Wii.

Freshman year + Halo 3 release = 5k games played to date

Bao out.
bobs99 ... said:
To be fair a lot of people ONLY play CoD, or ONLY play Halo. Dax, thats a bad approach with College though, part of the experience is making friends, and a few multiplayer gaming sessions is just part of that. Playing video games solo is a pretty bad thing to do if you live with people, take your ODST Mythic disk and leave the rest at home. :D
I said I was still getting Reach. The reason why I'm taking all four main Halo games is because I wanna do a Halo series campaign replay before Reach comes out. Otherwise I'd just take the mythic disc.

OT: Apparently if I order an imac for college, I get a free ipod 8GB ipod touch. Sweet.


EazyB said:
As an undergrad you'll have more free time at college then you've ever had before. If anything you'll play more games than ever especially if you live on campus because every room will have a 360/PS3/Wii.

Freshman year + Halo 3 release = 5k games played to date

Bao out.

This, so fucking hard. I'm a freshman and I've probably played more games this year than I ever did in high school. I have way too much fuckin free time :lol
Wish Reach was already coming out. I had some really frustrating times while playing, to the point of nerd raging, but I miss it already. What do you guys plan on doing to pass time up until september? I'm trying to find a job and I have no idea where I will be once it comes out.


I hope customs start up again in a week or two. Though, I'm already going to be busy with a few other games, so I guess I'm alright.

Can't wait for the montage so I can laugh at how bad my clips are. :lol


Thagomizer said:
Just noticed that Bungie still has the H2 Secrets Cam up. Who's desk is that, and why hasn't it changed in over 6 years?

I'm thinking its placeholder, they use the cam for stuff like Bungie vs. World guess they're just too lazy to take it down.
Sai-kun said:
This, so fucking hard. I'm a freshman and I've probably played more games this year than I ever did in high school. I have way too much fuckin free time :lol
Hm. Maybe I'm significantly overestimated how much work I've had. Though, I guess it depends on what classes I pick and stuff.
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