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Have you ever genuinely wanted a game to fail?


For the most part, no. The exception is when I see a traditional console franchise being shoehorned onto smartphones or tablets. For example, Breath of Fire 6, I'd just assume that failed, so as to discourage other developers from doing the same thing with their own franchises.
Only time I have ever looked at the NPDs with the hope of a flop was with Aliens. I now find myself hoping everything Randy Pitchford is attached to is a commercial failure


DayZ standalone because they've completely dropped the ball and fallen way behind. Talk about a missed opportunity to strike whilst the iron is hot.

Rocket takes time off to climb everest during production.

So much promised, nothing delivered.


Call of Duty ________

Because it shouldn't be this popular and I want some of my friends to play other shit so I have more people to play with and so they can see what they're missing.
I want Mighty No. 9 to fail

Why? I've only seen positive comments about it until now. I mean, sure Inafune is basically ripping off Mega Man, but when Capcom obviously don't give a shit about the brand at least someone is carrying that torch.

The War Z comes to mind.

Yeah actually, that would be one of the few games I'd like to see fail. Obviously a lazy con masquerading as a game, springboarding off the success of others and deliberately choosing a name to try and associate themselves with better, more popular products.

ps4 and xb1 have to fail because both companies have been lying all the time and try to screw us over.

videogames are dead, thanks to "videogames are a service".

where is the point if next to every option can be turned off by sony or ms?

have a look at stupid ea games which do not work anymore thanks to their online service.

It's hardly just Sony and MS responsible for this movement. It's practically every big publisher.

Yes. Demon's Souls.


1) I didn't want my beloved RPG genre overtaken by tough as nails repetitive 80s Mario style gameplay. (Sorry, but that's what it feels like to me.)

2) I wanted FROM Software to make sequels to Enchanted Arms instead, a game both my wife and I loved.

I still bought the Souls series because I love the atmopshere and setting, but the chances of me ever finishing the games is about zero.

Your reasons are stupid, not to mention you bought the fucking games anyway! Enchanted Arms was a commercial failure years ago, and Demon's Souls existence had no bearing on that.


I wanted Castlevania: Lords of Shadow to fail. I didn't like that they turned the series into a God of War clone, and I didn't like that they were rebooting the series. And what happens? It becomes the most successful installment of the franchise in years.... great.


What do you even mean by this Karst? You want all games with a considerable amount of devs and budgets to die?

On topic, easily DmC. I've never been more offended by a game and it's devs before.
I think he means shit that makes games feel like they're coming off a conveyor belt. He wants the feel of games from the good old days, not that there aren't games still like that, but it seems like the industry is moving more and more towards AAA, all guns blazing, minimal player interaction with environments etc.

In other words games that are like Hollywood sequel X and just get forgotten about and have no lasting impact. Are all these COD/Skylanders kids really going to be looking back on COD in 10-20 years the way we look back on our experiences from the previous gens?


What do you even mean by this Karst? You want all games with a considerable amount of devs and budgets to die?

On topic, easily DmC. I've never been more offended by a game and it's devs before.

At this point in time, 'AAA gaming' has become somewhat synonymous with certain design elements that a lot of forum-frequenters dislike. I don't think people want to really get rid of big budget large scale games, but rather the 'unfortunate baggage' that often seems to follow.
The Tomb Raider Reboot, because i was thinking the old gameplay would return somewhere down the road if it did. False hope i guess.


Ass Creed 4, the third major installment was such a disappointment, in my whole life i've never ever played a similar "game", zero difficulty and a totally flat learning curve, the combat system was just an excuse to show some cinematc moves. Games shouldn't be like that.


Call of Duty. Just because I actually loved Modern Warfare, and World At War (yeah, I said it), but absolutely hated Modern Warfare 2 and 3 and Black Ops. I want COD to fail, so that they are forced to change it up. Although at this point, I guess I have Titan Fall to do that for me. So I'll be moving on.
The Tomb Raider Reboot, because i was thinking the old gameplay would return somewhere down the road if it did. False hope i guess.

Not that I wanted Tomb Raider to fail, but I hope another dev picks up where they left off and does an original explore 'em up in large desolate locations like the old TR games used to deliver. This constant need to dumb franchises down in order to appeal to more and more people is so misguided.


Ninja Gaiden 3, because its utterly terrible and an insult to the franchise. Razor's Edge is fucking terrible as well, I regret buying it even though I got it cheap. They took everything that made the franchise what it is out. All thats left is mindless button bashing on the same enemies over and over and a completely linear level design.

DmC, somewhat. I didn't jump on the hate train right away but its just no patch on DMC4 and its pretty much a useless release if you reflect back on it. All the fans wanted was a proper DMC5 after all, and the non-fans aren't going to be fans because of Donte.


Halo 4... Loved every halo game but the multiplayer is such a massive departure for the worse that I didn't want it to do well. If only so that 343 would go back to what made past halo multiplayer great.
Of course I have. I want any game to fail that's bad, or that employs practices that are bad for the industry, or that's loaded with anti-consumer bullshit. Those who never want any game to fail don't seem to understand that bad games failing is just as important to the health and future of the industry as good games selling well.

Demon Ice

DmC Devil May Cry.

Yep. Horrible affront to the series. NT could have gone and made their own, original IP and used those exact gameplay mechanics and I wouldn't have cared, but don't shit all over the amazing gameplay found in DMC3 and 4. Not even going to talk about what a horrible abortion of a character the new "Dante" was or how the writing was literally 3rd grade shit-tier.

I would also like to see a CoD game fail so Activision realizes that the devs have to put a little more effort into their games besides re-releasing the same thing on a yearly basis but that probably won't happen.


Not that I wanted Tomb Raider to fail, but I hope another dev picks up where they left off and does an original explore 'em up in large desolate locations like the old TR games used to deliver. This constant need to dumb franchises down in order to appeal to more and more people is so misguided.
Plenty of custom made levels for TR4's level editor in the meantime.


The only game I ever wanted to fail was APB. Managed to get myself into the closed beta for that game not long before its official release and I was hyped as hell, especially coming off gta iv and messing around with the coop in that, APB was promising so much. First few beta sessions were interesting, the game had obvious problems but I was sure with good feedback most of them could get straightened out. As time went on though it became more and more apparent that nothing was going to change and the game was going to get shoved out the door in an unfinished and badly designed state. Worse was the community, half the community seemed to do nothing but swat down every single legitimate complaint or any constructive feedback in a crazy conservative attempt to keep the game in its horrendous state. The game was bad, the community was bad, the game in my mind just did not deserve a chance.

A few weeks after it released it collapsed in on itself in one of MMO's greatest failures. 150 million dollar flop I believe it was, so bad it crushed the company who made it. I was so happy, that is, until someone picked it up, polished that turd and decided to re-released it.
Square Enix is on such a tremendous run of franchise ruining games that I'm kind of hoping their entire company fails at this point. They represent such a stunning display of incompetence that they don't even deserve to still be around.

Even better if they went down before shitting on Deus Ex.
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