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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds

getting stacks for anomaly is easier than I thought. Just gotta stay somewhere in lane against an opponent and not die.

My biggest issue with medivh is that FoW cd is so low I constantly forget it's ready already.


I still don't see the Welcome Bundle up.

Shouldn't we be seeing a reveal for something anniversary related for HOTS next week soonish?
We all have our vices.

MEDIVH - dat owl boi


  • super fun hero
  • annoying af
  • can make dem playz
  • owl skin is the shit
  • hell, even medivh base skin is good
  • flying around as an owl over the enemy and seeing how mad they get at it is A+ game experience

  • the lower your mmr the more frustrating he'll be to use
  • even at high mmr people don't know wtf to do with him on the team
  • he has a 39.6% winrate and it's always gonna be that way, but not because he's bad, just because he's hard to use and synergize with

tl;dr if you want him to just have him, might as well. We both know you are gonna get him sooner or later anyway. :D But if you plan on playing him to mastery at 15, or even 10, prepare your salt cause it'll be a bumpy ride.


after like the initial games i had just to learn about him i like him.
Anyone else having occasional micro-stutters , especially during a team fight? I see it sometimes on Chu's stream as well and he yells "laaag"

Is there anyway to fix that? I don't think it is rig related


Anyone else having occasional micro-stutters , especially during a team fight? I see it sometimes on Chu's stream as well and he yells "laaag"

Is there anyway to fix that? I don't think it is rig related

In some cases I think it might actually be lag. When my wireless is on the fritz sometimes I'll be stuttering all over the place like that. Game is fine other times though.


Anyone else having occasional micro-stutters , especially during a team fight? I see it sometimes on Chu's stream as well and he yells "laaag"

Is there anyway to fix that? I don't think it is rig related

I think it's a connection issue. For some reason the frame rate is related to your connection. It's something related to the games engine iirc
In some cases I think it might actually be lag. When my wireless is on the fritz sometimes I'll be stuttering all over the place like that. Game is fine other times though.

I think it's a connection issue. For some reason the frame rate is related to your connection. It's something related to the games engine iirc

Damn, that sucks. I have 100mbps connection, and no other game really has an issue with lag spikes (atleast to my knowledge) . Maybe my router is acting funny :( I'll try to do some tests, I'm pretty sure blizz has a packet-loss/ pathing tool somewhere on their website


Damn, that sucks. I have 100mbps connection, and no other game really has an issue with lag spikes (atleast to my knowledge) . Maybe my router is acting funny :( I'll try to do some tests, I'm pretty sure blizz has a packet-loss/ pathing tool somewhere on their website

It's been about two years, but I had a similar issue Alpha. When I lived in KY and ORD1 was the only server in NA, there was an issue with TWC customers being routed through a specific point to their AT&T servers that was adversely affecting HOTS and I believe Diablo. Basically I'd go from 70ms in the daytime to like ~120 at peak hours and get those microstutters. Nothing wrong on my end, 50mbps connection, just an issue with the way the traffic was routed off of TWC and onto Blizzard's AT&T servers. I don't know if they ever fixed that, to be honest. I moved to the West Coast and now I have like 20-35ms all the time. Life is good. Your issue may not be related to you or Blizzard either, possibly, could be in the middle. If you check the official forums you'll know for sure if it's a widespread issue or not. There were several threads about mine going back when that was happening.


The micro stutters have been around in various forms for various people since the beginning. It used to be real bad for me but then it went away with an update.

I think the engine is just not great.

I'm getting a new computer next week


Khroen and Equinox kicked from GFE. The curse of NA strikes again - rather than focus on getting better as a team (and the idiocy that was GFEs no role roster!), they kick talented players in the hope of striking it lucky.

How the fuck do you kick Khroen given the issues with that team and some of the issues they have? Udall's play on some heroes (like Medivh) is *embarrassingly* bad.


They were the second seed and lost to Team 8. What the hell are they thinking by dumping yet again players? At least Khroen hangs around as a sub but still. Guess the roster swap train has begun in NA.


Kinda lttp but Kripparian probably cannot fucking wait for Diablo 4 at this point. He really made it big doing the Diablo 3 inferno runs. I certainly hadn't heard of him before that.

When is HotS first event gonna be anyway? For loot boxes and all that.


Fan is legit the only non-overrated player on that team anyway.

Udall and Aka only got popular because of Dorm
Equinox has been consistently meh
Khroen... haven't watched him play pro recently, but after hearing what went down this weekend and watching him stream it's no wonder he got kicked. He was doing some silver level plays in HL. Even Chu is better than him.


I feel like kure/fan could be a good combo if they can manage to get along

Im assuming they got removed just for constantly costing the team wins, whether it's bad calls or bad play, but i hope there is something more substantial like them not meshing well with the rest. It would be dumb if they got removed because they suck at roles they didnt play in the first place
I'm glad about this, something had to give. They might be number 2/3 in NA sure but that's not good enough given their roster.

Khroen and Equinox caused a ton of issues with the drafts GFE could do, worst of all it made Khroen a worse player than he should be.

Fan is expecting to go back to playing ranged, as per one of his recent streams.
Source? Leoric is a character I like thematically, but his moveset is so bad. Especially Wraithwalk. I don't know why it exists.
Can't agree with this at all. Wraithwalk works perfectly with his kit and is pretty unique for a movement ability.
The issue with Leoric is that his trait has gotten nerfed to a point investing into it is a mistake.


Source? Leoric is a character I like thematically, but his moveset is so bad. Especially Wraithwalk. I don't know why it exists.

Wraithwalk is an amazing ability! It's an escape and engage tool and it gives him a unique amount of powerful escape that stops CC working. I think his base kit (and animations) is brilliant. Tbh it's not like his talents are super bad either, so I don't expect we'll see this for some time as it can't be a priority.
Why the need to make something up. Khroen Udall and Fan just had way too much overlap and Khroen already had been the one to switch his hero pool up completely as a result. Just cutting Equinox wouldn't have solved that issue.


I feel like "he wasnt commited enough" is a really passive aggressive reason

Man im so excited for rosterpocalypse

My guess when people say things like that is that they really mean they didnt get along. Like when everybody on the team is not of the same mind set it's easy for the majority to tell the minority that they got it wrong. Wether that's scrim schedule, or role swapping, or shot calling or whatever.


I mean yeah i assume the other 3 are the ones who voted them off the island. But this is the same reason they gave for kicking fury, it's a non-reason that does nothing for the kicked player

Like afaik gfe is 3/3 in giving sudden notice, it's like they are afraid of speaking to each other

It's gonna be rough for khroen to find a team vs. equinox imo
What is the best (laziest?) way to level up heroes? Getting 14 of them to level 5 is going to take weeks, and I just want to play the heroes I want to play in ranked. :(


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
getting 14 heroes to 5 doesnt take weeks. And i dont even men you have to play 15 games in a row like uncle rhaknar either, level 5 is what? 5 wins? 6 wins?

you can easily do 2 a day even with just like 2 hour sessions or something. If youre losing a lot than it takes longer obviously. Play with stimpack and friends for more xp too.

Also you seem obssessed with playing ranked when you are still so new with the game, and keep bitching about having to play multiple heroes to do it, when you SHOULD be playing multiple heroes to learn then.


welcome bundle is up, 5 bucks.

Rerolled the random hero box and got li li twice, valla, malfurion. Lame. Last reroll had a 3 day stimpack though, so nice I guess.
getting 14 heroes to 5 doesnt take weeks. And i dont even men you have to play 15 games in a row like uncle rhaknar either, level 5 is what? 5 wins? 6 wins?

you can easily do 2 a day even with just like 2 hour sessions or something. If youre losing a lot than it takes longer obviously. Play with stimpack and friends for more xp too.

Also you seem obssessed with playing ranked when you are still so new with the game, and keep bitching about having to play multiple heroes to do it, when you SHOULD be playing multiple heroes to learn then.

Let's say it's 5 wins:
One game is, on average, 25 minutes in my experience.
25 * 5 = 125 minutes, which is approximately 2 hours.

2 hours of play a day (yeah, right) means 2 weeks of straight evening play just to unlock ranked play. That's ridiculous, AND it assumes all of my games are wins!

You can learn just fine in ranked play - it's perfectly reasonable to only want to play serious matches while learning. My rating can fall to whatever it needs to be to represent my play, and I'm happy to dig myself out. I specifically don't like that I have to play through so many heroes I have no interest in to unlock the game's most legitimate kind of play.


Source? Leoric is a character I like thematically, but his moveset is so bad. Especially Wraithwalk. I don't know why it exists.

I accidently picked the improved Wraithwalk at 7? (I think) and I ended up loving it. The ability to posture around in Wraithwalk is awesome. It pretty much reminds me of Tyrael's Sword in ground move (El Druins?) how it's like he could be there, but isn't.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
welcome bundle is up, 5 bucks.

Rerolled the random hero box and got li li twice, valla, malfurion. Lame. Last reroll had a 3 day stimpack though, so nice I guess.

ugh so its just the cheapo heroes? :/

edit: yeah got Malf, then rerolled and got Valla, so seems so. Did get a Zeratul samurai skin tho, and bought the green cloud with half the gems from the bundle since I wanted that specific color for green goblin chromie anyway :p


Also can confirm buying the welcome box gives you the celestial steed. Rare/epic boxes had poop in em but oh well.

Nice! Might pick one up.

Unrelated, but it's very strange to me that the loot boxes you buy are common only. I'd have thought they'd mirror OW and do the "at least one rare" thing.


Let's say it's 5 wins:
One game is, on average, 25 minutes in my experience.
25 * 5 = 125 minutes, which is approximately 2 hours.

2 hours of play a day (yeah, right) means 2 weeks of straight evening play just to unlock ranked play. That's ridiculous, AND it assumes all of my games are wins!

You can learn just fine in ranked play - it's perfectly reasonable to only want to play serious matches while learning. My rating can fall to whatever it needs to be to represent my play, and I'm happy to dig myself out. I specifically don't like that I have to play through so many heroes I have no interest in to unlock the game's most legitimate kind of play.
It's just a way to make sure you know the bare minimum to not ruin other's games. If you don't know anything about anyone you're gonna play miserably. It's a team game after all. You can use HotsLogs and check your MMR there if you want to see if you're improving.


Whoa, Khroen lost his fro and his team? Ouch

Took the man's pride then took his job. Cold blooded.

ugh so its just the cheapo heroes? :/

I got Falstad in mine (epic) so I don't think it was only the rare heroes.

You can learn just fine in ranked play - it's perfectly reasonable to only want to play serious matches while learning. My rating can fall to whatever it needs to be to represent my play, and I'm happy to dig myself out. I specifically don't like that I have to play through so many heroes I have no interest in to unlock the game's most legitimate kind of play.

I don't know what your tolerance for bullshit is, perhaps it's greater than my own, but if you are flustered about having to level 14 heroes to level 5 you're probably gonna have a bad time blindly walking into ranked unless you're a MOBA savant or have extensive experience in League or Dota or the like going in. Also, what's wrong with Unranked draft?

You said, "I'm happy to dig myself out" but I don't think you understand the monumental task it will be to dig yourself out if you place in Silver or Gold in Hero League. Once those early MMR bonuses are erased and the system is confident in your placement - somewhere in the 40 to 50 games played range - you're on a timer and every game you play and don't win begins to reset the timer. After 100 games, it's like resetting the timer and then taking two steps back as well.

You will need at bare minimum a 60% winrate after that point to really move up in divisions with any kind of pace, and even then you have to consider you're only getting positive gains from 2 games in every 10 you play. It's not fun. If you get down to 55% you're looking at less even though that's a perfectly solid winrate.

All of this is before we even mention the cesspool that is Silver and Gold HL. I'm sure some other posters here can tell you about the stupidity, toxicity, and just general obstinance of a large part of the players you might end up with if your MMR lands in that range. Drafts that don't make sense even though it's the "serious mode" because someone didn't want to heal or tank, people rage quitting because someone asked them why they didn't respond to an objective, yadda yadda yadda. It's commonplace there, so as I said, I hope your tolerance for bullshit is greater than mine. I climbed out of it once when the ranks just went 50-1 and it was a lot easier then. It's a considerably longer climb now with divisions.

Scared straight attempt aside, I urge you to play a lot of heroes and take the time to learn the game and the matchups before you fuck up your MMR trying to go into ranked without context. Unranked is right there if you want to draft. The difference in your personal game experience from reaching Platinum, and if you're lucky Diamond, compared to being in Silver or Gold is like playing a completely different game. It's not always pretty in those divisions, but most issues like that just occur way less frequently or not at all once you cross the Gold threshold. Naturally you can do what you want, but consider this an attempt to save you a lot of frustration in the future for a little delayed gratification now.

It's just a way to make sure you know the bare minimum to not ruin other's games. If you don't know anything about anyone you're gonna play miserably. It's a team game after all. You can use HotsLogs and check your MMR there if you want to see if you're improving.

There's also this. By not knowing most of the heroes or what is going on due to inexperience, you aren't just messing up your game and MMR, you're also fucking with others as well.
Took the man's pride then took his job. Cold blooded.

I got Falstad in mine (epic) so I don't think it was only the rare heroes.

I don't know what your tolerance for bullshit is, perhaps it's greater than my own, but if you are flustered about having to level 14 heroes to level 5 you're probably gonna have a bad time blindly walking into ranked unless you're a MOBA savant or have extensive experience in League or Dota or the like going in. Also, what's wrong with Unranked draft?
Yeah, I played competitive DotA for about a year and played it hardcore outside of that competitive experience for a long time (pre-DotA2).

You said, "I'm happy to dig myself out" but I don't think you understand the monumental task it will be to dig yourself out if you place in Silver or Gold in Hero League. Once those early MMR bonuses are erased and the system is confident in your placement - somewhere in the 40 to 50 games played range - you're on a timer and every game you play and don't win begins to reset the timer. After 100 games, it's like resetting the timer and then taking two steps back as well.

You will need at bare minimum a 60% winrate after that point to really move up in divisions with any kind of pace, and even then you have to consider you're only getting positive gains from 2 games in every 10 you play. It's not fun. If you get down to 55% you're looking at less even though that's a perfectly solid winrate.
This is an interesting point, but I don't really understand what you're telling me. Can you explain it in a different way?

All of this is before we even mention the cesspool that is Silver and Gold HL. I'm sure some other posters here can tell you about the stupidity, toxicity, and just general obstinance of a large part of the players you might end up with if your MMR lands in that range. Drafts that don't make sense even though it's the "serious mode" because someone didn't want to heal or tank, people rage quitting because someone asked them why they didn't respond to an objective, yadda yadda yadda. It's commonplace there, so as I said, I hope your tolerance for bullshit is greater than mine. I climbed out of it once when the ranks just went 50-1 and it was a lot easier then. It's a considerably longer climb now with divisions.
I play Overwatch, and when I started playing I fell to 900 SR because I've never played a serious FPS before. I grinded up to >2000 this last month. I know how miserable those low ranks are, hahaha.

Scared straight attempt aside, I urge you to play a lot of heroes and take the time to learn the game and the matchups before you fuck up your MMR trying to go into ranked without context. Unranked is right there if you want to draft. The difference in your personal game experience from reaching Platinum, and if you're lucky Diamond, compared to being in Silver or Gold is like playing a completely different game. It's not always pretty in those divisions, but most issues like that just occur way less frequently or not at all once you cross the Gold threshold. Naturally you can do what you want, but consider this an attempt to save you a lot of frustration in the future for a little delayed gratification now.

There's also this. By not knowing most of the heroes or what is going on due to inexperience, you aren't just messing up your game and MMR, you're also fucking with others as well.
It's not like I am learning every hero in the game by learning 14. There are heroes I never see in Quick Play that I'm unfamiliar with.

I WANT to learn my matchups. That's part of the frustration. I could be learning the ins and outs of Butcher, Diablo, Thrall, and a few other characters I really enjoy, but instead I am grinding out matchups I don't particularly care about. I would rather go deep instead of broad.


I give zero fucks about being competitive and play this game for loot boxes. I'd never grind it out alone though, always play with a friend.

Quick play matchmaking is a fickle mistress though.
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