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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds


Guess I didn't miss much then. RIP GFE. Team was better when it was just Udall's team.

Fan needs to find his own team that he can operate where he isn't coming into something already established (aka the Glaurung model). Either that or he needs to become the quiet cog like he was on C9 before they won Blizzcon.

Also lol @ akaface. Hardly someone who should be throwing stones on that team IMO, no matter how true they might be.

The only shameful/embarrassing/sad part of this is that Tempo is now going to Blizzcon again...might as well count that as a definite nothing in that slot for NA. No faith in them and they are just a couple decent weeks away from their own team imploding as well.
Has GFE ever done well at an international event? Weren't they the first team from a major region to not make it out of groups against a minor

Wasn't that what they tried this split with Udall being the sole shotcaller and fan focusing on his own play as well? Fan wants to be that quiet cog as far as I can tell, spotty performance nonetheless. Fan almost never shotcalls in HL either. He really is a bit introverted.

the meta hasn't been kind to aka's hero pool.


Fan was the main shotcaller for the team for a little while now is what I'm saying. He gives mixed messages. If he wants to be the boss, he needs his own team and not to impose on someone else's like he has 3 or 4 times now. Whenever he does that, it works for a bit but when a rough patch comes it seems to spiral out of control because there is a distinct line between the old way and the new way. And if he wants to be the quiet dude, he has to live with what that entails. He seems to want to have his cake and eat it too with this kind of stuff so I dunno what he's supposed to do.

IIRC you're right about GFE but they did also take a game or two off of good teams meanwhile Tempo Storm have been spiraling down the toilet for the better part of this year after a hot start. Continually up in games and then piss it away, no killer instinct or aggression. We just know what we're gonna get from them and it won't be anything worth having. At least GFE can pull one out from sheer mechanical ability or cheese every now and then. Really NA would be better with someone other than either of them for the 3rd team, though.
Tempo has the edge on mechanical skill imo. Yeah fan is one of the best players but everyone else on GFE gets matched or outclassed by tempo.
Last known information is that Udall has been main shotcaller for GFE for this HGC split, I don't know what goes on beyond that but Fan appears vocal in team management from past experiences.
Tempo and GFE ran a bit paralell with their ups and downs, GFE's downward spiral has been more extended. Tempo at least shows up when it matters.
Damn fan crying on stream


dude legitimately just wants to be the best, this is where the HGC format hurts even if Fan went the Glaurung route he'd have to start over in open division.



dude legitimately just wants to be the best, this is where the HGC format hurts even if Fan went the Glaurung route he'd have to start over in open division.

Its NA, every single team will be doing roster shuffling whether they need it or not... i'm sure he ends up on a top NA roster yet again.

Anyone else think Roll20 might actually place in the top 3? I have a feeling boys


Tempo has the edge on mechanical skill imo. Yeah fan is one of the best players but everyone else on GFE gets matched or outclassed by tempo.
Last known information is that Udall has been main shotcaller for GFE for this HGC split, I don't know what goes on beyond that but Fan appears vocal in team management from past experiences.
Tempo and GFE ran a bit paralell with their ups and downs, GFE's downward spiral has been more extended. Tempo at least shows up when it matters.

Fan literally has said on stream for a bit now he is sole shotcaller. Just said it a few minutes ago, in fact. Said drafting had swapped to a communal thing in recent weeks but he was the one running the team through this downturn in game.

You give the edge to Tempo in mechanical skill and maybe that plays out if they 1v1, but to me GFE has players who are actual playmakers. Who is making plays on Tempo to turn a whole game ever? Not really many notable moments outside of Psalm come to my mind. Udall and Fan regularly pull shit out of their ass, and k1 has always been there for that. That's why they are a better representative. Even at a disadvantage they make things happen because (and to their detriment, at times) they get reckless. You won't see that from Tempo. When they have an advantage, they don't press. When they don't have one, they got no shot at all because they are so afraid of throwing they won't even try to win. That's the difference I'm talking about. At least GFE has the sense to take a chance, Tempo just doesn't have that.

Also, I don't understand how Tempo shows up when it matters? They've been a no show at literally every LAN event this year.

They didn't win a game against any notable non NA team at Western Clash #1. They won a game against Dig at the midseason brawl, but that's cancelled out by losing one to Soul Torturers and they backed into playoffs and got rekt by Team 8 again. Didn't beat anyone of note again at Western Clash #2 (including losing to their lackluster dopplegangers Team Liquid), knocked out by GFE. Really the most notable thing they did was beat R20 in the first half of phase #2 which made them sweat a little.

It's not even that GFE did significantly better, they didn't, but they at least have some semblance of hope of making something happen. With Tempo it's the same boring script every game they are up...the other team knows, the viewer knows, and they know that they are gonna choke that shit away.

Anyone else think Roll20 might actually place in the top 3? I have a feeling boys

If anyone can, it's them. I'd love to see it.
I'd be surprised if Roll 20 did a swap, anyone else will be shuffling quite a bit, those making blizzcon gonna have a harder time.

Has blizzard implemented a proper structure to team changes yet? Last time they had next to no rules and it ended up kinda weird with last minute panic shufflings. There should be a period where cuts have to be announced followed by a period of pick ups. Just so that there is a level playingfield.

Bakery believes in them.
Fan literally has said on stream for a bit now he is sole shotcaller. Just said it a few minutes ago, in fact. Said drafting had swapped to a communal thing in recent weeks but he was the one running the team through this downturn in game.
Interesting didn't know that, I was going by one of their post game interviews a while ago.


I'm surprised he admitted it given how bad they've been. Obviously wasn't working out well, though I guess the drafts were the worst part.
I'm surprised he admitted it given how bad they've been. Obviously wasn't working out well, though I guess the drafts were the worst part.
He's always been honest about his performance and he also cried after Karen cheated.

Anyway to continue from before.
You give the edge to Tempo in mechanical skill and maybe that plays out if they 1v1, but to me GFE has players who are actual playmakers. Who is making plays on Tempo to turn a whole game ever? Not really many notable moments outside of Psalm come to my mind. Udall and Fan regularly pull shit out of their ass, and k1 has always been there for that. That's why they are a better representative. Even at a disadvantage they make things happen because (and to their detriment, at times) they get reckless. You won't see that from Tempo. When they have an advantage, they don't press. When they don't have one, they got no shot at all because they are so afraid of throwing they won't even try to win. That's the difference I'm talking about. At least GFE has the sense to take a chance, Tempo just doesn't have that.
Fury and Psalm are playmakers, Tempo's shotcalling through Cattle makes them tepid. They tried changing that by moving cattle to maintank but that didn't work out at all adn they switched back.
Also, I don't understand how Tempo shows up when it matters? They've been a no show at literally every LAN event this year.
but they went to multiple LANs when GFE didn't is what I meant, including now upcoming 2 Blizzcons.
They didn't win a game against any notable non NA team at Western Clash #1. They won a game against Dig at the midseason brawl, but that's cancelled out by losing one to Soul Torturers and they backed into playoffs and got rekt by Team 8 again. Didn't beat anyone of note again at Western Clash #2 (including losing to their lackluster dopplegangers Team Liquid), knocked out by GFE. Really the most notable thing they did was beat R20 in the first half of phase #2 which made them sweat a little.
Yeah their international record is terrible. Their NA record was almost impeccable up until phase 2 though much to my chagrin. I've come to like them since mostly because of psalm and GFE warping into C9.
It's not even that GFE did significantly better, they didn't, but they at least have some semblance of hope of making something happen. With Tempo it's the same boring script every game they are up...the other team knows, the viewer knows, and they know that they are gonna choke that shit away.
Or they scrub out completely like they've prone to in the past just the same, that's not a mudslinging contest either team walks out of looking pretty.
Sad for fan but at the same time I havent ever really felt the hype around GFE. Their championship frakenstein team is coming apart at teh seams and now its probably dead :p

Inb4 Arthelon & Khroen places higher than all of their teammates next season.

This is definitely NAs best chance in a while. I think Roll20 definitely has the best shot for NA I just hope the meta still favors them as we get to blizzcon. I feel like this meta really meshed with their style.

Do we know if Junkrat will be allowed at blizzcon?
Sad for fan but at the same time I havent ever really felt the hype around GFE. Their championship frakenstein team is coming apart at teh seams and now its probably dead :p

Inb4 Arthelon & Khroen places higher than all of their teammates next season.

This is definitely NAs best chance in a while. I think Roll20 definitely has the best shot for NA I just hope the meta still favors them as we get to blizzcon. I feel like this meta really meshed with their style.

Do we know if Junkrat will be allowed at blizzcon?

i doubt it. It may be the junkrat patch, but it wont be with the new character


The fact is Udall and Fan cannot be on the same team together. We said this right at the beginning when they *first* formed GFE - they both occupy the same roles, and they both demand the flashy playmaker characters. It will never work.

Ultimately, GFE is a good example of what’s been wrong with NAs HotS pro scene for a long while. They focus on individual personalities rather than team cohesion, they don’t have fixed roles, and they’re obsessed with the idea of a super team. Why on *earth* they thought bringing in two old C9 players would help fix things is beyond me - again it was the quick and easy option, rather than focusing on what was actually wrong with the team and working on the team skills and play. GFE wasn’t losing because Khroen was bad, and dropping him didn’t fix what was wrong in the first place.

Thankfully Roll20 seem to have really picked up their game - seems really high hopes for them this year, and everyone expects them to beat at least one EU team.


Also lol @ akaface. Hardly someone who should be throwing stones on that team IMO, no matter how true they might be.

Dunno what's going on with the team besides what one can tell from a fan perspective, but from that perspective aka is 100% the weakest player and the passive aggressive tweets only cement this. Who the fuck goes the "i told you so" route, underperforms, and expects to stay on the team?

Fan should def not be the primary shotcaller

Lol reading the comments for gfe/tempo on reddit
One guy says "lol ppl spamming "k1throw" when fan dies on falstad, are they even watching"
Second guys says "to be fair k1 was on falstad in a different game and ppl associate him with ranged and fan with melee"
Jesus christ

Lagf with fan instead of bkid would prob be the best team in na. Tho tbf bkid's passive approach is pretty suitable to soloing and he's shown consistent improvement, but fan can do the same if he can reign back the desire to win the lane.


The new map, can I just simply go azmodan and ignore objetives like hanamura was at the start?
I have a feeling split pushers will dominate this map. The objective doesn't do any siege damage.

Just checking hotslogs, and sorting by the new map, it appears that split pushers completely dominate. Need to buff the robot siege damage I think.
I have a feeling split pushers will dominate this map. The objective doesn't do any siege damage.

Just checking hotslogs, and sorting by the new map, it appears that split pushers completely dominate. Need to buff the robot siege damage I think.

Kinda makes it like other boss-controlled players though right? Maybe they wanted to make something very different? I mean, dragon/plant boss you just go straight to smashing towers/keeps just in slightly different ways.

I haven't played it yet.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
3 heroes on sale again this week. First time for Genji I believe?

Upcoming Hero Sales
Genji — Sale Price: 375 Gems
Anub’arak — Sale Price: 250 Gems
Gazlowe — Sale Price: 150 Gems

The following Skins and Mounts will enter the Featured Item Rotation, and will be unlockable using Gems until next week's Collection Update:

Upcoming Featured Skins
Vengeful Oni Genji
Cyb'arak Anub'arak
Chief Engineer Gazlowe
Fel Iron Butcher
Blood Sentinel Lunara
Amber Soundblast Lúcio
Indigo Cyberdemon Zarya
Frostborn Magni Muradin
Roller Derby Nova

Upcoming Featured Mounts
Demonic Hellsteed
Thunder Star Chariot
2017 Championship Banner


The new map boss doesn't seem particularly stronger than the regular bosses only this one absorbs two heroes instead of one. Needs to be stronger for sure, it's not as punishing as it should be.


It feels punishing to me...punishing to the team who has two dudes in it. I've not gotten it much, but when I have seen it typically the team with 5 on the ground forces it back before much happens because either (A) it's too weak and isn't strong enough for 3 + vehicle vs 5 combat, or (B) people are so bad at using it that it's not strong enough for 3 + vehicle vs 5 combat.

Couple of times on stream I've seen it run over a team, but usually it seems a whole lot about nothing.


The new map boss doesn't seem particularly stronger than the regular bosses only this one absorbs two heroes instead of one. Needs to be stronger for sure, it's not as punishing as it should be.
My experience as well. It does do really strong hero damage and supporting even, but i don't feel like it's ever worth having two less heroes on the map.


I saw Dunk do that and it was pretty neat. Not sure if it's practical or not most of the time but it's a cool feature.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
"cool, a Pallytime video with Scoobs, this should be good"

*they get horribly destroyed



Is it me or did Team Freedom really luck out with the group seeding for Blizzcon when it comes to NA teams? R20 and Dig in the same group with Tempest seems rough. Is it just two teams making it out of each group?

Also alur jesus man

The yotes sure shored up on D this offseason huh?

Team actually looks dece...they might not be an embarrassment for once. Keller is likely gonna challenge for or even win the Calder, had 8 points in 4 preseason games. He's insane. Sucks cause I gave up my season tickets for my son to play travel hockey and so we could buy a house.


I'm expecting we very shortly get an announcement about a Halloween event similar in scale to the summer event we had. Given that we've got a few Halloween skins that aren't available for regular purchase/crafting (Crimson Count Arthas, Scarecrow Xul, Skelethur Abathur), there will probably be Halloween loot boxes and a bunch of new event items. For some reason, I'm expecting a Halloween skin for Greymane.

Edit - D.Va the Destroyer is a Legendary skin. So it's 2400 gems right now (and 1600 in two weeks). Bundle with 3 of the 5 tints for 1260 gems, if you already own D.Va.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I think spotlight is the end of this week. PTR next week, then live the week after.

D. Va the Destroyer just went live. How many gems am I throwing at this thing?

I will throw all the gems at it

Miiiiight have just purchased $100 in gems. Maybe that happened, maybe it didn't. It did.

are gems on sale or something?


I will say that the change to guarantee one rare reward in each box was extremely smart. Buying boxes makes a lot more sense now, I’m pleased with what I got out of the 50 I opened today (saving 50 for next big skin drop/Halloween)


I will say that the change to guarantee one rare reward in each box was extremely smart. Buying boxes makes a lot more sense now, I’m pleased with what I got out of the 50 I opened today (saving 50 for next big skin drop/Halloween)
They really need to kill dupe heroes from lootboxes. It's so bad.
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