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I can't really see 3D on 3D TVs


Post Count: 9999
Mudkips said:
For projectors, you need a screen that retains the polarization, too.
I'm pretty sure they industry has decided on active shutter glasses.

pretty much.

Other than at the very highest end (where you'd use dual projectors and a polarized screen), expect front projectors to be sequential shutter as well.


I read somewhere (will look for it) something like 15-20% of people just can't hack 3D due to eye alignment , brain processing issues , or poor eye sight in one eye (my dad has one functional eye...so this means he can't take his grand daughter to see all the new movies out...F you 3D..)

The hassle of wearing it at home is absurd to..someone walks into the room, turn to them, they are blurry...you wear glasses already..now you have to wear them over top of them (that sucks)...you can't watch 3d tv and mess around on a computer / phone / ipad at the same time...Can't lie down on couch and watch TV...

3D gaming...uh no..not wearing those goggles for hours on end just to see in slightly 3d

and..you need to sit within a certain angle and look dead on at the screen.

Booo 3D. Fun on Disney rides, not fun at home (plus having kids break the glasses, ugh).

Sorry...3D rant over.


Sixfortyfive said:
I'm pretty skeptical about the 3DS. Couple this with left-handedness and I know there's going to be a handful of games that are just outright unplayable. I'm sort of hoping that all of this newfangled 3D tech dies out like the original 3D glasses did however long ago that was.
Time will tell. Right now there's a huge push for 3D tech but we'll see how long it will last.

I'm also in the not able to see 3D (and left-handed) category but I'm not really that worried. At least we can still see a perfectly good 2D image in 3D movies/games so it's not like it makes us blind or anything. Of course it's annoying that we can't experience the new cool thing but life's not always fair.


my reputation is Shadowruined
GodofWine said:
I read somewhere (will look for it) something like 15-20% of people just can't hack 3D due to eye alignment , brain processing issues , or poor eye sight in one eye (my dad has one functional eye...so this means he can't take his grand daughter to see all the new movies out...F you 3D..)


So if a person is deaf in one ear, he should hate stereo and surround sound audio formats?

The nice thing with stereoscopic 3d is that it isn't forced upon anyone. You play or watch in "regular 2d" and experience the same game or movie.


I'm also one of those people who can't see 3D. I had strabismus when I was younger and despite the fact that my eyes are fine now, my left eye is definitely the dominant one and still sees a lot better than my right eye. As a result, even though I sometimes see images popping out of the screen, I've never been able to see 3D depth illusion either in the cinema or in games.

This push towards 3D in cinema and games feels like it's going to suck away my enjoyment at games. When I can't play a game at the highest settings, I can always upgrade my PC (or buy the latest console). If my brain won't let me see in 3D, there isn't much I can do but choose to either game while feeling left out or attempt to ignore the whole 3D thing, which might escalate to gaming in general.


XiaNaphryz said:
WTF? Most types of color-blindness have nothing to do with how modern 3D works (i.e. not the anaglyph stuff) - it's got nothing to do with color.

And LOL at the idea that your small sample of anecdotal evidence is enough for you to deny the 10% claim.

Take a chill pill. I got the colorblind fact from the Samsung representative (who then obviously is wrong). I haven't denied any sort of claim, I've said that this is my experience. I think hundreds of people is a good sample size but statistics aren't always right, we all know that.


my reputation is Shadowruined
Luth1en said:
I'm also one of those people who can't see 3D. I had strabismus when I was younger and despite the fact that my eyes are fine now, my left eye is definitely the dominant one and still sees a lot better than my right eye. As a result, even though I sometimes see images popping out of the screen, I've never been able to see 3D depth illusion either in the cinema or in games.

This push towards 3D in cinema and games feels like it's going to suck away my enjoyment at games. When I can't play a game at the highest settings, I can always upgrade my PC (or buy the latest console). If my brain won't let me see in 3D, there isn't much I can do but choose to either game while feeling left out or attempt to ignore the whole 3D thing, which might escalate to gaming in general.

People that at one time saw color break-up on a single chip DLP projector, don't see it any more after using the projector for a while.

Your brain might be able to adjust over time. In essence the brain can re-wire itself. People recover from severe brain injuries because the brain has neural plasicity. The physical structure of the brain can change.
Brimstone said:
People that at one time saw color break-up on a single chip DLP projector, don't see it any more after using the projector for a while.

Your brain might be able to adjust over time. In essence the brain can re-wire itself. People recover from severe brain injuries because the brain has neural plasicity. The physical structure of the brain can change.

It's like if you read GAF long enough, you get used to the stupid.


Johningame said:
This web site contains a simple visual test you can take to determine whether you can see 3D: http://www.vision3d.com/frame.html


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