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IGN: The Last Guardian cancelled, mayhaps; Sony: Nope - Stage XI: Mole Hunt

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Just seeing this... what the hell happened here? How the fuck did IGN run a story calling the cancellation "official" without an on-the-record statement from Sony? Why would you treat a single source at Sony Russia as gospel?

IGN has a history with this sort of thing, you dont become the biggest website in the industry without reporting every little thing without fact checking first.



I would be inclined to say lol gaems journalizms but I know a few decent folk in the field. They also report on PC games.. Couldn't they simply like I don't know.. Take a random PC game and change the resolutions and see the results before their very eyes instead of spouting "facts". I'm sure they have capable equipment in their offices to do so. What a joke.
TLG has died, and on the third day The Guardian will rise!


Anyone else think that possibly it is cancelled, but Sony won't confirm until after E3 as not to put any negativity out there before the show?

I only say that because IGN just going with it so defiantly seems, strange. I don't recall them ever doing something like this before.

Happy for someone to give an example though.
no. It'd be idiotic if Sony execs posted tweets "laughing" at the report from IGN if its dead and just not confirmed by them until a couple days later.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Anyone else think that possibly it is cancelled, but Sony won't confirm until after E3 as not to put any negativity out there before the show?

I only say that because IGN just going with it so defiantly seems, strange. I don't recall them ever doing something like this before.

Happy for someone to give an example though.
Weren't they sort of forced to show it off after the early-build Project Trico video leaked or whatever?

Actually i cant even remember the exact details of what happened, its been so long ;)

Either way they know they have had shit over the last 8 or so years about the game and i can see them wanting to go through announcing it again only to delay it again because they would get so much shit.

Yes here is the leaked one:
But before this there was the teaser image:


GAF's Bob Woodward
Anyone else think that possibly it is cancelled, but Sony won't confirm until after E3 as not to put any negativity out there before the show?

I only say that because IGN just going with it so defiantly seems, strange.

Not that defiantly. They've been dithering about it since Sony said 'no, lol'.

If they were defiant about it they'd leave their story as is and say that despite Sony's denial they know this is true, etc. etc.


Do you think Ico is a meaningful game? It just looked like Ico, with the catbird as a huge Yorda, the stained glass moveable things are just the magic gates, and there's a bit of stealth now. Doesn't seem like some huge unobtainable leap.

From a design perspective, I think there's a huge difference between a small object who you move through space and causes no deformation in that space to a gigantic one that does.

I mean you could do it, to deliver sufficiently the scope would be massive. Hence why it'll take a decade and two generations to make the game.
Happy for someone to give an example though.

Sony tends to do one of three things:

- we do not comment on rumours and speculation blahblahblah
- keep silent
- acknowledge it

But they've directly shot down the rumours. By refuting it.

And it's not just any random Sony community manager. It's from Shu Yoshida and Scott Rohde, who are arguably the two-top at WWS at the moment.

If we're talking guys who know about every single project brewing at every single studio, it's these two & Micheal Denny.


Would have been funnier/cooler if Sony hadn't said anything after the ign report. Should have just dropped a bomb on e3 with a totally unexpected trailer.

I'm actually a fan of ign, especially more than most around here. Even for me, this deals quite the blow to their credibility. They've traditionally had very strong relationships with the Sony folks, especially the PS team. Honestly, why didn't someone just check with Sony BEFORE running this rumor as a "confirmation?" Maybe they did and Sony just didn't reply quick enough? Whatever the case...looks bad for them.
Anyone else think that possibly it is cancelled, but Sony won't confirm until after E3 as not to put any negativity out there before the show?

I only say that because IGN just going with it so defiantly seems, strange. I don't recall them ever doing something like this before.

Happy for someone to give an example though.

The game definitely still exists. As much as people like to think it, Sony isn't stupid, and it knows that the backlash would be gigantic if it kept denying that this game was cancelled when really it was.

I'm not sure what IGN heard, I think it's a good site, but they've backtracked quite a bit from their original stance since Rohde denied it. If they were that confident, I think they would have challenged the response more.

I don't think IGN does this as regularly as people like to make out, but another example is the Naughty Dog/Amy Hennig/Neil Druckmann thing, which everyone is still clearly very bitter about.


When I went to bed last night all was quiet on NeoGAF. I wake up this morning to see I missed a legendary thread :(

But it was great fun to read on a Sunday morning :) IGN really messed up this one. While it would be nice for IGN to receive a temp ban on GAF, I don't expect that to happen. But, I can personally boycott IGN and find some other news source for E3 info.

Between bogus "TLG is cancelled" rumors and the "Druckmann and Straley are evil" article, IGN has descended to National Enquirer levels of reporting. Any competent news organization would issue a retraction and apologize to Sony.


Anyone else think that possibly it is cancelled, but Sony won't confirm until after E3 as not to put any negativity out there before the show?

I only say that because IGN just going with it so defiantly seems, strange. I don't recall them ever doing something like this before.

Happy for someone to give an example though.

It can't be cancelled if it never really existed...

I think they either announce it at E3 with an official release date, or we move on from it and stop hyping it.
Would have been funnier/cooler if Sony hadn't said anything after the ign report. Should have just dropped a bomb on e3 with a totally unexpected trailer.

I'm actually a fan of ign, especially more than most around here. Even for me, this deals quite the blow to their credibility. They've traditionally had very strong relationships with the Sony folks, especially the PS team. Honestly, why didn't someone just check with Sony BEFORE running this rumor as a "confirmation?" Maybe they did and Sony just didn't reply quick enough? Whatever the case...looks bad for them.

Steve Butts wrote the article i don't think he has any connections except the Russian source.
Anyone else think that possibly it is cancelled, but Sony won't confirm until after E3 as not to put any negativity out there before the show?

I only say that because IGN just going with it so defiantly seems, strange. I don't recall them ever doing something like this before.

Happy for someone to give an example though.

I think now would be the time to do it, at least as soon as I heard the news I assumed the waited till E3 to cancel it so the news would be overshadowed. I mean if they did it that way at least people wouldn't be expecting it at the conference.


I'm all for TLG being cancelled/dying. They've been "working" on it so long and we've seen like, 2 trailers right? And No gameplay? All we know is it was about a boy and his gryphon/flying dog and they had to work together to traverse the world/solve puzzles etc. And one of them probably dies at the end/towards the end and you have a section without one of them to hammer in how much they needed each other.

It'd have been cool if it came out and I love Ico and SotC but I'm fine with this game being dead.


From a design perspective, I think there's a huge difference between a small object who you move through space and causes no deformation in that space to a gigantic one that does.

I mean you could do it, to deliver sufficiently the scope would be massive. Hence why it'll take a decade and two generations to make the game.
The trailers don't really show Trico moving through the environment like Yorda did, it seems like it mostly stays in place while you're clearing areas and using switches or whatever.


I could personally sit those guys down in my house, in front of my 42 inch tv, and show them indisputable proof they're wrong.

Yet I get the distinct impression they'd rather not have that happen.

Well it obviously depends on the distance between you and the TV


Would have been funnier/cooler if Sony hadn't said anything after the ign report. Should have just dropped a bomb on e3 with a totally unexpected trailer.

That would have been a perfect Jack Tretton moment. "Don't believe everything you read on the Internet folks."
Of course Tretton is not there anymore so that's doubly not happening.
I almost forgot that this was announced for PS3. I've gotten so accustomed to waiting for an imaginary PS4 reveal of it that I made it my reality haha
Well Evilore found a good way to test the servers before E3

From way back in the thread, but hahahaha EVILORE IS DA SOURCE

Well it obviously depends on the distance between you and the TV

Put em 2 feet away and make em watch that Pokemon seizure ep for 2 hours!

That would have been a perfect Jack Tretton moment. "Don't believe everything you read on the Internet folks."
Of course Tretton is not there anymore so that's doubly not happening.

With the goofy Jack Tretton laugh, or he gets interrupted by a real catbird showing up on stage


Junior Member
It's over, period. IGN lost their last ace, and that's the end of their hopes and dreams.

It's not hyperbole, it's not fanboy drivel. It is LITERALLY it for IGN. IGN has nothing left, nothing they can revise/retitle after e3 tomorrow would fix the hole now created. There is no reason left for any one, hardcore or casual, to substantively visit IGN. Except if they want to believe the hype. Which will also come to Polygon at some point.

IGN Russia took the last reason away that anyone would NEED to visit IGN over polygon (except to induce a Pavlovian adrenaline-rush response), and the cavalcade of tiny "FIRST" reveals that will be nice but won't stir up any clicks is not going to salvage the bloated, overdesigned behemoth that was TLG cancellation article.

There may be some hardcore gamer's that stick around. Some did it for Gamespot. But the last bell tolled. Maybe next decade.

The age of IGN is done.

EDIT: was probably beaten to this by a mile but still :)
Wow it takes a lot of balls to say something is officially cancelled when its really not official at all.

Look how many people on the first few pages went "All IN" on the word of IGN. A company that has been proven time and again to be full of inaccurate sophomoric writers and liars. Yet people swallowed up everything IGN said and cried, died, or celebrated.

IGN exists because of people like the early responders in this thread. I personally do not click on anything from them. Not even a youtube video. They are a despicable lot of remoras that wouldn't recognize real journalism if it popped out of the toilet and bit them in the ass.

You would think that people would realize by now how much damage sites like IGN do by interjecting themselves and their swollen egos between the developer and the gamer. Most sites have become the same sort of parasitic creation.

We created this monster and if people wouild simply think, organize, and refuse to click we could...what the hell. Asking gamers to get organized? Too many sheep.
It's over, period. IGN lost their last ace, and that's the end of their hopes and dreams.

It's not hyperbole, it's not fanboy drivel. It is LITERALLY it for IGN. IGN has nothing left, nothing they can revise/retitle after e3 tomorrow would fix the hole now created. There is no reason left for any one, hardcore or casual, to substantively visit IGN. Except if they want to believe the hype. Which will also come to Polygon at some point.

IGN Russian took the last reason away that anyone would NEED to visit IGN over polygon (except to induce a Pavlovian adrenaline-rush response), and the cavalcade of tiny "FIRST" reveals that will be nice but won't stir up any clicks is not going to salvage the bloated, overdesigned behemoth that was TLG cancellation article.

There may be some hardcore gamer's that stick around. Some did it for Gamespot. But the last bell tolled. Maybe next decade.

The age of IGN is done.

IGN just shot themselves in the foot: The Post
Anyone else think that possibly it is cancelled, but Sony won't confirm until after E3 as not to put any negativity out there before the show?

I only say that because IGN just going with it so defiantly seems, strange. I don't recall them ever doing something like this before.

Happy for someone to give an example though.

No one is ever held accountable for bullshit rumors, so why wouldn't they run with it? Look at all the bullshit that was spread last year from gaming journalists about what Sony would do with DRM. So many of them talked about sources telling them that Sony had to do what MS was doing or else third party developers would abandon them. And yet look at what happened. Not only from those that spread the rumor but Sony. Sony didn't do it and nothing at all happened to the bullshit spreaders.


The day they cancel this will be the day that the child in me dies.

As for people voting just end it, please leave you can not be gamers so do not belong here.
The trailers don't really show Trico moving through the environment like Yorda did, it seems like it mostly stays in place while you're clearing areas and using switches or whatever.

I believe that you switch between them. The boy has to feed the catbird with barrels of food and traverse the area like Ico did. The catbird seems to follow him if possible. Once the boy gets (similar climbing mechanic like Wanda) on the catbird you control the catbird and can reach areas that the boy couldn't. When you switch back to the boy you can climb of or up if the catbirds head is near a platform or similar. Well that's what I get from the video.
Well it obviously depends on the distance between you and the TV

The fact that it too all 4 of them to finalise what size TV you need to be able to tell the difference shows how shit their knowledge is.

Hell, i have watched comparisons/seen images that show the difference between 720p and 1080p (When COD came out). Now this was on my 50" TV but since i was browsing on the PS4 browser it wasnt full screen and yet it was clear as day what the difference was.

How anyone can work for a company who's main job is to inform the public of things, yet make mistakes such as this? It shows that they are either following Microsoft PR like good sheep or they have no clue what they are talking about.

I know we all get into arguments here about these details and the go to counter is 'well the public cant tell the difference' but these people are meant to be better then the public, not just as clueless as the public is supposedly meant to be yet someone like me who just browses Gaf and plays games, all while having a full time job can know my shit, why cant some of IGNS staff?

Like i said before, its clearly not all of IGN's staff as the guys who Cover Sony know their stuff yet you then have this happen and it puts a stain on the whole site. Seems like their more XBox focused staff are like the embarrassing brother that you keep around yet all they do is show you up during dinner parties.
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