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Keiichiro Toyama's (Silent Hill/Gravity Rush) next game will be 'horror, action-adventure' (2023)


Gold Member
Source: https://www.ign.com/articles/silent-hill-gravity-rush-new-game-horror-action-release-date-2023-bokeh

Toyama's Bokeh Game Studio was founded on August 13 and announced publicly in December. Speaking with IGN Japan, the acclaimed developer explained that he is working on “an action-adventure game that will appeal to fans of my previous work”. He explained that the game will include “battles and story elements” in the kind of richly authored worlds you might recognize from his games at Sony’s Japan Studio and Konami.

When pressed on whether this new title will lean more toward the horror themes of Silent Hill and Siren or the cuter anime-styled paranormal setting of Gravity Rush, he explained, “If anything, this will be more of a horror-oriented game. But we will focus on making this a broader entertainment experience, rather than a hardcore horror game.”

While Toyama has been a first-party Sony developer for the past 20 years or so, he said that this new game will be a multi-platform release. “We are developing with PC as the lead platform, but we hope to release the game on as many console platforms as possible,” he said.

The new title is being developed by a “fairly large” team, and Bokeh cofounder and producer Kazunobu Sato explained that they are still in the early stages of development, with an estimated target release date of 2023. “We’re just entering prototype development, and development will probably take nearly three years. So we hope to get this game into your hands in about three years from now.”


It is a miserable company. I like playstation but I'm free-thinking, what sony did is stupid.

As I said before, Jim Ryan is taking the Playstation brand to disaster, and maybe many do not believe me, but in the future they will see that i was right
Yes. It is scary as PlayStation fan, because Ghost and the other Ps4 games were made before Jimbo... Hopefully thing will stay the same... But it is scary...

Well they can't hold them by force. :p

Yes, but they could have treated Sony Japan Studios a lot better.
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I am a PlayStation fan, but Sony did dirty on him.

Sorry but what did they do to him exactly?
We only know that his games while having some great ideas in them have sold like shit since ummm forever? Probably he deciced that he would have more freedom becoming independent and he left.
He's a niche author, I don't think things are going to change with his next game.
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Sorry but what did they do to him exactly?
We only know that his games while having some great ideas in them have sold like shit since ummm forever? Probably he deciced that he would have more freedom becoming independent and he left.
He's a niche author, I don't think things are going to change with his next game.
Easy, is destroying the concept and original ideas from Japanese people , only to bring disgusting and horripilants Western Games. And many more stupid strategies bring by Jim "Cuck" Ryan


Yes. It is scary as PlayStation fan, because Ghost and the other Ps4 games were made before Jimbo... Hopefully thing will stay the same... But it is scary...

Yes, but they could have treated Sony Japan Studios a lot better.
Do we have any proof that they were treated badly?

On the contrary i think both Ueda as well as Toyama were treated much better than any other company would have treated them especially since their games were never huge successes even though they were all critically aclcaimed. But in the end of the day if their contact allows them they are free to go. As freelancers (who already have the fame to attract publishers) they will have even more creative freedom and control over their works and i think that's what made them take the decision to leave Sony.


Easy, is destroying the concept and original ideas from Japanese people , only to bring disgusting and horripilants Western Games. And many more stupid strategies bring by Jim "Cuck" Ryan

Could you make some clear examples?
What great original ideas they destroyed?
I was a fan of Gravity Rush and I loved the original on Vita but the game sold like shit.
Even with this in mind he got a second big chance from Sony with a full budget PS4 sequel with AAA graphics, the game ended up having a nonsense anime story and some seriously flawed gameplay mechanics (stealth, the gravity power and the horrible camera) and still sold like shit or worse. I consider the sequel to be inferior to the original.
Probably during these years he came out with some other concept/prototype that was scrapped and he decided he would have more freedom as an independent.
I don't see much to blame here on both sides. He has proven to be a niche director and as such you either deal with the conditions your publisher gives you or you leave and become indie.
I hope the best for him but I don't think he's going to get more success without Sony.
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Sorry but what did they do to him exactly?
We only know that his games while having some great ideas in them have sold like shit since ummm forever? Probably he deciced that he would have more freedom becoming independent and he left.
He's a niche author, I don't think things are going to change with his next game.
I remember some articles saying that he wanted to do a new Siren, then after Gravity Rush he wanted to make a jrpg.... And so on... Also, Sony completely ignored Siren this whole gen and had almost zero marketing for Gravity Rush, then wondered why it was not selling well.

The Ps4 was the first PlayStation to not receive a JRPG made by Sony. Shit got weird.


I remember some articles saying that he wanted to do a new Siren, then after Gravity Rush he wanted to make a jrpg.... And so on... Also, Sony completely ignored Siren this whole gen and had almost zero marketing for Gravity Rush, then wondered why it was not selling well.

The Ps4 was the first PlayStation to not receive a JRPG made by Sony. Shit got weird.

Sorry but when you work for a company you can't do whatever you want.
Things have to be approved and this happens in every company.
Toyama had a big a chance with GR2 and he failed not just at a commercial level but also at a gameplay level...it was not because of poor marketing (that quite frankly in the social/youtube/twitter era does not have such an impact, you need to get good word of mouth from influencers). Some people argued that PS5 itself was badly marketed if at all :messenger_tears_of_joy:
We probably should stop putting all the blames on the side we perceive to be evil and in the stronger position.
Toyama had many chances both with Siren and Gravity Rush to create successful games and he never achieved that result while many other teams at Sony did.


Do we have any proof that they were treated badly?

On the contrary i think both Ueda as well as Toyama were treated much better than any other company would have treated them especially since their games were never huge successes even though they were all critically aclcaimed. But in the end of the day if their contact allows them they are free to go. As freelancers (who already have the fame to attract publishers) they will have even more creative freedom and control over their works and i think that's what made them take the decision to leave Sony.
Not mistreating the person, but the games I guess.

Sorry but when you work for a company you can't do whatever you want.
Things have to be approved and this happens in every company.
Toyama had a big a chance with GR2 and he failed not just at a commercial level but also at a gameplay level...it was not because of poor marketing (that quite frankly in the social/youtube/twitter era does not have such an impact, you need to get good word of mouth from influencers). Some people argued that PS5 itself was badly marketed if at all :messenger_tears_of_joy:
We probably should stop putting all the blames on the side we perceive to be evil and in the stronger position.
Toyama had many chances both with Siren and Gravity Rush to create successful games and he never achieved that result while many other teams at Sony did.
Yeah... Sure... But I care about the games and I enjoyed all the Siren and Gravity Rush games so... For me that was a huge loss since those games might not end up having sequels.

Now about marketing... Well, if marketing didn't matter, why did Sony spent so much on it every year? Most casual gamers don't even know that Gravity Rush exist... Anyway.. That's just my opinion on it. Sony did this with Demon's Souls and they regretted... Hopefully for everybody they will also regret this move.


Easy, is destroying the concept and original ideas from Japanese people , only to bring disgusting and horripilants Western Games. And many more stupid strategies bring by Jim "Cuck" Ryan

One good Christmas season for PlayStation in the US eclipses an entire generation of support from Japan and that’s just facts. Japans AAA output is also seriously lacking as its largely mobile and Nintendo these days. The vita was proof of that as it was a dead system in every country BUT Japan where it was a large success.
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Not mistreating the person, but the games I guess.

Yeah... Sure... But I care about the games and I enjoyed all the Siren and Gravity Rush games so... For me that was a huge loss since those games might not end up having sequels.

Now about marketing... Well, if marketing didn't matter, why did Sony spent so much on it every year? Most casual gamers don't even know that Gravity Rush exist... Anyway.. That's just my opinion on it. Sony did this with Demon's Souls and they regretted... Hopefully for everybody they will also regret this move.

Imo the main issue with GR is that the concept simply lacked global appeal and the sequel wasn't even a particularly good game.
We can't always justify failures with lack of marketing just because we personally like the game. See the opposite case with Kojima. He got all the reputation and marketing behind his new game but he still failed because many people simply thought the concept of delivering stuff was tedious and boring. Marketing is not a guarantee of success either.
Fumito Ueda is an other designer in the same boat as Toyama's. The Last Guardian got all the marketing they could, everyone knew about it because of its development history and the fact it was one of the main stars of E3 2015 among with FF7R and Shenmue3. The game still sold poorly and it was less appreciated by the critics compared to Ico and SOTC.
Unfortunately within companies it's always like that, if you don't deliver with commercial success your freedom is restricted and at some point you might decide that the best way for you is to become independent while looking for funds.
In any case I hope his next game is great and I'm definetly looking forward to see it.
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One good Christmas season for PlayStation in the US eclipses an entire generation of support from Japan and that’s just facts. Japans AAA output is also seriously lacking as its largely mobile and Nintendo these days. The vita was proof of that as it was a dead system in every country BUT Japan where it was a large success.

The video game industry is also generated in Japan, which is a very important country, for its originality and quality, and being realistic they are better than western games. That Sony has no idea how to successfully carry an excellent portable console, is it their fault ... how could the psp be successful? Thanks to the catalog of their games where Japanese and Westerners coexist.


The video game industry is also generated in Japan, which is a very important country, for its originality and quality, and being realistic they are better than western games. That Sony has no idea how to successfully carry an excellent portable console, is it their fault ... how could the psp be successful? Thanks to the catalog of their games where Japanese and Westerners coexist.

Not quite, the gaming industry generated in America and was amplified in Japan as some of the most culturally significant games came from there (Pac Man Fever, Mario sears bundles, etc) . But it's also not crazy to think that markets change overtime right? When I visited Japan the past few years arcades and mobile really just seem to be where people want to spend their money, to the point 7/11s sold 3DS and Monster Hunter bundles with yearly 4G hotspot plans. Sony is clearly seeing less interest in Japanese games because Japanese companies are more interested in Gacha and Mobile games than full blown AAA gaming anyway.
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Could you make some clear examples?
What great original ideas they destroyed?
I was a fan of Gravity Rush and I loved the original on Vita but the game sold like shit.
Even with this in mind he got a second big chance from Sony with a full budget PS4 sequel with AAA graphics, the game ended up having a nonsense anime story and some seriously flawed gameplay mechanics (stealth, the gravity power and the horrible camera) and still sold like shit or worse. I consider the sequel to be inferior to the original.
Probably during these years he came out with some other concept/prototype that was scrapped and he decided he would have more freedom as an independent.
I don't see much to blame here on both sides. He has proven to be a niche director and as such you either deal with the conditions your publisher gives you or you leave and become indie.
Espero lo mejor para él, pero no creo que tenga más éxito sin Sony.
The answer im gonna say it in spanish and english

Hold on... im gonna edit in spanish first

1.- Jim Ryan esta llevando al fracaso a Playstation por varias razones, de hecho quiero hacer un tema para profundizar esta preocupacion, pero principalmente esta dejando a un lado el arte, concepto y las ideas originales de Japon, el cual es un mercado muy importante, la otra cuestion es la tonteria de la censura y la forma de discriminacion que tiene la compañia entre otras cuestiones, por eso deseo hacer un tema.
2.- El error fue llevar Gravity rush a una consola protatil nueva, de hecho sabes que fue un juego originario en ps3 y desecharon muchos conceptos y lo modificaron, el juego es maravilloso y un patrimonio de la cultura del videojuego moderno, imagina como la pelicula, lo que el viento se llevo... al principio no vieron los ojos a un concepto artistico hasta que paso el tiempo, es lo mismo con Gravity rush.

3. Yo te puedo decir que la secuela es uno de los mejores juegos de todos los tiempos y facilmente puede rivalizar de forma amistosa con Zelda Breath of the wild en calidad, y juegalo por favor, no te bases en los analisis de la gente inepta de los dizque analistas de videojuegos, ellos no tienen idea alguna de juegos, tu crees que ellos siquiera terminaron la primaria o la secundaria a nivel escolar, todos sabemos que no.
Por que en un parrafo mencionas que la camara es horrible, eso no es cierto y lo puedo probar, los elementos de espionaje son un acierto y le doy gracias a la variabilidad del juego, su historia es hermosa por la forma en como se cuenta y tiene mucho miticismo, asi que por favor antes de dar un criterio... JUEGALO y no solo te bases en lo sale las palabras del hocico de varios asnos, como son los analistas de videojuegos.

Y a lo mejor no ven, pero Keiichiro Toyama ha dado muchos juegos con calidad y es un director oculto que facilmente puede superar a genios como Hideo Kojima, por que el tiene variabilidad en sus ideas.


It seems that you have not played Gravity rush 2 100% or even tried and you are based on the opinion of dumb ass video game analysts, I finished it and I can easily tell you that it is one of the best games of all time, and for of course Keiichiro Toyama has more original concepts than anyone else
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My gut reaction to this was BRUH

I've yet to beat the Silent Hills but beat both Gravity Rushes, so this news sure is exciting to me!
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The answer im gonna say it in spanish and english

Hold on... im gonna edit in spanish first

1.- Jim Ryan esta llevando al fracaso a Playstation por varias razones, de hecho quiero hacer un tema para profundizar esta preocupacion, pero principalmente esta dejando a un lado el arte, concepto y las ideas originales de Japon, el cual es un mercado muy importante, la otra cuestion es la tonteria de la censura y la forma de discriminacion que tiene la compañia entre otras cuestiones, por eso deseo hacer un tema.
2.- El error fue llevar Gravity rush a una consola protatil nueva, de hecho sabes que fue un juego originario en ps3 y desecharon muchos conceptos y lo modificaron, el juego es maravilloso y un patrimonio de la cultura del videojuego moderno, imagina como la pelicula, lo que el viento se llevo... al principio no vieron los ojos a un concepto artistico hasta que paso el tiempo, es lo mismo con Gravity rush.

3. Yo te puedo decir que la secuela es uno de los mejores juegos de todos los tiempos y facilmente puede rivalizar de forma amistosa con Zelda Breath of the wild en calidad, y juegalo por favor, no te bases en los analisis de la gente inepta de los dizque analistas de videojuegos, ellos no tienen idea alguna de juegos, tu crees que ellos siquiera terminaron la primaria o la secundaria a nivel escolar, todos sabemos que no.
Por que en un parrafo mencionas que la camara es horrible, eso no es cierto y lo puedo probar, los elementos de espionaje son un acierto y le doy gracias a la variabilidad del juego, su historia es hermosa por la forma en como se cuenta y tiene mucho miticismo, asi que por favor antes de dar un criterio... JUEGALO y no solo te bases en lo sale las palabras del hocico de varios asnos, como son los analistas de videojuegos.

Y a lo mejor no ven, pero Keiichiro Toyama ha dado muchos juegos con calidad y es un director oculto que facilmente puede superar a genios como Hideo Kojima, por que el tiene variabilidad en sus ideas.


It seems that you have not played Gravity rush 2 100% or even tried and you are based on the opinion of dumb ass video game analysts, I finished it and I can easily tell you that it is one of the best games of all time, and for of course Keiichiro Toyama has more original concepts than anyone else
"Critics don't agree with me so they don't even have basic education".

"I don't like Western games so they are all objectively trash and that's a fact".

"Jim Ryan is destroying PlayStation, despite PS First Party being stronger than ever".

The reality is Japan Studio has not made good selling games in decades, meanwhile several studios in America and Europe are doing better than ever, and selling 10+ million copies, something only Nintendo could do before.


It is a miserable company. I like playstation but I'm free-thinking, what sony did is stupid.

As I said before, Jim Ryan is taking the Playstation brand to disaster, and maybe many do not believe me, but in the future they will see that i was right
I feel the same. To a point where I'm almost not interested to get a PS5 on the future. Ever PlayStation, since I discovered it's existence, I get hyped and wished to have one. But with PS5 it's looks kinda strange. The hardware looks amazing but to me that's all. And the problems with Japan Studio where a lot of talented people leave and also with Bend takes me to have almost no hype..

About the topic. Nice to know it. Hope that the game success. Hope to hear about it in the future.
"Critics don't agree with me so they don't even have basic education".

"I don't like Western games so they are all objectively trash and that's a fact".

"Jim Ryan is destroying PlayStation, despite PS First Party being stronger than ever".

The reality is Japan Studio has not made good selling games in decades, meanwhile several studios in America and Europe are doing better than ever, and selling 10+ million copies, something only Nintendo could do before.
Selling millions of copies doesn't always mean quality

and yes.... Review gaming are assholes
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Fuck me, I still can't believe we'll get a new horror game from Toyama himself!

I don't care that it won't be Silent Hill. This guy knows horror better than pretty much anyone else in the industry. No cheap jump scares, no lame gross-out attempts, no pretentious bullshit that tries too hard to be 'deep' yet totally misses the mark, no boring hide-and-seek simulators. Just pure Japanese style terror!
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The nicest person on this forum
Cant wait for this!!! Keiichiro Toyama is one of my favourite creator, right besides Yoko Taro, George Kamitani and Fumito Ueda.
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From the quote it sounds more like an action adventure game with a "spooky" setting. Could be great. I adored the Silent Hill series 1-3 but I think the emphasis on horror kept a lot of people from enjoying the really atmospheric, moody, and psychological themes they explored. Silent Hill 2 especially was a genius level combination of story with gameplay. Fighting essentially the Demons in your own mind made manifest by your guilt and anguish. Let's hope it's something of that quality.


This is so sad, meanwhile the monotonus cinematographic games in PS5.

What's sad about it? He quit, he wasn't fired. He worked for Playstation for like 14 years and never really had a hit game and yet they kept letting him make them. To the people saying Sony wronged him where is the proof? I doubt he would agree.
What's sad about it? He quit, he wasn't fired. He worked for Playstation for like 14 years and never really had a hit game and yet they kept letting him make them. To the people saying Sony wronged him where is the proof? I doubt he would agree.
He joined Sony in 1999 and Siren was a hit series.
That's right up my alley. The only horror games I've truly enjoyed are the action-horror ones (like Dead Space, RE4, House of the Dead arcade, Left4Dead, etc)


It seems that you have not played Gravity rush 2 100% or even tried and you are based on the opinion of dumb ass video game analysts, I finished it and I can easily tell you that it is one of the best games of all time, and for of course Keiichiro Toyama has more original concepts than anyone else

I have played and platinumed both games to 100 %, I love the first Gravity Rush Remastered, amazing game. The second game, while good and lovely, I felt alittle disappointed. It was not as good as the first game. I think that Sony had their hands into that game and meddled to much. Shame though, cause it was ambitious, had a great story (not as good as the first one though) and fun gameplay. It was just to long and some sections were not as fun to play as the first one. But I love Kat, she is up there with Samus as THE best game character of all time.


I have played and platinumed both games to 100 %, I love the first Gravity Rush Remastered, amazing game. The second game, while good and lovely, I felt alittle disappointed. It was not as good as the first game. I think that Sony had their hands into that game and meddled to much. Shame though, cause it was ambitious, had a great story (not as good as the first one though) and fun gameplay. It was just to long and some sections were not as fun to play as the first one. But I love Kat, she is up there with Samus as THE best game character of all time.

Based on what info are you saying you think Sony mettled too much? I don't get all this Sony hate.


Based on what info are you saying you think Sony mettled too much? I don't get all this Sony hate.

I have no sources so take it with a big pool of salt, this is just what I have heard some time ago. I love Sony, they make the best games and consoles, why you think I hate them lol? But yeah basically that Sony didn't had much confidence in this game and tried to "steer" the game instead of Toyama. But it could also just be Toyama who had just to much ambition for the sequel and not enough to fully realize it. Still a very good game though! Gotta love that whooshing around!
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