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Layoffs at Respawn somehow mostly hitting "PoC, queer folks and those on parental & medical leave" complains disabled queer ployamorous employee

Kings Field

Always sucks to hear anyone getting fired and sadly it's already a huge year for that kind of thing. I am a bit skeptical about any malicious intent with targeting certain people though. Going to need more before jumping on that bandwagon.


They got rid of people who were expendable. Companies care about profit, they won't lay off valuable employees no matter their backgrounds.

We cut out 13% of the workforce at my job and those who were let go were mostly people that weren't critical to the operations. People in HR got hit the hardest and surprise, they also had the highest proportions of queer and transgender folks. Had nothing to do with their sexual orientation or what have you. Our forecasts didn't pan out, we had massive budget cuts, so we had to trim the fat to stay afloat.
HR is the root if all issues, including unemployement with their bullshit process, and the whole DEI thing are also led by them, most of the leadership were clueless about what their companies were getting into.

Short Fat Otaku made a great video regarding the competency crisis, and i'm 99% sure a lot of these hirings were made to fuel loyalists to the HR and raise their rankings.



Gold Member
Cant blame employees that much, since these weird people are hired. Blame HR and all the hiring mangers offering jobs to nitwits. Half of them I bet could be avoided just by checking out their twitter profile and seeing how political and poisonous they are. On the plus side, a lot of these people are relegated to entertainment kinds of companies. So its not the end of the world if games and TV shows are messed up. Be thankful these legions of weirdos dont work at banks or food companies sabotaging your banks accounts, loans and food you buy.

Notice how most industries dont have tons of pink haired oddballs working at their company or going apeshit on Twitter. They know better. But creative/tech/entertainment kinds of companies seem to love hiring these people for a good decade.

I'm actually kind of happy because the more they concentrate into those kinds of companies the less they get hired in my industry. It just sucks a lot of them are getting fired the past year which means theyll be applying to any company for jobs. Maybe even mine.
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It is, in fact, highly illegal to fire or layoff someone because they are on FMLA (medical leave). You can get laid off, but you need documentation showing it was because of a reason other than going on medical leave. The EA Human Resources Department knows this and there's a reason you haven't heard about any wrongful termination lawsuits happening. Don't take the angry tweets of a mentally ill person as fact without some kind of corroboration.


World’s Biggest Weeb

This person sounds like a well rounded individual.
Oh my god, I can’t even tell what part is the funniest:

- his team’s job is hanging up newsletters in the restrooms

- none of the women showed up to the office on “hang up the newsletters in the restroom” day

- so his team went with the next best option and got the non-gendered queer guy who looks like a chick to do it

- he had a mental breakdown and from then on avoided the office on “hang up the newsletters in the restroom” day

Man, what a tragic loss for Respawn, how will they even function without such valuable employees like these ones?
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Cant blame employees that much, since these weird people are hired. Blame HR and all the hiring mangers offering jobs to nitwits. Half of them I bet could be avoided just by checking out their twitter profile and seeing how political and poisonous they are. On the plus side, a lot of these people are relegated to entertainment kinds of companies. So its not the end of the world if games and TV shows are messed up. Be thankful these legions of weirdos dont work at banks or food companies sabotaging your banks accounts, loans and food you buy.

Notice how most industries dont have tons of pink haired oddballs working at their company or going apeshit on Twitter. They know better. But creative/tech/entertainment kinds of companies seem to love hiring these people for a good decade.

I'm actually kind of happy because the more they concentrate into those kinds of companies the less they get hired in my industry. It just sucks a lot of them are getting fired the past year which means theyll be applying to any company for jobs. Maybe even mine.

also, the 'wokesters' you see in real world jobs (supermarkets, etc), aren't the ones, imo, looking to score points on Twitter. they're just doing their things. 'equality' has always been enough, I think, for the majority of any racial/social group. it's the vocal minority that basically demands 'respect' (which's something that has to be earned) & 'privilege' (which's something no one has coming to them), & gets enraged when neither are freely forthcoming...


Gold Member

also, the 'wokesters' you see in real world jobs (supermarkets, etc), aren't the ones, imo, looking to score points on Twitter. they're just doing their things. 'equality' has always been enough, I think, for the majority of any racial/social group. it's the vocal minority that basically demands 'respect' (which's something that has to be earned) & 'privilege' (which's something no one has coming to them), & gets enraged when neither are freely forthcoming...

The odd people working as a cashier, stock boy, or typical office job cant expend their politics because they arent in creative roles. Also, a typical company like a grocery store or office business selling insurance dont have political kinds of products to promote. They are smart enough to sell products as non-political as possible. And they will try to skew to hiring non-political social media loudmouths because it can hurt the company's products or image.

but for some reason, a lot of tech companies love it as part of the product and brand image.


If no women were in the office then why didn't they just wait until the next day to have someone put the newsletter in there? It's not like anyone was there to read it.

This can't be real.
Or just... Go hang it up? If there were no women in the office then there would be no fear of an accidental surprise if one came into the restroom suddenly. Also are only men/women allowed to clean and restock their respective bathrooms? I've never ever worked in a place where opposite gendered janitorial staff were not allowed to enter a given bathroom to clean/restock. This whole scenario is just mind boggling.


Gold Member
I work for a company of about 800 people. When we got hit by layoffs, the first ones they got out were the ones who were constantly on leave due to "mental problems" and the ones who liked to stir up shit and cause drama to the point some people couldn't work together. Then they got rid of some employees who were at the company for a long time and tried to push back against the coming changes. Not saying these people at Respawn were necessarily like that as I can't claim to know them, but companies usually use lay offs to clean some slates.
In my career I've never seen someone fired on stress or medical leave. But I have seen them get fired the first day back many times. You cant hide forever. And these leaves are bullshot leaves.

A few people were on the firing line and pulled the I'm on leave note that week out of nowhere. Another guy was a fucking drunk who had booze in the bottom of his desk. I'd never been in a meeting with him since he's in a department I'd never really chat with but coworkers would say sometimes in meetings the guy is slurring was speech like a drunk in the afternoon. So he must had been boozing in the morning or lunch time. People cleared out his cubicle for other workers and found a booze cup in the bottom drawer. Magically, he goes on leave for a year. The second people heard he was coming back, he got fired right away on day one anyway. How the company cant fire him with cause for having booze at his desk I dont know. But I'm guessing since he got approved for leave first, that takes precedence and he's protected

And all these short term or long term leaves combined with firings are a recent thing just the past 10 years. Before that, I never saw one person go on leave at any old company I worked at. All these medical and stress leaves seem like a recent thing.
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This is the problem with hiring people who base their identity entirety on their victimhood and DEI status. Meritocracy is in direct conflict with their beliefs and therefore there's no reason for them to want to actually work hard. They believe that they are "owed" their paychecks and that they should be promoted simply for being who they are. And when you fire them or don't give them what they want, this is the result. They will cry discrimination and bigotry and try to take down the entire company if they have to. These people don't give a shit.

And just to clarify, I'm not referring to all minorities or all LGBT people. It's a small group of wackos that are the most vocal and have slithered their way into every company and every institution.


Gold Member
This is the problem with hiring people who base their identity entirety on their victimhood and DEI status. Meritocracy is in direct conflict with their beliefs and therefore there's no reason for them to want to actually work hard. They believe that they are "owed" their paychecks and that they should be promoted simply for being who they are. And when you fire them or don't give them what they want, this is the result. They will cry discrimination and bigotry and try to take down the entire company if they have to. These people don't give a shit.

And just to clarify, I'm not referring to all minorities or all LGBT people. It's a small group of wackos that are the most vocal and have slithered their way into every company and every institution.

Goes beyond DEI ad political things. Entitlement and odd expectations dont even have to be political. I've seen it all:

1. Young people in their 20s. Expect cellphone, easy hours, WFH, try to boss around veterans. Well fuck off and grow up. Youre at the bottom, you're in no position to boss around vets

2. Old ass vets. Expect junior assistants or other departments to do their work for them because somehow in their 30+ year career they never bothered to spend time learning to use Excel, Powerpoint or the company's ERP systems whether it's Cognos, SAP or an Oracle based program. Well fuck off and learn to use it like everyone else

Either way, you'll see a trend whether political or non-political. You got people trying to push their views and do as little work as possible.
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Interviewer: "why should we hire you?"

"bEcaUsE IM trAns...aNd IM fLuEnt iN SnARk!"

Interviewer: "Ok...can you tell me about your previous work experience?"

"aLL tHe aSShoLes wHo mAdE mY LiFe heLL sTiLL hAvE jObs, LiFe iS SOOOK uNfAiR!!!"

Interviewer: "Excellent! You're hired! Welcome to Sweet Baby Inc!"
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They need to fire everyone that wasn't hired for their skills. Budgets are getting our of hand, they can't afford paying people for bringing Twitter follows and acceptance.
ding ding ding. DEI departments are getting cut across all industries, not just game dev.

regardless of anyone's personal stance/feelings on the subject, the costs aren't justifying the value gained.

"but companies should be doing it because it's the right thing to do, not for profits!"

that's a great sentiment when times are good. the (economic) times now are not good. also, for-profit companies in a capitalist system have never done anything outside the goal of driving profit.

you already know 99% of corporate pride tweets are straight pandering meant to drive engagement and sales, not because the company actually gives a shit about LGBTQ people or their rights.
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I'm sure they were just unfortunate terminations that are being made into something else. That's really it. People love to make something out of nothing these days.
I'm going with "Nobody Actually Made Their Life, Quote, Hell" for 500, Alex.


This person sounds like a well rounded individual.
And there it is. Imagine this being a fucking "hell" at work. Sulking at home probably ordering a panini on Uber Eats delivered by a Guatemalan guy on a bicycle in a snowstorm supporting 4 kids and a wife. But yea, you've got it so hard.

I will never ever get why it should be others' responsibility to coddle laughable mental fragility like this. Being trans isn't the issue here, being an entitled lunatic is. Grow the fuck up.


Go take a look at this person's twitter feed. It's a study in someone who suffers from very apparent severe mental issues, but instead of seeking the help and comfort of those around her, chooses to broadcast her issues all over social media - with expected results.

Gen Z are a bunch of people who are obsessed with complete strangers knowing their most intimate and personal thoughts - while also being too thin skinned to deal with the repercussions of over sharing.

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I had the bold idea of checking out her socials (just a sneak peek) and I fear the damage in my brain may be irreparable. This is Batman's Joker kind of insanity. I can't fathom what working with this creature must feel like. I would ask for a hazard bonus.

She's also in the GDC hivemind, all of them shouting Gamergate 2.0, DEI, and the full Woketard terrorist package.

So, I am not sorry for companies that willingly got into this mess, enabling bad actors that hate their employers, their customers and the media they work in. This situation has become so rotten that a major studio shutting down would be great news.


Gold Member
It's crazy how much media/entertainment kinds of companies have amped up on DEI kind of stuff the past decade and injected their politics into their product and corporate culture.

Just image how bad your company and culture would be in your non-techie/non-media company if it suddenly shifted focus to forced diversity instead of simply hiring chill people who can do a good job.

For my kind of job, if it was like a gaming company amped up on weird people, what youd get are tons of products in stores with tons of LBQT inspired packaging, my company would have tons of employees being loud on social media talking politics and posting confidential memos, and TV ads would be pink or green haired uni-binaried and dubious sexuality actors. The company itself would be bloated with tons of redundant workers and profitability would teeter totter between black and red due to high overhead.

Thank god we're the opposite. We had a great 2023 too. Record bonuses for all!
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Gold Member
As for some of you bringing up her Polyamorous Parent profile, well look at the pic. She'll fuck anything. Lets face it, there isn't going to be a line knocking on its door for a booty call.

For those of you who dont know what polyamorous means, I had to google it myself. It means multiple partners. So she's basically a parent who is into swinging. Great parental example for the kid.


Gold Member
Going by her Linkedin, the longest she's ever been a company is around 2 years like Respawn (which is the longest at 2 years and 3 months). She left Respawn in May 2023 and hasnt worked since.

it looks like she started her career with her first real job in 2014. In 10 years, she's hopped around to 5 different companies already. And if she gets a new job soon, it'll be 6 companies in 10 years.
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