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Mass Effect 3 Demo Impressions [Online Open To All]


That's stupid. In a series based on your past actions the game starts with you on trial for something you never chose to do?

That should be the opening.

It is a bit silly, more so because it was DLC that a number of people wouldn't have played, you also couldn't make any real decisions during the DLC, it happened regardless of what you did.

And yea, when they mentioned the trial due to the fallout of the Arrival DLC people expected to actually see a trial in ME3 as that is why you are back on Earth, but they are seemingly skipping over most of it.


So far so good. The thing is that as excited as I was to get sent off by Admiral Anderson to make all my ME1/2 choices pay off, all I can think about is unlocking stuff in multiplayer CoD/BF style.


Nope. Trial is over.

Well that's stupid. IIRC early previews stated he/she was on earth specifically for the trial.

I bet you dont know a thing about economics or fiscal policy but yet you rage about income taxes to your friends/wife/whatever.

So, let the rest of us uninformed gits make our own damned assumptions...

They always did a piss poor job translating the game ui to the pc platform... i.e lack of scroll in the interface and proper key bindings. So why not go the other way around and port the damned thing directly from the console including gamepad support? One poor UI or another, its all the same.

In the end, it was a feature thats been asked since ME1, they had plenty of time to put someone on it. It´s not a matter of resources, it´s a matter of choice, they chose not to, thats it... even going as far as to encrypt the game files that enabled modding from the community to solve this specific issue.

Nope, don't really rage about much and especially about things that I don't understand.

Unless you knew what their schedule was like, and the challenges they faced, no one can say it wasn't a matter of resources. Even if you insist on thinking it's a matter of choice, that still falls in how they choose how to manage their resources. Meaning even if they did add controller support, it's likely something else would have suffered as a result.
Yeah, my main playthrough I haven't done lair of the shadow broker. Should be interesting.

Doesn't matter. Lair of the Shadow Broker is canon for everybody.

Some things in the games have to happen regardless. If they didn't, then there would be WAY too many scenarios to feasibly handle. There's just no way.
I want to add to EatChildren's post and say that once the invasion begins, you start from the ground, not from atop a building. A nice shot in the demo was when you were running over the rubble and a Reaper loomed over you. Hell, maybe they should've just shown one of their "legs" as it crashed through the buildings and built up to the reveal of a Reaper attacking the city. You should see people dying in the streets and being crushed by debris.

Bioware should have used the tried and true literary technique of depicting Earth in its pristine condition and let you get attached to it before destroying it. In the demo, Earth just seems like some other planet like Eden Prime.
Doesn't matter. Lair of the Shadow Broker is canon for everybody.

Some things in the games have to happen regardless. If they didn't, then there would be WAY too many scenarios to feasibly handle. There's just no way.

you sure about that? How hard would it be for
the shadow broker to still be alive and not be Liara? couldn't you just get whatever info Liara would willingly give you from the old SB

I agree SOME things need to happen regardless of your choices, but they should be huge sections of the game, like Horizon, the Collector Ship, going through the relay and taking out the terminator. I don't remember the interview, but someone asked the devs how much of your choices would port over to ME3, and they were saying that the choices were exponentially higher than the ones that were brought in from ME1. I'll see if I can find the source.


Really Really Exciting Member!
you sure about that? How hard would it be for
the shadow broker to still be alive and not be Liara? couldn't you just get whatever info Liara would willingly give you from the old SB

I agree SOME things need to happen regardless of your choices, but they should be huge sections of the game, like Horizon, the Collector Ship, going through the relay and taking out the terminator. I don't remember the interview, but someone asked the devs how much of your choices would port over to ME3, and they were saying that the choices were exponentially higher than the ones that were brought in from ME1. I'll see if I can find the source.

The old Shadow Braker wasn't a friend of Shepard, why would he give info to him/her? It would change too much of what they have planned in ME3 for Liara i presume, it's probably going to be her main role in the game.


It seems so absurd to skip the trial, because that would be the perfect opportunity to recap where things stand at the end of the previous game. Going over some of the choices you made, and establishing an outside perspective on all the stuff you did. Setting up the state of the galaxy as the game starts. Hinting at what the other members of your team are up to now. At best, it's like the trial in Chrono Trigger, and even if you're just starting out, it's like Snake Plisskin at the beginning of Escape from New York. Who doesn't like that?

If this is the final intro, it's a huge missed opportunity.
The old Shadow Braker wasn't a friend of Shepard, why would he give info to him/her? It would change too much of what they have planned in ME3 for Liara i presume, it's probably going to be her main role in the game.

Hey, all I'm saying is that I'm sure bioware tracks whether you did the DLC or not and should adjust accordingly. I think LotSB is probably canon, but I also think bioware should account for you not doing it. Also I found the article I was referencing:


Casey Hudson said:
We're pulling in probably over a thousand variables from Mass Effect 2 into Mass Effect 3 if you're importing your save game. It's more of an organic approach where we're opportunistic about how the game can change based on those variables.

They have the technology. I'd like to see them use it.

Edit: sorry for the mobile link, I'm at work and can't pull up joystiq here.
It's because most of them over there are a bunch of freaks.

Yeah, it's ridiculous. The complains in the official demo feedback thread are addressed to Bioware, so why do random users even bother to respond? And why do they feel so deeply offended when an anonymous user complains about blatant flaws that haven't been fixed since ME1 or that have been newly introduced in ME3 for no apparent reason? Does Bioware have spies among the community to scare critics off?
And it's suspicuous that Bioware wants all feedback packed into one thread without ever responding to anything. A users raised a reasonable explenation:

It's obvious this thread was created for one simple purpose "those who don't like the demo can say it here and after the initial rage calms down and some people leaves the forums it will be removed and we can act like it never happen :)"


Exactly. The player is completely detached from what is going on. There's no familiarity, no connection, and no association. Even characters like Vega are guilty of this, as the game assumes an established relationship with him.

The game should have started with Shepard preparing for his/her trial. Anderson would suggest Shepard unwind a bit before the hearing, blow off some steam, and get some fresh air so he/she is ready for what is bound to be gruelling legal mud slinging.

At this point you're given a bit of freedom to wander around an Earth based mini-hub. You can speak to a few people, maybe meet some familiar faces from the past games, and get some solid footing as to what Earth looks like. [...]

Then, I don't know, have someone suggest Shepard go to the gun range as somebody wants to meet them. There you meet Ashley/Kaiden, and he/she introduces you to Vega. Use this as a means to tutorial some basic shooting/cover mechanics against targets, or even a friendly (and cheesy) non-lethal shoot out against one of the above two.
BioWare, hire me to make your introductions because I'm awesome and better.

Agreed. Even if you skip the whole mini hub exploration part, having the trial be the meat of the prologue would have been excellent. For my part I would have a full blown trial, questioning about Cerberus and even a recap of what you did including some flashbacks. It would help immensely to get the new players up to speed (better than their lame interactive comic thingy), establish some relationships, where is everyone at and also what exactly are you fighting for. For returning players I think it would have been great to see glimpses of your journey, but from a different perspective, and what do people really think you were doing out there. Nothing helps build your character more and get attached to it that having to defend your actions against naysayers.
"Earth" as presented by ME3 just feels so lifeless and sterile, you don't have time to care for anyone and you leave it in like 2 seconds to get "help" which I'm sure is going to be meat of the game, so when you finally come back to Earth for the inevitable final showdown or something you are even less attached to what is happening there.


The old Shadow Braker wasn't a friend of Shepard, why would he give info to him/her? It would change too much of what they have planned in ME3 for Liara i presume, it's probably going to be her main role in the game.

There are plenty of reasons why
the Shadow Broker might help Shepard out.

He's opposed to Cerberus, who is trying to stop Shepard, so there might be opportunity there. He might find that it is in his interest to help prevent the annihilation of all intelligent life. And he might have some other goal that Shepard would be uniquely suited to help out with. I don't think the Shadow Broker is straight up enemies, and I think I remember him providing some assistance in ME1. He helps or harms when it suits him.

It would definitely change a lot of things, but Mass Effect is supposed to account for your choices, and completing DLC is a choice.


hmm...played couple rounds of mp demo, n i got the impression that the sp demo is actually an old build.
this is purely my opinion though.


No bald cap? Lies!
I said it before and I'll say it again, the trial should have been the intro for the game and the Genesis comic for non importers. It was the perfect setting for new and old players to be introduced to the game and a great excuse to ask both importing and non import players questions about major choices they didnt make in prior games due to their not playing those games or because they didn't play that DLC, ala Arrival.

Anderson could come in before the trial starts say, "Shepard this is James Vega he'll be your guard for the remainder of this trial," cue a super short but informative convo with Vega and on to the trial. Then they could precede to the intro we know without issue. It would make for a more informative and interesting intro and a decent calm before the storm that is the reaper invasion.

Other than that I really wouldn't change the intro all that much, maybe add some extra scenes of people getting been up and jumping out of buildings and that sort of stuff to enhance the destruction and loss, but really the overall plotting of the intro was fine by me. Going on the ground would have caused way to many issues and would have resulted in much longer intro sequence which is not what they wanted. BioWare wants people to feel like they are abandoning earth and feel that sense off urgency to come back asap or else there might not be much left.
I just didn't feel like the invasion was believable. Maybe if you were street level looking up at these things, but instead you're given a second or two's glimpse at shiny sterile buildings before suddenly the space ticks are here and shooting dubstep at things and now it's a bunch of smoking sterile buildings in the distance below you. Where you were for most of the intro felt totally disconnected from the invasion.

Hahahaha.. Damn almost coughed up my beef jerky...good one.
Are people really arguing if the DLC content should be canon, of course it should be, it is part of the story. There is no choice in that. What some of you are arguing is "I did not play ME2 so my character didn't do any of his actions from that game" it is an absurd argument. You did not play a part of the story, you missed out, now you have to catch up. It is not a choice, it is part of the story.
Are people really arguing if the DLC content should be canon, of course it should be, it is part of the story. There is no choice in that. What some of you are arguing is "I did not play ME2 so my character didn't do any of his actions from that game" it is an absurd argument. You did not play a part of the story, you missed out, now you have to catch up. It is not a choice, it is part of the story.
Very true, plus it's not like there's a ridiculous amount of background information that you'd need to look up to fill yourself in, LOTSB and Arrival were only a couple hours long. Saying that, LOTSB was fantastic and I feel sorry for anyone who didn't get to play it.
Very true, plus it's not like there's a ridiculous amount of background information that you'd need to look up to fill yourself in, LOTSB and Arrival were only a couple hours long. Saying that, LOTSB was fantastic and I feel sorry for anyone who didn't get to play it.

oh, I played LOTSB, but I haven't played it on the character I'm taking through ME3 first just yet. To be completely honest if they gloss over and assume the events happened I won't really be too mad about it, but I'd be really happy and a little amazed if they really do recognize it and change things around. My favorite part of ME2 was seeing the little differences in the game world from your decisions in ME1.


I just didn't feel like the invasion was believable. Maybe if you were street level looking up at these things, but instead you're given a second or two's glimpse at shiny sterile buildings before suddenly the space ticks are here and shooting dubstep at things and now it's a bunch of smoking sterile buildings in the distance below you. Where you were for most of the intro felt totally disconnected from the invasion.

I fully expect skrillex to be at the head of the all conquering, all dancing, all consuming dubstep reaper armada.


wanted to put this thing´s head on a reaper body with the earth in flames background... but my Photoshop skills leave much to be desired...


I want to add to EatChildren's post and say that once the invasion begins, you start from the ground, not from atop a building. A nice shot in the demo was when you were running over the rubble and a Reaper loomed over you. Hell, maybe they should've just shown one of their "legs" as it crashed through the buildings and built up to the reveal of a Reaper attacking the city. You should see people dying in the streets and being crushed by debris.

Bioware should have used the tried and true literary technique of depicting Earth in its pristine condition and let you get attached to it before destroying it. In the demo, Earth just seems like some other planet like Eden Prime.

Exactly. At this point in the series, I'm more concerned for the safety of the Normandy and the Citadel since I've been exposed and grown attached to them over the course of the series. Earth didn't look particularly impressive nor did the entirely incompetent defense board win more over. Bioware's need to try and start the game off with a bang is really unfortunate.


It isn’t Bioware, it is PS3. It’s showing its age in last games.

That's hardly a logical excuse. Both consoles are showing their age.

It's more than likely older code or the ps3 version was slightly behind when they pulled the build to use for the demo, which isn't anything new. I would wait for the final code before jumping to any conclusions.

Eeh, i wouldnt say that. Bethesda and Bioware probably just suck with PS3 hardware.

Sooo the typical "lazy/incompetent devs" excuse if the Ps3 doesn't hit parity? SMH.


Really Really Exciting Member!
So should i bother playing the arrival?

The beginning and the ending are ok, its the middle that is just mediocre imo. But its worth it if you like ME2 overall.

KageMaru said:
Sooo the typical "lazy/incompetent devs" excuse if the Ps3 doesn't hit parity? SMH.

Sure, it might be better to wait for the real game before judging Bioware competence with PS3 hardware.

But what would you call the PS3 issue with Bethesda and Skyrim then, if not for the developper being just not that good with the hardware?


Sure, it might be better to wait for the real game before judging Bioware comptence with PS3 hardware.

But what would you call the PS3 issue with Bethesda and Skyrim then, if not for the developper being just not that good with the hardware?

Not sure what Bethesda has to do with this thread. Besides you obviously already have your mind made up, any logical reasons I can give you probably wouldn't be acceptable.

Basically parity isn't always possible with these machines, I don't give a damn if you're Bethesda or ND. They are comparable in performance but have weaknesses and strengths in many different ways that could effect certain results.

Like I said earlier, I would just wait for the final builds before jumping to any easy excuse.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I've come to the conclusion that, when it comes to the overall story of the Mass Effect games, it's better to ignore almost everything that happened in ME2.

Right, ME3 could have started right after ME1 and it would still make sense in the overall trilogy story. All ME2 did was introducing the Illusive Man and new allies.
I've come to the conclusion that, when it comes to the overall story of the Mass Effect games, it's better to ignore almost everything that happened in ME2.
ME2 was mainly about character development rather than advancing the main story, the endgame was pretty jarring and felt a bit slight. Without being spoilerific, I find it pretty hard to stomach the idea of where the omega 4 relay led to. Suspension of dibelief is definitely key.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Right, ME3 could have started right after ME1 and it would still make sense in the overall trilogy story. All ME2 did was introducing the Illusive Man and new allies.

In terms of a core narrative yes, I agree. But ME2 had plenty of its own universe developing plot points, such as;

- Reason given for why the Reapers harvest the universe.
- Fate of the Protheans revealed.
- State of Tuchanka, and the Krogan's future, especially if Wrex is alive.
- Cure for the genophage a reality.
- Revelations surrounding the Geth, the two factions (Geth/Heretics), their stance on Rannoch and the wars, and the ultimate goal of the Geth as a group.
- Quarians now on the brink of going to war (if this wasn't obvious already).
- Cerberus' structure, The Illusive Man, and how deep their fingers are in galactic politics (especially the alliance).
- Liara's developments with the Shadow Broker (assuming you play the DLC).

Whether or not the above is satisfactory or meets a criteria of good story isn't my debate. But there was lore and universe building in ME2 if people want to look for it.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Yeah, i just meant that for the core story. If someone doesnt really care about all the lore details and skipped ME2, they would start ME3 and think that they didnt miss anything.
That's the good thing about how detailed the codex is, you can get the majority of the lore from it and ME2 really just brings it all to life i.e the migrant fleet, the terminus systems etc.


In terms of a core narrative yes, I agree. But ME2 had plenty of its own universe developing plot points, such as;

- Reason given for why the Reapers harvest the universe.
- Fate of the Protheans revealed.
- State of Tuchanka, and the Krogan's future, especially if Wrex is alive.
- Cure for the genophage a reality.
- Revelations surrounding the Geth, the two factions (Geth/Heretics), their stance on Rannoch and the wars, and the ultimate goal of the Geth as a group.
- Quarians now on the brink of going to war (if this wasn't obvious already).
- Cerberus' structure, The Illusive Man, and how deep their fingers are in galactic politics (especially the alliance).
- Liara's developments with the Shadow Broker (assuming you play the DLC).

Whether or not the above is satisfactory or meets a criteria of good story isn't my debate. But there was lore and universe building in ME2 if people want to look for it.

The main issue with the plot of ME2 is that many of these plot points are introduced poorly or seem like a retcon of some of ME1 plot elements. Out of nowhere, the reapers are no longer cold machines living in the depths of space but now are somewhat organic and need to harvest human DNA to make one new reaper even though they already have an army ready to attack?

The fate of Protheans is also half assed by having EDI throw some lame explanations at you. Same for the baby reaper when you ask her why the reapers don't look like Protheans. There is no build up to anything. The game just decides that now is the time to throw these revelations at you and use EDI and her somewhat authority as a super awesome illegal AI to shove these down your throat.

Moreover all these plot points are somewhat minor and in the background compared to the amount of quests you do for the recruitments and loyalty missions. That learning the truth about Jacob's dad and Miranda's sister is given more time than the fate of the Protheans is embarassing, really.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
The main issue with the plot of ME2 is that many of these plot points are introduced poorly or seem like a retcon of some of ME1 plot elements. Out of nowhere, the reapers are no longer cold machines living in the depths of space but now are somewhat organic and need to harvest human DNA to make one new reaper even though they already have an army ready to attack?

This isn't a retcon in the slightest. There is nothing told or implied in ME1 that conflicts with ME2's reasoning. Nothing at all. All we are told is that the Reapers return to harvest/extinguish all technologically advanced organic life. That is it.

You might not like the reason they gave, but it is in no way, shape or form in the ballpark of a retcon.

The fate of Protheans is also half assed by having EDI throw some lame explanations at you. Same for the baby reaper when you ask her why the reapers don't look like Protheans. There is no build up to anything. The game just decides that now is the time to throw these revelations at you and use EDI and her somewhat authority as a super awesome illegal AI to shove these down your throat.

ME1 makes it clear the Reapers re-purpose enslaved species to do their bidding. This is, in fact, a major plot point, one that explains the origin of the Keepers and why they are the way they are. Protheans being re-purposed for another use fits the Reaper agenda to a T.

Delivery on these revelations I will pay. It was rushed and inconsequential.

Moreover all these plot points are somewhat minor and in the background compared to the amount of quests you do for the recruitments and loyalty missions. That learning the truth about Jacob's dad and Miranda's sister is given more time than the fate of the Protheans is embarassing, really.

And I was not arguing against any of this, simply that there are plot points and developing backgrounds if people wish to look for them. I'd argue the info dump Legion gives you is particularly significant to the game's universe, and easily up their with much of what ME1 offered. It is unfortunate it is very easily missed.


In terms of a core narrative yes, I agree. But ME2 had plenty of its own universe developing plot points, such as;

- Reason given for why the Reapers harvest the universe.

I either missed this altogether, or it left such a minor impression that I forgot it. What was the reason?

They apparently "liquefy" a large number of beings from a single species to reproduce, but I considered this to be separate from the reaper's scorch-and-burn policy of exterminating, well, everything. Was this what you were referring to?
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