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Military personnel on Xbox One; Microsoft responds

They certainly need all this negative attention to improve on their next product. They need to change their culture and strategy. Stop charging indies $40,000 for a patch. Stop building inferior products and expect it to break out in popularity by sheer $$ spent on marketing and deceive their customers. Start looking to provide value to customers first instead of new ways to bill them; Why should I have to pay $10 to change my gamertag??? They really need a new leader.

You won't find anyone who disagrees with any of that.

They might also want to boot the walking curse out with Mattrick as well.


Hmmm. I'll take you up on that bet. I don't think I have your confidence, but the PS4 does seem to have a significant PR lead at the moment. Can you define the "holiday" time period specifically and what you will use for sourcing sales?

Also, how about we make the bet for a friendly $5 Amazon gift certificate?

I can't give everyone a $5 gift certificate if everyone is going to bet against me.

Okay, here's the bet.

NPD data combined for November and December, whichever console is higher. Period.

I'll wear any avatar you guys want.


Oh my god if it's true!
WoW ! o_O


I am looking foward to installing my games and - having a nice clean shelf next gen.

If you people stop this, then there will be hell.

If you want that then just go all digital.

Every game is obviously going to be day and date digital on PS4/Xbone regardless.
If you're not going to read what my posts actually say, please don't bother responding.

Does anyone want to bet me that the Xbone won't outsell the PS4 this holiday season? Any takers?

I'll gladly eat crow.

MS will have a hard time even manufacturing enough Xbone to match Sony that soon after launch. Sony could easily sell 2-3 times as many console in the first 2 months if they launch within a week or so of each other.

You're crazy.
Eh, they can shoot people and die themselves for free and in real life. What do they need vidyagames for?

Heh, coincidentally, I was just thinking about how odd it was that later today I plan to leave work where I'm a designer for a clothing company, go home and drop the mortgage payment in the mail, do a little yard work... then play some Animal Crossing in which I'll do the exact same tasks.
If you're not going to read what my posts actually say, please don't bother responding.

Does anyone want to bet me that the Xbone won't outsell the PS4 this holiday season? Any takers?

I'll gladly eat crow.

Me. 6 month self ban on this site. I'll ask a mod to enforce.

I can't give everyone a $5 gift certificate if everyone is going to bet against me.

Okay, here's the bet.

NPD data combined for November and December, whichever console is higher. Period.

I'll wear any avatar you guys want.

You seem pretty confident. The loser gets banned from posting for six months.


Let Marine Corps switch to PS4, Coast Guard will stay with X1.

US Marine Corps v.s US Coast Guard-----------Ready ? Fight !


If I were American, I would be more concerned about counterfeit parts in my equipment than not being able to play my favourite video game during off-time. Then again, the average US soldier probably spends a lot more time playing video games than fighting (which I hope is the case, combat destroys people) so it's understandable.

Yes, this is an incendinary argument. I feel obliged to point it out anyway.


47 million Xbox 360 owners have either a Gold and Silver account and connect to the internet through them. The rest of the users - a full 30 million - have neither accounts and hardly ever connect to the internet whatsoever. This is the tip of the iceberg, and when you factor in the number of people who got a Wii and a PS3 and also never accessed the internet, the staggering figures suggest Microsoft was willing to write off just an incalculably huge amount of potential customers. For nothing in return, because their One business model makes zero sense as well!

It's such a fucked up mess.
Wow MS must be drunk at the wheel. Seriously, I wonder how the fuck they decided this was a good idea. I would love to hear that pitch, lol.


College Students? What did they do to them now!? lol

When I was in college I had to register the MAC address of my router rather than my computer so I could play on their network, but I wasn't actually allowed to do that. Most people I knew didn't have their consoles connected to the internet, they didn't know how to get around it or didn't bother.


MS will have a hard time even manufacturing enough Xbone to match Sony that soon after launch. Sony could easily sell 2-3 times as many console in the first 2 months if they launch within a week or so of each other.

You're crazy.

So you accept?

I'm going to love the avatar I'll make you guys wear. :)

fart town usa

Gold Member
If you're not going to read what my posts actually say, please don't bother responding.

Does anyone want to bet me that the Xbone won't outsell the PS4 this holiday season? Any takers?

I'll gladly eat crow.

I did read your post.


Don't take this as a personal attack but you sound like a Sony fanboy back in 2006 or a Nintendo fanboy when the PSX was released.

Before most Americans owned a 360 they owned a ps2 and I'm guessing in a year that most Americans who own a ps4 also owned a 360...

How about the Wii? Most people didn't jump on board with the wiiU... Console dominance isn't set in stone.


this is delicious

not sure the military market is materially big but the negativity surrounding this thing is unholy

way to fucktard, M$
Man, Sony needs to have their manufacturing process up and running in a serious way. At this point every day the PS4 isn't out is a day missed to bury Microsoft for the remainder of this generation.

Once people get a taste of regular good old fashioned console gaming without crazy DRM and kinect spy cameras they'll never even consider Microsoft's ultra tight ecosystem. PS4 needs to be out by early October at the latest to bury the hatchet.


A few million consoles won't affect MS bottom line. That is a small percentage of the install base.

From what I understand America is very military focused. For headlines to say "This company does not care about the military" is probably huge.

Probably every extended family has an uncle or cousin somehow involved in military, doesn't have to be active deployment. And those families then wont get an XOne because they dont support the military = they dont support their family

I know it sounds absurd but thats my take from this.
Microsoft will change their anti-consumer policies. They must do.


They can't. Pachter said it in an interview. They designed the Xbox so that it is dependent on that stuff.
For example if you play Halo and say "Xbox, play Fifa", it can instatntly switch to Fifa. Therefore the game has to be completely on the HDD, because it has to work without the disc inside the console.
So, if they paddle back and let you lend your games and play offline and stuff, people would just install their games on the HDD and give away the disc. Since the console isn't online MS can't do shit about it.

They would have to take away those "instant" features, but I don't think they want to do that.


Nintendo donates leftover stock of Wii U basics to entire American military, still has some left over. :p


says right here they will have a workaround for them to play so long as game is activated once and no subsequent 24 hour check, they are just not giving details
Pretty sure that's referring to whether it will work in other countries, not disabling the 24 hour check.


If you're not going to read what my posts actually say, please don't bother responding.

Does anyone want to bet me that the Xbone won't outsell the PS4 this holiday season? Any takers?

I'll gladly eat crow.

Me, easily. You have been around long enough, and i know ive been around long enough to see hubris bite multiple previous gen forerunners in the ass. You are saying almost word for word similar lines about ps3 coming off of ps 2 and nintendo a couple times. I dont have much faith in gamers as a whole but bad rep and word of mouth can be a hell of a thing if snowballed. And in MS case that snowball is the size of Texas right now. Even PS 3 did not receive this level shalacking, and on an emotional level for many at that.


I don't want to see anyone else banned, and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let me back after a 13th ban.

Just the avatars.
I think the next big specific angle will be telling parents that their kids won't be able lend/borrow games from their friends or relatives.


Another day, another piece of negative Xbone news. Reminds me of the days of the PS3 launch. It really is a shame what's become of Microsoft.


If Sony courts the military too, it's beyond over - it's starts becoming a massacre at that point.

Cue Sony dropping 10 PS4s with an assortment of games at a bunch of US Army bases at launch.

During WW2, the then president of Coke declared that whatever it took, they were going to get Coke to the guys at the front, even when everyone else was pulling back.

In 1941, longtime Coca-Cola leader Robert Woodruff said that any person in uniform should get a bottle of Coke for 5 cents, wherever he is and whatever it costs the Company.

Wherever the US Army went so did Coke.

Unsurprisingly, a whole bunch of guys came home from the various theaters with a loyalty to the company for being there with them.

wait, the PS4 doesnt have a powerbrick? does that mean the unit will overheat?

They probably thought about that. I mean, maybe.
So did those other Microsoft PR folks really just reiterate the "sucks for you, get a 360" line?

And Maddow is in on this too?



it would be if MS wasn't going to make it work for them but they are, so just a little temporary outrage not actual long term issue

still, I think PS4 is a better fit for deployment

The ps4 is a better fit for a larger demographic, literally, than the Xbone is. Microsoft as a company, to purposely cut off markets, is a first in my mind. It would be different if they said "we are equally supporting our 360 with content, just look at it since Gears/Halo4.. " then people would be comfortable with the knowledge that MS isn't going to just go all Xbox1, but no.. thats not the case either. The 360's dried up.

The same reasons youre saying ps4 is better for deployment, are the same reasons people are making that choice in their living rooms. Identical reasons. There are no consumer side advantages to what microsoft is offering for your gaming solution. Its like they didn't even factor in the consumer whilst coming up with these policies(Which they haven't, as they can't speak coherently about them.)

Microsoft was too stupid to realize that there would be these questions. Which just paints a picture of what they thought, the market was. I don't buy the 'buh buh' wait game. Microsoft, much like their paid shills here, thought that the thing was Identical to steam, and that gamers wouldn't care. Gigantic misstep.

They are betting on people that aren't concerned with the gaming industry/fellow opportunity for gaming(making bigger communities), that simply "Don't Care." about their policies (when the competition no where in gaming is doing so). That is pretty bold if you ask me. With the media coverage, consumers WILL be educated. MS is willing to bet that the number of people that don't care about their restrictions, in the United states and selected areas with internet, alone, are going to be enough to keep them afloat until they can expand into markets they already had.

EU's going to be PS4's, parts of the US are going to be PS4, as well as internationally, PS4. Just based on the % of available countries. This means publishers have larger numbers of customers available to the PS4. MS did so well last gen, but this is one that they just shot in the face with all their self-imposed restricted market.


“Military personnel will be able to take their Xbox One and play their games with them without an issue as long as the game has been ‘activated’ once in the U.S. Your games go with you and play, no issues,” she says.

says right here they will have a workaround for them to play so long as game is activated once and no subsequent 24 hour check, they are just not giving details

Even that is a pretty bad solution. It means the Xbox One at the base can only play games that were released while the Xbox One was back in the US, so the games can be authenticated. New game comes out? Gotta fly that Xbox One back to the US, register the game, fly it back to base. Really thoughtful of them.
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