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NeoGAF's Essential Horror Games - 2016 Edition [Voting Phase]


Is there any chance or use in extending this thread another week?
Chance? Uh, if people want me to... but I really don't see the use. If you haven't voted by now, what's another week? I felt two weeks was being generous.

We could use an edit to reflect that this is the last day, I imagine...


Horror is really hard to do in a game, just like comedy, because both scares and laughs need timing. And timing is hard to do when players have agency. But that just makes the good ones even more precious!

1. Eternal Darkness
I understand why people say that Bloodborne is the game Lovecraft would have made, but I respectfully disagree. The setting works, but Lovecraft's protagonists were never fighters - they were overwhelmed by the sheer scale of what faced them. Eternal Darkness was a unique experience, I haven't played anything like it since, so for my money it edges out Resident Evil 4 as best horror game on the GC.

"Returning to the mansion offers me no comfort"


2. Dead Space
With echoes of three of my favourite films (The Thing, Aliens, Event Horizon), it's got a head start. It's also a great action game with some unique mechanics, and has genuine scares. Everyone who played this game will know what I mean when I talk about THAT moment, and there's even a cheeky nod to it in the sequel. The soundtrack is also just right.

"Isaac, it's me. I wish I could talk to you."


3. Silent Hill 2
I don't have too much to add to what's already been written, but the storyline, the way it made me feel, it was a real step up from what I'd played before in terms of human horror, as opposed to body horror or alien horror (although their's plenty of gruesomeness, of course). The soundtrack is so recognisable as well.

"I look like Mary, don't I?"


4. Resident Evil 2
So I played and loved the first Resident Evil, and both it and its remake are AWESOME. But for my money RE2 is the Aliens to RE's Alien. It's a different sort of scary, but seeing the whole city devastated, the implications, and the first time you see a Licker ;) I was just as unnerved playing RE2 as I was RE1. And I have to pay tribute to... the safe room music! It's a moment of sanctuary, but I feel like it conveys a sadness, so you know you won't be safe for very long...

"So... this is what everyone's been dying for..."



Until Dawn
As someone that loves 80s slashers, what an awesome game. Genuinely fun and the first time I've felt like an interactive movie that made sense as a game as well. The weakest part is the OST. It's surprisingly un-memorable and generic compared to the previous games on my list.

Great game, gave me sweaty palms, lots of thought provoking material. More classic sci-fi horror.
Please note I was rushed since I only found out about this thread on the last day. Also while I'm sure I got the songs right, there is a chance I didn't due to not being able to listen from a web url and only the youtube app (which has no urls obviously) on my iPad without it crashing lol.

1) The Witch's House - (PC) The scariest horror game to me, and the one with my favorite characters. From the horrific story to the horrors of getting your head blown off when you mess up a puzzle. My favorite and most memorable horror game of all time.
Soundtrack: Lost Chair (Title Theme) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtHm0Wf9Y3w

2) Yume Nikki - (PC) More subtle scary and more of an exploration game. Featuring the most mysterious character in gaming, Yume Nikki is very special to me.
Soundtrack: I'm gonna cheat and post a fan made remix since I like it so much. MAJOR SPOILERS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17fVBeLVlqA

3) ZombiU - (WiiU) The dual screen offering a unique horror experience. The first horror game I got into since I knew what horror it would be (zombies) vs unknown before branching out into other games.
Soundtrack: Escape The Tower - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUXYZXWwQFg

4) Corpse Party - (PSV/PSP) Great cast of characters and an epic story of horror unlike any other.
Soundtrack: Chapter 1 Theme - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0ytFDJjKmg

5) Five Nights at Freddy's 4 - (PC) My favorite of the FNAF games. The tension becomes crazy in the final nights leading to the very last boss against the Golden Freddy. My favorite horror game boss!
Soundtrack: Clock Chimes (Begin a new night!) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KF1eWXwP73U


6) Mad Father - (PC) Great horror experience and great story. Featuring the most epic chase scene I've ever seen.

7) Misao - (PC) Another great horror experience with a great story.

8) Five Nights at Freddie's - (PC) The game that started it all. Creepiest atmophere and most memorable first jump scare.

9) Ib - (PC) Great cast of characters and more subtle creepiness makes a fantastic game.

10) Five Nights at Freddy's 3 - One on one against the lone animitronic. Tension is great in the third FNAF game.


I forgot this thread, so I'll just have to list mine. I'll add some reasons, and picks from the soundtracks, if the voting is extended. I'm also mentioning only one title from a series to avoid the list being dominated by something like Silent Hill.

1) Silent Hill 2
2) The Last of Us
3) Bloodborne
4) Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
5) Resident Evil 2
6) The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
7) P.T.
9) Siren: Blood Curse
10) Bioshock

EDIT: Honorable mention goes to Project Zero.

So you all are really going with Bloodborne? Then you might as well throw Castlevania, Zero Escape or The Walking Dead in there. They are horror themed, despite, just like Bloodborne, there probably isn't any intention by the developers to actually scare the player.

From the OP:
Much like in the other voting threads, I won't be picky about what is or isn't a horror game. If there's an element of tension or unease, you're welcome to nominate it. Action game, platformer, visual novel, puzzle(!?), whatever.
If you think someone's nomination isn't appropriate, let it be, the votes will tell the tale.


I'll just wing it and throw in some of the few games I would like to highlight for specific reasons. If this vote happens again next year, I'll hopefully have a larger pool to pull from. :)

Alan Wake​
Alone in the woods. At night. Try it sometime, it's ridiculously scary. And I don't mean "movie lighting darkness" ... pitch black. Alan Wake did that so well with its lighting in the woods sections. Plus the fantastic combat design that forces you to shine away the "Darkness" from the villagers before you can actually harm them with your weapons. Genius. Plus that incredible score (and original songs of course!).

I still haven't finished it but I feel it deserves to be on this list anyway. One lone zombie can be a legit threat if you don't pay attention or mess up while trying to take him out. Use your gun and risk attracting more. Swing your cricket bat and risk missing and getting hit. Manage your inventory on the GamePad while the game worlds keeps going and you might get attacked from your blind spot that you can only see on the TV. Shit is tense as hell.

Resident Evil (2002)​
The posterchild for how to remake a game. Watched a friend who owned the original game play through my copy of the remake and comment on all the things that were different and threw him off. It was magical. The gorgeous visuals sure did help too. And those fucking Crimson Heads. Holy shit, always have some lighter fuel with you!

Resident Evil 2​
While I came across Resident Evil (1996) first, it was watching a friend play RE2 and then walking home alone in the dark afterwards that first got me really excited about scary/horror games. There is just something about imagining yourself in a zombie filled small town at night, looking out for the sound of dragging feet and moans in dark corners. That was also the point in the series that really hooked me on the silly lore aspects.

Dead Space​
RE4 in space. Yea. Pretty much. Dead Space knew what made Resident Evil so great in the past. A very specific place you explore, tight corridors which both serve to make you feel boxed in and also reassure you that there's no dark corner you cannot see, the occasional big open space where that claustrophobic safety-net gets replaced with "OH SHIT A HORDE OF ENEMIES" and that Nemesis/Mr. X-like unkillable Necromorph that chases after you during certain parts. Holy shit. And that excellent lighting, UI design, sound design, character design, limb targeting. Damn.

Honorable Mentions:

DayZ (ARMA II mod version)​
I've played this during the big DayZ craze. While it's overall more of a survival game where other humans are the biggest danger, my experience was more of a solo adventure and a god damn terrifying nightmare sim. Fresh game, I had no weapon, I was in need of food, and between me and (possibly) getting either of these things was a tiny beach town completely overrun with zombies. I spent probably an hour or so crawling on all fours through that zombie infested town, often mere inches away from certain death and trying not to make a noise while slowly removing myself from possible lines of sight that this is firmly cemented as an exemplary horror experience.

Cursed Mountain​
A very flawed game but also a very unique one. Snow settings aren't that common in horror games for some reason. Usually it's houses, woods, spaceships or whatever. You're looking for your brother who disappeared on a hiking trip in the Himalaya. Unfriendly spirits don't like your trespassing. This is all about atmosphere. Snow is a great way to make a place feel foreign, claustrophobic (snow storms!), and dangerous. The constant ascend up the mountain serves as a nice visual progression that also raises the stakes and tension very well. If only the combat were better (you perform gestures with a spirit wand thingy to fend off the spirits).

Metro 2033​
Look, Russia is scary. No, in all seriousness. Metro games are shooters, sometimes you just shoot other humans with guns. But other times, you find yourself in dark underground tunnels or a destroyed library (was it a library?) full with mutated monsters that react to sound (I think it was sound, been a few years?). Coupled with the general survival tension from the gas mask/radiation mechanic, this makes for a real edge of your seat experience.

Zero: Tsukihami no Kamen (Project Zero 4/Fatal Frame 4)​

I have only played the opening bit of this so far but the way the series and this game specifically handles exploring spaces paired with the very tense "camera combat" against ghosts is a wonderful combination. You really do feel fragile and tense the whole time.

BioShock [on Survivor difficulty w/o Vita Chambers]​
While it does get easier towards the end since you gain lots of abilities, BioShock on Survivor can be absolutely terrifying. Especially once you decide you need to take on a Big Daddy. My first one I spent running away and hiding in a vent from most of the time. The higher difficulty really goes well with the creepy atmosphere and disturbing nature of the Splicers themselves, while otherwise not really being a traditional horror game. While the game is extremely well known already, I still want to take this as an excuse to post a great piece of score from it.


Tabulating results as we speak. It's possible results could go up tonight, but it's not a guarantee. (Unless that's a bad idea as it wouldn't be noticed much until tomorrow.)


Fuck, left my write-up note on my PC. And can't get back to it. Will just quick-nominate here. Edit: Shit, did I fucking miss it?

1) Silent Hill 2 - If Stanley Kubrick ever made a videogame, it would be like this.

2) PT - Legitimately the scariest thing I've ever played.

3) Amnesia: The Dark Decent - I can actually think of better horror games, but this one ( with PewDiePie's help) put horror games back in the public eye in a big way. In the noughties there was a big slump, and with this excellent game Frictional booked horror back into the public eye.

4) Alien: Isolation - Not the most terrifying game, but the Alien's dynamic, roaming, intelligent AI that genuinely hunts you down and is different every time is a sight to behold. A big leap in horror programming and a classic experience.

5) A Chair in A Room: Greenwater - The first full-fledged VR horror game I've played. And it is a doozy. You know Jacobs Ladder, the film about the war veteran whose mind unravels as he sees increasingly nightmarish things after his tour? Imagine watching the whole thing from his eyes. Imagine trying to piece together his past; reliving his memories, inside their actual horrific contexts, solving puzzles to find the next memory . Amazing game. No combat or anything (so far). And almost unbearably intense and terrifying in VR.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
1) Bloodborne - Not strictly a horror game but it seems to count, so it's my obvious #1 pick. Cosmic horror mixed with gothic victorian horror mxied with glorious Souls gameplay... what could go wrong?

2) Silent Hill - The first game to legit scare me. There was nothing else out there at the time, not on that level. I will never, ever forget that playable intro in the alley, nor the final showdown in the sewers where I just ran like a little bitch and my immense relief at finding the save point at the exit.

3) Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem - Lovecraftian horror is the best, coolest kind of horror. It is known. The sanity system was groundbreaking, and I really like its underrated rune spell-casting system too. You had to really time it, making it quite stressful (fitting for a horror game).

4) Resident Evil REMake (Gamecube)
All of the qualities of the original game, but improved in every way. The HD backgrounds were stunning, and the reviving zombies were scary as shit. And that Lisa creature... *shudders*

5) Silent Hill 2 - Objectively it is superior to Silent Hill 1, but I prefer SH1 for personal reasons. Still, there's no denying the impact SH2 had, especially with the now-iconic Pyramid Head.

Honourable mentions:

x. P.T. - I was pretty skeptical of a first-person "Silent Hill" with no "combat", but I won't deny that this game managed to fuck with my mind and creep me out real good. It's really quite a unique experience.
x. Resident Evil 2 - Not quite as scary as RE1, but still a very tight package and overall the best classic RE outside of REMake.
x. Silent Hill 3 - Never finished it, but I enjoyed what I played. That Shakespeare puzzle can go fuck itself though xD


Voting is officially closed. I think I may be able to do results tonight, unless people would rather I wait until tomorrow?


Oh this is already over? I didn't even know it was a topic. Would have participated.

I'd have thrown in votes towards Oxenfree, Eternal Darkness, Pathologic, Ib, some others.


Assembling the results(specifically with the proper presentation) will take too long for tonight, sadly. I'll post them up tomorrow night.

If anyone who missed out wants to share their thoughts, feel free. I can't guarantee I'll be able to count them, but I'll try.
Only just noticed the topic as well and was ready to vote, but seems like I missed this. I'll be interested to read through the results though.
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