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New Batman will be black, DC Comics announces


Perpetually Offended
That's what everyone says at first. "It's just a spin-off!" or "Bruce Wayne is still white!". But that's not how black-washing works. Will we ever see Peter Parker as Spider Man again? I doubt it. This is a symbolic appropriation of our culture and its icons. To return to Bruce Wayne would be seen as regressive.

What are you talking about? Peter is STILL spider-man... He's just one of two in 616 universe.

Miles is from the Ultimate universe... But came to 616 thanks to Secret Wars 2. So now there's 2 Spidermans.


Perpetually Offended
I knew this was the agenda when Pattinson was cast in the new film. He'll be killed to pave the way for a new black Batman.

Iron "Man"

Captain America:



Riri is IronHEART... Tony Stark is still IronMAN...

Cap passed down the mantle of Captain America to Sam... Kinda like how Barry Allen KINDA passed down the mantle of Flash to Wally West... They're legacy characters... But Steve is back as Captain America... I stopped reading comics last year as my depression became too much...


The actress playing Kate Kane quit the show... And rather than recasting the same character, they came up with a new character who, again, is taking up the mantle of the previous person.

And see my comment above about Spider-Man


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Who is "We?" The graph stops at 2011 because that's when the last census was taken. But do you really think the non-white population has decreased after ten years? We'll know soon enough, when we take another one next year.

Erasure of white people in media = erasure of whites in the population. They go hand in hand. Good to know genocide is something that makes you LMAO. You white-genocide denialists are something else.


You white genocide believers are something else.

This isn't evidence of any "genocide" (I think you need to look up the meaning of the word). This is just an example of humanity progressing and embracing multicultural societies.



You white genocide believers are something else.

This isn't evidence of any "genocide" (I think you need to look up the meaning of the word). This is just an example of humanity progressing and embracing multicultural societies.

All by design, not be choice. But keep on digging & you'll see just how pissed-off a betrayed Europe really behaves.

No one here (except the most obnoxious, white hating sacks of treasonous garbage) want tens of millions of Muslims swamping this land... but whatever they say, all politicians enforce the same "muh immigrants on welfare who shit all over western values are good!, critics are racist!" dogma.

First step 2022 in France when the RN (former FN) is going to give the globalists a few nasty surprises.


Came in expecting to shit talk the decision but this actually makes sense . Being the estranged son of Lucius Fox could be damn good.

Came this far... might as well still shit post

And in other news Michael Cera cast as the new King of Wakanda. In talks to take over the mantle of the late, great Chadwick Boseman



I am Become Bilbo Baggins
All by design, not be choice. But keep on digging & you'll see just how pissed-off a betrayed Europe really behaves.

No one here (except the most obnoxious, white hating sacks of treasonous garbage) want tens of millions of Muslims swamping this land... but whatever they say, all politicians enforce the same "muh immigrants on welfare who shit all over western values are good!, critics are racist!" dogma.

First step 2022 in France when the RN (former FN) is going to give the globalists a few nasty surprises.

If Europe were really piases off with immigration and multicultural societies, we would see a bigger push to far-right, nationalist parties, but we're not. In fact, I'd say far-right support is falling. Most young people in Europe support the EU and have no problem with immigration.

RN doing well in the French 2022 elections? 🤣

Oh please. I highly doubt they'll get a fraction of the vote. People are moving away from populism.

Also, we're not getting further and further away from the original topic, so if you really do believe white people are at threat then maybe we could create a new thread about the subject.


If Europe were really piases off with immigration and multicultural societies, we would see a bigger push to far-right, nationalist parties, but we're not. In fact, I'd say far-right support is falling. Most young people in Europe support the EU and have no problem with immigration.

RN doing well in the French 2022 elections? 🤣

Oh please. I highly doubt they'll get a fraction of the vote. People are moving away from populism.

Also, we're not getting further and further away from the original topic, so if you really do believe white people are at threat then maybe we could create a new thread about the subject.

Interesting, because it's the boomers & elderly (1960's cultural revolutionary idiots) who voted Macron in the last presidential. The FN scored big with the younger voters. But keep on daydreaming. The data is all there, should you "choose" to enlighten yourself, i.e. the old cliché whereby the new generations all support multikulti open border political correct police states is a funny little lie. 11 million FN votes in 2017 & more to come.

As for the "topic", race-swapping Batman is stereotypical heavy-handed propaganda which will result in the ubiquitous business-as-usual online conflict: supporters flaunt their progressive "we're the future!" mantra, whilst critics are labelled Nazis. Rinse-repeat.
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Oh yay race swapped Batman. How exciting, how brave. And they wondering why comics are in the shitter.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Interesting, because it's the boomers & elderly (1960's cultural revolutionary idiots) who voted Macron in the last presidential. The FN scored big with the younger voters. But keep on daydreaming. The data is all there, should you "choose" to enlighten yourself, i.e. the old cliché whereby the new generations all support multikulti open border political correct police states is a funny little lie. 11 million FN votes in 2017 & more to come.

As for the "topic", race-swapping Batman is stereotypical heavy-handed propaganda which will result in the ubiquitous business-as-usual online conflict: supporters flaunt their progressive "we're the future!" mantra, whilst critics are labelled Nazis. Rinse-repeat.

Batman hasn't been race swapped for good. This is an alternative batman. Bruce Wayne will still exist and we'll still get mainline Bruce Wayne Batman comics. Were you also unhappy when Dick Grayson or Tim Drake but on the bat suit? If not then what's the difference beside the colour of skin, or does Batman have to be white?

The FN scoring big with young voters in 2017 was a one off. Show me modern, up-to-date data that the far-right have a large, young backing in France or any other European nation. Good luck.


Neo Member
I'd be cool with it, if the writing was up to par. Sadly, that's usually not what happens. I think some of the alternatives given in this thread are great (been waiting on some new Static Shock for forever), but they usually do this to capitalize off of an already prominent character.

Not really interested in the "deadbeat dad"/Lucius has estranged relationships angle either. Black characters seem to be written with like two angles, when the ability to create anything in a fantasy world is given. It's common across all media, and it is a part of why most of these characters never seem interesting to me.


Perpetually Offended

I hope some of y'all stop it with the white genocide narrative. That's a far right, white supremacist, StormFront talking point.

Edit: had to correct a spelling error.
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Who is "We?" The graph stops at 2011 because that's when the last census was taken. But do you really think the non-white population has decreased after ten years? We'll know soon enough, when we take another one next year.

Erasure of white people in media = erasure of whites in the population. They go hand in hand. Good to know genocide is something that makes you LMAO. You white-genocide denialists are something else.

Completely going off topic here but I bet you hate mixed race relations.
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They should have made him Enrique Tarrio.

Proud Boy becomes Batman and fights ANTIFA. POTUS Biden wants to take down Batman because ANTIFA is just an idea.

Send me my check DC!


Perpetually Offended
If y'all had read the trades, you'd know this part of Future State ... It's coming out of a couple stories that concluded since Sept. Bruce is going back to basics basically... But I thought it was going to be Luke Fox who's already Signal in the comics and part of the Bat Family. But it's ANOTHER kid of Lucius's?

Anyway... I think some of y'all are going a bit far in your reactions. This is DC, not Marvel.


This isnt a race swap, a race swap would be making bruce black. They are making a new character that dawns the cowl. Like Terry.

If you'll notice the title of the thread is "new Batman", not "new Bruce Wayne". They've race swapped Batman, not Bruce Wayne. It's still a race swap.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
If you'll notice the title of the thread is "new Batman", not "new Bruce Wayne". They've race swapped Batman, not Bruce Wayne. It's still a race swap.
Brand new character is batman, period. Did you care when Terry took over?
Batman is just a man in a mask, anyone can be that man. Theres only one bruce which is intact.
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Brand new character is batman, period. Did you care when Terry took over?
Batman is just a man in a mask, anyone can be that man. Theres only one bruce which is intact.

I've never cared for Terry McGinnis, no, but that character was presented in a way that held up. Bruce Wayne needed to train someone new because he was old as hell and being in that time period it didn't really matter that another character was Batman. In comics now you have a half dozen versions of Batman or Spider-Man and it just waters down the brand.

As for it "just being a mask, anyone can be that man", I agree with you. Anyone can be Batman. My question is, should they be? The vast majority of cases like this the answer is no, because the current form of Marvel and DC are more interested in pandering than they are storytelling. Dressing up like a bat means something to Bruce Wayne. Anyone else taking up the mantle has to struggle for credibility with me. Just make a new character if you want to write a black superhero, don't change current heroes to fit your needs.
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Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
I've never cared for Terry McGinnis, no, but that character was presented in a way that held up. Bruce Wayne needed to train someone new because he was old as hell and being in that time period it didn't really matter that another character was Batman. In comics now you have a half dozen versions of Batman or Spider-Man and it just waters down the brand.

As for it "just being a mask, anyone can be that man", I agree with you. Anyone can be Batman. My question is, should they be? The vast majority of cases like this the answer is no, because the current form of Marvel and DC are more interested in pandering than they are storytelling. Dressing up like a bat means something to Bruce Wayne. Anyone else taking up the mantle has to struggle for credibility with me. Just make a new character if you want to write a black superhero, don't change current heroes to fit your needs.
Making a new IP esp new character that hit and slaps as good as batman is too difficult in todays day in age.

being batman for this character has its own validity and meaning to the character, we just dont know the reason yet because its not out. Frankly I think having atleast this character having a connection to potentially bruce but also to lucious makes a great exposition for story and motive. Now if his motive is trash than I will grade it on that.


Making a new IP esp new character that hit and slaps as good as batman is too difficult in todays day in age.

Placing your primary focus on diversity and representation doesn't work either, though. Either way they are losing money, but if they swing for the fences and create a worthwhile character they can recoup that money after taking the character to the big screen. DC and Marvel have money to burn, they are just creatively bankrupt or lazy. Take your pick.

being batman for this character has its own validity and meaning to the character, we just dont know the reason yet because its not out. Frankly I think having atleast this character having a connection to potentially bruce but also to lucious makes a great exposition for story and motive. Now if his motive is trash than I will grade it on that.

Yet it's funny they didn't lead with any of that in the marketing. It's just "black batman". Gee, I wonder why? Because just like all the garbage Marvel produced the focus is on race because that is what is important to them. If you are describing your character and the first thing you do is lean on identity politics, you are a bad writer.


I've never cared for Terry McGinnis, no, but that character was presented in a way that held up. Bruce Wayne needed to train someone new because he was old as hell and being in that time period it didn't really matter that another character was Batman. In comics now you have a half dozen versions of Batman or Spider-Man and it just waters down the brand.

As for it "just being a mask, anyone can be that man", I agree with you. Anyone can be Batman. My question is, should they be? The vast majority of cases like this the answer is no, because the current form of Marvel and DC are more interested in pandering than they are storytelling. Dressing up like a bat means something to Bruce Wayne. Anyone else taking up the mantle has to struggle for credibility with me. Just make a new character if you want to write a black superhero, don't change current heroes to fit your needs.

It's a 2 month stint with Future State. Bruce Wayne isn't going anywhere.
The whole point of Future State is to do interesting things with existing characters and/or their legacy.
Why would you create a new character when that isn't the point of Future State?

Jonathen Kent is Superman because Clark Kent is in space.
Brazillian Yara Flor takes over the mantle of Wonder Woman.
Nubia, a black woman will also be Wonder Woman, sister to Diana in some continuities.
Jo Mullein, a black woman is a Green Lantern.
Andy Curry is Aquawoman, daughter of Aquaman.
Jess Chambers is the new Flash, she is from Earth-11.


It's a 2 month stint with Future State. Bruce Wayne isn't going anywhere.
The whole point of Future State is to do interesting things with existing characters and/or their legacy.
Why would you create a new character when that isn't the point of Future State?

Jonathen Kent is Superman because Clark Kent is in space.
Brazillian Yara Flor takes over the mantle of Wonder Woman.
Nubia, a black woman will also be Wonder Woman, sister to Diana in some continuities.
Jo Mullein, a black woman is a Green Lantern.
Andy Curry is Aquawoman, daughter of Aquaman.
Jess Chambers is the new Flash, she is from Earth-11.

Everything you've listed seems to be a race or sex change. How is that "interesting"? Looks like Future State is lazy pandering to me.

Scotty W

I posted this already in Hariseldon’s world, but it is well worth posting here.

Most of us wonder why they din’t just come up with new franchises. But originality and storytelling are not the point. Subverting is. The parasitism of this kind of storytelling is its raison d’etre. It will be interesting to see what happens when the parasite runs out of hosts.



Perpetually Offended
I posted this already in Hariseldon’s world, but it is well worth posting here.

Most of us wonder why they din’t just come up with new franchises. But originality and storytelling are not the point. Subverting is. The parasitism of this kind of storytelling is its raison d’etre. It will be interesting to see what happens when the parasite runs out of hosts.

Do you know how many new books were made that didn't last in the past two years?

Starting a new franchise/comic series isn't easy and doesn't guarantee sales. Most comic readers are creatures of habit and don't really take to a new series with a new character that well. It's not impossible but it's not common.


Wonder if they'll make Joe Chill black too. Somehow I doubt it. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if they made him a police officer instead of a mugger/hit man.
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Scotty W

Do you know how many new books were made that didn't last in the past two years?

Starting a new franchise/comic series isn't easy and doesn't guarantee sales. Most comic readers are creatures of habit and don't really take to a new series with a new character that well. It's not impossible but it's not common.
Good point. I notice this with heavy metal. There is a lot of new stuff, but it is terrible or derivative or both.

Strange before the fact, but not after, that pop culture should exhaust itself at the same time that it turns parasitic.


Gold Member
Anyhoo, just having some guy take over as Batman seems disingenious to the mythology. You can't just toss the keys to the batcave to some beat cop and have him do what batman does. Batman is the product of Bruce's singular focus and disciplined training for YEARS along with a determination to sacrifice his own wellbeing for the pursuit of justice. It would be like Sherlock Holmes giving his pipe and 226B baker street to some rando and then expect genius detecting. So if this Fox guy thinks he can just dress like Batman and no one will notice....well that is a betrayal of the character to the fans IMHO.

Maybe there is an extensive story arc dealing with this guys personal training and devotion to the crusade and then the reaction of others to a different "batman style" . But it seems to be that this reeks of publicity stunt more than earned narrative with a rewarding payoff. Making this guy BATMAN will generate more buzz and likely far more readership than giving an acclaimed screenwriter the space to make up his own IP at the expense of the previously loyal fanbase (again, IMHO).


Gold Member
For those complaining:

Fuck me. They’re not replacing Bruce Wayne, you whining twats. He’s still the main Batman. This is a standard spin off project 😂
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