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Newest GTX 960 rumor: Jan 22 launch, three variants


Tbh, the unnamed GPU above the 760 in that graph is about where I expected the 950 ti to be, and the 1280 shader GPU would be the 960. That benchmark put that 1280 shader GPU closer to the 780 than I thought, although I did already suspect that it would compete when overclocked.


AMD is certainly getting better, but using a game that has one of the best showings for AMD architecture(along with Ryse) and Mantle support is not necessarily the most representative benchmark to pick. Other games do not show that same level of comparison and the 970 is often at or near 290X levels at 1080p and 1440p.

And criticizing the price of the 780Ti and 780 based on this makes little sense since AMD has been playing catch up this entire time. People don't buy GPU's based on what theoretical performance they might get from them in a year's time IF driver support has improved, they get them for tangible day 1 benefits.

The question is do you all, as the consumers, ignore, or learn. I try not be "yay Red team", but this place is very pro Nvidia compared to dedicated hardware forums and we have to see if it is worth everyone's enthusiasm.

People on this very forum once recommend the 770 2GB over the 280X 3GB. Not just one over the other, but actually encouraged paying MORE for the 770. In retrospect, this would be a devastating decision. But even if Kepler had not lost performance accross the board, the 2GB of VRAM should have been a no go from the start, but was ignored. People even recommended 760 2GB for about the same price as 280X 3GB, and again, look at that list of 10 games from 2014 and tell me if that was wise.

Some of this was unforseeable, but the VRAM was not. Do not ignore history, especially when it is happening right now.

More on topic, I hope the 960 series revitilized the sub $330 Nvidia market. They haven't had a desirable product there for a while, not since 290 and 280X have gotten to such good deals.


The question is do you all, as the consumers, ignore, or learn. I try not be "yay Red team", but this place is very pro Nvidia compared to dedicated hardware forums and we have to see if it is worth everyone's enthusiasm.

People on this very forum once recommend the 770 2GB over the 280X 3GB. Not just one over the other, but actually encouraged paying MORE for the 770. In retrospect, this would be a devastating decision. But even if Kepler had not lost performance accross the board, the 2GB of VRAM should have been a no go from the start, but was ignored. People even recommended 760 2GB for about the same price as 280X 3GB, and again, look at that list of 10 games from 2014 and tell me if that was wise.

Some of this was unforseeable, but the VRAM was not. Do not ignore history, especially when it is happening righ tnow.
I think if you looked in the 'I need a new PC' thread, there is no bias between Nvidia and AMD when the knowledgeable folks there give advice on builds. I do not hesitate to recommend AMD when I feel its worth recommending, either. I did it just today(well, yesterday now) in the GTX970/980 specific thread in fact.

I think you're rebelling against perceived fanboyism where there is none, my friend.

More on topic, I hope the 960 series revitilized the sub $330 Nvidia market. They haven't had a desirable product there for a while, not since 290 and 280X have gotten to such good deals.
I'm really questioning whether you do actually hope that or you're just concern trolling, going by the tone of your posts.


Not trolling, but being honest. Kepler is simply not worth recommending in the current gaming climate. And Nvidia doesn't have a under $330 Maxwell*, so it's all AMD right now.

*750Ti is a great card for low power, small systems. Especially if you get a good rebate it is viable.

More on Kepler. If I were to show you a Far Cry 4 review. Is FC4 AMD favoured?


No, seems right. 970 is equal or slightly faster than 290X (I'd favour 970 here, since it has significantly better minimums). Normally, 970 and 290X are fairly equal, often with better 970 performance at below 4K. Far Cry 4 favours neither company, looking at that benchmark.

But Kepler:


Would you really recommend any Nvidia card below the 970 right now? Again, this isn't universal, but more and more games throughout 2014 see once comparable cards begin to separate heavily against Kepler and toward GCN. This trend should be outright troubling to the enthusist community. Why is Nvidia no longer optimizing for cards that so many of their customers have? And they still sell many of these cards!

That's why I can say, there is honesty and no trolling in saying sub $330 is all AMD except for 750Ti situations. So yes, I hope the 960 series makes a splash. 290, 280X, and 280 are all very attractive right now. A 280 was on sale for $130 BEFORE REBATE on Newegg a week ago, holy heck. 770, 760, 660, etc just do not seem valid anymore at all.


Junior Member
I wouldn't settle for anything less than 16GB of VRAM, guys. I mean, the PS4 has 8GB of GDDR5 and because of coding to the metal, it's twice as powerful as an equivalent PC. You'd need 16GB just to match PS4. Nvidia is just too salty to give PC gamers what they need and it's honestly sad.



Looking forward to this, simply because I need to upgrade my GTX 260 eventually..
I wouldn't settle for anything less than 16GB of VRAM, guys. I mean, the PS4 has 8GB of GDDR5 and because of coding to the metal, it's twice as powerful as an equivalent PC. You'd need 16GB just to match PS4. Nvidia is just too salty to give PC gamers what they need and it's honestly sad.


You know what else I'd want to see at the conference besides 960 news? A new Shield like the first version but with updated hardware. Doubt it'll happen, though. :/


so when are we getting a 6gb vram card? or would hbm basically let us be stuck with 4gb without issue?

shadow of mordor is even requiring 6gb vram on ultra, yet most of the high-end today only sport 4gb.
8Gb 970s and 980s are rumoured to be in the works. I wish they'd hurry up and announce/deny them so that I can buy a new card. The XO and PS4 aren't going to force 8Gb requirements obviously but I doubt that > 4Gb will still be rare by the end of the gen.


Every time I see rumours of 960s, I think "Oh cool" because for the years I thought about building a PC the 60s were the bang for back GPUs. Then I remember that I have a 970 and I laugh at myself for forgetting.


Gimmie a 6GB or 8GB 980Ti at 650$ please! 700$ non standard. Would love you for years Nvidia!

You'll probably get it in Spring/Summer.

I'm talking about Kepler, not Maxwell. Kepler's heat and noise advantage over AMD is much more incremental in nature. Especially Sapphire Tri X series.

780Ti cost $300-350 more than a 290 for 6+ months. Look at that average of 10 games. It was not worth it. I honestly think Kepler customers need to be contacting Nvidia about matching AMD's performance gains. Get that driver to team to work.

If I had a 780 Ti I would be seriously irritated that the 290 is trading blows with a card that just 4 months ago was going for $600. A 780Ti owner should be furious that his $700 launch card is now as fast as a $400 launch and currently $250-300 AMD card in 2014 games. They should NOT be advocating buying more Nvidia products, in my humble, consumer oriented opinion. Although Maxwell is quite wonderful (except in SLI/Crossfire, where AMD out right wins), it makes you wonder about Nvidia's long term support - especially as 4K gets more popular and AMD currently is king at that resolution. Things did not look like this a year ago, and it's a testament to AMD's recent performance drivers. Even just compared to 970/980 launch reviews, 290 series is making some ground on Maxwell, although not as drastically as Kepler.

Maxwell is even better than Kepler as far as efficiency/etc. goes (obviously). The difference between Kepler and GCN is as significant as the other differences you're pointing out that favor the AMD side.

The 780 Ti was a high-end card - so pricing doesn't necessarily come into play here when you compare it to the 290X. Just because AMD has been able to get longer legs out of GCN (290X was $599) doesn't mean cards like the 780 Ti are bad or a crap value. There's no comparison when you're looking at the king of the stack cards. They're always insanely priced.

Today, the 290X is awesome. I just picked up (again) a R9 290X Lightning card for around $300 after rebates and selling the free games. Insane.
Pictures of the 960 have gone up:


MSI GTX 960 GAMING 2G and MSI GTX 960 100 MILLION Edition

Yesterday you saw the GTX 970 100 MILLION Edition, which was first shown to PCPerspective at CES 2015. Today we are looking at GTX 960 in the same green theme and GAMING 2G kept in original GAMING colors.

Both cards are very much the same, except the color scheme and the missing backplate with GAMING 2G. Unfortunately we don’t have the specs, so we can’t talk about the clocks just yet. The only certain thing is the memory configuration of 2GB GDDR5 and 128-bit interface.

MSI’s GeForce GTX 960 is powered by a single 8-pin power connector. The PCB is equipped with 4+1 phase design. And just like we told you, GTX 960 has the same display configuration as GTX 970 and GTX 980: three DisplayPorts, HDMI and DVI.

GeForce GTX 960 is equipped with GM206 GPU, which we unveiled just today. We expect to hear more about GTX 960 in the next few days, so stay tunned for more.


Nah, I'd rather get myself a 970 thank you. 3 variants though and 2GB models? Almost pointless theses days unless making a cheapo gaming PC. Which is what Nvidia is targeting I guess.


These look extremely underwhelming :/

Yup, 2gb and 128 bus in 2015 ? You won't run games very well with that even taking into account the brillance that is Maxwell.
To paraphrase Mira (Dreamfall Chapters) this is not shit, it's subshit, like a shit taken by a shit.


Not trolling, but being honest. Kepler is simply not worth recommending in the current gaming climate. And Nvidia doesn't have a under $330 Maxwell*, so it's all AMD right now.

*750Ti is a great card for low power, small systems. Especially if you get a good rebate it is viable.

More on Kepler. If I were to show you a Far Cry 4 review. Is FC4 AMD favoured?


No, seems right. 970 is equal or slightly faster than 290X (I'd favour 970 here, since it has significantly better minimums). Normally, 970 and 290X are fairly equal, often with better 970 performance at below 4K. Far Cry 4 favours neither company, looking at that benchmark.

But Kepler:


Would you really recommend any Nvidia card below the 970 right now? Again, this isn't universal, but more and more games throughout 2014 see once comparable cards begin to separate heavily against Kepler and toward GCN. This trend should be outright troubling to the enthusist community. Why is Nvidia no longer optimizing for cards that so many of their customers have? And they still sell many of these cards!

That's why I can say, there is honesty and no trolling in saying sub $330 is all AMD except for 750Ti situations. So yes, I hope the 960 series makes a splash. 290, 280X, and 280 are all very attractive right now. A 280 was on sale for $130 BEFORE REBATE on Newegg a week ago, holy heck. 770, 760, 660, etc just do not seem valid anymore at all.
So your point is that 2 year old, about-to-be-replaced(or has been replaced and discontinued) hardware isn't recommendable anymore?

Well by golly, I think you may just be right! Thanks for the PSA.


So your point is that 2 year old, about-to-be-replaced(or has been replaced and discontinued) hardware isn't recommendable anymore?

Well by golly, I think you may just be right! Thanks for the PSA.

Please, now you are ignoring how bad a drop this is. This level of performance drop is unprecedented. Kepler was Nvidia's top architecture just 4 months ago. Don't act like a 760 is ancient history, when it is in fact Nvidia's best performing current sub $300 offering.

A reminder, a 760 used to be 95%+ as fast as a 280. Reminder: Nvidia still sells 760s. FC4 and the other 2014 games I have shown are simply suffering on Kepler right now. Maxwell 970 and 980 just came out. There is no excuse for this performance drop.

You missed my point even though I stated it: there is no sub $330 Nvidia card that is desirable right now (save 750Ti scenarios). And I stand by that, with plenty of evidence. And now that part of the 960 specs have been revealed... sadly it may stay way. Hopefully 960 Ti delivers. But like the Radeon 285, 2GB is unforgivable in 2015. Both companies are at fault here. But at least Radeon 280 and 280X 3GB are still plentiful, cheap, and solid performers in games released in fall 2014.

A lot of people budget $150-$300 for video cards. That entire range is AMD, locked down hard. And it doesn't have to be this way if Nvidia would still optimize for 760.

Don't defend them for this, my god, where is the consumerism in you. How is an alternate situation where Kepler still matches relative GCN performance (which is an older architecture, by the way) not a desirable outcome? Why wouldn't you want a 760 to still nearly be as fast as a 280/285? Why wouldn't you want all the users who recently paid $500-$700 for 780 and 780 Ti to still have 970/980/290X performance like they did in games released before fall 2014? No excuse. Demand the best. Demand 4GB 960s too, and hopefully Nvidia listens unlike AMD's which still rolls out 2GB 285s. Don't just blindly abide, please.
I'm looking to upgrade on a budget, so a 4GB card on the current architecture under $300 would be fantastic. I was assuming 970, but a 960Ti on a good deal would work just as well (upgrading from a 560Ti)
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