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Nintendo Announces Nintendo 2DS


I think this is pretty rad for the intended audience:

Adults who want to buy a console for their kids at a lower price point, knowing the durability and family friendliness of a Nintendo device and library.

Seems like a reasonable and great solution to me, especially when discounts come and it gets closer to that elusive $100 price point. Also, this makes a great purchase (in my case) for my mom if I get it with Animal Crossing and some Layton games.
A device targeted at kids... but can't fit in any human's pants?

kids are about the only people that still carry portables in their pockets (adults have cellphones, wallets, condoms, etc. occupying them pockets)... yet nintendo designed this so it won't fit in theirs?

I still kinda want one of these though lol. it's so weird looking that i kinda just want one for collecting.

gonna be a pain in the butt to play kid icarus on it.


...hate me...
Nintendo is king at market confusion. "We have a 2DS and 3DS, both play 3DS games but the 2DS doesn't do 3D. Also the 2DS plays DS games but the 3DS doesn't. Oh, and we also have a bigger 3DS called the XL."
Bolded: it does, of course. Where did you get that idea?

And XL means bigger in a very universal way, come on.

Nintendo isn't very good at naming and shit but lets not inflate the criticism.


Doesnt look bad. Will still outsell the vita by a large margin. Same day with pokemon and around zelda? 129$? yea....
They are making wrong decisions all the time since 3DS, time to fire someone.

3DS name, underpowered 3DS, useless 3D gimmick, WiiU name, underpowered WiiU, useless tablet controller, HORRIBLE design of 2DS
What's next?


And that what makes them great, Nintendo is the only company crazy enough to try this,and it might work.

The thing that really gets me, is the '2'

It's like half the apple and MS approach of 'one' or 'new', while still sounding like an inferior product to the actual 3DS.

It boggles the mind.
My speculation is that there are two reasons they decided to release this.
1) A lot of markets are still buying the DSi and DSi XL (Like the PS2 continued selling). This is at the same price point and might entice them to move them to a platform that plays 3DS games.

2) To go after the crowd that will want to play Pokemon X/Y or Monster Hunter 4 only but might balk at the $170 price of the 3DS.
Haha, what a joke. Nintendo has lost it. Would have been better off finding ways to reduce the price of the current 3DS.

Pick up the phone and fire Iwata now. These are the crazy actions of a company that's Lost touch with reality*.

*tad over dramatic but you know what I mean.
Good job it's aimed at little kids because it looks like a Speak & Spell.

I'd buy a cheaper 3D-less unit, but I'd gladly pay more for the clamshell design of the 3DS.


Also announced today: the Nintendo 2DS Circle Pad Pro accessory will come with a pair of protective glasses, because a 2DS with Circle Pad Pro installed is so ugly that it can be fatal to unprotected eyes.

In fact, Nintendo has already lost 3 engineers while making it. After finishing the design, they just screamed "OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I UNLEASHED ON THE WORLD" and bit off their hands and died of blood loss while on the way to the hospital.

The US Army is currently looking into weaponizing the 2DS Circle Pad Pro.


Man, that is a strange looking handheld. I like the *idea* of the 2DS since most games don't use 3D all that well. But that design is... ugly. Not to mention $129 isn't much of a discount from the much more attractive clamshell 3DS.


I complained about how idiotic that the 3DS scratches itself but this is ridiculous. As much as I love the idea if a 3DS without the 3D, this is both ugly and practical to carry around.

But with this coming out hopefully it means less dumb camera angles and crap flying toward the screen in 3DS games.


Why didn't they just make it a cheaper clam shell without 3d? This looks less portable than a Game Gear.
Because clamshell designs are expensive to manufacture, require a lot more parts and are less sturdy. This thing was designed to be as cheap and sturdy as possible, primarily for kids. Want a clamshell? You already have not one, but two options.
Panic mode Ninte...wait, what? I wonder how much cheaper this is to produce.

Also, can't wait for Circle Pad Pro 2D *shots fired* Does it even have an IR port?

Hands on: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-09-28-nintendo-2ds-hands-on

It only has a mono speaker. Stereo is via headphones.
Bloody hell. The speakers get worse with every revision. At least it has a headphone port *glares at GBA SP*

This is not confusing at all

If I can play 2DS games on my 3DS I must be able to play PS3 games on my PS2.


Whatever you need to do to help drive sales to the younger audience and increase the mindshare of dedicated gaming handhelds is fine with me.
Hands on: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-09-28-nintendo-2ds-hands-on

It only has a mono speaker. Stereo is via headphones.

Ok it actually looks ok in that video. I dare i say the white and red one looks pretty sexy.


Holy shit I have been reading 2ds references in other threads and did not realize this was a real device

WTF were they thinking? It is absolutely hideous
I think this thing is ugly as hell.


It will probably sell insane numbers!

Like I said before I have never seen a kid use the 3D they always turn it off. This is easier on the parents wallet. Easier for the kid to hold and plays pokemons.

I don't know I bet it sells A LOT.


Tragic victim of fan death
This entire thread doesn't seem to realize that this isn't for us.

My hands are basically the size of a child. Unless that system is smaller than I think, I don't think I'll be able to use the shoulder buttons comfortably.
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