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Nintendo Announces Nintendo 2DS


What would you suggest calling a 3DS sans the 3D? It's not ideal, but it's the best they could do.

"The 2DS is a 3DS without the 3D functionality. It plays all DS branded games"

Seems simple enough to explain.

Calling it a 3DS Lite/Mini/Kid Edition or something also wouldn't be ideal, but it would be better in the face of a technology industry in general that typically does not move backwards in terms of numbering.


As seen on 4chan:


I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

I really hope this never becomes an actual thing that people can buy. I would/will have to buy one as a Nintendo hardware collector.

Seriously though, Nintendo pulling a Miley?


This is for the kiddies, the XL was for us.

But God, I love the comic relief Ninty provides.

Well there be a frankenstick created for this thing? LOL!


When I saw this, I had to check the date to make sure it wasn't April 1st. And then I laughed for a good 20 seconds. Ah Nintendo, always so unpredictable.


Ok, I'm probably late, but after looking at this introduction video, this is aimed directly at little kids. I mean come one....no 3D and releases at the same time as Pokemon? It's a no brainer.

It's not for us guys, but I guess Gaf is gonna Gaf.


While I think this is incredibly insane/ugly, I just want to point out:

We are not the intended audience for this. This will be good for young kids/familes/ppl without a lot of money - in a way Nintendo is just removing a barrier to access (price point) and ensuring that people who couldn't afford the 3DS will be able to afford something from Nintendo.

But it's not much cheaper than the small 3DS, only £25 less. Maybe even less depending on where you buy from.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
  1. Looks like an ergonomic mess.
  2. Will create confusion for the average consumer.
  3. Being released just before the zerg rush of next-gen consoles.
  4. Kills the main selling-point of a device called the 3DS.
  5. Kills innovation from the developer side. As in: developer may have a great idea for 3D usage but has to factor in 2DS users as well.
  6. Effectively an admission of failure of the 3DS's 3D abilities: whether technically or as a USP.
  7. With the difficulties being faced with their existing hardware lineup, why release a new device?

I guess the eye strain and health & safety complaints must have forced this SKU through the pipeline. That and Nintendo's desperation to retain mindshare when the PS4 and Xbox One hit the marketplace.

I give this thing 1-2 years before it's discontinued. For the reasons listed above and more, it's a complete mess of an idea and a focal point of just how clueless Nintendo are at the moment.


Wouldn't a 3DS without the 3D be a...DS?

They really, really need to change their naming conventions. 2DS is almost as awful as WiiU
On the plus side this kinda opens the concept of a wii2 being possible, no? Relaunch without the tablet and less confusing name with a lower price point.


Haha, holy hell what an abomination.

It does look like a fisher price or leapfrog device...I cannot believe that it's actually real. Either way, comedy gold to make my morning in the office brighter. Thanks for the laugh, Nintendo.
You know, I'm just as confused as everyone in this thread, but I bet you these will sell like hotcakes at $130.

And the more I look at it the more it intrigues me. I definitely want to hold/play one. This sorta reminds me of when they first announced the DS in 2004. My first thought was, "WTF is this shit?"


I was hoping this would be similar to a Game Boy Micro... A mini version of the handheld would be awesome!

But the 2DS just seems to be an awkward size; larger than the folded up XL (so its less portable)but with the smaller screens of the original 3DS (just more clunky to store / look at)

Lol at those that were waiting on the "inevitable superior redesign". ;)

Size comparison:



I just... whoa.

Like I don't even know how you're supposed to hold it, carry it, or actually attempt to play it.

Maybe it'll be rad!


Am I the only one that kinda likes this?

As others have said, for little kids it's perfect (no problems with hinges and stuff), or for playing around the house, it's easier to find, etc.

That said, I haven't bought a Nintendo product (for me, anyways) since the GBA.

The Boat

I honestly didn't know my 3DS XL played them.

Though I can see this playing out:
"Mom, I want a new DS game!"
"Ok, son, let's go into GameStop"
"Sir, where are your 2DS games? I just see DS and 3DS?"
Most likely scenario is uninformed people thinking all DS, 2DS and 3DS consoles play the same games, just like its always been with every console since ever. I see people asking ps3 games for ps2 consoles, nintendo games for 360, etc...


Just don't understand why it doesn't fold in. Goes against all the aspects of targeting it towards kids/portability. Instead it's just like a huge slate that's impossible to pocket. Dumb.
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