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North Korea missile launch thread for September 15. 2017


Man we got a psychic up in here. Can you PM me the winning lottery numbers real quick?

Downplaying this is pretty obnoxious. Wow, you're so edgy bro. A real neogaf badass.

Are you being serious with this post? In no way am I being edgy.


Alright, are we gonna go to war with NK by 2018?

I dont really see how they can keep shooting missiles and nobody takes action.

Russia shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and annexed part of Ukraine and no one flinched. With the US and UK being as isolationist as they are, if a missile "accidentally" goes off course, hits a building in Japan or SK and kills a dozen people no one will do anything.


I wonder how many of the people downplaying this would feel if they were in Japan and getting alerts like every few weeks when a missile is launched.

Wonder if this will ever stop...
Man we got a psychic up in here. Can you PM me the winning lottery numbers real quick?

Downplaying this is pretty obnoxious. Wow, you're so edgy bro. A real neogaf badass.

Lmao, that's not downplaying. Japan is not going to get nuked. It's like mutual assured destruction is a foreign concept again every time NK tests another missile.

It's fucking shit that it's happening, but the monthly panic followed by people advocating for war against NK is annoying. Not saying that you're doing that, but it's coming.


The sanctions are far from useless, but they are less effective because key players (China and Russia specifically) allow them to get away with a lot through them

What good have they done in thwarting NKs efforts to weaponize their nuclear program?


Anyone saying war, are you guys all soldiers and ready to go overseas?

Because unless North Korea makes the first move, I don't want my country dragged into it. War would only benefit the politicians in Washington D.C, who have bunkers to hide in. Civilians in South Korea and Japan would be pointlessly slaughtered trying to send North Korea a message.


Russia shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and annexed part of Ukraine and no one flinched. With the US and UK being as isolationist as they are, if a missile "accidentally" goes off course, hits a building in Japan or SK and kills a dozen people no one will do anything.

A part of me thinks NK would immediately surrender if they accidentally killed anybody.


( ≖‿≖)
A part of me thinks NK would immediately surrender if they accidentally killed anybody.

They've already killed people and sunk SK ships and nothing has happened. They'd have to hit a Guam base before anything happens I think.
Russia shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and annexed part of Ukraine and no one flinched. With the US and UK being as isolationist as they are, if a missile "accidentally" goes off course, hits a building in Japan or SK and kills a dozen people no one will do anything.

NK literally shelled a South Korean town and killed a few SK civilians back in like 2010 and no one did anything.

The only way we go to war with NK is if they drop a nuke or other large bomb on a heavily populated area.


Gold Member
What, exactly, would make North Korea stop launching missiles? They have the materials to make and launch them. Any sanction would be a fart in the wind. The only solution is war.
All of North Korea's artillery is pointed at Seoul (home to 10 million people). There will never be another war.

Understood, but where does this lead realistically?

NK is not going to listen, and all the stern finger wagging isnt doing shit. Its actually kind of annoying, I feel like we're stuck in a insanity loop.

Russia shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and annexed part of Ukraine and no one flinched. With the US and UK being as isolationist as they are, if a missile "accidentally" goes off course, hits a building in Japan or SK and kills a dozen people no one will do anything.

Obama wasnt gonna touch Ukraine with a 10 foot pole, I get that. But we do have a heavy sphere of influence in the Asian theater, Id think out allies would look for out support
What, exactly, would make North Korea stop launching missiles? They have the materials to make and launch them. Any sanction would be a fart in the wind. The only solution is war.

Look, shit like this.

Care to explain why millions of South Koreans should die so you can sleep at night?

The Sum of Zero

Gold Member
What, exactly, would make North Korea stop launching missiles? They have the materials to make and launch them. Any sanction would be a fart in the wind. The only solution is war.

My dad's National Guard unit (mainly do engineering stuff) apparently heard they might be going to South Korea in 2019 or 2020. I really hope this is all over before then. He's already been to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Understood, but where does this lead realistically?

NK is not going to listen, and all the stern finger wagging isnt doing shit. Its actually kind of annoying, I feel like we're stuck in a insanity loop.

Honestly, with the rest of the world finally letting NK legitimately have nuclear weapons, thus ensuring them a seat at the global table. That's their end goal. They want validation from the rest of the world that they're a nuclear capable country. If tomorrow the UN finally said OK, have 'em, all of this saber rattling would stop.
NK literally shelled a South Korean town and killed a few SK civilians back in like 2010 and no one did anything.

The only way we go to war with NK is if they drop a nuke or other large bomb on a heavily populated area.

They sunk a SK navy ship also. If they were that bold without nukes, just imagine how bold they'll get understanding folks will do nothing.

Also, NK missiles do not have a stellar record making it to their target; while most will blow up early, some have blown up in flight. If firing over Japan becomes normalized, at some point there will be an accident.
Anyone saying war, are you guys all soldiers and ready to go overseas?

Because unless North Korea makes the first move, I don't want my country dragged into it. War would only benefit the politicians in Washington D.C, who have bunkers to hide in. Civilians in South Korea and Japan would be pointlessly slaughtered trying to send North Korea a message.
Yep I am ready to join up if worst comes to worst and visit Korea.


( ≖‿≖)
To me this is the only question. If one of their rockets fails, and hits land, how does NK respond?

Provided it hits land and kills less than 100 people, there is no reaction because the reaction against NK would be nothing more than strong condemnation.


Understood, but where does this lead realistically?

NK is not going to listen, and all the stern finger wagging isnt doing shit. Its actually kind of annoying, I feel like we're stuck in a insanity loop.

There's nothing we can do, except not be stupid and fall for the bait Kim Jong Un wants.

Remember, the current president of America is the stupidest person in history. Do you trust Trump to seriously handle a Korean/Japanese refugee crisis? Look at how Republicans already treat Syria and now imagine the nightmare from a Korean war...


Gold Member
Look, shit like this.

Care to explain why millions of South Koreans should die so you can sleep at night?

There won't be millions of South Korean casualties. Most likely, the only dead people will be North Koreans who didn't have the balls to protest their government's actions.


I wonder how many of the people downplaying this would feel if they were in Japan and getting alerts like every few weeks when a missile is launched.

Wonder if this will ever stop...

I live in northern Japan, just got the alert, and I'll take a shot at downplaying this. NK will never launch a preemptive strike, and the Japanese government is scaremongering and being irresponsible with these useless phone alerts.


There won't be millions of South Korean casualties. Most likely, the only dead people will be North Koreans who didn't have the balls to protest their government's actions.

The moment a war was started, NK would turn Seoul into a parking lot with all the conventional weapons they have pointed at them.


In the last thread someone linked to a Skynews article claiming that NK only has enough oil left to last until the end of the year. Which would explain Kim's urgency. He would prefer to stay in power a little longer.


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Are they purposely launching them north enough that it doesn't set off alarms in Tokyo?

Good, saves my twitter feed.

Though I'm a bit north of Tokyo in Ibaraki and still get alerts. They seem pretty liberal with who is getting them, especially since they are probably aware shortly after launch where it's headed.


God damnit. This insanity continues. My best wishes to Japan and the Japanese, hope no one gets hurt. Must be quite the shock to wake up to these sort of news :S
Honestly, with the rest of the world finally letting NK legitimately have nuclear weapons, thus ensuring them a seat at the global table. That's their end goal. They want validation from the rest of the world that they're a nuclear capable country. If tomorrow the UN finally said OK, have 'em, all of this saber rattling would stop.

Man, Id fucking pound sand if the world just let NK have em after all that bullshit over the years.

There's nothing we can do, except not be stupid and fall for the bait Kim Jong Un wants.

Remember, the current president of America is the stupidest person in history. Do you trust Trump to seriously handle a Korean refugee crisis?

Id trust our generals more than Orange, but it a Korean refugee crisis is just shitty overall


I live in northern Japan, just got the alert, and I'll take a shot at downplaying this. NK will never launch a preemptive strike, and the Japanese government is scaremongering and being irresponsible with these useless phone alerts.

So they shouldn't warn people? Maybe it's not a real attack but what if the missile malfunctions?
tbh, it wouldn't surprise me if the recent aggression from NK is being pushed indirectly by russia. russia and NK have had a working relationship for a long time. I saw this vice documentary where NK has been sending laborers to work in siberia.
China will really needs to start thinking about if they want more countries thinking about having nuclear deterrence in the area due to NK antics. I mean the besides war, this would be the most aggressive method to get NK to stop and/or disarm.
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