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Oculus' Palmer Luckey funds white-supremacist/misogynistic/anti-lgbt harassment group


The best thing about this election is that it's been showcasing how much white trash exist in this country on an easy to identify level.

Good thing I'm getting a PSVR


Even if the account was deleted due to threats what did she expect? You can't post crap like that without some kind of backlash when you're exposed, it just shows how cowardly she is to back away from the situation in this fashion.

I would've loved to see her double down on the "Muslims are evil terrorists" rhetoric, personally.


i actually believe that she's getting some harassment now just because any woman who gets attention online will get insults and death threats and there are awful sexists in the group that hates trump too

but i seriously doubt it's why she deleted her account, trying to cover up racist vitriol seems a lot more likely
Even if the account was deleted due to threats what did she expect? You can't post crap like that without some kind of backlash when you're exposed, it just shows how cowardly she is to back away from the situation in this fashion.

This is not a road you want to be on. Down that road lies the ability to justify any punishment, no matter how severe, just because someone doesn't think the way you do. That is a knife that can just as easily be turned against you, or me, or anyone else. No one deserves death threats for espousing opinions on Twitter, no matter how heinous you or I think they are.


There is definitely a line, but generally verbally attacking someone for being a racist seems fine. Death threats and gross stuff isn't called for, but say, "Fuck you, racist asshole" or something similar isn't really "going after" someone who uses a public forum to say terrible things.

Unsolicited aggressive and insulting tweets should absolutely be considered harassment. Several dozen+ people all sending messages along the lines of "fuck you asshole" to someone in a short span of time is essentially the kind of shit that your run of the mill harassment campaign does. It's just directed shitposting.

That said, I've seen absolutely 0 evidence that that's what happened in in favor of her simply panicking after getting caught out and possibly endangering her bf's career.
Well, this seems to be some creepy bullshit. Man, the past year has felt like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, but instead of alien invaders posing as people, there are secret Nazis popping up everywhere you look. What the hell's going on?

It really reminds me like the beginning of some Batman Beyond type shit with Joker gangs popping up all over the place.
This story sounds like a load of nonsense to me. How come one minute the alleged Palmer Luckey posts on that Reddit thingy that he won't reveal who he is because it would be bad for his business and the next minute he tells a tabloid paper that it's him..?

I call shenanigans on this.

And even if this is true it won't affect my decision to buy a Rift in November. It has more advantages compared to getting a Vive after the Touch controllers have released:


  • Headset is lighter and more comfortable.
  • Headphones included.
  • Slightly less SDE.
  • ATW
  • More developer support (although the Vive has started to catch up now tbf).
  • Having the Touch controllers sold separately allows me to spread the cost across two payments.
  • The Rift plus Touch controllers is 20 quid cheaper than the Vive.
  • The Touch controllers, according to reports at least, feel more like an extension of the hands.
  • The Touch controllers have finger tracking.


  • Slightly bigger FOV
  • Less noticable god rays.
  • Motion controllers included.

And once the Touch controllers have released that third advantage for the Vive will no longer be in that list.

So even if Palmer Luckey releases an official statement that this is entirely true and isn't a load of old bollocks, grows a Hitler-style moustache and starts wearing black shirts and jack boots instead of those Hawaiianshirts and flip-flops I'm still getting a Rift because it's going to give me the best VR experience.

But I don't think he'll say anything of the sort. Even if those two conflicting things that I mentioned at the beginning of the post weren't enough to convince me that Palmer Luckey has nothing to do with this then I should also point out that the posting style also doesn't seem like his his either.

Vive benefits:

- Camera on the HMD that Rift is missing. See the outside world without taking the headset off via live feed in the menu, or change chaperone borders to video of the room and not just a wireframe boundary.

- Currently, better dev support than the Rift. More games, and more interesting ones...especially considering that you can play Rift games through ReVive, on top of the full Vive library! Faster growth overall. Touch may change this but Vive is thoroughly trouncing them on this front.

- Use any headphones you like, easy to swap in new ones if the existing ones develop issues. Really no difficulty due to the fact that they're separate, you can get a 1 foot cable and it's great.

- Better tracking of all devices including motion controllers. By all accounts, Touch is more susceptible to tracking difficulties due to its smaller size and how it wraps around the hand instead of sticking out further. Vive is less jittery, more accurate.

- Not tied to Facebook, no push for users to use their real names as there is on Rift.


- Finger tracking is less impressive than it sounds. It's not a real capture of your finger locations at all, the buttons are simply touch-sensitive so it can kinda sorta approximate what your fingers are doing.

- Very late release of Touch will splinter the market into haves and have-nots, a confused ecosystem where many devs may want to build for the baseline Rift without Touch to target the largest audience, taking less advantage of the possibilities than Vive devs who have always been able to assume motion controls are available.

- Late roomscale implementation is not quite as good as Vive's, considering it wasn't developed with that in mind. You pay about the same as the Vive for something that's ultimately a bit janky by comparison.


The world has gone so crazy and politically correct that simply saying racist things will make the loons on the left call you a racist. Sad.

One of those posters still have a link to her site in her profile, if you're curious. I know I was.



So if she was indeed threatened, you think she deserved it?

Can this be answered? Do we have anything showing she was harassed?

If one is indeed a minority, you think they deserved her hate?

Because...we have shots of her saying some vile stuff.
i actually believe that she's getting some harassment now just because any woman who gets attention online will get insults and death threats and there are awful sexists in the group that hates trump too

but i seriously doubt it's why she deleted her account, trying to cover up racist vitriol seems a lot more likely

She deleted her twitter but she didn't delete her facebook. She's being very active about deleting "accusatory" posts on her facebook wall however. Some slip through from time to time when you refresh but usually by the time you get around to refreshing again, the negative comment is gone.

Who knows why she deleted it but most assuredly she will lean on the harassment reason.
So if she was indeed threatened, you think she deserved it?

Did i say deserved? I said with the crap she was posting what did she expect to happen when she was exposed, this is the internet after all where morons just like her exist. Go back and re read my post.

This is not a road you want to be on. Down that road lies the ability to justify any punishment, no matter how severe, just because someone doesn't think the way you do. That is a knife that can just as easily be turned against you, or me, or anyone else. No one deserves death threats for espousing opinions on Twitter, no matter how heinous you or I think they are.
I guess you need a reading lesson too, see above.
Vive benefits:

- Camera on the HMD that Rift is missing. See the outside world without taking the headset off via live feed in the menu, or change chaperone borders to video of the room and not just a wireframe boundary.

- Currently, better dev support than the Rift. More games, and more interesting ones...especially considering that you can play Rift games through ReVive, on top of the full Vive library! Faster growth overall. Touch may change this but Vive is thoroughly trouncing them on this front.

- Use any headphones you like, easy to swap in new ones if the existing ones develop issues. Really no difficulty due to the fact that they're separate, you can get a 1 foot cable and it's great.

- Better tracking of all devices including motion controllers. By all accounts, Touch is more susceptible to tracking difficulties due to its smaller size and how it wraps around the hand instead of sticking out further. Vive is less jittery, more accurate.

- Not tied to Facebook, no push for users to use their real names as there is on Rift.


- Finger tracking is less impressive than it sounds. It's not a real capture of your finger locations at all, the buttons are simply touch-sensitive so it can kinda sorta approximate what your fingers are doing.

- Very late release of Touch will splinter the market into haves and have-nots, a confused ecosystem where many devs may want to build for the baseline Rift without Touch to target the largest audience, taking less advantage of the possibilities than Vive devs who have always been able to assume motion controls are available.

- Late roomscale implementation is not quite as good as Vive's, considering it wasn't developed with that in mind. You pay about the same as the Vive for something that's ultimately a bit janky by comparison.
I thought the whole point of this post was to sneak in a "Doesn't support white supremacy" bullet for the Vive. I'm really disappointed.

I mean, I laughed


For you.
Holy shit, guys.

The number of times I saw people shit talking about Nikki's twitter in here on top of people posting about her on Gizmodo that she has deleted her twitter account due to the harassment she's seen.

People tweeting at her that she's a hateful fucker and to fucking kill herself.

Seriously, guys? This is what you want to do? You bitch and moan and whine about inciting harassment on women in gaming, and you take part in this kind of shit on her?

I get what you're really all about, now. You only want women who think the same way you do to feel safe. Fuck the women who don't. Is that seriously progressive? And don't give me the 'it's third party trolls' because it's clear to me that no one accepts that in either direction of these stupid arguments.

Really. You want to talk about harassment of women in games? Look at the times people on here have threatened me for not following groupthink. Look at what happened to her. Instead of spending all your time bitching and whining about Trump (who I detest by the way- so don't throw your stupid 'trump supporter' excuses at me), maybe people here should take a moment- a good long fucking moment- to look in the mirror before they start judging other people.
Care to point to the posters actually encouraging a hate mob harassment against her, or you think posting screenshots of her idiotic hateful tweets constitutes as "harassment"?


Unsolicited aggressive and insulting tweets should absolutely be considered harassment. Several dozen+ people all sending messages along the lines of "fuck you asshole" to someone in a short span of time is essentially the kind of shit that your run of the mill harassment campaign does. It's just directed shitposting.

That said, I've seen absolutely 0 evidence that that's what happened in in favor of her simply panicking after getting caught out and possibly endangering her bf's career.

Maybe. I understand what you're saying but will have to think about it. If you say something terrible publicly then people call you an asshole I don't know that they are wrong.
We could make just as damning a list against Clinton for the things she's done. They might not be as vile in that specific way [ie, racist], but they are just as damning in other ways.

A list just as damning? Really? Why don't you go ahead and draft one 'cause I'm really shocked that anyone could seriously claim this.


Maybe. I understand what you're saying but will have to think about it. If you say something terrible publicly then people call you an asshole I don't know that they are wrong.

There's a difference between saying someone's an asshole in this thread or the OT one and going out of your way to call them an asshole to their "face" via mentions, DMs, FB wall posts, etc. The latter is done with the express purpose of them reading the message.
That's true. If you consume alt-right media, you'd get the impression that you're the brave rebellious underdogs who are rising up and are on the right side of history.

Shine a mainstream light on these views, and they are seen as popularly loathsome. Palmer might not have realized that...

Hence Palmer admitting that he was doing this because he thinks this shit is socially acceptable because of the people he hangs around with.

Also since a few posts are talking about this now, I think the girlfriend is definitely relevant because it proves that this isn't just a weird random thing. This is who Palmer chooses to have in his life.


People deflecting to supposed harassment his girlfriend is getting on Twitter. She was deleting all her racist tweets and ended up closing her whole account.
Yeah she is covering her ass. Its crazy how racists/Xenophobic assholes run to delete their bullshit when the internet is pretty much forever.

Humanity is weird I dont agree with anyone wishing death on her or anything. But calling her out and giving her back the nastiness what she gave out to people is fair game imo.
Palmer or Facebook will have to say something.

This news broke out last night. And now, it's just boiling. Various sites are covering it. Luckey is in apparent damage control mode.

Boy this is something. This is something.


There's a difference between saying someone's an asshole in this thread or the OT one and going out of your way to call them an asshole to their "face" via mentions, DMs, FB wall posts, etc. The latter is done with the express purpose of them reading the message.

This all feels grey to me. I am sure we could agree on some people you would change your mind for, or at least concede they deserve to be harassed. Calling David Duke or Fred Phelps an asshole to their face should be encouraged.


Yeah she is covering her ass. Its crazy how racists/Xenophobic assholes run to delete their bullshit when the internet is pretty much forever.

Humanity is weird I dont agree with anyone wishing death on her or anything. But calling her out and giving her back the nastiness what she gave out to people is fair game imo.

Yeah, and even late last night the NimbleRichMan account of Luckey's was deleted as well when people started finding his posts and reading them like the post in the OP.

Very quick to scorching the earth.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Palmer or Facebook will have to say something.

This news broke out last night. And now, it's just boiling. Various sites are covering it. Luckey is in apparent damage control mode.

Boy this is something. This is something.

Do you still believe he did all this to impress his girlfriend?


This all feels grey to me. I am sure we could agree on some people you would change your mind for, or at least concede they deserve to be harassed. Calling David Duke or Fred Phelps an asshole to their face should be encouraged.

Not to defend anyone, but no, I don't believe that anyone deserves to be harrassed. It's possible that they should be jailed for hate speech, but the court of public opinion is not a legitimate institution and you should be wary of cheering mob rule.


I couldn't care less about what candidate he supports, but to get outted when secretly funding self-proclaimed internet trolls whose goals are to target Jewish reporters and label them with neo-nazi propaganda, push white supremacy, allegedly create a scholarship fund exclusively to send white males to college but pocket the proceeds, and stir up 9/11 conspiracies...?

What in the fuck? People are okay with that? People are okay with near-billionaires funding that?


I couldn't care less about what candidate he supports, but to get outted when secretly funding self-proclaimed internet trolls whose goals are to target Jewish reporters and label them with neo-nazi propaganda, push white supremacy, allegedly create a scholarship fund exclusively to send white males to college but pocket the proceeds, and stir up 9/11 conspiracies...?

What in the fuck? People are okay with that? People are okay with near-billionaires funding that?

You've effectively described one of the most powerful parts of the American political establishment.


This all feels grey to me. I am sure we could agree on some people you would change your mind for, or at least concede they deserve to be harassed. Calling David Duke or Fred Phelps an asshole to their face should be encouraged.

Mmmmmmm nope. Going out of your way to send insults people just because they have different views (no matter how abhorrent) should never be encouraged. It's incredibly easy to flip this logic the other way and have, for example, pro-lifers spamming be justified the shit out of notable pro-choice individuals calling them "murdering baby-killers".


Not to defend anyone, but no, I don't believe that anyone deserves to be harrassed. It's possible that they should be jailed for hate speech, but the court of public opinion is not a legitimate institution and you should be wary of cheering mob rule.
That's a UK law. You can't get be jailed in the US for hate speech.
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